KKK Grand Wizard guilty of firing weapon at Charlottesville protests.

Oh, he must be a Trump supporter.

Yep. He must be.


In any event, this is most certainly not the worst of his crimes. It is the kkk after all. True that they're reeeel brave right up until they get caught but they're also brave after dark, when no one is looking.

Human garbage.
Curious... do you think all Trump supporters are like this guy?
How many RWNJs post something about antics or BLM and immediately link them to Democrats or Liberals? We've seen that for years!

The RWNJ chickens are coming home to roost.

Okay, Mr. Farrakhan. How many BLM supporters do you see supporting Republicans and supporting conservative ideas?

Say it with me now...

That does not make them operatives of the DNC by default.

And consider this: if you stopped killing Black men perhaps you could convince them to vote for you.

Antifa did attack. The Dems told the police to stand down, so that the larger antifa mob could bust some heads.

That's at least partial responsibility right there. What part of that is confusing to you?

"It was like this, officer. That protestor came over here and pulled the pistol out of my pocket, and put it in my hand and started squeezing my trigger finger...."
Oh, he must be a Trump supporter.

Yep. He must be.


In any event, this is most certainly not the worst of his crimes. It is the kkk after all. True that they're reeeel brave right up until they get caught but they're also brave after dark, when no one is looking.

Human garbage.
Curious... do you think all Trump supporters are like this guy?
How many RWNJs post something about antics or BLM and immediately link them to Democrats or Liberals? We've seen that for years!

The RWNJ chickens are coming home to roost.

Okay, Mr. Farrakhan. How many BLM supporters do you see supporting Republicans and supporting conservative ideas?

Say it with me now...

That does not make them operatives of the DNC by default.

And consider this: if you stopped killing Black men perhaps you could convince them to vote for you.

The DNC and people like you most certainly adopted their movement, just like you did with Occupy.

You know, that's perhaps the single dumbest thing I've ever heard. Maybe if black men would stop killing each other they'd live long enough to break from their monolithic way of thinking.

Antifa did attack. The Dems told the police to stand down, so that the larger antifa mob could bust some heads.

That's at least partial responsibility right there. What part of that is confusing to you?

"It was like this, officer. That protestor came over here and pulled the pistol out of my pocket, and put it in my hand and started squeezing my trigger finger...."

As I have said to bat shit crazy lefties before, I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

My post stands, as your cra cra words did not address it.

Antifa did attack. The Dems told the police to stand down, so that the larger antifa mob could bust some heads.

That's at least partial responsibility right there. What part of that is confusing to you?

Antifa did attack. The Dems told the police to stand down, so that the larger antifa mob could bust some heads.

That's at least partial responsibility right there. What part of that is confusing to you?

"It was like this, officer. That protestor came over here and pulled the pistol out of my pocket, and put it in my hand and started squeezing my trigger finger...."

As I have said to bat shit crazy lefties before, I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

My post stands, as your cra cra words did not address it.

Antifa did attack. The Dems told the police to stand down, so that the larger antifa mob could bust some heads.

That's at least partial responsibility right there. What part of that is confusing to you?

What color is the ski in the universe in which you live?

Antifa did attack. The Dems told the police to stand down, so that the larger antifa mob could bust some heads.

That's at least partial responsibility right there. What part of that is confusing to you?

"It was like this, officer. That protestor came over here and pulled the pistol out of my pocket, and put it in my hand and started squeezing my trigger finger...."

As I have said to bat shit crazy lefties before, I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

My post stands, as your cra cra words did not address it.

Antifa did attack. The Dems told the police to stand down, so that the larger antifa mob could bust some heads.

That's at least partial responsibility right there. What part of that is confusing to you?

What color is the ski in the universe in which you live?

As I have said to bat shit crazy lefties before, I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

My post stands, as your cra cra words did not address it.

Antifa did attack. The Dems told the police to stand down, so that the larger antifa mob could bust some heads.

That's at least partial responsibility right there. What part of that is confusing to you?
And next up is sentencing. Up to ten years.

A White Supremacist Was Found Guilty Of Firing A Gun At The Unite The Right Rally In Charlottesville

I’m sure this is a travesty according to some who post here. I’ll even bet they will be along shortly complaining how unfair it is that the white guy goes to prison for this.

In a mob scene? How did he miss? Was he firing in the air? Why is this the first we are hearing of this?
We've seen videos of this before.....

I haven't.

You have? SO answer the questions.
Yes I have seen the videos.....he fired into the ground....as he pulled his gun....it was shown quite a bit in the days and weeks after Charlottesville. Weren't you paying attention?

I generally don't click on video links.

So, fired into the ground. In a crowd. Certainly dangerous. 10 years?

Seems a little harsh, but considering he is ACTUALLY a real actual klansman, he likely has a record.

