Know Why The Democrats Always Stand With Criminals?

PC, Trump's entire organization is under criminal investigation, you are awake? Get your head out of the Trump cult and you may feel better. Good luck.

It's called projection, distraction, and the elephant in the room is an ongoing witch hunt for political appearances.

You might have an avatar who looks smart, but it's common for PROGS to declare one while acting another.
....'cause they identify with 'em.

1. "59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP senators demand answers from DOJ

59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP ... ā€ŗ government ā€ŗ federal-agencies

59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP senators demand answers from DOJ. Senators Grassley and Johnson want to know, among things, what the Justice Department has done to recover missing phones and whether phones were reviewed ... News, Not Noise ... Just the News Spotlight ...

2. The illegal aliens that the Democrats invited and enticed into the country are, by definition, criminals....just like the Democrats.
So it's kind of 'family reconsolidation.'

3. The Clintons had to give back most of the silverware and dinnerware they stole last time..

... Bill's wife must believe she should have the opportunity to complete her collection?????

"After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount.

Their latest decision to send back $28,000 in gifts brings to $114,000 the value of items the Clintons have either decided to pay for or return."
Clintons Return White House Furniture

4. Democrats encouraged, fueled, protected the riots and riotersā€¦..they paid their bonds, refused to prosecute them, and patted them on the backā€¦ā€™the riots shouldnā€™t stop!ā€™

If you voted for them, you voted for arson, looting, anarko-terrorism.....and lawlessness.

Speaking of crossing the this case between savagery and civilization:

ā€œTime Mag told us that during the 2020 riots, there were weekly conference calls involving, among others, leaders of the protests, the local officials who refused to stop them, and media people who framed them for political effect. In Ukraine we call that a color revolution.
Tucker Carlson Reads Twitter Thread On Why Trump Voters Distrust Media, Believe 2020 Election Was Rigged

5. Just Democrats being Democrats.
Wasn't Mueller appointed by Rosenstein in 2017? Which would mean that the orange douche-bag who was in power bears responsibility, no?

So, the better question for this thread would be: Are there any RepNublicans who are not criminals?

Watch how deftly I prove you a total moron:

Adults, sentient individuals, vote for policies, not persons.

Can you name the Trump policies you voted against?
Can you name the Biden policies you voted for?

Next time, take your shoe off before you insert it in your mouth.
Watch how I expose a trumptard.

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Hence my Question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

Now that we've proven that you vote as ordered by your masters, with no understanding of the issues, let me remind you what you voted for:

Let's cut to the chase, and prove you just as irrational and ignorant as I suggest:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

What would the Democrat Party do without simpletons like you?
Now that you have proven you are a trumptard and your whole thread is an ass-wipe, let's move on to other questions.

How many of Rump's associates have been either:

a) Under Investigations?
b) Under Indictments?
c) In Prison?

So, back to the main question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

Never fails.

The truth gets under the Democrat voter's scales, and vulgarity follows.
Yup, never fails. When trumptards are faced with facts, they run away. LOLWa

I provided ignored them.

It's you Democrats who have broken laws...including stealing the election....but you have corrupted the agencies that were supposed to uphold the laws.

The 'legal agencies' have become nothing more than Democrats with badges.

They represent neither justice, nor America.

1.Obama appointed Inspector General found widespread misconduct in the Justice Department

ā€œThe long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

Michael Horowitz is an Obama appointee who started this review long agoā€¦. First, Horowitz writes, FBI officials involved in the case sent each other messages on their FBI devices ā€œthat created the appearanceā€ of political bias. Here he particularly criticizes FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok for texting his co-worker and lover, Lisa Page, that ā€œweā€™ll stopā€ Trump from winning the election.

ā€¦ he says he ā€œdid not have confidenceā€ that Strzokā€™s decision in the campaignā€™s final month to prioritize the Trump campaign/Russia probe over new Clinton emails on Anthony Weinerā€™s laptop ā€œwas free from bias.ā€ He writes that Strzok and other FBI employees ā€œbrought discredit to themselvesā€ and hurt the bureauā€™s reputation.

Second, Horowitz sharply criticizes then-FBI director James Comey for his public statements about the Clinton email case ā€” ā€¦ā€ The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

2. Andrew McCabe lied

3. Peter Strzok lied.

4. Justice Department lawyer Kevin Clinesmith got away with altering documents to lie about Carter Page not being an asset of the United States, working with the CIA, but the very opposite. The altered document allowed the Deep State to surveil Trump and associates.

5. They altered a document on General Flynn.

6. Comey et al lied to the FISA court to get warrants spy on officials.

7. They hid the fact that the dossier was simply Hillaryā€™s attempt to sink Trump, and they used it as though was accurate and verifiable.

8. The paid a foreign agent who was simply a communist who brought the dossier from Putin and the Kremlin to end Trumpā€™s candidacy.

And any who are actually fired for their corruption, they ease into cushy gigs at CNN and MSNBC, because they have already been proven to be adept liarsā€¦..just what state media is looking for.

9. And now John Durham and the investigationā€¦.cut off at the knees. The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

10. James Comey lying to the FISA court about Hillary Clinton opposition research that came from the Kremlin via a British communist spy, disinformationā€¦.and Comey fed it into the political bloodstream by leaking it through his law school buddy, to the NYTimes, ā€¦.with no consequences for anyone because they are not Trump supporters.

Any lie that serves the Democrat Party interests is acceptable to the Third World Deep State.

So, there are two levels of justiceā€¦.one for Americans, the other one for the in-crowd, the Establishment, the Deep State, the Bureaucracyā€¦..the Democrats and their stooges.
Typical trumptard. Starts a thread but when faced with facts attempts to evade. Here is a tip, sweetheart. Unlike trumptards, I know how to read. So, just because you do a cut/paste, you will not be able to wiggle out.

You started the thread by claiming Dems were somehow responsible for Mueller's phone theft? So, here is my question:

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Hence my Question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

I will keep asking these questions till you answer them. I have a feeling that as a trumptard, you won't. But, surprise me.

What I have shown is that Democrats are criminals, and that they have co-opted the agencies that are supposed to restrain criminality.

Instead.....they only target Republicans.....
General Flynn

Roger Stone

Scooter Libby

Papadopolous, Page, .......Trump

Dinesh D'souza.....

Any charges or investigations of Julie Swetnick ???? Blasey Ford????Kevin Clinesmith?????

How about this:
Clapper lied when asked, under oath, by Senator Ron Wyden (Oregon-Democrat) " On March 12, at a hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Wyden asked Clapper: ā€œDoes the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?ā€ Clapper responded: ā€œNo, sir.ā€ When Wyden followed up by asking, ā€œIt does not?ā€ Clapper said: ā€œNot wittingly. There are cases where they could, inadvertently perhaps, collectā€”but not wittingly.ā€ Clapper did not specify at the time that he was referring to e-mail." James Clapper's Tip for Avoiding Lies: Don't Do Talking Points | emptywheel

How about this?

Sen. Paul: Fauci Lied Under Oath on Gain of Function ...

Sen. Paul: Fauci Lied Under Oath on Gain of Function Research in Wuhan
During his appearance Tuesday on the Real America's Voice program " The Water Cooler," Paul was asked if he thought Fauci "perjured himself" before a recent Senate committee hearing on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. Paul's answer was unequivocal: "Absolutely. He lied to the American people."

Criminality pays off: The 'big guy' got 10% of all of Hunter's selling access.

Quid Pro Joe.....the guy you voted for because he also believes in equity, socialism, sharing the wealth of the nation.......




In His Own Words, Joe Biden Was ā€˜Seduced by Real Estateā€™
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, who was ranked the least wealthy senator in 2007, had a long history of buying homes he could barely afford. ā€œEven as a kid in high school, Iā€™d been seduced by real estate,ā€ he once wrote.
Three things for sure about the chosen minority
1.A job is too hard and unfair
2.Obtaining identification is too hard and unfair
3. Being a law abiding citizen is too hard and unfair
....'cause they identify with 'em.

1. "59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP senators demand answers from DOJ

59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP ... ā€ŗ government ā€ŗ federal-agencies

59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP senators demand answers from DOJ. Senators Grassley and Johnson want to know, among things, what the Justice Department has done to recover missing phones and whether phones were reviewed ... News, Not Noise ... Just the News Spotlight ...

2. The illegal aliens that the Democrats invited and enticed into the country are, by definition, criminals....just like the Democrats.
So it's kind of 'family reconsolidation.'

3. The Clintons had to give back most of the silverware and dinnerware they stole last time..

... Bill's wife must believe she should have the opportunity to complete her collection?????

"After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount.

