Kim Potter Found Guilty

I'm sure the jury had a better look at the video, and were presented with a lot more information than an anonymous idiot on the internet was
HOW are you "sure" of that ? Did you see what the jury saw (or didnt see) ?

YOU are the "idiot" for babbling here, what you don't have any clue about.
Police issued gun----------------Police issued taser


They could feel the same. In any case she ridded the world of a rotter.
I remember a somali cop that shot a white australian women in the US. No question about his weapon of choice. She's dead. He served little time and is out.

Really odd that the very ones that hate the cops will defend black men shooting white women but scream 'LAW" when it's a black cop shooting a white woman. It's a wonder lefties are able to walk upright considering the knots they have to twist themselves into over these things.

It was a accident you see.

hmmm. idk but i think i detect a bit of a double standard goin' on.

See what he has to say about it?

Noor testified in his 2019 trial that a loud bang on his squad car had made him fear for his and his partner’s life, so he had reached across his partner from the passenger seat and fired through the driver’s window.

Fisher said Wednesday that Noor had “really believed that he was saving his partner’s life that night, and instead he tragically caused the loss of an innocent life … I think just having reaffirmation that a mistake like that isn’t murder will mean more than words can say.”
Nobody defended that and furthermore you didn't read any black person here cheering for that womans death or trying to make her into a criminal in order to justify the killing. Black police haven't been killing whites for 150 years and got away with it every time. So just stop the fuckimg "woe is me, its unfair to be white" whining.
Byrd was a trained officer that shot when no other officers did. No ones life was in danger because of Babbitt. He got away with murder.

Byrd didn't murder anyone and that cop who was being crushed at that door by the mob Babbitt was with would probably disagree with your assessment.
They could feel the same. In any case she ridded the world of a rotter.
She killed an innocent man and created a black child growing up fatherless. Goes to show that when you raggedy racists talk about black fatherless homes that you are talking out of your ass.
Our times make that almost inevitable. As a conservative, I can acknowledge that some law enforcement has been impacted by race and race relations. In the current stage of the national discourse in the topic, it is fashionable to simply claim “institutional racism” and any attempt to say “Hold on; let’s not overstate it” is met with a chorus of “you’re racist” or dismissive and baseless accusations like “white privilege.”

We also see rioting and are lectured to by pols, media and entertainment about how whites are basically the root cause of all such problems. So when a (white) cop makes a horrifying mistake, the community (including the jury pools) may act accordingly. How could they possibly not convict a white cop who wrongly shot a black and unarmed suspect over a traffic matter?

This case was pre-tainted by these things. Potter couldn’t possibly have gotten a fair trial. It’s not that she didn’t do anything wrong. Of course she did something wrong. The issue was whether he conduct qualifies as criminal. Despite the trial verdict by the jury, I don’t believe she did. She obviously can’t be a cop. But I don’t believe she deserves to be in prison either.
Institutional racism is real to people who aren't white. Whites don't fsce it because they are the ones doing it. White privilege is a term made up by a white person. Numerous studied and reports from police departments show how heavy racism is in police departments. But since you're white, you don't face it and unless you see a klan outfit you pretend it doesn't exist even as you participate in it or observe it being done. Potter qualified as a criminal. The trial was fair. She broke the law.
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Kim Potter Found Guilty

For those playing along at home, she was the the cop who shot Daunte Wright because she couldn't tell the difference between her gun and her taser.

This is a good thing.
You know you would make old Joe a good right hand man and I bet if you did a good job he would have you using both of them!
She qualified as a criminal. The trial was fair. She broke the law.
FALSE! Daunte Wright, by resisting arrest and jumping back in the car, creating an insecure situation, caused himself to be shot. Standard procedure for cops to shoot when suspect destailizes the encounter creating risk to cops.
The fact she stopped a guy for nothing then shot him destroys your opinion.
Expired tags is a perfectly legal reason to stop someone. Cops stop everyone for that regardless of race.

The real mystery here is was she not authorized to use lethal force on this dirtbag thug?
Expired tags is a perfectly legal reason to stop someone. Cops stop everyone for that regardless of race.
The real mystery here is was she not authorized to use lethal force on this dirtbag thug?
Wright was also stopped for having something hanging from his rear view mirror.

And cops and civilians both are authorized to use lethal force in self-defense.
Institutional racism is real to people who aren't white. Whites don't fsce it because they are the ones doing it. White privilege is a term made up by a white person. Numerous studied and reports from police departments show how heavy racism is in police departments. But since you're white, you don't face it and unless you see a klan outfit you pretend it doesn't exist even as you participate in it or observe it being done. Potter qualified as a criminal. The trial was fair. She broke the law.
She flushed a toilet and it's content.
I guess you never made a mistake, especially a bad one. Good for you, but our laws are very specific. Beyond a reasonable doubt. And there was plenty of doubt in this case. Now we have two victims instead of just one.

Sure, I've made mistakes. And I've been held accountable for them.

Of course, no one died because of a mistake I made.

There was no reasonable doubt as to what happened here. She pulled over a guy for dubious reasons and then shot him because she was incompetent.
No one is getting new tags right now? Are you an idiot?
White people get pulled over for no tags or minor traffic violations. Stop with the idiotic nonsense “driving while black”. He was driving while having a warrant.

Except he wasn't pulled over for having a warrant. It was his mother's car. He was pulled over for expired tags.
Then he was cited for having a dreaded air freshener handing from his rear view mirror, which led to further harassment.
Then they found out he had warrants for petty offenses..

It was a pattern of escalation, which ended with him being shot.

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