Kim Potter Found Guilty

If you want to think you know more than the jury did, I won't try to convince you otherwise. Don't be surprised if others laugh and point at you though.

Hey how about that Rittenhouse trial and jury?

Or the Zimmerman case and trial?

Careful... someone may be pointed at and laughed at
I think it’s another lesson for young black guys to stop defying the police and just follow orders. Will they ever learn?

So you are going to wear your mask and get your shot and not bitch about it?

It makes absolutely no sense that a person can be charged with 2 counts of manslaughter for the death of one person
I agree. It seems like an unfair way of extending the maximum sentence if the two convictions run consecutively.

I hope she gets the minimum, and that the judge doesn’t fall to the angry, threatening leftist mob. The cop had no prior record, was remorseful, and made a mistake, granted a tragic one. If OJ got off Scott-free for intentionally murdering two whites, then a white woman shouldn’t have to serve more than 7 years for accidentally killing one black.
I think many think as soldiers who as kids heard of another soldier winning the Medal of Honor. Risking their life rescuing wounded comrades is the right thing to do. Do some think resisting the police is the right thing to do?

I think you have Senator Scott wrong. The media conveinenty overlooks many things he says and does. One or two years in the Senate he co sponsered an apprenctiship bill to help unskilled become skilled. He had to work with Dems and Unions. He said he has been stopped for "driving while black" and presented a police reform bill. His partner Senator Graham backs him up, saying while he hasn't been stopped in all of his years in DC, Scott has been stopped 5 times. The Dems never let Scott's police reform bill to make it to the floor. Scott convinced Trump to give financial support to historically black colleges. I think he works for all of us in our State so I voted for him and unless I change my mind will again.
I think Sanders and AOC are kind of twits, but nothing they are doing hurts anyone.

Uncle Tim supporting the racist status quo in this country does hurt people.
Showing people that a black man can rise from being a sharecropper’s grandson to a U.S. Senator, rather than drop out of school and cry victim all your life, is hardly a negative for blacks.
I agree. It seems like an unfair way of extending the maximum sentence if the two convictions run consecutively.

I hope she gets the minimum, and that the judge doesn’t fall to the angry, threatening leftist mob. The cop had no prior record, was remorseful, and made a mistake, granted a tragic one. If OJ got off Scott-free for intentionally murdering two whites, then a white woman shouldn’t have to serve more than 7 years for accidentally killing one black.
I can understand a manslaughter charge.

In all honesty I think if this kind of verdict is going to be the norm that we'll see everyone involved in some sort of accidental death getting convicted of manslaughter too.

Some truck driver just got sentenced to 110 years for an accident.

So I think people are going to be reaping the whirlwind on things like this.
I agree. It seems like an unfair way of extending the maximum sentence if the two convictions run consecutively.

I hope she gets the minimum, and that the judge doesn’t fall to the angry, threatening leftist mob. The cop had no prior record, was remorseful, and made a mistake, granted a tragic one. If OJ got off Scott-free for intentionally murdering two whites, then a white woman shouldn’t have to serve more than 7 years for accidentally killing one black.

OJ got off scot free because the police bungled the investigation.

It doesn't help your case if your key witness perjures himself on the stand and then takes the fifth amendment when caught

Now, if we had tape of OJ gutting his wife and the waiter, it would be a different story. We don't. What we have is a bunch of evidence collected by a racist cop.

Maybe he did it and the evidence was valid.
Maybe he did it and Furhman planted the evidence to make sure he got convicted.
Or maybe someone else did it, and the cops decided that OJ looked good for it, even though the timeline for the murder was kind of tight.
OJ got off scot free because the police bungled the investigation.

It doesn't help your case if your key witness perjures himself on the stand and then takes the fifth amendment when caught

Now, if we had tape of OJ gutting his wife and the waiter, it would be a different story. We don't. What we have is a bunch of evidence collected by a racist cop.

Maybe he did it and the evidence was valid.
Maybe he did it and Furhman planted the evidence to make sure he got convicted.
Or maybe someone else did it, and the cops decided that OJ looked good for it, even though the timeline for the murder was kind of tight.
This isn't the OJ case and there are no similarities
Only those who wallow in victimhood see racism in every shadow.

Here's the thing.

The only reason why Trump got nominated over the other 10 bags of bad ideas in 2016 was that he was open about his racism, from Birtherism to calling Mexicans rapists.

And your side voted for him anyway.

I wish the racism was in the shadows. At least then we could admit we are ashamed of it and trying to fix it.
Showing people that a black man can rise from being a sharecropper’s grandson to a U.S. Senator, rather than drop out of school and cry victim all your life, is hardly a negative for blacks.

Oh, please... if it was about an inspiring life story, you guys wouldn't have been batshit over Obama, you'd have been praising him.

You guys love Tim Scott because he's an Uncle Tom willing to tell you how shiftless those other negroes are.
shameless liars.

You ignore the part where this Daunte Wright or whatever his name WAS stabbed a teenager in the head, had a record, acted the fool on social media and tried to harm those cops.
Yup. I honestly didn’t follow this case too much, other than to know that a white cop accidentally killed someone. When I heard his name was Duante, I figured he was black, and knowing the statistics (in which a very rare instance of a cop shooting an unarmed black man almost always involves the black defying the police), that he was someone who was defying a female cop and making her fearful for her life.
Here's the thing.

The only reason why Trump got nominated over the other 10 bags of bad ideas in 2016 was that he was open about his racism, from Birtherism to calling Mexicans rapists.

And your side voted for him anyway.

I wish the racism was in the shadows. At least then we could admit we are ashamed of it and trying to fix it.
Racism is so rare we have a slew of fake hate crimes to create outrage. The fact idiots have attempted to rebrand racism as a passive entity only shows that active, actual racism is simply too rare to exploit.
Racism is so rare we have a slew of fake hate crimes to create outrage. The fact idiots have attempted to rebrand racism as a passive entity only shows that active, actual racism is simply too rare to exploit.
If anything, the racism is blatant against whites. What about that elected DA, a black woman, castigating a reporter for the “rantings of a white woman”? Or what about that competitive public school in Virginia that dropped its tough admissions exams because too many whites and Asians were getting in? What about blatant rules that reject white applicants for med school and admit blacks with much mower grades and scores? What about the way leftists have vilified Kyle for defending himself?
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You couldn't be more wrong if you tried.
An opinion is neither right or wrong it's one's right to have an opinion of their own. It doesn't have to be right, just look at all the people who believe in religions, all the kids who believe in Santa Claus. You can argue all you want but you're not going to change their minds. This case is definitely questionable.
I'm not sorry I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt like the jury didn't.l
The jury was under a lot of pressure to convict Whitey. There was an angry mob outside, and the judge had already refused to accept their hung jury situation. They went back into the jury room and strong-armed the holdouts. I’ve been on a jury….and the liberals get REALLY nasty if you don’t submit.
She is no victim. Please don't equate her to the dead guy she killed. This was an unfortunate accident and this is why police reform is needed. "Oops, I made a mistake," just doesn't cut it here.

But she may need max security because shes a cop going to prison.
Is it maximum security where they keep the worst of the worst ? Since many people seem to think this is a racial thing, order to be better off in a minimum security prison ?
The jury was under a lot of pressure to convict Whitey. There was an angry mob outside, and the judge had already refused to accept their hung jury situation. They went back into the jury room and strong-armed the holdouts. I’ve been on a jury….and the liberals get REALLY nasty if you don’t submit.
I'm quite liberal and I would not have convicted her. If they caved in, I don't think it was because of liberals.

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