Their latest decision to send back $28,000 in gifts brings to $114,000 the value of items the Clintons have either decided to pay for or return."
Clintons Return White House Furniture

4. Democrats encouraged, fueled, protected the riots and riotersā€¦..they paid their bonds, refused to prosecute them, and patted them on the backā€¦ā€™the riots shouldnā€™t stop!ā€™

If you voted for them, you voted for arson, looting, anarko-terrorism.....and lawlessness.

Speaking of crossing the this case between savagery and civilization:

ā€œTime Mag told us that during the 2020 riots, there were weekly conference calls involving, among others, leaders of the protests, the local officials who refused to stop them, and media people who framed them for political effect. In Ukraine we call that a color revolution.
Tucker Carlson Reads Twitter Thread On Why Trump Voters Distrust Media, Believe 2020 Election Was Rigged

5. Just Democrats being Democrats.
Wasn't Mueller appointed by Rosenstein in 2017? Which would mean that the orange douche-bag who was in power bears responsibility, no?

So, the better question for this thread would be: Are there any RepNublicans who are not criminals?

Watch how deftly I prove you a total moron:

Adults, sentient individuals, vote for policies, not persons.

Can you name the Trump policies you voted against?
Can you name the Biden policies you voted for?

Next time, take your shoe off before you insert it in your mouth.
Watch how I expose a trumptard.

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Hence my Question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

Now that we've proven that you vote as ordered by your masters, with no understanding of the issues, let me remind you what you voted for:

Let's cut to the chase, and prove you just as irrational and ignorant as I suggest:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

What would the Democrat Party do without simpletons like you?
Now that you have proven you are a trumptard and your whole thread is an ass-wipe, let's move on to other questions.

How many of Rump's associates have been either:

a) Under Investigations?
b) Under Indictments?
c) In Prison?

So, back to the main question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

Never fails.

The truth gets under the Democrat voter's scales, and vulgarity follows.
Yup, never fails. When trumptards are faced with facts, they run away. LOLWa

I provided ignored them.

It's you Democrats who have broken laws...including stealing the election....but you have corrupted the agencies that were supposed to uphold the laws.

The 'legal agencies' have become nothing more than Democrats with badges.

They represent neither justice, nor America.

1.Obama appointed Inspector General found widespread misconduct in the Justice Department

ā€œThe long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

Michael Horowitz is an Obama appointee who started this review long agoā€¦. First, Horowitz writes, FBI officials involved in the case sent each other messages on their FBI devices ā€œthat created the appearanceā€ of political bias. Here he particularly criticizes FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok for texting his co-worker and lover, Lisa Page, that ā€œweā€™ll stopā€ Trump from winning the election.

ā€¦ he says he ā€œdid not have confidenceā€ that Strzokā€™s decision in the campaignā€™s final month to prioritize the Trump campaign/Russia probe over new Clinton emails on Anthony Weinerā€™s laptop ā€œwas free from bias.ā€ He writes that Strzok and other FBI employees ā€œbrought discredit to themselvesā€ and hurt the bureauā€™s reputation.

Second, Horowitz sharply criticizes then-FBI director James Comey for his public statements about the Clinton email case ā€” ā€¦ā€ The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

2. Andrew McCabe lied

3. Peter Strzok lied.

4. Justice Department lawyer Kevin Clinesmith got away with altering documents to lie about Carter Page not being an asset of the United States, working with the CIA, but the very opposite. The altered document allowed the Deep State to surveil Trump and associates.

5. They altered a document on General Flynn.

6. Comey et al lied to the FISA court to get warrants spy on officials.

7. They hid the fact that the dossier was simply Hillaryā€™s attempt to sink Trump, and they used it as though was accurate and verifiable.

8. The paid a foreign agent who was simply a communist who brought the dossier from Putin and the Kremlin to end Trumpā€™s candidacy.

And any who are actually fired for their corruption, they ease into cushy gigs at CNN and MSNBC, because they have already been proven to be adept liarsā€¦..just what state media is looking for.

9. And now John Durham and the investigationā€¦.cut off at the knees. The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

10. James Comey lying to the FISA court about Hillary Clinton opposition research that came from the Kremlin via a British communist spy, disinformationā€¦.and Comey fed it into the political bloodstream by leaking it through his law school buddy, to the NYTimes, ā€¦.with no consequences for anyone because they are not Trump supporters.

Any lie that serves the Democrat Party interests is acceptable to the Third World Deep State.

So, there are two levels of justiceā€¦.one for Americans, the other one for the in-crowd, the Establishment, the Deep State, the Bureaucracyā€¦..the Democrats and their stooges.
Typical trumptard. Starts a thread but when faced with facts attempts to evade. Here is a tip, sweetheart. Unlike trumptards, I know how to read. So, just because you do a cut/paste, you will not be able to wiggle out.

You started the thread by claiming Dems were somehow responsible for Mueller's phone theft? So, here is my question:

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Hence my Question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

I will keep asking these questions till you answer them. I have a feeling that as a trumptard, you won't. But, surprise me.

What I have shown is that Democrats are criminals, and that they have co-opted the agencies that are supposed to restrain criminality.

Instead.....they only target Republicans.....
General Flynn

Roger Stone

Scooter Libby

Papadopolous, Page, .......Trump

Dinesh D'souza.....

Any charges or investigations of Julie Swetnick ???? Blasey Ford????Kevin Clinesmith?????

How about this:
Clapper lied when asked, under oath, by Senator Ron Wyden (Oregon-Democrat) " On March 12, at a hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Wyden asked Clapper: ā€œDoes the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?ā€ Clapper responded: ā€œNo, sir.ā€ When Wyden followed up by asking, ā€œIt does not?ā€ Clapper said: ā€œNot wittingly. There are cases where they could, inadvertently perhaps, collectā€”but not wittingly.ā€ Clapper did not specify at the time that he was referring to e-mail." James Clapper's Tip for Avoiding Lies: Don't Do Talking Points | emptywheel

How about this?

Sen. Paul: Fauci Lied Under Oath on Gain of Function ...

Sen. Paul: Fauci Lied Under Oath on Gain of Function Research in Wuhan
During his appearance Tuesday on the Real America's Voice program " The Water Cooler," Paul was asked if he thought Fauci "perjured himself" before a recent Senate committee hearing on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. Paul's answer was unequivocal: "Absolutely. He lied to the American people."
Still gibberish. This is the reason I love challenging trumptards. They cannot respond to facts. All they can fall back on are their right-wing nut talking points. :auiqs.jpg:

Sorry, sweetheart. You are not getting off that easy. You started this thread. You have to answer these questions:

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Come on trumptard. Show us that smartness you were bragging about. These are simple questions and even trumptard like you should be able to answer them. Unless you are a coward. Are you a coward?

....'cause they identify with 'em.

1. "59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP senators demand answers from DOJ

59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP ... ā€ŗ government ā€ŗ federal-agencies

59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP senators demand answers from DOJ. Senators Grassley and Johnson want to know, among things, what the Justice Department has done to recover missing phones and whether phones were reviewed ... News, Not Noise ... Just the News Spotlight ...

2. The illegal aliens that the Democrats invited and enticed into the country are, by definition, criminals....just like the Democrats.
So it's kind of 'family reconsolidation.'

3. The Clintons had to give back most of the silverware and dinnerware they stole last time..

... Bill's wife must believe she should have the opportunity to complete her collection?????

"After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount.

Their latest decision to send back $28,000 in gifts brings to $114,000 the value of items the Clintons have either decided to pay for or return."
Clintons Return White House Furniture

4. Democrats encouraged, fueled, protected the riots and riotersā€¦..they paid their bonds, refused to prosecute them, and patted them on the backā€¦ā€™the riots shouldnā€™t stop!ā€™

If you voted for them, you voted for arson, looting, anarko-terrorism.....and lawlessness.

Speaking of crossing the this case between savagery and civilization:

ā€œTime Mag told us that during the 2020 riots, there were weekly conference calls involving, among others, leaders of the protests, the local officials who refused to stop them, and media people who framed them for political effect. In Ukraine we call that a color revolution.
Tucker Carlson Reads Twitter Thread On Why Trump Voters Distrust Media, Believe 2020 Election Was Rigged

5. Just Democrats being Democrats.
Wasn't Mueller appointed by Rosenstein in 2017? Which would mean that the orange douche-bag who was in power bears responsibility, no?

So, the better question for this thread would be: Are there any RepNublicans who are not criminals?

Watch how deftly I prove you a total moron:

Adults, sentient individuals, vote for policies, not persons.

Can you name the Trump policies you voted against?
Can you name the Biden policies you voted for?

Next time, take your shoe off before you insert it in your mouth.
Watch how I expose a trumptard.

