KKK Grand Wizard guilty of firing weapon at Charlottesville protests.

And next up is sentencing. Up to ten years.

A White Supremacist Was Found Guilty Of Firing A Gun At The Unite The Right Rally In Charlottesville

I’m sure this is a travesty according to some who post here. I’ll even bet they will be along shortly complaining how unfair it is that the white guy goes to prison for this.

In a mob scene? How did he miss? Was he firing in the air? Why is this the first we are hearing of this?
Yep, an immediate defense of the monster from a Trump sheep

I asked a couple of questions. I hear about a Klansmen firing a gun at a riot, and my first question is, who did he shot and is the person dead.

The OP, by not mentioning a shooting victim, answered that, so I moved on to the next obvious questions.

I want to see justice done. I do not want to see someone who did not kill anyone, or even wound anyone, doing more time than the murderers he will be in prison with.

Once incarcerated, he'll make a lot of new friends, and likely meet some old ones.
Oh, he must be a Trump supporter.

Yep. He must be.


In any event, this is most certainly not the worst of his crimes. It is the kkk after all. True that they're reeeel brave right up until they get caught but they're also brave after dark, when no one is looking.

Human garbage.
Curious... do you think all Trump supporters are like this guy?

That's not what you said.

Most, likely all, of this guy are trump fans.

Because trump is this guy.

Phony christian, phony patriot, kkk, nazi, alt right, fascist.

Nice dodge.

Are all Trump supporters like this guy? Yes or no?
Oh, he must be a Trump supporter.

Yep. He must be.


In any event, this is most certainly not the worst of his crimes. It is the kkk after all. True that they're reeeel brave right up until they get caught but they're also brave after dark, when no one is looking.

Human garbage.
Curious... do you think all Trump supporters are like this guy?
JGalt seems to be.

That's not what I asked.

Can I not get a straight answer here? Wait. I forget who I'm asking.
Oh, he must be a Trump supporter.

Yep. He must be.


In any event, this is most certainly not the worst of his crimes. It is the kkk after all. True that they're reeeel brave right up until they get caught but they're also brave after dark, when no one is looking.

Human garbage.
Curious... do you think all Trump supporters are like this guy?

That's not what you said.

Most, likely all, of this guy are trump fans.

Because trump is this guy.

Phony christian, phony patriot, kkk, nazi, alt right, fascist.

Nice dodge.

Are all Trump supporters like this guy? Yes or no?

Not a dodge at all.

Its simply fact and you know it. Worse, you knew it before you got on his bandwagon. If you didn't, it was your choice.

I wonder why, if the kkk, nazi, alt right, christian, fascists knew this about him, why didn't you?

And if you did know it - well, there you are.

TK, you try so hard to appear reasonable and thoughtful but you knee jerk with the best of them.
Oh, he must be a Trump supporter.

Yep. He must be.


In any event, this is most certainly not the worst of his crimes. It is the kkk after all. True that they're reeeel brave right up until they get caught but they're also brave after dark, when no one is looking.

Human garbage.
Curious... do you think all Trump supporters are like this guy?
JGalt seems to be.

That's not what I asked.

Can I not get a straight answer here? Wait. I forget who I'm asking.

How 'bout you do a little poll? Even considering many will lie, ask ....

Or, you could just read this board.

Its right in front of you.

Thing is, you're trying to pretend you're not like "this guy". Scratch the hide of any trumpkin and you'll find the nastiest racists on the planet.
And next up is sentencing. Up to ten years.

A White Supremacist Was Found Guilty Of Firing A Gun At The Unite The Right Rally In Charlottesville

I’m sure this is a travesty according to some who post here. I’ll even bet they will be along shortly complaining how unfair it is that the white guy goes to prison for this.

In a mob scene? How did he miss? Was he firing in the air? Why is this the first we are hearing of this?
Yep, an immediate defense of the monster from a Trump sheep

I asked a couple of questions. I hear about a Klansmen firing a gun at a riot, and my first question is, who did he shot and is the person dead.

The OP, by not mentioning a shooting victim, answered that, so I moved on to the next obvious questions.

I want to see justice done. I do not want to see someone who did not kill anyone, or even wound anyone, doing more time than the murderers he will be in prison with.

So, you're saying that if you don't hit anything, its not a crime.

Funny stuff.
Oh, he must be a Trump supporter.

Yep. He must be.


In any event, this is most certainly not the worst of his crimes. It is the kkk after all. True that they're reeeel brave right up until they get caught but they're also brave after dark, when no one is looking.

Human garbage.
Curious... do you think all Trump supporters are like this guy?

That's not what you said.

Most, likely all, of this guy are trump fans.

Because trump is this guy.

Phony christian, phony patriot, kkk, nazi, alt right, fascist.

I voted for Trump. I’ve said so many times here. I’ve also posted in opposition to racism many many times. I’d rather have a quart of hot mustard shot up my nose than spend ten minutes with any KKK member. I am much more likely to go to help my neighbors who are having trouble with the Klan.

Now by that token, I would not have gone to Charlottesville for anything. Both sides went looking for trouble. Both sides went looking for a fight. I detest the Klan, but they have a constitutional right to make a complete ass of themselves. It doesn’t mean I have to listen, or show up and shout them down. I can dodge folly without backing into fear. You really want to make a statement when you feel compelled to show up? Laugh at them.
Thing is, you're trying to pretend you're not like "this guy". Scratch the hide of any trumpkin and you'll find the nastiest racists on the planet.

