Koba - sralin sold the Jews to GESTAPO (USSR and Nazis were allies )

Soviet Russia put the first man into space. Russia has had some great scientists. Far more in the Soviet era than now of course.
Many of those rocket scientists came from Ukraine, and Poland.
Most of them thought of themselves as Soviets, and worked for Soviet greatness.

Konstantine Ciolkowski was of a Polish heritage, and founded not just Soviet rocket scientist ideals, but also Nazi rocket scientist ideals.

He's not the only rocket scientist to come from Polish territories, so did Wernher Von Braun, Vladimir Chelomey, and Boris Chertok.

Even Korolev maybe part Polish, his surname is probably originally Korolewski, A typical Polish surname.
Soviets still invested properly into its scientists. If Russia didn't go Soviet illiteracy would've still been high. Truly Soviet ideals turned Russia into a superpower.

Nazis invested in even better scientists. Wernher Von Braun beat Soviets with Korolev , and the obviously USA into space. Nazis were working on Nuclear weapons before anybody was.

If Nazis weren't so reckless, and impatient, they probably would've ruled the entire World.

Fascism is really the best for a reason. It's a hybrid which leads to prosperity.
Germany was already an industrialized superpower, and a modern nation. Russia started off from way behind, and caught up to Germans because communism modernized their way of life.
"There are numerous accounts of UPA killing Jews." it was very much chaotic fight, different fractions UPA , provocations NKVD, GESTAPO , etc. in western Ukraine 23 armed different groups were active . including Jewish partisans , Bandera fraction was one of he most well organized. they did not see the Jews as the enemies, they fought Poles, and Mongols juchi mostly

The UPA, and Bandera were monsters. They killed even more Poles in Wolyn, and Eastern Galicia, than Soviets had in Katyn.
A big difference was also that Wolyn Massacre by Ukrainian terrorist UPA mostly killed women, and children. Katyn mostly killed military officials. While horrible, what Ukrainians did was even worse. Especially when the Ukrainian thugs burned down Poles homes, cut them with axes, saws, and machetes.

Massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia - Wikipedia
Poles were killing Ukrainians , Ukrainians were killing Poles, you know why Ukrainians won? ´coz fight took place in Ukrainian lands where Ukrainian have been in MAJORITY , the same goes to western Belarus , you Poles got Belarusian Belastok simply because Koba was an alcoholic

Bialystok was mostly Polish, and Jewish.

Ukrainians took lands from Poland, like Lwow because of Stalin.

Lwow was majority Polish.
Stalin tried to rid Ukraine, Poland, and Germany of Nazis, and quarrels. It may have worked in Ukraine, and Germany quite well, but Poland still ended up going Nazi in 1968 against the Jews once again.Poland marks 50 years since 1968 anti-Semitic purge | DW | 08.03.2018

What about Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, and all the other Kosher Commies who butchered Poland following WW2?

Up to 500,000 Polish patriots imprisoned by Jakub Berman, and up to 6,000 executed.

Including Polish patriot Witold Pilecki killed, and tortured under Kosher Commies like Berman, Roman Romkowski, and Jozef Rozanski, who warned the World about the Holocaust, when he volunteered to be imprisoned at Auschwitz, to gather information about the Holocaust, which he documented in Witold's Report. Which was sent to the Allies to prove the Holocaust was legit.

Witold Pilecki also fought against Nazi Germany throughout WW2, he was a captain against Nazis in the Warsaw Uprising of 1944.
These Polish communists were just reacting to Nazi Poland. Probably the same thing happened in the Katyn forest. The Communists hated Nazis, and antisemites, with good reason.
Why are you quoting me.....that wasn't my statement.

This was:
..every person with an IQ in double digits learned long ago not to believe any statistics that came from the Communists....

Try be be more observant.
"any statistics that came from the Communists...." great point, you are 120% right, even POLITBURO did not have a correct statistics...
What makes capitalists better than communists?

"What makes capitalists better than communists?"

Freedom, you dolt.