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Hence my Question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

Now that we've proven that you vote as ordered by your masters, with no understanding of the issues, let me remind you what you voted for:

Let's cut to the chase, and prove you just as irrational and ignorant as I suggest:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

What would the Democrat Party do without simpletons like you?
Now that you have proven you are a trumptard and your whole thread is an ass-wipe, let's move on to other questions.

How many of Rump's associates have been either:

a) Under Investigations?
b) Under Indictments?
c) In Prison?

So, back to the main question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

Never fails.

The truth gets under the Democrat voter's scales, and vulgarity follows.
Yup, never fails. When trumptards are faced with facts, they run away. LOLWa

I provided ignored them.

It's you Democrats who have broken laws...including stealing the election....but you have corrupted the agencies that were supposed to uphold the laws.

The 'legal agencies' have become nothing more than Democrats with badges.

They represent neither justice, nor America.

1.Obama appointed Inspector General found widespread misconduct in the Justice Department

ā€œThe long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

Michael Horowitz is an Obama appointee who started this review long agoā€¦. First, Horowitz writes, FBI officials involved in the case sent each other messages on their FBI devices ā€œthat created the appearanceā€ of political bias. Here he particularly criticizes FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok for texting his co-worker and lover, Lisa Page, that ā€œweā€™ll stopā€ Trump from winning the election.

ā€¦ he says he ā€œdid not have confidenceā€ that Strzokā€™s decision in the campaignā€™s final month to prioritize the Trump campaign/Russia probe over new Clinton emails on Anthony Weinerā€™s laptop ā€œwas free from bias.ā€ He writes that Strzok and other FBI employees ā€œbrought discredit to themselvesā€ and hurt the bureauā€™s reputation.

Second, Horowitz sharply criticizes then-FBI director James Comey for his public statements about the Clinton email case ā€” ā€¦ā€ The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

2. Andrew McCabe lied

3. Peter Strzok lied.

4. Justice Department lawyer Kevin Clinesmith got away with altering documents to lie about Carter Page not being an asset of the United States, working with the CIA, but the very opposite. The altered document allowed the Deep State to surveil Trump and associates.

5. They altered a document on General Flynn.

6. Comey et al lied to the FISA court to get warrants spy on officials.

7. They hid the fact that the dossier was simply Hillaryā€™s attempt to sink Trump, and they used it as though was accurate and verifiable.

8. The paid a foreign agent who was simply a communist who brought the dossier from Putin and the Kremlin to end Trumpā€™s candidacy.

And any who are actually fired for their corruption, they ease into cushy gigs at CNN and MSNBC, because they have already been proven to be adept liarsā€¦..just what state media is looking for.

9. And now John Durham and the investigationā€¦.cut off at the knees. The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

10. James Comey lying to the FISA court about Hillary Clinton opposition research that came from the Kremlin via a British communist spy, disinformationā€¦.and Comey fed it into the political bloodstream by leaking it through his law school buddy, to the NYTimes, ā€¦.with no consequences for anyone because they are not Trump supporters.

Any lie that serves the Democrat Party interests is acceptable to the Third World Deep State.

So, there are two levels of justiceā€¦.one for Americans, the other one for the in-crowd, the Establishment, the Deep State, the Bureaucracyā€¦..the Democrats and their stooges.
Typical trumptard. Starts a thread but when faced with facts attempts to evade. Here is a tip, sweetheart. Unlike trumptards, I know how to read. So, just because you do a cut/paste, you will not be able to wiggle out.

You started the thread by claiming Dems were somehow responsible for Mueller's phone theft? So, here is my question:

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Hence my Question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

I will keep asking these questions till you answer them. I have a feeling that as a trumptard, you won't. But, surprise me.

What I have shown is that Democrats are criminals, and that they have co-opted the agencies that are supposed to restrain criminality.

Instead.....they only target Republicans.....
General Flynn

Roger Stone

Scooter Libby

Papadopolous, Page, .......Trump

Dinesh D'souza.....

Any charges or investigations of Julie Swetnick ???? Blasey Ford????Kevin Clinesmith?????

How about this:
Clapper lied when asked, under oath, by Senator Ron Wyden (Oregon-Democrat) " On March 12, at a hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Wyden asked Clapper: ā€œDoes the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?ā€ Clapper responded: ā€œNo, sir.ā€ When Wyden followed up by asking, ā€œIt does not?ā€ Clapper said: ā€œNot wittingly. There are cases where they could, inadvertently perhaps, collectā€”but not wittingly.ā€ Clapper did not specify at the time that he was referring to e-mail." James Clapper's Tip for Avoiding Lies: Don't Do Talking Points | emptywheel

How about this?

Sen. Paul: Fauci Lied Under Oath on Gain of Function ...

Sen. Paul: Fauci Lied Under Oath on Gain of Function Research in Wuhan
During his appearance Tuesday on the Real America's Voice program " The Water Cooler," Paul was asked if he thought Fauci "perjured himself" before a recent Senate committee hearing on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. Paul's answer was unequivocal: "Absolutely. He lied to the American people."
Still gibberish. This is the reason I love challenging trumptards. They cannot respond to facts. All they can fall back on are their right-wing nut talking points. :auiqs.jpg:

Sorry, sweetheart. You are not getting off that easy. You started this thread. You have to answer these questions:

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Come on trumptard. Show us that smartness you were bragging about. These are simple questions and even trumptard like you should be able to answer them. Unless you are a coward. Are you a coward?

Since I have shown that justice, and even-handed treatment is beyond the criminal nature of the, Democrats....perhaps you are ready to respond to the question I asked earlier:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

Don't be shy.
....'cause they identify with 'em.

1. "59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP senators demand answers from DOJ

59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP ... ā€ŗ government ā€ŗ federal-agencies

59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP senators demand answers from DOJ. Senators Grassley and Johnson want to know, among things, what the Justice Department has done to recover missing phones and whether phones were reviewed ... News, Not Noise ... Just the News Spotlight ...

2. The illegal aliens that the Democrats invited and enticed into the country are, by definition, criminals....just like the Democrats.
So it's kind of 'family reconsolidation.'

3. The Clintons had to give back most of the silverware and dinnerware they stole last time..

... Bill's wife must believe she should have the opportunity to complete her collection?????

"After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount.

Their latest decision to send back $28,000 in gifts brings to $114,000 the value of items the Clintons have either decided to pay for or return."
Clintons Return White House Furniture

4. Democrats encouraged, fueled, protected the riots and riotersā€¦..they paid their bonds, refused to prosecute them, and patted them on the backā€¦ā€™the riots shouldnā€™t stop!ā€™

If you voted for them, you voted for arson, looting, anarko-terrorism.....and lawlessness.

Speaking of crossing the this case between savagery and civilization:

ā€œTime Mag told us that during the 2020 riots, there were weekly conference calls involving, among others, leaders of the protests, the local officials who refused to stop them, and media people who framed them for political effect. In Ukraine we call that a color revolution.
Tucker Carlson Reads Twitter Thread On Why Trump Voters Distrust Media, Believe 2020 Election Was Rigged

5. Just Democrats being Democrats.
Wasn't Mueller appointed by Rosenstein in 2017? Which would mean that the orange douche-bag who was in power bears responsibility, no?

So, the better question for this thread would be: Are there any RepNublicans who are not criminals?

Watch how deftly I prove you a total moron:

Adults, sentient individuals, vote for policies, not persons.

Can you name the Trump policies you voted against?
Can you name the Biden policies you voted for?

Next time, take your shoe off before you insert it in your mouth.
Watch how I expose a trumptard.

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Hence my Question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

Now that we've proven that you vote as ordered by your masters, with no understanding of the issues, let me remind you what you voted for:

Let's cut to the chase, and prove you just as irrational and ignorant as I suggest:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

What would the Democrat Party do without simpletons like you?
Now that you have proven you are a trumptard and your whole thread is an ass-wipe, let's move on to other questions.

How many of Rump's associates have been either:

a) Under Investigations?
b) Under Indictments?
c) In Prison?

So, back to the main question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

Never fails.

The truth gets under the Democrat voter's scales, and vulgarity follows.
Yup, never fails. When trumptards are faced with facts, they run away. LOLWa

I provided ignored them.

It's you Democrats who have broken laws...including stealing the election....but you have corrupted the agencies that were supposed to uphold the laws.

The 'legal agencies' have become nothing more than Democrats with badges.

They represent neither justice, nor America.

1.Obama appointed Inspector General found widespread misconduct in the Justice Department

ā€œThe long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

Michael Horowitz is an Obama appointee who started this review long agoā€¦. First, Horowitz writes, FBI officials involved in the case sent each other messages on their FBI devices ā€œthat created the appearanceā€ of political bias. Here he particularly criticizes FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok for texting his co-worker and lover, Lisa Page, that ā€œweā€™ll stopā€ Trump from winning the election.

