Kim Potter Found Guilty

That dog don't hunt. Racist would be not hiring the black girl because she's black. Add in the Chinese girl and your cries of racism fall flat.

He didn't make the decision on the Chinese lady. She had already been working there when the company she worked for was bought out by the one who brought this guy on board. He really didn't make the decision the black girl, the Purchasing Manager did.

And again, he let another black lady go to make a slot for his drinking buddy.

Now, here's the thing... he's actually one of the BETTER bosses I worked for. I had others who were much worse and no big surprise, much more open about their racism.
Wright was a thug and a felon with a record. He tried to run and put an officer in danger. Now, suddenly, he is a 'saint?' Something is really wrong with our justice system, IMO.
Who claimed he was a Saint? What officers did he put in danger? So you think if someone black breaks the law a white cop can just execute them on the spot.
Prestigeous school are prestigeous because they aren't filled with poor druggy black or any other kids from welfare druggy families hun.

Again #1 factor in how well a kid does is not their school, but who their parents are.

Prestigious schools are another form of institutionalized racism... thanks for admitting that.
Kim Potter Found Guilty

For those playing along at home, she was the the cop who shot Daunte Wright because she couldn't tell the difference between her gun and her taser.

This is a good thing.
I thought juries were racist and couldn't find cops guilty of killing a black person even with a flashlight. Or are those just juries that make decisions you don't like?
Cops should be held to a higher standard? When they are trying to stop the criminals from committing crimes who are refusing arrest. She accidently shot a criminal refusing to be arrested----Cops are human, they too make mistakes sometimes. The criminal's death is not a bad thing for society.
Hmmm, so if a cop saw you spit on the sidewalk they should be able to pull their gun and drop your ass on the spot or if you were pulled over for speeding and you argued with the cop about the ticket you should be shot in the head, right.
This is 100% a fabricated lie.
So you don’t like when someone tells you something that happens that shows how extreme a liberal can be, so you call the person a liar?

I swear on my daddy’s grave that it was true. The liberal just would NOT convict, told us why, and in fact told the judge why she shouldn’t be in the jury for that reason, and yet he put her on it. The vote was 11:1 to convict the lowlife thug, but the liberal would not budge. It was the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving, too. She forced us to be a hung jury just because she didn’t want to send a black to prison.

Stop calling people you don’t know liars when they tell you a case that shows how wrong liberals can be.
Hmmm, so if a cop saw you spit on the sidewalk they should be able to pull their gun and drop your ass on the spot or if you were pulled over for speeding and you argued with the cop about the ticket you should be shot in the head, right.

Police officers don't do that. But if you accuse a cop's mum of whoring, you should take whatever you got coming and not complain.
So you don’t like when someone tells you something that happens that shows how extreme a liberal can be, so you call the person a liar?

I swear on my daddy’s grave that it was true. The liberal just would NOT convict, told us why, and in fact told the judge why she shouldn’t be in the jury for that reason, and yet he put her on it. The vote was 11:1 to convict the lowlife thug, but the liberal would not budge. It was the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving, too. She forced us to be a hung jury just because she didn’t want to send a black to prison.

Stop calling people you don’t know liars when they tell you a case that shows how wrong liberals can be.
The defense should have weeded them out.

You're still a liar though.
You mean we villified someone who gunned down three people in the street?

Um, yeah, that DA was yelling at reporters that showed up at her house and asked about a confrontation in a parking lot.

As for affirmative action, you can't complain about poverty in the black community and then block black people from getting into the prestigeous schools that would give them an advantage.

There's affirmative action for white people. They are called Legacies and Donations. Or we could talk about the Varsity Blues scandal where rich white people bought their kids admission through fake athletics and test scores.
We’re not blocking blacks from going to prestigious schools IF they qualify based on uniform standards. But when you deny the superior student a slot because he’s white, and Instead admit the mediocre black kid in his place, that’s racist.

You lefties are the most racist people I’ve ever seen.
We’re not blocking blacks from going to prestigious schools IF they qualify based on uniform standards. But when you deny the superior student a slot because he’s white, and Instead admit the mediocre black kid in his place, that’s racist.

You lefties are the most racist people I’ve ever seen.
You've never even stepped foot on a campus of a "prestigious school", let alone tried to attend one.

You're simply projecting if you think leftists are the most racist people you've ever seen. You're all about people being lol racist against whites though. I've seen your dumb fucking posts.
A bullet to the head is ok, right?
That's all these right wing animals understand is violence. Their standard answer to anything involoving a cop is "well, if he would have done what he was told, he wouldnt have gotten shot in the head". Just absolute stupidity.

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