  1. Now, here is the determining criterion as to which is better: which is better able to correct itself? This is the difference between, as Thomas Sowell would say, the free market (constrained) and the Liberal (unconstrained) view of the world. Either side may be wrong about plans, or about programs. But which system is better able to discard the failed and experiment to find the new.
    1. The constrained view is that no human beings, nor any conglomeration of same, are omnipotent, nor omniscient, nor omnibenevolent. We are even incapable of knowing the true nature of the problems we face. This may be called the Tragic View. The values of one generation are seen later as absurd: slavery, phenology, lobotomy, women as property, etc.
  2. The answer is the free market. It is not perfect; it is simply better than state control. It is the one that has to respond quickly and effectively to dissatisfaction and to demand.
    1. In the free market, if a product or service does not please, it is discontinued. Compare that to government persistence and expansion of programs that proven to have failed decades ago: farm subsidies, aid to Africa, busing, etc.
  3. In the free market, every man, woman and child is scheming to find a better way to make a product or service that will make a fortune! David Mamet
Freedom has consequences. Burger freedom leads to obesity, gun freedom leads to violence, cigarette freedom leads to lung cancer, soda freedom leads to diabetes, and drug freedom leads to overdoses.

You are a perfect example of the danger of freedom.....folks are subject to the drivel you provide.
Freedom has value for gluttons, gun nuts, and degenerates. Of course they want to increase freedom so they can be irresponsible as possible. Causing a bunch of problems for society.
Most of them thought of themselves as Soviets, and worked for Soviet greatness.

Konstantine Ciolkowski was of a Polish heritage, and founded not just Soviet rocket scientist ideals, but also Nazi rocket scientist ideals.

He's not the only rocket scientist to come from Polish territories, so did Wernher Von Braun, Vladimir Chelomey, and Boris Chertok.

Even Korolev maybe part Polish, his surname is probably originally Korolewski, A typical Polish surname.
Soviets still invested properly into its scientists. If Russia didn't go Soviet illiteracy would've still been high. Truly Soviet ideals turned Russia into a superpower.

Stalin put rockets into the sky, while the peasantry starved to death.

Stalin took resources from the Russian people, and put it into military, rockets, and scientists.

The end result was a ton of famine, death, and squalor.
The life expectancy of Russia climbed steeply during Lenin, and Stalin years. It's really a myth that the peasantry was living so much worse than before. The truth is Lenin, and Stalin modernized Russia.

Only because Russia was still basically in serfdom. Basically anything would've been an improvement. Even Communism was slightly better than serfdom. Maybe just a more modern form of serfdom.

SHEEEEESH------I am FORCED to agree with Sobie-----WAY TO GO, MY
Many of those rocket scientists came from Ukraine, and Poland.
Most of them thought of themselves as Soviets, and worked for Soviet greatness.

Konstantine Ciolkowski was of a Polish heritage, and founded not just Soviet rocket scientist ideals, but also Nazi rocket scientist ideals.

He's not the only rocket scientist to come from Polish territories, so did Wernher Von Braun, Vladimir Chelomey, and Boris Chertok.

Even Korolev maybe part Polish, his surname is probably originally Korolewski, A typical Polish surname.
Soviets still invested properly into its scientists. If Russia didn't go Soviet illiteracy would've still been high. Truly Soviet ideals turned Russia into a superpower.

Nazis invested in even better scientists. Wernher Von Braun beat Soviets with Korolev , and the obviously USA into space. Nazis were working on Nuclear weapons before anybody was.

If Nazis weren't so reckless, and impatient, they probably would've ruled the entire World.

Fascism is really the best for a reason. It's a hybrid which leads to prosperity.
Germany was already an industrialized superpower, and a modern nation. Russia started off from way behind, and caught up to Germans because communism modernized their way of life.

Anything would have modernized Russia at that point. If Russia was a Capitalist, or even preferred a Fascist country, they would probably be just as rich as Finland their blood-brothers.
"any statistics that came from the Communists...." great point, you are 120% right, even POLITBURO did not have a correct statistics...
What makes capitalists better than communists?

"What makes capitalists better than communists?"

Freedom, you dolt.