ā€¦ he says he ā€œdid not have confidenceā€ that Strzokā€™s decision in the campaignā€™s final month to prioritize the Trump campaign/Russia probe over new Clinton emails on Anthony Weinerā€™s laptop ā€œwas free from bias.ā€ He writes that Strzok and other FBI employees ā€œbrought discredit to themselvesā€ and hurt the bureauā€™s reputation.

Second, Horowitz sharply criticizes then-FBI director James Comey for his public statements about the Clinton email case ā€” ā€¦ā€ The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

2. Andrew McCabe lied

3. Peter Strzok lied.

4. Justice Department lawyer Kevin Clinesmith got away with altering documents to lie about Carter Page not being an asset of the United States, working with the CIA, but the very opposite. The altered document allowed the Deep State to surveil Trump and associates.

5. They altered a document on General Flynn.

6. Comey et al lied to the FISA court to get warrants spy on officials.

7. They hid the fact that the dossier was simply Hillaryā€™s attempt to sink Trump, and they used it as though was accurate and verifiable.

8. The paid a foreign agent who was simply a communist who brought the dossier from Putin and the Kremlin to end Trumpā€™s candidacy.

And any who are actually fired for their corruption, they ease into cushy gigs at CNN and MSNBC, because they have already been proven to be adept liarsā€¦..just what state media is looking for.

9. And now John Durham and the investigationā€¦.cut off at the knees. The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

10. James Comey lying to the FISA court about Hillary Clinton opposition research that came from the Kremlin via a British communist spy, disinformationā€¦.and Comey fed it into the political bloodstream by leaking it through his law school buddy, to the NYTimes, ā€¦.with no consequences for anyone because they are not Trump supporters.

Any lie that serves the Democrat Party interests is acceptable to the Third World Deep State.

So, there are two levels of justiceā€¦.one for Americans, the other one for the in-crowd, the Establishment, the Deep State, the Bureaucracyā€¦..the Democrats and their stooges.
Typical trumptard. Starts a thread but when faced with facts attempts to evade. Here is a tip, sweetheart. Unlike trumptards, I know how to read. So, just because you do a cut/paste, you will not be able to wiggle out.

You started the thread by claiming Dems were somehow responsible for Mueller's phone theft? So, here is my question:

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Hence my Question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

I will keep asking these questions till you answer them. I have a feeling that as a trumptard, you won't. But, surprise me.

What I have shown is that Democrats are criminals, and that they have co-opted the agencies that are supposed to restrain criminality.

Instead.....they only target Republicans.....
General Flynn

Roger Stone

Scooter Libby

Papadopolous, Page, .......Trump

Dinesh D'souza.....

Any charges or investigations of Julie Swetnick ???? Blasey Ford????Kevin Clinesmith?????

How about this:
Clapper lied when asked, under oath, by Senator Ron Wyden (Oregon-Democrat) " On March 12, at a hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Wyden asked Clapper: ā€œDoes the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?ā€ Clapper responded: ā€œNo, sir.ā€ When Wyden followed up by asking, ā€œIt does not?ā€ Clapper said: ā€œNot wittingly. There are cases where they could, inadvertently perhaps, collectā€”but not wittingly.ā€ Clapper did not specify at the time that he was referring to e-mail." James Clapper's Tip for Avoiding Lies: Don't Do Talking Points | emptywheel

How about this?

Sen. Paul: Fauci Lied Under Oath on Gain of Function ...

Sen. Paul: Fauci Lied Under Oath on Gain of Function Research in Wuhan
During his appearance Tuesday on the Real America's Voice program " The Water Cooler," Paul was asked if he thought Fauci "perjured himself" before a recent Senate committee hearing on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. Paul's answer was unequivocal: "Absolutely. He lied to the American people."
Still gibberish. This is the reason I love challenging trumptards. They cannot respond to facts. All they can fall back on are their right-wing nut talking points. :auiqs.jpg:

Sorry, sweetheart. You are not getting off that easy. You started this thread. You have to answer these questions:

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Come on trumptard. Show us that smartness you were bragging about. These are simple questions and even trumptard like you should be able to answer them. Unless you are a coward. Are you a coward?
Still speaking like a 10 year old as you cannot relinquish your childish obsession with the departed Trump
You all are very emotionally ill to cling to such self defeating behavior
....'cause they identify with 'em.

1. "59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP senators demand answers from DOJ

59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP ... ā€ŗ government ā€ŗ federal-agencies

59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP senators demand answers from DOJ. Senators Grassley and Johnson want to know, among things, what the Justice Department has done to recover missing phones and whether phones were reviewed ... News, Not Noise ... Just the News Spotlight ...

2. The illegal aliens that the Democrats invited and enticed into the country are, by definition, criminals....just like the Democrats.
So it's kind of 'family reconsolidation.'

3. The Clintons had to give back most of the silverware and dinnerware they stole last time..

... Bill's wife must believe she should have the opportunity to complete her collection?????

"After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount.

Their latest decision to send back $28,000 in gifts brings to $114,000 the value of items the Clintons have either decided to pay for or return."
Clintons Return White House Furniture

4. Democrats encouraged, fueled, protected the riots and riotersā€¦..they paid their bonds, refused to prosecute them, and patted them on the backā€¦ā€™the riots shouldnā€™t stop!ā€™

If you voted for them, you voted for arson, looting, anarko-terrorism.....and lawlessness.

Speaking of crossing the this case between savagery and civilization:

ā€œTime Mag told us that during the 2020 riots, there were weekly conference calls involving, among others, leaders of the protests, the local officials who refused to stop them, and media people who framed them for political effect. In Ukraine we call that a color revolution.
Tucker Carlson Reads Twitter Thread On Why Trump Voters Distrust Media, Believe 2020 Election Was Rigged

5. Just Democrats being Democrats.
Wasn't Mueller appointed by Rosenstein in 2017? Which would mean that the orange douche-bag who was in power bears responsibility, no?

So, the better question for this thread would be: Are there any RepNublicans who are not criminals?

Watch how deftly I prove you a total moron:

Adults, sentient individuals, vote for policies, not persons.

Can you name the Trump policies you voted against?
Can you name the Biden policies you voted for?

Next time, take your shoe off before you insert it in your mouth.
Watch how I expose a trumptard.

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Hence my Question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

Now that we've proven that you vote as ordered by your masters, with no understanding of the issues, let me remind you what you voted for:

Let's cut to the chase, and prove you just as irrational and ignorant as I suggest:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

What would the Democrat Party do without simpletons like you?
Now that you have proven you are a trumptard and your whole thread is an ass-wipe, let's move on to other questions.

How many of Rump's associates have been either:

a) Under Investigations?
b) Under Indictments?
c) In Prison?

So, back to the main question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

Never fails.

The truth gets under the Democrat voter's scales, and vulgarity follows.
Yup, never fails. When trumptards are faced with facts, they run away. LOLWa

I provided ignored them.

It's you Democrats who have broken laws...including stealing the election....but you have corrupted the agencies that were supposed to uphold the laws.

The 'legal agencies' have become nothing more than Democrats with badges.

They represent neither justice, nor America.

1.Obama appointed Inspector General found widespread misconduct in the Justice Department

ā€œThe long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

Michael Horowitz is an Obama appointee who started this review long agoā€¦. First, Horowitz writes, FBI officials involved in the case sent each other messages on their FBI devices ā€œthat created the appearanceā€ of political bias. Here he particularly criticizes FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok for texting his co-worker and lover, Lisa Page, that ā€œweā€™ll stopā€ Trump from winning the election.

ā€¦ he says he ā€œdid not have confidenceā€ that Strzokā€™s decision in the campaignā€™s final month to prioritize the Trump campaign/Russia probe over new Clinton emails on Anthony Weinerā€™s laptop ā€œwas free from bias.ā€ He writes that Strzok and other FBI employees ā€œbrought discredit to themselvesā€ and hurt the bureauā€™s reputation.

Second, Horowitz sharply criticizes then-FBI director James Comey for his public statements about the Clinton email case ā€” ā€¦ā€ The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

2. Andrew McCabe lied

3. Peter Strzok lied.

4. Justice Department lawyer Kevin Clinesmith got away with altering documents to lie about Carter Page not being an asset of the United States, working with the CIA, but the very opposite. The altered document allowed the Deep State to surveil Trump and associates.

5. They altered a document on General Flynn.

6. Comey et al lied to the FISA court to get warrants spy on officials.

7. They hid the fact that the dossier was simply Hillaryā€™s attempt to sink Trump, and they used it as though was accurate and verifiable.

