KKK Games

Why aren't liberal troll threads like this kicked out of politics? Inflammatory garbage
See how easy it is to troll for Trump following dummies........here you are.
I don't support Trump you dumbfuck. Only the biggest of idiots haven't figured that out by now.
I do apologize then. But you can see how someone could make that mistake....with you being so consistently stupid and all.
Almost all Dixiecrats remained D. Ditto their followers. The mega segregationists were D's till they died. Simple fact.
Now you're just lying.

He's lying? Well, let's see.

Which Dixiecrats defected to the Republican Party? Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmand, and Mills Godwin, Jr. Quite an indictment.

But, consider this:

Who started the KKK? Democrats.

Which Party passed the Jim Crow laws? Democrat.

Which Party was Thomas Gore in at the end of his career? Democrat.

What Party was Robert Byrd in at the end of his career.? Same one he started with, the Democrats.

What Party was Gov William H. Murray a part of? Democrat.

What Party was home to Senator Spessard Holland? Democrat.

Dixiecrat Sam Ervin was a Democrat for life.

As was Senator Russell Long.

And Richard Russell.

And Olin Johnston.

And Lister Hill.

And John Stennis John Sparkman, John McClellan, James Eastland, Herman Talmadge, Herbert Walters, Harry F. Byrd, George Smathers, Frank Dixon, Fielding Wright, Everett Jordan, Benjamin Laney, Allen Ellender, AND Willis Robertson remained in the Democratic Party for their entire lives.

In fact, 93% of the Dixiecrats went back to the Democratic Party and remained their for the rest of their lives. You should have looked it up, but you didn't. Instead, you made a fool of yourself by posting a less than credible claim. Sucks to be you.
I'd love to see the evidence of the 93% figure. No doubt you can cite a credible source to substantiate that.

I love how you want to demand proof when you've provided nothing but insults and claims. When you learn something, become intellectually honest and grow up, feel free to come back and try again.
So I guess that means you pulled the 93% figure from the same place you get your other so called facts.

No, it means I reject conversation with you since you're obviously nothing but a time wasting troll.
Yo, let`s look at it this way? The so-called Democrat Party cares for all people? Right? KKK are people like Gays, Muslims, Whites, Jews, etc., why not let all people VOTE? This is the Democrats talking line about Blacks?

View attachment 65683
Let's not forget about you and the other Trump followers, the low IQ constituency. Another minority group that needs legal protection.

Yo, Ted Cruz!

Now you're just lying.

He's lying? Well, let's see.

Which Dixiecrats defected to the Republican Party? Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmand, and Mills Godwin, Jr. Quite an indictment.

But, consider this:

Who started the KKK? Democrats.

Which Party passed the Jim Crow laws? Democrat.

Which Party was Thomas Gore in at the end of his career? Democrat.

What Party was Robert Byrd in at the end of his career.? Same one he started with, the Democrats.

What Party was Gov William H. Murray a part of? Democrat.

What Party was home to Senator Spessard Holland? Democrat.

Dixiecrat Sam Ervin was a Democrat for life.

As was Senator Russell Long.

And Richard Russell.

And Olin Johnston.

And Lister Hill.

And John Stennis John Sparkman, John McClellan, James Eastland, Herman Talmadge, Herbert Walters, Harry F. Byrd, George Smathers, Frank Dixon, Fielding Wright, Everett Jordan, Benjamin Laney, Allen Ellender, AND Willis Robertson remained in the Democratic Party for their entire lives.

In fact, 93% of the Dixiecrats went back to the Democratic Party and remained their for the rest of their lives. You should have looked it up, but you didn't. Instead, you made a fool of yourself by posting a less than credible claim. Sucks to be you.
I'd love to see the evidence of the 93% figure. No doubt you can cite a credible source to substantiate that.

I love how you want to demand proof when you've provided nothing but insults and claims. When you learn something, become intellectually honest and grow up, feel free to come back and try again.
So I guess that means you pulled the 93% figure from the same place you get your other so called facts.

No, it means I reject conversation with you since you're obviously nothing but a time wasting troll.
Well thank God for small favors.

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