Kim Potter Found Guilty

Kim Potter Found Guilty

For those playing along at home, she was the the cop who shot Daunte Wright because she couldn't tell the difference between her gun and her taser.

This is a good thing.

Just another example of white coppers shooting inmivent blacks. Don't tell me she didn't known the difference after
16 years. She's in her place.
Now that I've had time to think about it, yall lefties, yeah. Let's go with this double standard, this throw the book at accidental actions, especially at police ^cause, they are yours. They don't appreciate the support they have gotten from conservatives. OH no, they all up the butt of you defund the police anti law types. This is gonna come back to bite your leftist overlords in the butt and you too.

These leftist tyrants have made MISTAKE after MISTAKE over this covid scamdemic . Now mistakes are punishable. Let's go with this. The only alternative is that they did it with full knowledge and intent...which they did. Pick yer poison.
Now that I've had time to think about it, yall lefties, yeah. Let's go with this double standard, this throw the book at accidental actions, especially at police ^cause, they are yours. They don't appreciate the support they have gotten from conservatives. OH no, they all up the butt of you defund the police anti law types. This is gonna come back to bite your leftist overlords in the butt and you too.
By the looks of it nobody is satisfied with this end result. When opinion is 50/50 , that means it's worth discussing. Bringing in outside issues doesn't help the discussion.
Our times make that almost inevitable. As a conservative, I can acknowledge that some law enforcement has been impacted by race and race relations. In the current stage of the national discourse in the topic, it is fashionable to simply claim “institutional racism” and any attempt to say “Hold on; let’s not overstate it” is met with a chorus of “you’re racist” or dismissive and baseless accusations like “white privilege.”

We also see rioting and are lectured to by pols, media and entertainment about how whites are basically the root cause of all such problems. So when a (white) cop makes a horrifying mistake, the community (including the jury pools) may act accordingly. How could they possibly not convict a white cop who wrongly shot a black and unarmed suspect over a traffic matter?

This case was pre-tainted by these things. Potter couldn’t possibly have gotten a fair trial. It’s not that she didn’t do anything wrong. Of course she did something wrong. The issue was whether he conduct qualifies as criminal. Despite the trial verdict by the jury, I don’t believe she did. She obviously can’t be a cop. But I don’t believe she deserves to be in prison either.

I’m finding myself asking what ifs.

What if the victim had been white? Or the policeman had been black? It gets convoluted. For instance, would Kyle Rittenhouse have been found guilty had the guy he shot been black?

And then Alec Baldwin, who also made a tragic error. The woman he shot was white. And it creeps into my mind...what if.
A citizen has no obligation to cooperate with a cop. I know you want that to be different, but it's what the SC has said.
Citizens have rights and obligations go along with them. You are honestly trying to tell me that people should not cooperate with the police, you are crazy.
Citizens have rights and obligations go along with them. You are honestly trying to tell me that people should not cooperate with the police, you are crazy.
I'm saying a citizen has no legal obligation to cooperate in a cop's investigation. Of course, the fact that he might kill you and get off without facing responsibility for his actions should be considered. Cops ignoring the law is not unexpected.
I don't know if he really deserves death does anybody ? But I hope they don't try to make him out like some kind of hero that is so sick it isn't funny. We now have two victims as far as I'm concerned.

Deserved has nothing to do with it, actions produce consequences, bad actions produce bad consequences, if the dearly departed had simply complied with LE he'd still be on earth committing violent gangland crime, officer Potter would still be a police officer living a virtuous life, morally superior in every respect compared with the dearly departed, and we would be free of the terrible odor of profound injustice wafting about the corpse of the United States!
I'm saying a citizen has no legal obligation to cooperate in a cop's investigation. Of course, the fact that he might kill you and get off without facing responsibility for his actions should be considered. Cops ignoring the law is not unexpected.
I understand they don't have to confess to crimes to the place and they don't have to cooperate in that respect but I think they have to to cooperate when they are stopped I think that's the law. To suggest otherwise is inviting a lot more deaths.
I disagree with the verdict and I'll tell you why.

Just because a death occurred doesn't mean a crime occurred. Just like if you run a red light and tbone someone and kill them, that's not vehicular homicide, that's an accident. An accident involving a death is still an accident.

This "accident" occurred to someone during the commission of multiple crimes. He was resisting arrest, he tried to kill a cop by taking off in his car with a cop hanging out the passenger window and he was violating a protection order. These reasons should have resulted in no charges even being filed, much less found guilty.

Of course she didn't mean to kill this kid. In 26 years on the force she'd had no known complaints against her and never fired her service weapon. Had DW simply complied with the officers orders to put his hands behind his back,, he'd still be alive.

Fighting with the police has consequences. Now cops will be less likely to even arrest or attempt to detain young black men knowing that if something goes wrong and the young negros behavior and violence against the police gets him killed, that cop could go to prison for decades.
Justice was served.
That means there should be no reason for the continued car jackings, smash and grabs, and higher murder rates in Mpls.


Kim Potter Found Guilty

For those playing along at home, she was the the cop who shot Daunte Wright because she couldn't tell the difference between her gun and her taser.

This is a good thing.

Police issued gun----------------Police issued taser


That's better but I sure hope her sentences a lot less than they said it could be. I have no doubt whatsoever it was an honest mistake. Accidents happen especially in chaotic life and death situations.
She should get a year in maximum security's general population.

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