8. The paid a foreign agent who was simply a communist who brought the dossier from Putin and the Kremlin to end Trumpā€™s candidacy.

And any who are actually fired for their corruption, they ease into cushy gigs at CNN and MSNBC, because they have already been proven to be adept liarsā€¦..just what state media is looking for.

9. And now John Durham and the investigationā€¦.cut off at the knees. The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

10. James Comey lying to the FISA court about Hillary Clinton opposition research that came from the Kremlin via a British communist spy, disinformationā€¦.and Comey fed it into the political bloodstream by leaking it through his law school buddy, to the NYTimes, ā€¦.with no consequences for anyone because they are not Trump supporters.

Any lie that serves the Democrat Party interests is acceptable to the Third World Deep State.

So, there are two levels of justiceā€¦.one for Americans, the other one for the in-crowd, the Establishment, the Deep State, the Bureaucracyā€¦..the Democrats and their stooges.
Typical trumptard. Starts a thread but when faced with facts attempts to evade. Here is a tip, sweetheart. Unlike trumptards, I know how to read. So, just because you do a cut/paste, you will not be able to wiggle out.

You started the thread by claiming Dems were somehow responsible for Mueller's phone theft? So, here is my question:

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Hence my Question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

I will keep asking these questions till you answer them. I have a feeling that as a trumptard, you won't. But, surprise me.

What I have shown is that Democrats are criminals, and that they have co-opted the agencies that are supposed to restrain criminality.

Instead.....they only target Republicans.....
General Flynn

Roger Stone

Scooter Libby

Papadopolous, Page, .......Trump

Dinesh D'souza.....

Any charges or investigations of Julie Swetnick ???? Blasey Ford????Kevin Clinesmith?????

How about this:
Clapper lied when asked, under oath, by Senator Ron Wyden (Oregon-Democrat) " On March 12, at a hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Wyden asked Clapper: ā€œDoes the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?ā€ Clapper responded: ā€œNo, sir.ā€ When Wyden followed up by asking, ā€œIt does not?ā€ Clapper said: ā€œNot wittingly. There are cases where they could, inadvertently perhaps, collectā€”but not wittingly.ā€ Clapper did not specify at the time that he was referring to e-mail." James Clapper's Tip for Avoiding Lies: Don't Do Talking Points | emptywheel

How about this?

Sen. Paul: Fauci Lied Under Oath on Gain of Function ...

Sen. Paul: Fauci Lied Under Oath on Gain of Function Research in Wuhan
During his appearance Tuesday on the Real America's Voice program " The Water Cooler," Paul was asked if he thought Fauci "perjured himself" before a recent Senate committee hearing on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. Paul's answer was unequivocal: "Absolutely. He lied to the American people."
Still gibberish. This is the reason I love challenging trumptards. They cannot respond to facts. All they can fall back on are their right-wing nut talking points. :auiqs.jpg:

Sorry, sweetheart. You are not getting off that easy. You started this thread. You have to answer these questions:

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Come on trumptard. Show us that smartness you were bragging about. These are simple questions and even trumptard like you should be able to answer them. Unless you are a coward. Are you a coward?

Since I have shown that justice, and even-handed treatment is beyond the criminal nature of the, Democrats....perhaps you are ready to respond to the question I asked earlier:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

Don't be shy.
Do you really think you can get off that easy? Sorry, sweetheart. I will keep asking the same questions. You started this thread. Don't tell me you didn't think anyone would challenge you? So, one more time...(I am having fun with this)...

Still gibberish. This is the reason I love challenging trumptards. They cannot respond to facts. All they can fall back on are their right-wing nut talking points. :auiqs.jpg:

Sorry, sweetheart. You are not getting off that easy. You started this thread. You have to answer these questions:

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Come on trumptard. Show us that smartness you were bragging about. These are simple questions and even trumptard like you should be able to answer them. Unless you are a coward. Are you a coward?
....'cause they identify with 'em.

1. "59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP senators demand answers from DOJ

59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP ... ā€ŗ government ā€ŗ federal-agencies

59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP senators demand answers from DOJ. Senators Grassley and Johnson want to know, among things, what the Justice Department has done to recover missing phones and whether phones were reviewed ... News, Not Noise ... Just the News Spotlight ...

2. The illegal aliens that the Democrats invited and enticed into the country are, by definition, criminals....just like the Democrats.
So it's kind of 'family reconsolidation.'

3. The Clintons had to give back most of the silverware and dinnerware they stole last time..

... Bill's wife must believe she should have the opportunity to complete her collection?????

"After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount.

Their latest decision to send back $28,000 in gifts brings to $114,000 the value of items the Clintons have either decided to pay for or return."
Clintons Return White House Furniture

4. Democrats encouraged, fueled, protected the riots and riotersā€¦..they paid their bonds, refused to prosecute them, and patted them on the backā€¦ā€™the riots shouldnā€™t stop!ā€™

If you voted for them, you voted for arson, looting, anarko-terrorism.....and lawlessness.

Speaking of crossing the this case between savagery and civilization:

ā€œTime Mag told us that during the 2020 riots, there were weekly conference calls involving, among others, leaders of the protests, the local officials who refused to stop them, and media people who framed them for political effect. In Ukraine we call that a color revolution.
Tucker Carlson Reads Twitter Thread On Why Trump Voters Distrust Media, Believe 2020 Election Was Rigged

5. Just Democrats being Democrats.
Wasn't Mueller appointed by Rosenstein in 2017? Which would mean that the orange douche-bag who was in power bears responsibility, no?

So, the better question for this thread would be: Are there any RepNublicans who are not criminals?

Watch how deftly I prove you a total moron:

Adults, sentient individuals, vote for policies, not persons.

Can you name the Trump policies you voted against?
Can you name the Biden policies you voted for?

Next time, take your shoe off before you insert it in your mouth.
Watch how I expose a trumptard.

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Hence my Question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

Now that we've proven that you vote as ordered by your masters, with no understanding of the issues, let me remind you what you voted for:

Let's cut to the chase, and prove you just as irrational and ignorant as I suggest:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

What would the Democrat Party do without simpletons like you?
Now that you have proven you are a trumptard and your whole thread is an ass-wipe, let's move on to other questions.

How many of Rump's associates have been either:

a) Under Investigations?
b) Under Indictments?
c) In Prison?

So, back to the main question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

Never fails.

The truth gets under the Democrat voter's scales, and vulgarity follows.
Yup, never fails. When trumptards are faced with facts, they run away. LOLWa

I provided ignored them.

It's you Democrats who have broken laws...including stealing the election....but you have corrupted the agencies that were supposed to uphold the laws.

The 'legal agencies' have become nothing more than Democrats with badges.

They represent neither justice, nor America.

1.Obama appointed Inspector General found widespread misconduct in the Justice Department

ā€œThe long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

Michael Horowitz is an Obama appointee who started this review long agoā€¦. First, Horowitz writes, FBI officials involved in the case sent each other messages on their FBI devices ā€œthat created the appearanceā€ of political bias. Here he particularly criticizes FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok for texting his co-worker and lover, Lisa Page, that ā€œweā€™ll stopā€ Trump from winning the election.

ā€¦ he says he ā€œdid not have confidenceā€ that Strzokā€™s decision in the campaignā€™s final month to prioritize the Trump campaign/Russia probe over new Clinton emails on Anthony Weinerā€™s laptop ā€œwas free from bias.ā€ He writes that Strzok and other FBI employees ā€œbrought discredit to themselvesā€ and hurt the bureauā€™s reputation.

Second, Horowitz sharply criticizes then-FBI director James Comey for his public statements about the Clinton email case ā€” ā€¦ā€ The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

2. Andrew McCabe lied

3. Peter Strzok lied.

4. Justice Department lawyer Kevin Clinesmith got away with altering documents to lie about Carter Page not being an asset of the United States, working with the CIA, but the very opposite. The altered document allowed the Deep State to surveil Trump and associates.

5. They altered a document on General Flynn.

6. Comey et al lied to the FISA court to get warrants spy on officials.

7. They hid the fact that the dossier was simply Hillaryā€™s attempt to sink Trump, and they used it as though was accurate and verifiable.

8. The paid a foreign agent who was simply a communist who brought the dossier from Putin and the Kremlin to end Trumpā€™s candidacy.

And any who are actually fired for their corruption, they ease into cushy gigs at CNN and MSNBC, because they have already been proven to be adept liarsā€¦..just what state media is looking for.

9. And now John Durham and the investigationā€¦.cut off at the knees. The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

10. James Comey lying to the FISA court about Hillary Clinton opposition research that came from the Kremlin via a British communist spy, disinformationā€¦.and Comey fed it into the political bloodstream by leaking it through his law school buddy, to the NYTimes, ā€¦.with no consequences for anyone because they are not Trump supporters.

