Kim JOng-Un's Uncles Execution Method? Dogs.

At FAR less cost than the insane holding strategy.

Remember, MacArthur had the North defeated - so Truman fired him to keep the war going.

Yea.....and we were only a few hundred thousand troops away from victory in VietNam

Asshole McCarthur would have had us in WWIII

With the Chinese? :lmao: :lmao:

The 1950 era Chinese Army? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You are one stupid bitch. You are so stupid your right to breed should be removed.

Please don't. Breed, that is.

The gene pool thanks you in advance.

The 1950 Chinese Army and WWIII......

That's a knee-slapper :lmao:
MacArthur was one of the most inept and overrated Generals in our history. He ignored warnings and lost the Phillipines. In Korea, he ignored the threat of the Chinese and was caught by surprise

We could have eventually defeated the Chinese but at a price in casualties we were unwilling to pay
Has anyone managed to quote a reliable news outlet for this story yet?
So far this morning, not a sausage; I'm starting to think it's bollocks.
Kim Jong Un's executed uncle was eaten alive by 120 hungry dogs: report - World News

I started to look at this in greater detail and, the more I look, the more it looks like it's crap, based on a crap story in a crap newspaper.

Jang Song-taek Really Eaten By Dogs? - Business Insider

It turns out, this all started with a report in a wildly shite Hong Kong newspaper known for producing stories that are total bollocks.

No, Kim Jong Un probably didn?t feed his uncle to 120 hungry dogs

No, Kim Jong Un probably didn’t feed his uncle to 120 hungry dogs

Basically, whilst it is very clear, the Kims are total twats, this story was invented and spewed out as truth for morons to believe without checking because they want to hate who they're told to hate.

Of course, this isn't a defence of North Korea's idiot leadership, just pointing out how stupid it is to believe any old shit.

How foolish do you feel now you know it was all a lie?
It saddens me when human beings involve this case dogs, in their criminal deeds. :( :( :(

Leave animals alone in God's Name!
It saddens me when human beings involve this case dogs, in their criminal deeds. :( :( :(

Leave animals alone in God's Name!

Looks like the dogs were spared as there were no dogs involved.
Has anyone managed to quote a reliable news outlet for this story yet?
So far this morning, not a sausage; I'm starting to think it's bollocks.
Kim Jong Un's executed uncle was eaten alive by 120 hungry dogs: report - World News

I started to look at this in greater detail and, the more I look, the more it looks like it's crap, based on a crap story in a crap newspaper.

Jang Song-taek Really Eaten By Dogs? - Business Insider

It turns out, this all started with a report in a wildly shite Hong Kong newspaper known for producing stories that are total bollocks.

No, Kim Jong Un probably didn?t feed his uncle to 120 hungry dogs

No, Kim Jong Un probably didn’t feed his uncle to 120 hungry dogs

Basically, whilst it is very clear, the Kims are total twats, this story was invented and spewed out as truth for morons to believe without checking because they want to hate who they're told to hate.

Of course, this isn't a defence of North Korea's idiot leadership, just pointing out how stupid it is to believe any old shit.

How foolish do you feel now you know it was all a lie?

There is no solid proof yet. Based on their torture and killing methods it wouldn't surprise me that he was fed to the dogs. Its more likely based on their brutal regime.
North Korea is what it is because it is the evil step child of China.
Without China protecting this f*cked up cesspool of a country - there would have been significant change decades ago.
Everything that happens in N.Korea is on China's shoulders. The 100,000's in political prisons, many born in the prison and worked to death living in a hell is all they knew.
Secondly, it is also on the backs of the whole world. We should not allow such a society to exist.
It is an inhuman-unholy place on our planet.

Kind of agree with you.

Of course, there wouldn't be a Communist China had not FDR given Stalin the atomic bomb, and Stalin's spies in the Truman's administration stabbing Chiang Kai-shek in the back.
This is stalin, hitler, pol pot, mao, on display.

The Catholics were good at it during their reign of terror..

You're a moron.

Before the Russian Revolution, the number of execution by the czarist government came to seventeen (17) per year, according to Solzhenitsyn. He pointed out that, in comparison, the Spanish Inquisition, at its height, destroyed 10 people per month.

a. But, during the revolutionary years 1918-1919, Lenin's Cheka executed, without trial, more than one thousand (1,000) people a month.

At the height of Stalin's terror, 1937-1938, tens of thousands of people were shot per month.
Solzhenitsyn, "Warning To The West."

