Kim Potter Found Guilty

Wright didn't give his victims any 'luxury' either. One is in a coma and the other lost full use of his leg. Wright also was not about to give the officer hanging out of his car any 'luxury' either. Nor did he give any 'luxury' to the woman who he stole from while holding a gun to her head.
She'll have at least 11 years to think about it in a jail cell. That's the minimum she'll serve.
Is it maximum security where they keep the worst of the worst ? Since many people seem to think this is a racial thing, order to be better off in a minimum security prison ?

If you are convicted of a violent crime like manslaughter, you go to maximum security. Those convicted of non violent offenses like Insider Trading, Embezzlement and Mattress Tag desecration go to the minimum security camps.
The problem is that there was a warrant for his arrest.... Waving a weapon while in a car and then fleeing the police on foot. Out on bond for aggravated assault for assaulting a woman by choking her and forcibly taking $820 from under her bra.
Although this had nothing to do with the current incident, it would certainly have an influence on the police officers, who would be understandably nervous. He was out of the car and made a bad decision when the police took out the handcuffs. He got away with running away the first time, and why not again? True that there is no logical explanation for the gun instead of the taser. However, Criminals
invariably find violence when they do bad things.
Well the jury found her guilty so she'll have plenty of time to think about all her mistakes.
I'm sure the jury had a better look at the video, and were presented with a lot more information than an anonymous idiot on the internet was
You can give your side of the argument but you can't deny people their opinions. Put the shoe on the other foot, what if someone told you your opinion was totally wrong. Opinions are neither right or wrong. They are not facts.
I'm quite liberal and I would not have convicted her. If they caved in, I don't think it was because of liberals.
No way to know. I was in a jury where they caught a black guy in a woman’s bedroom, at night, rifling through her jewelry drawer while she pretended to be asleep, and his excuse - when caught - was that he was mixed up and thought he was in his own house.

A self-proclaimed liberal on the jury said that she would not send a black man to prison no matter what, and we were hung. I blame the judge for allowing her on the jury in the first place - she told the judge thst she was very liberal and doesn’t believe in putting criminals in jail (if they’re black). The judge said he thought she could be fair in this case and did not dismiss her. Either he thought she was lying, or he thought the crime was so obvious that even she would convict. Oops.
You can give your side of the argument but you can't deny people their opinions. Put the shoe on the other foot, what if someone told you your opinion was totally wrong. Opinions are neither right or wrong. They are not facts.
Opinions based on lies are not opinions. They are still lies.
No way to know. I was in a jury where they caught a black guy in a woman’s bedroom, at night, rifling through her jewelry drawer while she pretended to be asleep, and his excuse - when caught - was that he was mixed up and thought he was in his own house.

A self-proclaimed liberal on the jury said that she would not send a black man to prison no matter what, and we were hung. I blame the judge for allowing her on the jury in the first place - she told the judge thst she was very liberal and doesn’t believe in putting criminals in jail (if they’re black). The judge said he thought she could be fair in this case and did not dismiss her. Either he thought she was lying, or he thought the crime was so obvious that even she would convict. Oops.
This is 100% a fabricated lie.
Racism is so rare we have a slew of fake hate crimes to create outrage. The fact idiots have attempted to rebrand racism as a passive entity only shows that active, actual racism is simply too rare to exploit.

QUite the contrary, what I have found is that passive racism can be just as insideous.

I've told this story before, but in 2012, 3 women left our department. We as a department held a going away lunch for each of them.

They were.
1) A Chinese American woman who had been with the company 9 years.
2) A black woman who had been with the company for 2 years.
3) A white intern who had been with the company for three months.

Now- guess which one of these three people the General Manager took time out of his busy schedule to attend one of these lunches with?

This same GM later let go of a black female temp so he could create a full-time position for one of his drinking buddies who had no experience in the thing he was being hired to do.

So, yeah, the cop who pulls over someone for a DWB that quickly escalates into a deadly event is a problem.

So is the white boss who subtly favors white employees.
If I was on the jury, I would have found the broad guilty. After all, the media and the DA would have released my name and address to the BLM mobs and they'd probably burn down my home if she was found innocent.

I suppose if I lived in a Lily White, gated community and my fire insurance was paid up, and I was as prepared for protesters as Al Pacino was in Scarface when Sosa's men attacked, I could be impartial.
If anything, the racism is blatant against whites. What about that elected DA, a black woman, castigating a reporter for the “rantings of a white woman”? Or what about that competitive public school in Virginia that dropped its tough admissions exams because too many whites and Asians were getting in? What about blatant rules that reject white applicants for med school and admit blacks with much mower grades and scores? What about the way leftists have vilified Kyle for defending himself?

You mean we villified someone who gunned down three people in the street?

Um, yeah, that DA was yelling at reporters that showed up at her house and asked about a confrontation in a parking lot.

As for affirmative action, you can't complain about poverty in the black community and then block black people from getting into the prestigeous schools that would give them an advantage.

There's affirmative action for white people. They are called Legacies and Donations. Or we could talk about the Varsity Blues scandal where rich white people bought their kids admission through fake athletics and test scores.
You mean we villified someone who gunned down three people in the street?

Um, yeah, that DA was yelling at reporters that showed up at her house and asked about a confrontation in a parking lot.

As for affirmative action, you can't complain about poverty in the black community and then block black people from getting into the prestigeous schools that would give them an advantage.

There's affirmative action for white people. They are called Legacies and Donations. Or we could talk about the Varsity Blues scandal where rich white people bought their kids admission through fake athletics and test scores.

Poor Honkies are basically barred from top colleges, is that fair in your view? Should the children of Lebron James be given preference over the offspring of white janitors and dirt farmers?
You mean we villified someone who gunned down three people in the street?

Um, yeah, that DA was yelling at reporters that showed up at her house and asked about a confrontation in a parking lot.

As for affirmative action, you can't complain about poverty in the black community and then block black people from getting into the prestigeous schools that would give them an advantage.

There's affirmative action for white people. They are called Legacies and Donations. Or we could talk about the Varsity Blues scandal where rich white people bought their kids admission through fake athletics and test scores.
Prestigeous school are prestigeous because they aren't filled with poor druggy black or any other kids from welfare druggy families hun.

Again #1 factor in how well a kid does is not their school, but who their parents are.
As she should of been. It was a horrible mistake and I truly believe she didn’t mean to do it but she did and that’s negligence
QUite the contrary, what I have found is that passive racism can be just as insideous.

I've told this story before, but in 2012, 3 women left our department. We as a department held a going away lunch for each of them.

They were.
1) A Chinese American woman who had been with the company 9 years.
2) A black woman who had been with the company for 2 years.
3) A white intern who had been with the company for three months.

Now- guess which one of these three people the General Manager took time out of his busy schedule to attend one of these lunches with?

This same GM later let go of a black female temp so he could create a full-time position for one of his drinking buddies who had no experience in the thing he was being hired to do.

So, yeah, the cop who pulls over someone for a DWB that quickly escalates into a deadly event is a problem.

So is the white boss who subtly favors white employees.
That dog don't hunt. Racist would be not hiring the black girl because she's black. Add in the Chinese girl and your cries of racism fall flat.
Why not? You've had 200 years of white kids getting preference for the top colleges.

Not the white kids whose parents are dirt farmers and janitors.

Yet, the children of the Wealthy, like the offspring of Lebron and Obama- do get preference.

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