KMart and Walmart selling camera drones under 100.00


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Lord, have mercy on the poor next year....cause in my neck of the woods, I can see these damned things flying all over the fuckin place and fights breaking out.....what the hell is this????

The poor may not can aford rent or paying their utilties on time, but they can show buy their poor ass kids all the latest technical shit.
Lord, have mercy on the poor next year....cause in my neck of the woods, I can see these damned things flying all over the fuckin place and fights breaking out.....what the hell is this????

The poor may not can aford rent or paying their utilties on time, but they can show buy their poor ass kids all the latest technical shit.

Yep, they come when we feed the less fortunate wearing Nike shoes, and clothing, talking on Iphones, getting out of SUVs....but eating free food. It's about to come to a screeching halt
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Lord, have mercy on the poor next year....cause in my neck of the woods, I can see these damned things flying all over the fuckin place and fights breaking out.....what the hell is this????

The poor may not can aford rent or paying their utilties on time, but they can show buy their poor ass kids all the latest technical shit.

Yep, they come when we feed the less fortunate wearing Nike shoes, and clothing, talking on Iphones, getting out of SUVs....but eating free food. It's about to come to a screeching halt

Girl, this coming to a screeching halt, better come with jobs your party and all parties keep harping on, else the working class of this nation will once again foot the damn bill for the poor, through robberies, violence and torn neighborhoods. Oh and to a neighborhood close to people like you!!
Lord, have mercy on the poor next year....cause in my neck of the woods, I can see these damned things flying all over the fuckin place and fights breaking out.....what the hell is this????

The poor may not can aford rent or paying their utilties on time, but they can show buy their poor ass kids all the latest technical shit.

Yep, they come when we feed the less fortunate wearing Nike shoes, and clothing, talking on Iphones, getting out of SUVs....but eating free food. It's about to come to a screeching halt

Girl, this coming to a screeching halt, better come with jobs your party and all parties keep harping on, else the working class of this nation will once again foot the damn bill for the poor, through robberies, violence and torn neighborhoods. Oh and to a neighborhood close to people like you!!

Nope, if they can afford IPhones, Nike wear and SUVs they can afford food. It's over, we've already discussed it in meetings. Our budget is razor thin and we intend to help those that really need it.
Lord, have mercy on the poor next year....cause in my neck of the woods, I can see these damned things flying all over the fuckin place and fights breaking out.....what the hell is this????

The poor may not can aford rent or paying their utilties on time, but they can show buy their poor ass kids all the latest technical shit.

Yep, they come when we feed the less fortunate wearing Nike shoes, and clothing, talking on Iphones, getting out of SUVs....but eating free food. It's about to come to a screeching halt

Girl, this coming to a screeching halt, better come with jobs your party and all parties keep harping on, else the working class of this nation will once again foot the damn bill for the poor, through robberies, violence and torn neighborhoods. Oh and to a neighborhood close to people like you!!

That didn't even make any sense. Do you think a political party can create jobs? Really? If they could, we'd have jobs running out our asses every election period!

Jobs are created when the market demands it. Certain policies can help or hinder that but nothing can create jobs except for capitalists who have a need to create jobs.

The so-called "working class" are going to foot the bill no matter what... how else does the bill get paid? Robberies, violence and torn neighborhoods are at an all-time high since Obama was elected. It's already in our neighborhoods.. all around us.
I understand what you are saying, and agree to a certain point, but if you don't think govt-fed, state, and local, don't help to make or break it for job creation, you need to visit your local govt office and ask to see their list of regulations for certain industries, then look them up for the state, and then visit the fed website of regulations. Get back to me in a few months when you have finished going thru them. You might also need a lawyer to help you interpret them. And then visit each tax office and start all over again. Then tell me govt can't help or hinder job creation. I'll be waiting. See you in a few months, if we're lucky.
Lord, have mercy on the poor next year....cause in my neck of the woods, I can see these damned things flying all over the fuckin place and fights breaking out.....what the hell is this????

The poor may not can aford rent or paying their utilties on time, but they can show buy their poor ass kids all the latest technical shit.

Yep, they come when we feed the less fortunate wearing Nike shoes, and clothing, talking on Iphones, getting out of SUVs....but eating free food. It's about to come to a screeching halt

Girl, this coming to a screeching halt, better come with jobs your party and all parties keep harping on, else the working class of this nation will once again foot the damn bill for the poor, through robberies, violence and torn neighborhoods. Oh and to a neighborhood close to people like you!!

That didn't even make any sense. Do you think a political party can create jobs? Really? If they could, we'd have jobs running out our asses every election period!

Jobs are created when the market demands it. Certain policies can help or hinder that but nothing can create jobs except for capitalists who have a need to create jobs.

The so-called "working class" are going to foot the bill no matter what... how else does the bill get paid? Robberies, violence and torn neighborhoods are at an all-time high since Obama was elected. It's already in our neighborhoods.. all around us.
Lord, have mercy on the poor next year....cause in my neck of the woods, I can see these damned things flying all over the fuckin place and fights breaking out.....what the hell is this????

The poor may not can aford rent or paying their utilties on time, but they can show buy their poor ass kids all the latest technical shit.