Any lie that serves the Democrat Party interests is acceptable to the Third World Deep State.

So, there are two levels of justiceā€¦.one for Americans, the other one for the in-crowd, the Establishment, the Deep State, the Bureaucracyā€¦..the Democrats and their stooges.
Typical trumptard. Starts a thread but when faced with facts attempts to evade. Here is a tip, sweetheart. Unlike trumptards, I know how to read. So, just because you do a cut/paste, you will not be able to wiggle out.

You started the thread by claiming Dems were somehow responsible for Mueller's phone theft? So, here is my question:

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Hence my Question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

I will keep asking these questions till you answer them. I have a feeling that as a trumptard, you won't. But, surprise me.

What I have shown is that Democrats are criminals, and that they have co-opted the agencies that are supposed to restrain criminality.

Instead.....they only target Republicans.....
General Flynn

Roger Stone

Scooter Libby

Papadopolous, Page, .......Trump

Dinesh D'souza.....

Any charges or investigations of Julie Swetnick ???? Blasey Ford????Kevin Clinesmith?????

How about this:
Clapper lied when asked, under oath, by Senator Ron Wyden (Oregon-Democrat) " On March 12, at a hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Wyden asked Clapper: ā€œDoes the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?ā€ Clapper responded: ā€œNo, sir.ā€ When Wyden followed up by asking, ā€œIt does not?ā€ Clapper said: ā€œNot wittingly. There are cases where they could, inadvertently perhaps, collectā€”but not wittingly.ā€ Clapper did not specify at the time that he was referring to e-mail." James Clapper's Tip for Avoiding Lies: Don't Do Talking Points | emptywheel

How about this?

Sen. Paul: Fauci Lied Under Oath on Gain of Function ...

Sen. Paul: Fauci Lied Under Oath on Gain of Function Research in Wuhan
During his appearance Tuesday on the Real America's Voice program " The Water Cooler," Paul was asked if he thought Fauci "perjured himself" before a recent Senate committee hearing on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. Paul's answer was unequivocal: "Absolutely. He lied to the American people."
Still gibberish. This is the reason I love challenging trumptards. They cannot respond to facts. All they can fall back on are their right-wing nut talking points. :auiqs.jpg:

Sorry, sweetheart. You are not getting off that easy. You started this thread. You have to answer these questions:

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Come on trumptard. Show us that smartness you were bragging about. These are simple questions and even trumptard like you should be able to answer them. Unless you are a coward. Are you a coward?

Since I have shown that justice, and even-handed treatment is beyond the criminal nature of the, Democrats....perhaps you are ready to respond to the question I asked earlier:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

Don't be shy.
Do you really think you can get off that easy? Sorry, sweetheart. I will keep asking the same questions. You started this thread. Don't tell me you didn't think anyone would challenge you? So, one more time...(I am having fun with this)...

Still gibberish. This is the reason I love challenging trumptards. They cannot respond to facts. All they can fall back on are their right-wing nut talking points. :auiqs.jpg:

Sorry, sweetheart. You are not getting off that easy. You started this thread. You have to answer these questions:

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Come on trumptard. Show us that smartness you were bragging about. These are simple questions and even trumptard like you should be able to answer them. Unless you are a coward. Are you a coward?

Since I have shown that justice, and even-handed treatment is beyond the criminal nature of the, Democrats....perhaps you are ready to respond to the question I asked earlier:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber
....'cause they identify with 'em.

1. "59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP senators demand answers from DOJ

59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP ... ā€ŗ government ā€ŗ federal-agencies

59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP senators demand answers from DOJ. Senators Grassley and Johnson want to know, among things, what the Justice Department has done to recover missing phones and whether phones were reviewed ... News, Not Noise ... Just the News Spotlight ...

2. The illegal aliens that the Democrats invited and enticed into the country are, by definition, criminals....just like the Democrats.
So it's kind of 'family reconsolidation.'

3. The Clintons had to give back most of the silverware and dinnerware they stole last time..

... Bill's wife must believe she should have the opportunity to complete her collection?????

"After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount.

Their latest decision to send back $28,000 in gifts brings to $114,000 the value of items the Clintons have either decided to pay for or return."
Clintons Return White House Furniture

4. Democrats encouraged, fueled, protected the riots and riotersā€¦..they paid their bonds, refused to prosecute them, and patted them on the backā€¦ā€™the riots shouldnā€™t stop!ā€™

If you voted for them, you voted for arson, looting, anarko-terrorism.....and lawlessness.

Speaking of crossing the this case between savagery and civilization:

ā€œTime Mag told us that during the 2020 riots, there were weekly conference calls involving, among others, leaders of the protests, the local officials who refused to stop them, and media people who framed them for political effect. In Ukraine we call that a color revolution.
Tucker Carlson Reads Twitter Thread On Why Trump Voters Distrust Media, Believe 2020 Election Was Rigged

5. Just Democrats being Democrats.
Wasn't Mueller appointed by Rosenstein in 2017? Which would mean that the orange douche-bag who was in power bears responsibility, no?

So, the better question for this thread would be: Are there any RepNublicans who are not criminals?

Watch how deftly I prove you a total moron:

Adults, sentient individuals, vote for policies, not persons.

Can you name the Trump policies you voted against?
Can you name the Biden policies you voted for?

Next time, take your shoe off before you insert it in your mouth.
Watch how I expose a trumptard.

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Hence my Question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

Now that we've proven that you vote as ordered by your masters, with no understanding of the issues, let me remind you what you voted for:

Let's cut to the chase, and prove you just as irrational and ignorant as I suggest:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

What would the Democrat Party do without simpletons like you?
Now that you have proven you are a trumptard and your whole thread is an ass-wipe, let's move on to other questions.

How many of Rump's associates have been either:

a) Under Investigations?
b) Under Indictments?
c) In Prison?

So, back to the main question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

Never fails.

The truth gets under the Democrat voter's scales, and vulgarity follows.
Yup, never fails. When trumptards are faced with facts, they run away. LOLWa

I provided ignored them.

It's you Democrats who have broken laws...including stealing the election....but you have corrupted the agencies that were supposed to uphold the laws.

The 'legal agencies' have become nothing more than Democrats with badges.

They represent neither justice, nor America.

1.Obama appointed Inspector General found widespread misconduct in the Justice Department

ā€œThe long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

Michael Horowitz is an Obama appointee who started this review long agoā€¦. First, Horowitz writes, FBI officials involved in the case sent each other messages on their FBI devices ā€œthat created the appearanceā€ of political bias. Here he particularly criticizes FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok for texting his co-worker and lover, Lisa Page, that ā€œweā€™ll stopā€ Trump from winning the election.

ā€¦ he says he ā€œdid not have confidenceā€ that Strzokā€™s decision in the campaignā€™s final month to prioritize the Trump campaign/Russia probe over new Clinton emails on Anthony Weinerā€™s laptop ā€œwas free from bias.ā€ He writes that Strzok and other FBI employees ā€œbrought discredit to themselvesā€ and hurt the bureauā€™s reputation.

Second, Horowitz sharply criticizes then-FBI director James Comey for his public statements about the Clinton email case ā€” ā€¦ā€ The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

2. Andrew McCabe lied

3. Peter Strzok lied.

4. Justice Department lawyer Kevin Clinesmith got away with altering documents to lie about Carter Page not being an asset of the United States, working with the CIA, but the very opposite. The altered document allowed the Deep State to surveil Trump and associates.

5. They altered a document on General Flynn.

6. Comey et al lied to the FISA court to get warrants spy on officials.

7. They hid the fact that the dossier was simply Hillaryā€™s attempt to sink Trump, and they used it as though was accurate and verifiable.

8. The paid a foreign agent who was simply a communist who brought the dossier from Putin and the Kremlin to end Trumpā€™s candidacy.

And any who are actually fired for their corruption, they ease into cushy gigs at CNN and MSNBC, because they have already been proven to be adept liarsā€¦..just what state media is looking for.

9. And now John Durham and the investigationā€¦.cut off at the knees. The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

10. James Comey lying to the FISA court about Hillary Clinton opposition research that came from the Kremlin via a British communist spy, disinformationā€¦.and Comey fed it into the political bloodstream by leaking it through his law school buddy, to the NYTimes, ā€¦.with no consequences for anyone because they are not Trump supporters.

Any lie that serves the Democrat Party interests is acceptable to the Third World Deep State.

So, there are two levels of justiceā€¦.one for Americans, the other one for the in-crowd, the Establishment, the Deep State, the Bureaucracyā€¦..the Democrats and their stooges.
Typical trumptard. Starts a thread but when faced with facts attempts to evade. Here is a tip, sweetheart. Unlike trumptards, I know how to read. So, just because you do a cut/paste, you will not be able to wiggle out.