Democrat Franklin Roosevelt did everything he could to support those psychopaths.
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Yea.....and we were only a few hundred thousand troops away from victory in VietNam

Asshole McCarthur would have had us in WWIII

With the Chinese? :lmao: :lmao:

The 1950 era Chinese Army? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You are one stupid bitch. You are so stupid your right to breed should be removed.

Please don't. Breed, that is.

The gene pool thanks you in advance.

The 1950 Chinese Army and WWIII......

That's a knee-slapper :lmao:
MacArthur was one of the most inept and overrated Generals in our history. He ignored warnings and lost the Phillipines. In Korea, he ignored the threat of the Chinese and was caught by surprise

We could have eventually defeated the Chinese but at a price in casualties we were unwilling to pay

How come you left out Hooverville?
Never forget, this is a derivative of the FDR White House reporting to Stalin and handing China and Eastern Europe to the Communists.

They started the Korean War, the spies handed our war plans to their masters and got our people killed and lost us the war

Never forget

The Russians and Chinese had more men under arms than we did, they were going to do whatever the fuck they wanted at that point.

I saw this as well.

The problem is the source is a Chinese Government newspaper...

The thing is the Uncle who got executed was seen as pro-Chinese. He was their guy, and his sudden fall from grace is just a message to Beijing they have no control over this nut.

So it makes me wonder if they are trying to make it all sound more lurid to justify some later action.
Anyone that eats dogs is something I would scrape off my shoe.

Koreans ate dogs because they were starving.

Then they should eat that fat fuck that is making them starve as he gets fatter while watching sports with his bestest buddy Rodman.

I don't disagree, but this is a dictatorship that has survived three generations and almost 65 years.

There's probably not a North Korean alive who doesn't remember when the Kim dynasty was in charge.

That said, what they are doing to the people are a lot more serious than what they are doing to dogs. I love dogs as much as the next guy, but it seems that we always get more upset about a dog getting killed than a person.

I started to look at this in greater detail and, the more I look, the more it looks like it's crap, based on a crap story in a crap newspaper.

Jang Song-taek Really Eaten By Dogs? - Business Insider

It turns out, this all started with a report in a wildly shite Hong Kong newspaper known for producing stories that are total bollocks.

No, Kim Jong Un probably didn?t feed his uncle to 120 hungry dogs

No, Kim Jong Un probably didn’t feed his uncle to 120 hungry dogs

Basically, whilst it is very clear, the Kims are total twats, this story was invented and spewed out as truth for morons to believe without checking because they want to hate who they're told to hate.

Of course, this isn't a defence of North Korea's idiot leadership, just pointing out how stupid it is to believe any old shit.

How foolish do you feel now you know it was all a lie?

There is no solid proof yet. Based on their torture and killing methods it wouldn't surprise me that he was fed to the dogs. Its more likely based on their brutal regime.

Absolutely none at all but that little detail isn't stopping posters from assuming they know ... all because some crappy rag started a story with no evidence, no witnesses and nothing at all to back it up.

I'm amazed people are stupid enough to believe this shit.
At FAR less cost than the insane holding strategy.

Remember, MacArthur had the North defeated - so Truman fired him to keep the war going.

Yea.....and we were only a few hundred thousand troops away from victory in VietNam

Asshole McCarthur would have had us in WWIII

With the Chinese? :lmao: :lmao:

The 1950 era Chinese Army? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You are one stupid bitch. You are so stupid your right to breed should be removed.

Please don't. Breed, that is.

The gene pool thanks you in advance.

The 1950 Chinese Army and WWIII......

That's a knee-slapper :lmao:

Um, yeah, actually...

If MacArthur managed to escalate the war by bombing Manchuria, which is what he wanted to do, he would have brought both the People's Republic of China and the USSR into the war.

And the USSR had a nice big army waiting in Europe.

I saw this as well.

The problem is the source is a Chinese Government newspaper...

The thing is the Uncle who got executed was seen as pro-Chinese. He was their guy, and his sudden fall from grace is just a message to Beijing they have no control over this nut.

So it makes me wonder if they are trying to make it all sound more lurid to justify some later action.

North Korea is a bugger of a problem for China.
They want NK as a buffer zone to protect their border from American backed forces but they probably can't stand the idiot government in NK.
Russia will stay quiet for the same reasons China does.

As for action, unlikely at the moment but China could easily "Remove" Kim and pop a shiny new dictator in, less likely to be such a moron.

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