Yep, they come when we feed the less fortunate wearing Nike shoes, and clothing, talking on Iphones, getting out of SUVs....but eating free food. It's about to come to a screeching halt

Girl, this coming to a screeching halt, better come with jobs your party and all parties keep harping on, else the working class of this nation will once again foot the damn bill for the poor, through robberies, violence and torn neighborhoods. Oh and to a neighborhood close to people like you!!
Ahh bullshit.
If offered a good paying job at above the market wage, they'd still decline the work.
For the last 70 years we've tried the method of throwing money at the problem of poverty. Trillions of dollars. It hasn't worked.
The definition of insanity is somewhere in here.
i thought this was about cheap drones....the cheapest i have seen so far...49.99 or 50 bucks as grumpy would say....thankfully their range and air time is as low as their price...i am wondering how drones will be handled in the next few laws are gonna be passed or changed due to you have the right to shot one down if its in your 'air space'? i say hell yes...but that is just me...a friend does a commercial drone set up...his drone was about 3k....they are great for some media uses...real estate ads...etc..that is fine..but what about peeking? should the law be able to peek in my window? i dont think so...but i dont think bubba should either...and then people with livestock ....if a drone is troubling livestock what happens then? if my dog kills your cow....i owe you 3x what your damn dead cow was worth....if a drone spooks a cow or horse..and causes it to kill itself....o yes they do that....amazingly enough a spooked horse is a scarey thing...running into fences etc...

drones need to be traceable to stop them from flying close to airplanes and the like....
A friend of mine had a neighbor who was flying a drone over his backyard while his daughter was sunbathing and he shot it down. The police came and took him to jail. Apparently, you can't just shoot them down if they are flying over your property. I think that is wrong but the Po-po said that's the law.
but what was the end outcome of that.....they take a lot of people to jail just to let them out within the hour.....did the charges hold?
These laws will take many forms as drone technology develops and drones become more common. For example, many states already fine or imprison individuals “for filming or audio recording at a farm without the owner’s consent.”

The Oklahoma legislature is considering a bill that would authorize homeowners to shoot down drones. Residents of Deer Trail, Colorado decided against issuing hunting licenses to townspeople wishing to shoot down drones in their local airspace.

Ultimately, the Federal Aviation Administration has responsibility “for all civil airspace, including that above cities and towns,” and “is working to ensure the safe integration of unmanned aircraft.”

In Washington, Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-California, spoke about drones, urging “regulation of size and type for private use,” “certification” and “specific regulation on the kinds of uses it can be put to.”

But the 2012 FAA Modernization and Reform Act already restricts private drone use to hobby or recreational purposes within the operator’s visual line of sight. The FAA also issued a policy statement entitled “Education, Compliance, and Enforcement of Unauthorized Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operators,” effective August 4.

Clearly, the sky will fill with regulations before it fills with drones. In the meantime, these laws should not over-criminalize the issue by treating those who engage in reasonable self-defense on their own property as criminals.

long article but interesting...addressing the father shooting down the drone...but more importantly the upcoming fight between the rights of landowners, the right to privacy and the right to fly a drone...
but what was the end outcome of that.....they take a lot of people to jail just to let them out within the hour.....did the charges hold?

I think he had to pay the guy for his drone. I can't recall what the charges were, I think it had to do with discharging a firearm inside the city limits or maybe destruction of property? I'm not really sure, I was just surprised that there wasn't apparently any law against the peeping tom drone.
Airspace is weird, it's not like ya'll are thinking with set heights and shit so much as "columns" of varied heights and widths around certain structures. The only airspace that is done like "over x height" is Class A I believe. The others are strange; like uhm, I believe it's Class C airspace, around a busy airport with a tower, their airspace column is staggered, gets wider as you go up centered on the tower (to allow for take-offs and landings right) But then like a small airplane airport or even a lake (really common up here) are classified as Class G, well Class G is the generic from like 0 to 5,000 feet if I recall. It's basically what all the general airspace is /unless/ you're in another class... (yea it's that fucked up lol) So say you've got an airport with a tower that's Class C or w/e, it's got basically an upside down pyramid going into the sky from the tower as it's airspace, and everything on the sides of their upside down pyramid is Class G.

Then, just to ensure its a mess, there's also a separate classification regarding what kind of on-board equipment the craft has, user/pilot certification requirements, and visibility during the day and night one needs to fly in each class of airspace, as well as needing clearance from the air tower to be in certain classes airspace, but not others, and yadda yadda yadda.
And I thought I was cool with my electric RC plane I can recharge in any auto.

Those drone hooligans must be stopped! (good luck with that)
how hard would it be stop them in reality.....make drone manufacturers put in an attitude governor...that will stop the airplane crap...the peeping crap and businesses wanting to use them for delivery will be harder....the latter would call for a customer boycott and that is not likely if the customer saves time etc and so forth....i mean i complain about amazon prime and the delays i am getting during this season....we want it now..period
I imagine the government solution would be some form of a certificate regulation so that only certain folks could use them in populated areas or w/e.

EDIT; Although uhm peeping toms are maybe a bit of a thing of the past with all the porn on the internet lol

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