You started the thread by claiming Dems were somehow responsible for Mueller's phone theft? So, here is my question:

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Hence my Question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

I will keep asking these questions till you answer them. I have a feeling that as a trumptard, you won't. But, surprise me.

What I have shown is that Democrats are criminals, and that they have co-opted the agencies that are supposed to restrain criminality.

Instead.....they only target Republicans.....
General Flynn

Roger Stone

Scooter Libby

Papadopolous, Page, .......Trump

Dinesh D'souza.....

Any charges or investigations of Julie Swetnick ???? Blasey Ford????Kevin Clinesmith?????

How about this:
Clapper lied when asked, under oath, by Senator Ron Wyden (Oregon-Democrat) " On March 12, at a hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Wyden asked Clapper: ā€œDoes the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?ā€ Clapper responded: ā€œNo, sir.ā€ When Wyden followed up by asking, ā€œIt does not?ā€ Clapper said: ā€œNot wittingly. There are cases where they could, inadvertently perhaps, collectā€”but not wittingly.ā€ Clapper did not specify at the time that he was referring to e-mail." James Clapper's Tip for Avoiding Lies: Don't Do Talking Points | emptywheel

How about this?

Sen. Paul: Fauci Lied Under Oath on Gain of Function ...

Sen. Paul: Fauci Lied Under Oath on Gain of Function Research in Wuhan
During his appearance Tuesday on the Real America's Voice program " The Water Cooler," Paul was asked if he thought Fauci "perjured himself" before a recent Senate committee hearing on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. Paul's answer was unequivocal: "Absolutely. He lied to the American people."
Still gibberish. This is the reason I love challenging trumptards. They cannot respond to facts. All they can fall back on are their right-wing nut talking points. :auiqs.jpg:

Sorry, sweetheart. You are not getting off that easy. You started this thread. You have to answer these questions:

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Come on trumptard. Show us that smartness you were bragging about. These are simple questions and even trumptard like you should be able to answer them. Unless you are a coward. Are you a coward?

Since I have shown that justice, and even-handed treatment is beyond the criminal nature of the, Democrats....perhaps you are ready to respond to the question I asked earlier:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

Don't be shy.
Do you really think you can get off that easy? Sorry, sweetheart. I will keep asking the same questions. You started this thread. Don't tell me you didn't think anyone would challenge you? So, one more time...(I am having fun with this)...

Still gibberish. This is the reason I love challenging trumptards. They cannot respond to facts. All they can fall back on are their right-wing nut talking points. :auiqs.jpg:

Sorry, sweetheart. You are not getting off that easy. You started this thread. You have to answer these questions:

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Come on trumptard. Show us that smartness you were bragging about. These are simple questions and even trumptard like you should be able to answer them. Unless you are a coward. Are you a coward?

Since I have shown that justice, and even-handed treatment is beyond the criminal nature of the, Democrats....perhaps you are ready to respond to the question I asked earlier:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber
Seriously, why do trumptards start a thread and then refuse to answer questions? You claimed Democrats stole Mueller's phones and I ask you a few simple questions and all you do is cut/paste some gibberish?

But this is good. Good to show trumptards not being able to answer questions. So, one more time (you didn't think I will let you off the hook, did you? LOL)

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Come on trumptard. Show us that smartness you were bragging about. These are simple questions and even trumptard like you should be able to answer them. Unless you are a coward. Are you a coward?
....'cause they identify with 'em.

1. "59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP senators demand answers from DOJ

59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP ... ā€ŗ government ā€ŗ federal-agencies

59 of 96 phones assigned to Mueller probe missing; GOP senators demand answers from DOJ. Senators Grassley and Johnson want to know, among things, what the Justice Department has done to recover missing phones and whether phones were reviewed ... News, Not Noise ... Just the News Spotlight ...

2. The illegal aliens that the Democrats invited and enticed into the country are, by definition, criminals....just like the Democrats.
So it's kind of 'family reconsolidation.'

3. The Clintons had to give back most of the silverware and dinnerware they stole last time..

... Bill's wife must believe she should have the opportunity to complete her collection?????

"After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount.

Their latest decision to send back $28,000 in gifts brings to $114,000 the value of items the Clintons have either decided to pay for or return."
Clintons Return White House Furniture

4. Democrats encouraged, fueled, protected the riots and riotersā€¦..they paid their bonds, refused to prosecute them, and patted them on the backā€¦ā€™the riots shouldnā€™t stop!ā€™

If you voted for them, you voted for arson, looting, anarko-terrorism.....and lawlessness.

Speaking of crossing the this case between savagery and civilization:

ā€œTime Mag told us that during the 2020 riots, there were weekly conference calls involving, among others, leaders of the protests, the local officials who refused to stop them, and media people who framed them for political effect. In Ukraine we call that a color revolution.
Tucker Carlson Reads Twitter Thread On Why Trump Voters Distrust Media, Believe 2020 Election Was Rigged

5. Just Democrats being Democrats.
Wasn't Mueller appointed by Rosenstein in 2017? Which would mean that the orange douche-bag who was in power bears responsibility, no?

So, the better question for this thread would be: Are there any RepNublicans who are not criminals?

Watch how deftly I prove you a total moron:

Adults, sentient individuals, vote for policies, not persons.

Can you name the Trump policies you voted against?
Can you name the Biden policies you voted for?

Next time, take your shoe off before you insert it in your mouth.
Watch how I expose a trumptard.

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Hence my Question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

Now that we've proven that you vote as ordered by your masters, with no understanding of the issues, let me remind you what you voted for:

Let's cut to the chase, and prove you just as irrational and ignorant as I suggest:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

What would the Democrat Party do without simpletons like you?
Now that you have proven you are a trumptard and your whole thread is an ass-wipe, let's move on to other questions.

How many of Rump's associates have been either:

a) Under Investigations?
b) Under Indictments?
c) In Prison?

So, back to the main question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

Never fails.

The truth gets under the Democrat voter's scales, and vulgarity follows.
Yup, never fails. When trumptards are faced with facts, they run away. LOLWa

I provided ignored them.

It's you Democrats who have broken laws...including stealing the election....but you have corrupted the agencies that were supposed to uphold the laws.

The 'legal agencies' have become nothing more than Democrats with badges.

They represent neither justice, nor America.

1.Obama appointed Inspector General found widespread misconduct in the Justice Department

ā€œThe long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

Michael Horowitz is an Obama appointee who started this review long agoā€¦. First, Horowitz writes, FBI officials involved in the case sent each other messages on their FBI devices ā€œthat created the appearanceā€ of political bias. Here he particularly criticizes FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok for texting his co-worker and lover, Lisa Page, that ā€œweā€™ll stopā€ Trump from winning the election.

ā€¦ he says he ā€œdid not have confidenceā€ that Strzokā€™s decision in the campaignā€™s final month to prioritize the Trump campaign/Russia probe over new Clinton emails on Anthony Weinerā€™s laptop ā€œwas free from bias.ā€ He writes that Strzok and other FBI employees ā€œbrought discredit to themselvesā€ and hurt the bureauā€™s reputation.

Second, Horowitz sharply criticizes then-FBI director James Comey for his public statements about the Clinton email case ā€” ā€¦ā€ The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

2. Andrew McCabe lied

3. Peter Strzok lied.

4. Justice Department lawyer Kevin Clinesmith got away with altering documents to lie about Carter Page not being an asset of the United States, working with the CIA, but the very opposite. The altered document allowed the Deep State to surveil Trump and associates.

5. They altered a document on General Flynn.

6. Comey et al lied to the FISA court to get warrants spy on officials.

7. They hid the fact that the dossier was simply Hillaryā€™s attempt to sink Trump, and they used it as though was accurate and verifiable.

8. The paid a foreign agent who was simply a communist who brought the dossier from Putin and the Kremlin to end Trumpā€™s candidacy.

And any who are actually fired for their corruption, they ease into cushy gigs at CNN and MSNBC, because they have already been proven to be adept liarsā€¦..just what state media is looking for.

9. And now John Durham and the investigationā€¦.cut off at the knees. The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

10. James Comey lying to the FISA court about Hillary Clinton opposition research that came from the Kremlin via a British communist spy, disinformationā€¦.and Comey fed it into the political bloodstream by leaking it through his law school buddy, to the NYTimes, ā€¦.with no consequences for anyone because they are not Trump supporters.

Any lie that serves the Democrat Party interests is acceptable to the Third World Deep State.