I don't think it's the least bit harsh. Even firing at the ground around a crowd of people is an unacceptable level of reckless endangerment.
And next up is sentencing. Up to ten years.

A White Supremacist Was Found Guilty Of Firing A Gun At The Unite The Right Rally In Charlottesville

I’m sure this is a travesty according to some who post here. I’ll even bet they will be along shortly complaining how unfair it is that the white guy goes to prison for this.

In a mob scene? How did he miss? Was he firing in the air? Why is this the first we are hearing of this?
Yep, an immediate defense of the monster from a Trump sheep

You might wanna look up the word "defense" in the dictionary, because it doesn't mean what you apparently think it does.
He must be a crappy shot. If I had been the judge, I would have sentenced him to 200 hours of range time.

I don't imagine we actually want the likes of this shithead being BETTER at being a danger to those around him. I think I like him at his current level of incompetence.
And next up is sentencing. Up to ten years.

A White Supremacist Was Found Guilty Of Firing A Gun At The Unite The Right Rally In Charlottesville

I’m sure this is a travesty according to some who post here. I’ll even bet they will be along shortly complaining how unfair it is that the white guy goes to prison for this.

In a mob scene? How did he miss? Was he firing in the air? Why is this the first we are hearing of this?
Yep, an immediate defense of the monster from a Trump sheep

I asked a couple of questions. I hear about a Klansmen firing a gun at a riot, and my first question is, who did he shot and is the person dead.

The OP, by not mentioning a shooting victim, answered that, so I moved on to the next obvious questions.

I want to see justice done. I do not want to see someone who did not kill anyone, or even wound anyone, doing more time than the murderers he will be in prison with.

Yeah, I don't see the solution to that being lowering the sentence for anyone. I'm a big fan of murderers never breathing free air again, myself.
Oh, he must be a Trump supporter.

Yep. He must be.


In any event, this is most certainly not the worst of his crimes. It is the kkk after all. True that they're reeeel brave right up until they get caught but they're also brave after dark, when no one is looking.

Human garbage.
Curious... do you think all Trump supporters are like this guy?

That's not what you said.

Most, likely all, of this guy are trump fans.

Because trump is this guy.

Phony christian, phony patriot, kkk, nazi, alt right, fascist.

I voted for Trump. I’ve said so many times here. I’ve also posted in opposition to racism many many times. I’d rather have a quart of hot mustard shot up my nose than spend ten minutes with any KKK member. I am much more likely to go to help my neighbors who are having trouble with the Klan.

Now by that token, I would not have gone to Charlottesville for anything. Both sides went looking for trouble. Both sides went looking for a fight. I detest the Klan, but they have a constitutional right to make a complete ass of themselves. It doesn’t mean I have to listen, or show up and shout them down. I can dodge folly without backing into fear. You really want to make a statement when you feel compelled to show up? Laugh at them.

My feeling is that the Klan has been utterly marginalized, and rightfully so. Counter-protesting them or in any way treating them as though they are meaningful or worthy of notice, let alone active opposition, is to lend them far more importance and status than they deserve. We've worked long and hard in this country to get such people to the point where they're viewed as a contemptible joke. Let's not undo all that effort now.
Oh, he must be a Trump supporter.

Yep. He must be.


In any event, this is most certainly not the worst of his crimes. It is the kkk after all. True that they're reeeel brave right up until they get caught but they're also brave after dark, when no one is looking.

Human garbage.
Curious... do you think all Trump supporters are like this guy?
How many RWNJs post something about antics or BLM and immediately link them to Democrats or Liberals? We've seen that for years!

The RWNJ chickens are coming home to roost.

Oh yeah, painting all of the right-wing with the broad brush of a cherry-picked group of isolated weirdos is some new thing the left has JUST started doing, and it's only because they're so pathetic and need to defend their helpless selves against attack.

Whatever's in your pill bottle, dude, get the doctor to prescribe something else.
And next up is sentencing. Up to ten years.

A White Supremacist Was Found Guilty Of Firing A Gun At The Unite The Right Rally In Charlottesville

I’m sure this is a travesty according to some who post here. I’ll even bet they will be along shortly complaining how unfair it is that the white guy goes to prison for this.

In a mob scene? How did he miss? Was he firing in the air? Why is this the first we are hearing of this?
Yep, an immediate defense of the monster from a Trump sheep

I asked a couple of questions. I hear about a Klansmen firing a gun at a riot, and my first question is, who did he shot and is the person dead.

The OP, by not mentioning a shooting victim, answered that, so I moved on to the next obvious questions.

I want to see justice done. I do not want to see someone who did not kill anyone, or even wound anyone, doing more time than the murderers he will be in prison with.

Yeah, I don't see the solution to that being lowering the sentence for anyone. I'm a big fan of murderers never breathing free air again, myself.

I actually, think we should get a lot more use of the Death Penalty, but the never breathing free air again is a pretty good back up plan.

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