Know why Rush Limbaugh's apology has FAILED?


Jan 11, 2012
Because it didn't pass the MOM test.

The MOM test is this...

If you had said what Rush said, to one of your siblings, would you have been able to say, "I'm sorry....I was like you and I'm not like you" and have your MOM NOT smack you upside the head and tell you, "APOLOGIZE RIGHT....MEAN IT!"

Everyone knows why Rush "apologized"...he was shedding sponsors.
The problem is, that he cannot just come out and say, he was wrong. No, he has to parse it in some sort of fashion so he can BLAME someone else.
CONZ never take responsibility for their own actions. Never. Not for Iraq. Not for wrecking the economy. Nothing. The right has been ascendant for the last 30 years and they've just about tanked the country.
When I saw the question being asked on national television about income disparity, I knew the pendulum had started to swing back.

Even as "entertainment" its painfully dull.
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Because you are refusing to accept it and get back on the issues since it's too inconvenient to you politically to do so?
Another Limbaugh thread. He's really gotten you all pretty damned butt hurt, hasn't he?
Great job, Rush!

goddam librul USMB software said:
You must spread some Reputation around before hammering Decepticon again.
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Because it didn't pass the MOM test.

The MOM test is this...

If you had said what Rush said, to one of your siblings, would you have been able to say, "I'm sorry....I was like you and I'm not like you" and have your MOM NOT smack you upside the head and tell you, "APOLOGIZE RIGHT....MEAN IT!"

Everyone knows why Rush "apologized"...he was shedding sponsors.
The problem is, that he cannot just come out and say, he was wrong. No, he has to parse it in some sort of fashion so he can BLAME someone else.
CONZ never take responsibility for their own actions. Never. Not for Iraq. Not for wrecking the economy. Nothing. The right has been ascendant for the last 30 years and they've just about tanked the country.
When I saw the question being asked on national television about income disparity, I knew the pendulum had started to swing back.

Even as "entertainment" its painfully dull.
Who cares?
Do you know why the U.S. Economy has failed?
Because you are refusing to accept it and get back on the issues since it's too inconvenient to you politically to do so?
His audience is large, and has been in the past for two decades a media hound. Note the former head of the Republican party apologized to HIM.
Deception is the most loyal, dependable and quickest Obama Fluller on USMB. Just watch him.
Another Limbaugh thread. He's really gotten you all pretty damned butt hurt, hasn't he?
Great job, Rush!

goddam librul USMB software said:
You must spread some Reputation around before hammering Decepticon again.

Speaking of JOBS how many has America lost since obama has been president?
Speaking of JOBS how many has America lost since obama has been president?


Better question; just what is it that the person you support has proposed to do to create jobs?
And more tax cuts for the ultra wealthy is not an idea, that is just more government handouts to the rich.

If only the Repubs had ONE success they could point to from the Bush years. Just one, maybe someone would believe they even have an idea. Beyond more tax cuts for the rich.
Why does a 30 year old woman, who pays $30k a semester for law school need to have free contraception?

This country is insane!
Another Limbaugh thread. He's really gotten you all pretty damned butt hurt, hasn't he?
Great job, Rush!

Speaking of JOBS how many has America lost since obama has been president?

Osama saved GM
GM just laid off 1300 workers why couldn't they transfer those workers to other departments if GM was doing so good? OH that's right those workers would have to move to the new plant in Mexico and make less money.
Speaking of JOBS how many has America lost since obama has been president?


Better question; just what is it that the person you support has proposed to do to create jobs?
And more tax cuts for the ultra wealthy is not an idea, that is just more government handouts to the rich.

If only the Repubs had ONE success they could point to from the Bush years. Just one, maybe someone would believe they even have an idea. Beyond more tax cuts for the rich.

Are you smart enough to understand that letting someone keep more of the money that THEY EARN is not a handout?
Speaking of JOBS how many has America lost since obama has been president?


Better question; just what is it that the person you support has proposed to do to create jobs?
And more tax cuts for the ultra wealthy is not an idea, that is just more government handouts to the rich.

If only the Repubs had ONE success they could point to from the Bush years. Just one, maybe someone would believe they even have an idea. Beyond more tax cuts for the rich.

obama has had three years what has he offered?
Apologies are a waste of time. Why bother? Nobody ever really accepts an apology. And, when soneone does apologize it is never good enough, in the right way, repentent enough or any of that. Nowadays, you should never bother to apologize because it doesn't help anything anyway. Like when Tiger Woods apologized. First, he didn't "owe" anyone an apology except his wife. I am curious about nebnose people who think someone "owes" them an apology. I find that truly bizarre. And, even when he did apologize, there was pissing and moaning that it wasn't good enough anyway so he should have told everyone to F off and mind their own business.
Another Limbaugh thread. He's really gotten you all pretty damned butt hurt, hasn't he?
Great job, Rush!

goddam librul USMB software said:
You must spread some Reputation around before hammering Decepticon again.

Speaking of JOBS how many has America lost since obama has been president?

Hard to tell really, but the way they report employment makes you wonder. When you are taken off the unemployment stats when your 99 weeks is up, I'd say the books are cooked.
When 315,000 American having lost their jobs is seen as an improvement over 350,000 the week before is touted as a good thing by the press, people should be looking for other leadership AND media.
Another Limbaugh thread. He's really gotten you all pretty damned butt hurt, hasn't he?
Great job, Rush!

Speaking of JOBS how many has America lost since obama has been president?

Hard to tell really, but the way they report employment makes you wonder. When you are taken off the unemployment stats when your 99 weeks is up, I'd say the books are cooked.
When 315,000 American having lost their jobs is seen as an improvement over 350,000 the week before is touted as a good thing by the press, people should be looking for other leadership AND media.
I agree

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