So, there are two levels of justiceā€¦.one for Americans, the other one for the in-crowd, the Establishment, the Deep State, the Bureaucracyā€¦..the Democrats and their stooges.
Typical trumptard. Starts a thread but when faced with facts attempts to evade. Here is a tip, sweetheart. Unlike trumptards, I know how to read. So, just because you do a cut/paste, you will not be able to wiggle out.

You started the thread by claiming Dems were somehow responsible for Mueller's phone theft? So, here is my question:

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Hence my Question: Are there any Republicans who are not criminals?

I will keep asking these questions till you answer them. I have a feeling that as a trumptard, you won't. But, surprise me.

What I have shown is that Democrats are criminals, and that they have co-opted the agencies that are supposed to restrain criminality.

Instead.....they only target Republicans.....
General Flynn

Roger Stone

Scooter Libby

Papadopolous, Page, .......Trump

Dinesh D'souza.....

Any charges or investigations of Julie Swetnick ???? Blasey Ford????Kevin Clinesmith?????

How about this:
Clapper lied when asked, under oath, by Senator Ron Wyden (Oregon-Democrat) " On March 12, at a hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Wyden asked Clapper: ā€œDoes the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?ā€ Clapper responded: ā€œNo, sir.ā€ When Wyden followed up by asking, ā€œIt does not?ā€ Clapper said: ā€œNot wittingly. There are cases where they could, inadvertently perhaps, collectā€”but not wittingly.ā€ Clapper did not specify at the time that he was referring to e-mail." James Clapper's Tip for Avoiding Lies: Don't Do Talking Points | emptywheel

How about this?

Sen. Paul: Fauci Lied Under Oath on Gain of Function ...

Sen. Paul: Fauci Lied Under Oath on Gain of Function Research in Wuhan
During his appearance Tuesday on the Real America's Voice program " The Water Cooler," Paul was asked if he thought Fauci "perjured himself" before a recent Senate committee hearing on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. Paul's answer was unequivocal: "Absolutely. He lied to the American people."
Still gibberish. This is the reason I love challenging trumptards. They cannot respond to facts. All they can fall back on are their right-wing nut talking points. :auiqs.jpg:

Sorry, sweetheart. You are not getting off that easy. You started this thread. You have to answer these questions:

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Come on trumptard. Show us that smartness you were bragging about. These are simple questions and even trumptard like you should be able to answer them. Unless you are a coward. Are you a coward?

Since I have shown that justice, and even-handed treatment is beyond the criminal nature of the, Democrats....perhaps you are ready to respond to the question I asked earlier:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

Don't be shy.
Do you really think you can get off that easy? Sorry, sweetheart. I will keep asking the same questions. You started this thread. Don't tell me you didn't think anyone would challenge you? So, one more time...(I am having fun with this)...

Still gibberish. This is the reason I love challenging trumptards. They cannot respond to facts. All they can fall back on are their right-wing nut talking points. :auiqs.jpg:

Sorry, sweetheart. You are not getting off that easy. You started this thread. You have to answer these questions:

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Come on trumptard. Show us that smartness you were bragging about. These are simple questions and even trumptard like you should be able to answer them. Unless you are a coward. Are you a coward?

Since I have shown that justice, and even-handed treatment is beyond the criminal nature of the, Democrats....perhaps you are ready to respond to the question I asked earlier:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber
Seriously, why do trumptards start a thread and then refuse to answer questions? You claimed Democrats stole Mueller's phones and I ask you a few simple questions and all you do is cut/paste some gibberish?

But this is good. Good to show trumptards not being able to answer questions. So, one more time (you didn't think I will let you off the hook, did you? LOL)

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Come on trumptard. Show us that smartness you were bragging about. These are simple questions and even trumptard slaike you should be able to answer them. Unless you are a coward. Are you a coward?

Most unusual.

Your sort votes as ordered, never dreaming of questioning authority, but when asked to explain your quake in your boots, or run and hide.

Try to act like an adult: be responsible....

Since I have shown that justice, and even-handed treatment is beyond the criminal nature of the, Democrats....perhaps you are ready to respond to the question I asked earlier:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber
Most unusual.

Your sort votes as ordered, never dreaming of questioning authority, but when asked to explain your quake in your boots, or run and hide.

Try to act like an adult: be responsible....

Since I have shown that justice, and even-handed treatment is beyond the criminal nature of the, Democrats....perhaps you are ready to respond to the question I asked earlier:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber
But this is good. Good to show trumptards not being able to answer questions. So, one more time (you didn't think I will let you off the hook, did you? LOL)

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Come on trumptard. Show us that smartness you were bragging about. These are simple questions and even trumptard slaike you should be able to answer them. Unless you are a coward. Are you a coward?
But this is good. Good to show trumptards not being able to answer questions. So, one more time (you didn't think I will let you off the hook, did you? LOL)

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Come on trumptard. Show us that smartness you were bragging about. These are simple questions and even trumptard slaike you should be able to answer them. Unless you are a coward. Are you a coward?

You couldn't deny this......

Since I have shown that justice, and even-handed treatment is beyond the criminal nature of the, Democrats....perhaps you are ready to respond to the question I asked earlier:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber

And you won't be able to deny this:
You couldn't deny this......

Since I have shown that justice, and even-handed treatment is beyond the criminal nature of the, Democrats....perhaps you are ready to respond to the question I asked earlier:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitismā€¦ the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber

And you won't be able to deny this:
View attachment 515819
But this is good. Good to show trumptards not being able to answer questions. So, one more time (you didn't think I will let you off the hook, did you? LOL)

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Come on trumptard. Show us that smartness you were bragging about. These are simple questions and even trumptardS like you should be able to answer them. Unless you are a coward. Are you a coward?
But this is good. Good to show trumptards not being able to answer questions. So, one more time (you didn't think I will let you off the hook, did you? LOL)

Was Mueller appointed by Rosenstein? Yes, or No?

Was Rosenstein appointed to serve as Deputy Attorney General for Dept of Justice by Trump? Yes or No?

Is Trump a Republican? Yes or No?

Come on trumptard. Show us that smartness you were bragging about. These are simple questions and even trumptardS like you should be able to answer them. Unless you are a coward. Are you a coward?

Why do Democrat constantly pass gun free zones and gun restrictions, when they are only directed at honest law abiding citizens?

Must be because they only want criminals to own guns.
This is what a vote for Democrats produces:

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said during a Thursday press conference that officials can't simply "arrest" their way out of the rising gun violence that has plagued the city in recent weeks. The mayor said the city also needs to make investments in Chicago's communities to help curb the heightened rate of shootings.2 days ago

Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Says City 'Can't Arrest Our Way' Out ...​ ā€ŗ ... ā€ŗ Gun Violence ā€ŗ Illinois

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Lightfoot Says Chicago 'Can't Arrest Our Way' Out of Surge in ...​ ā€ŗ news ā€ŗ local ā€ŗ lightfoot-...

3 days ago ā€” While Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot says more federal cooperation will be required to tackle the problem of gun violence in the city, ...

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NBC Chicago
Lightfoot Says Chicago ā€˜Can't Arrest Our Way' Out of Surge in Gun Violence
You have to be as stupid as this to vote Democrat.

True story.
This is what a vote for Democrats produces:

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said during a Thursday press conference that officials can't simply "arrest" their way out of the rising gun violence that has plagued the city in recent weeks. The mayor said the city also needs to make investments in Chicago's communities to help curb the heightened rate of shootings.2 days ago

Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Says City 'Can't Arrest Our Way' Out ... ā€ŗ ... ā€ŗ Gun Violence ā€ŗ Illinois

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Lightfoot Says Chicago 'Can't Arrest Our Way' Out of Surge in ... ā€ŗ news ā€ŗ local ā€ŗ lightfoot-...

3 days ago ā€” While Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot says more federal cooperation will be required to tackle the problem of gun violence in the city, ...

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View attachment 517247
Lightfoot Says Chicago ā€˜Can't Arrest Our Way' Out of Surge in Gun Violence
View attachment 517246
Lightfoot Says Chicago ā€˜Can't Arrest Our Way' Out of Surge in Gun Violence
Lightfoot Says Chicago ā€˜Can't Arrest Our Way' Out of Surge in Gun Violence
Lightfoot Says Chicago ā€˜Can't Arrest Our Way' Out of Surge in Gun Violence
Lightfoot Says Chicago ā€˜Can't Arrest Our Way' Out of Surge in Gun Violence
Lightfoot Says Chicago ā€˜Can't Arrest Our Way' Out of Surge in Gun Violence
Lightfoot Says Chicago ā€˜Can't Arrest Our Way' Out of Surge in Gun Violence
You have to be as stupid as this to vote Democrat.

True story.

She is the dumbest mayor we've ever had.....she makes Daley look brilliant.

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