Kim Potter Found Guilty

Daunte Wright was a pimp and a thug who was resisting arrest. Glad he is DEAD ,DEAD,DEAD.
I am sure you are... just recognize that you can't kill black people anymore without consequences.

Our times make that almost inevitable. As a conservative, I can acknowledge that some law enforcement has been impacted by race and race relations. In the current stage of the national discourse in the topic, it is fashionable to simply claim “institutional racism” and any attempt to say “Hold on; let’s not overstate it” is met with a chorus of “you’re racist” or dismissive and baseless accusations like “white privilege.”

Except this was clearly a case of institutionalized racism. He was pulled over for a petty offense. They then escalated with another petty offense while they were wasting time trying to find out he had any warrants out, for more petty offenses. In short, a minor traffic stop got escalated until it turned into a lethal force situation.

We also see rioting and are lectured to by pols, media and entertainment about how whites are basically the root cause of all such problems. So when a (white) cop makes a horrifying mistake, the community (including the jury pools) may act accordingly. How could they possibly not convict a white cop who wrongly shot a black and unarmed suspect over a traffic matter?

How could you not convict any cop who shot any unarmed suspect over a traffic matter. The problem here is that this never would have been escalated if it were a white suspect.

The reason why these matters resonate is because while very few blacks actually encounter a cop using lethal force, nearly all of them have encountered at least one "Driving While Black" stop, and they can all think, "There but by the grace of God go I".

This case was pre-tainted by these things. Potter couldn’t possibly have gotten a fair trial. It’s not that she didn’t do anything wrong. Of course she did something wrong. The issue was whether he conduct qualifies as criminal. Despite the trial verdict by the jury, I don’t believe she did. She obviously can’t be a cop. But I don’t believe she deserves to be in prison either.

Oh, Please. She had the best lawyers, unlike most black suspects, who get stuck with overworked public defenders who can't wait to plead them out so they can get to lunch. We've sent black people to death row even though their lawyers were sleeping during the trial.

The scary thing here isn't that she was tried and convicted, it was that before the BLM Riots, DA' would just cover these things up like they did with Wilson or Loehmann.

White Minnesota man seen dragging, hitting cop–and lives to tell about it​

Luke Alvin Oeltjenbruns refused to wear a mask at a home improvement store

The substantial difference in the way police officers treat Black Americans versus white Americans continues to be exposed, and this time, there’s proof.

A new video has gone viral of a white man trying to escape police apprehension while harming them in the process. The man is seen trying to get away from officers as he drags one with his vehicle after allegedly hitting him with a hammer, per TMZ.

The suspect, Luke Alvin Oeltjenbruns, refused to wear a mask at a home improvement store in Hutchinson, Minnesota. He then hit an employee with a piece of lumber and fled the scene. The police were called and caught up with Oeltjenbruns in a mall parking lot moments later.

The Hutchinson PD claimed as Oeltjenbruns tried to flee the scene yet again, he hit an officer with a hammer and took off at a high rate of speed while the officer held on to the driver’s side of the vehicle. Officer Steven Sickmann, a 31-year veteran of the Hutchinson Police Department, was taken to the hospital but is now in stable condition while recovering at home.

This happened around the same time Wright was killed.

This man got to live.

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So fuck the nabisco lectures about cause and effect.

Let's stop being white and denying that race is a major problem. Race isn't a problem for you because the people practicing it are whites who believe everybody white is superior.

Okay, here's where I have to stick up for cops. Cops execute 10 million arrests and 40 million traffic stops a year. Of those, only 1000 involve the use of lethal force. In a country as gun-crazy as this country is, that's amazing in and of itself.

Of those 1000, the vast majority ARE justified. You come after a cop with a gun or a knife, you completely should expect to be shot. True, a lot of cops are able to defuse these situations without using deadly force, and frankly, good on them. ON the other hand, we've had 59 officers shot and killed this year because they didn't react fast enough. Another three were stabbed to death, and 17 were killed in vehicular assaults.

The vast majority of black people and white people who are arrested or stopped are NOT subjected to lethal force.

This doesn't mean that we shouldn't be upset about a case like Wright, or Geo. Floyd, or Laquan McDonald or Tamir Rice, where the police completely overreacted. But we also shouldn't pretend these are common incidents.

50 million arrests and traffic stops a year, and you have what, maybe 10 that are cases of excessive force?
Just a thought. What if she never yelled TAZER! Never claimed she thought is was a TAZER. Said she shot the perp because her partner's life was in danger?
She will carry the killing of this man with her the rest of her life. But, I believe the mistake she made was hollering "TAZER".
From running Wright's tag number the cops knew his criminal history. Attempting to drive the car with another officer hanging on was reason to shoot him since it was endangering the officer's life.

I do not know the Minnesota law, but how could Potter face two manslaugter charges for one death?

What really disturbs me is how many young black men look to make themselves to be some kind of martyr instead of finishing high school and going to college or getting a job. I think they are being used by politics and the media. A black criminal killed is glorified and family made wealthy. One of my Senators, black who followed a law abiding path, was called "Uncle Tim" on the nation media for saying that his Granddaddy would be proud that the family went from picking cotton to the US Senate in three generations. I think black parents ought to be concerned about the message their children are getting.
What really disturbs me is how many young black men look to make themselves to be some kind of martyr instead of finishing high school and going to college or getting a job. I think they are being used by politics and the media. A black criminal killed is glorified and family made wealthy. One of my Senators, black who followed a law abiding path, was called "Uncle Tim" on the nation media for saying that his Granddaddy would be proud that the family went from picking cotton to the US Senate in three generations. I think black parents ought to be concerned about the message their children are getting.