Thing is, I'm not. You don't know me. I've been a member here for 5 years, you can go through all my posts (including the ones to a late poster named "Poet") and you will never see me supporting racism. I cannot stand people who use the plight and suffering of their ancestors to accuse others of being racist. Not only that, I have defended the rights of Muslims to worship freely in this country. You're too simple minded to understand that not all Trump supporters are racist or bigoted. You simply don't understand how mean spirited you are.

Those kinds of rallies are where the scum of the Earth go to air out. I'm glad I'm not one of them. I'd soon rather jump off a bridge than join the Klan.
Last edited:
Oh, he must be a Trump supporter.

Yep. He must be.


In any event, this is most certainly not the worst of his crimes. It is the kkk after all. True that they're reeeel brave right up until they get caught but they're also brave after dark, when no one is looking.

Human garbage.
Curious... do you think all Trump supporters are like this guy?

That's not what you said.

Most, likely all, of this guy are trump fans.

Because trump is this guy.

Phony christian, phony patriot, kkk, nazi, alt right, fascist.

I voted for Trump. I’ve said so many times here. I’ve also posted in opposition to racism many many times. I’d rather have a quart of hot mustard shot up my nose than spend ten minutes with any KKK member. I am much more likely to go to help my neighbors who are having trouble with the Klan.

Now by that token, I would not have gone to Charlottesville for anything. Both sides went looking for trouble. Both sides went looking for a fight. I detest the Klan, but they have a constitutional right to make a complete ass of themselves. It doesn’t mean I have to listen, or show up and shout them down. I can dodge folly without backing into fear. You really want to make a statement when you feel compelled to show up? Laugh at them.

In fact it's better to ignore them. Their current tepid "resurgence" is basically due to the attention they are getting from the left making them a big boogeyman in an attempt to link them to anyone to the right of Mitt Romney.

He's going to prison, and he better hope the Aryan Brotherhood guys take him in, because if not the brothers and the ese's are going to have fun with him.

Remember that to the Aryan Brotherhood, the Klan is the diet coke of white supremacy.
Oh, he must be a Trump supporter.

Yep. He must be.


In any event, this is most certainly not the worst of his crimes. It is the kkk after all. True that they're reeeel brave right up until they get caught but they're also brave after dark, when no one is looking.

Human garbage.
Curious... do you think all Trump supporters are like this guy?
How many RWNJs post something about antics or BLM and immediately link them to Democrats or Liberals? We've seen that for years!

The RWNJ chickens are coming home to roost.
Oh, he must be a Trump supporter.

Yep. He must be.


In any event, this is most certainly not the worst of his crimes. It is the kkk after all. True that they're reeeel brave right up until they get caught but they're also brave after dark, when no one is looking.

Human garbage.
Curious... do you think all Trump supporters are like this guy?
How many RWNJs post something about antics or BLM and immediately link them to Democrats or Liberals? We've seen that for years!

The RWNJ chickens are coming home to roost.

Okay, Mr. Farrakhan. How many BLM supporters do you see supporting Republicans and supporting conservative ideas?

Say it with me now...

Last edited:
And next up is sentencing. Up to ten years.

A White Supremacist Was Found Guilty Of Firing A Gun At The Unite The Right Rally In Charlottesville

I’m sure this is a travesty according to some who post here. I’ll even bet they will be along shortly complaining how unfair it is that the white guy goes to prison for this.

In a mob scene? How did he miss? Was he firing in the air? Why is this the first we are hearing of this?
Yep, an immediate defense of the monster from a Trump sheep

I asked a couple of questions. I hear about a Klansmen firing a gun at a riot, and my first question is, who did he shot and is the person dead.

The OP, by not mentioning a shooting victim, answered that, so I moved on to the next obvious questions.

I want to see justice done. I do not want to see someone who did not kill anyone, or even wound anyone, doing more time than the murderers he will be in prison with.

So, you're saying that if you don't hit anything, its not a crime.

Funny stuff.

See, that bit where you have to lie, in order to refute what I did NOT say?

That is where a reasonable person would realize that they are on the wrong side.

I was clear about what I said. There is zero need to restate it.

Address what I said or don't.

I am not going to defend the insanity that the voices in your head tell you. THose are YOURS, not mine.
Oh, he must be a Trump supporter.

Yep. He must be.


In any event, this is most certainly not the worst of his crimes. It is the kkk after all. True that they're reeeel brave right up until they get caught but they're also brave after dark, when no one is looking.

Human garbage.
Curious... do you think all Trump supporters are like this guy?
How many RWNJs post something about antics or BLM and immediately link them to Democrats or Liberals? We've seen that for years!

The RWNJ chickens are coming home to roost.

Okay, Mr. Farrakhan. How many BLM supporters do you see supporting Republicans and supporting conservative ideas?

Say it with me now...


And the difference is the mainstream conservative movement can care less about the wants and desires of the actual hard right racists idiots, while those on the (ever left moving) mainstream left feel the need to pander to the BLM and anti-fa types.

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