You really think that there is a black person out there who is thinking, "I want to get myself killed by a cop so I'll become a famous martyr"?

The reason why that Senator is considered an "Uncle Tim" is because he spends all his time sucking up to the white racists who would just as happily keep him down. The only thing keeping the GOP alive right now is White Grievance Politics, and any minority who signs up to collaborate with that is beneath contempt.
You really think that there is a black person out there who is thinking, "I want to get myself killed by a cop so I'll become a famous martyr"?

The reason why that Senator is considered an "Uncle Tim" is because he spends all his time sucking up to the white racists who would just as happily keep him down. The only thing keeping the GOP alive right now is White Grievance Politics, and any minority who signs up to collaborate with that is beneath contempt.
Electing him to the Senate seems like a funny way of keeping him down. You liberals are a hoot!
She should be given a medal!!!!

No way she should have been found guilty. Politics has infiltrated our justice system and that is simply unacceptable.
It does seem that the only televised trials lately are when whites kill blacks - be it intentional, by accident, or in self-defense - in order to show that whites won’t get away with no shit when the victim is black.

When will we see a televised trial of a black who intentionally kills someone, whether white or black? What about that thug looter who shot the retired cop in cold blood? What about the racist criminal who murdered six whites in a parade after being let out on a nothing bail? Where was the televised trial of blacks who killed whites, and often Jews, in the “knock out” game? What about the black who killed a Jew (or multiple….can’t remember) when he shot up the kosher market?

We still don’t have racial justice in this country. Your treatment depends on the color of your skin, and the color of your victim’s skin. It’s like 1930s Alabama, but in reverse.
HOW are you "sure" of that ? Did you see what the jury saw (or didnt see) ?

YOU are the "idiot" for babbling here, what you don't have any clue about.
If you want to think you know more than the jury did, I won't try to convince you otherwise. Don't be surprised if others laugh and point at you though.
joel said:
An unarmed woman who was part of an angry mob threatening to kill Congress.... you leave that part out.

shameless liars.

You ignore the part where this Daunte Wright or whatever his name WAS stabbed a teenager in the head, had a record, acted the fool on social media and tried to harm those cops.
This case will be a lesson for cops nationwide to avoid ugly situations with young black guys, America's Official Sacred Cows.

I don't give a shit what Daunte was up to, future police officers will realize they won't go to prison if they stay on their stool in a donut restaurant instead of hassling blacks.
Stupid comment.
Good grief wtf does Trump have to do with it?

Just stop
Another Moronic Comment. What do you expect from a Joe Biden A.S KISSER
If you want to think you know more than the jury did, I won't try to convince you otherwise. Don't be surprised if others laugh and point at you though.
But Biden implied he knew more than the jury did with thr Kyle case when he said he was angry about the verdict. Did you point out how he knew less than the jury did with that one?
This case will be a lesson for cops nationwide to avoid ugly situations with young black guys, America's Official Sacred Cows.

I don't give a shit what Daunte was up to, future police officers will realize they won't go to prison if they stay on their stool in a donut restaurant instead of hassling blacks.
I think it’s another lesson for young black guys to stop defying the police and just follow orders. Will they ever learn?
It does seem that the only televised trials lately are when whites kill blacks - be it intentional, by accident, or in self-defense - in order to show that whites won’t get away with no shit when the victim is black.

Really? The Rittenhouse Trial was televised, and he shot three white people.

When will we see a televised trial of a black who intentionally kills someone, whether white or black? What about that thug looter who shot the retired cop in cold blood?

Well, funny you should mention that... they've appointed a special prosecutor to go after him.

Assuming it goes to trial and they don't plead it out, it will probably be televised.

What about the racist criminal who murdered six whites in a parade after being let out on a nothing bail?

When he goes to trial, if he goes to trial, it will probably be televised.

Where was the televised trial of blacks who killed whites, and often Jews, in the “knock out” game?

The "knock out game" was a myth created by Faux News... Sorry you were dumb enough to fall for it.

What about the black who killed a Jew (or multiple….can’t remember) when he shot up the kosher market?

Well, if you can't remember it, then it's going to be hard to comment on.

If it was THIS case, it would be kind of hard to put them on trial.

They died during the incident. Well, maybe we can put their corpses on trial.

(God, I love it when they are stupid!!!!)

We still don’t have racial justice in this country. Your treatment depends on the color of your skin, and the color of your victim’s skin. It’s like 1930s Alabama, but in reverse.
Oh, please. If there actually was a God, I would be thanking him every day I was born a white, straight male.
But Biden implied he knew more than the jury did with thr Kyle case when he said he was angry about the verdict. Did you point out how he knew less than the jury did with that one?

Actually, the jury didn't get to hear about a whole lot of stuff. They didn't get to hear about how Rittenhouse beat up a teenage girl or how he bragged about wanting to shoot people. They couldn't consider that he had violated curfew or that he had acquired his gun under questionable circumstances.

A mostly white jury said that it was okay for a white person to go rampaging through the streets shooting people because he was scared. We should all be worried about that.

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