  1. Now, here is the determining criterion as to which is better: which is better able to correct itself? This is the difference between, as Thomas Sowell would say, the free market (constrained) and the Liberal (unconstrained) view of the world. Either side may be wrong about plans, or about programs. But which system is better able to discard the failed and experiment to find the new.
    1. The constrained view is that no human beings, nor any conglomeration of same, are omnipotent, nor omniscient, nor omnibenevolent. We are even incapable of knowing the true nature of the problems we face. This may be called the Tragic View. The values of one generation are seen later as absurd: slavery, phenology, lobotomy, women as property, etc.
  2. The answer is the free market. It is not perfect; it is simply better than state control. It is the one that has to respond quickly and effectively to dissatisfaction and to demand.
    1. In the free market, if a product or service does not please, it is discontinued. Compare that to government persistence and expansion of programs that proven to have failed decades ago: farm subsidies, aid to Africa, busing, etc.
  3. In the free market, every man, woman and child is scheming to find a better way to make a product or service that will make a fortune! David Mamet
Freedom has consequences. Burger freedom leads to obesity, gun freedom leads to violence, cigarette freedom leads to lung cancer, soda freedom leads to diabetes, and drug freedom leads to overdoses.

You are a perfect example of the danger of freedom.....folks are subject to the drivel you provide.
Freedom has value for gluttons, gun nuts, and degenerates. Of course they want to increase freedom so they can be irresponsible as possible. Causing a bunch of problems for society.

Clearly you were born to be a slave.

You have my vote.
The UPA, and Bandera were monsters. They killed even more Poles in Wolyn, and Eastern Galicia, than Soviets had in Katyn.
A big difference was also that Wolyn Massacre by Ukrainian terrorist UPA mostly killed women, and children. Katyn mostly killed military officials. While horrible, what Ukrainians did was even worse. Especially when the Ukrainian thugs burned down Poles homes, cut them with axes, saws, and machetes.

Massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia - Wikipedia
Poles were killing Ukrainians , Ukrainians were killing Poles, you know why Ukrainians won? ´coz fight took place in Ukrainian lands where Ukrainian have been in MAJORITY , the same goes to western Belarus , you Poles got Belarusian Belastok simply because Koba was an alcoholic

Bialystok was mostly Polish, and Jewish.

Ukrainians took lands from Poland, like Lwow because of Stalin.

Lwow was majority Polish.
Stalin tried to rid Ukraine, Poland, and Germany of Nazis, and quarrels. It may have worked in Ukraine, and Germany quite well, but Poland still ended up going Nazi in 1968 against the Jews once again.Poland marks 50 years since 1968 anti-Semitic purge | DW | 08.03.2018

What about Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, and all the other Kosher Commies who butchered Poland following WW2?

Up to 500,000 Polish patriots imprisoned by Jakub Berman, and up to 6,000 executed.

Including Polish patriot Witold Pilecki killed, and tortured under Kosher Commies like Berman, Roman Romkowski, and Jozef Rozanski, who warned the World about the Holocaust, when he volunteered to be imprisoned at Auschwitz, to gather information about the Holocaust, which he documented in Witold's Report. Which was sent to the Allies to prove the Holocaust was legit.

Witold Pilecki also fought against Nazi Germany throughout WW2, he was a captain against Nazis in the Warsaw Uprising of 1944.
These Polish communists were just reacting to Nazi Poland. Probably the same thing happened in the Katyn forest. The Communists hated Nazis, and antisemites, with good reason.

for the statement "the communists hated...anti-semites......." talk to
some Russian jew expats. When stalin had problems he reached into
his early DIVINTITY SCHOOL EDUCATIONS-------and blamed da joooos
The UPA, and Bandera were monsters. They killed even more Poles in Wolyn, and Eastern Galicia, than Soviets had in Katyn.
A big difference was also that Wolyn Massacre by Ukrainian terrorist UPA mostly killed women, and children. Katyn mostly killed military officials. While horrible, what Ukrainians did was even worse. Especially when the Ukrainian thugs burned down Poles homes, cut them with axes, saws, and machetes.

Massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia - Wikipedia
Poles were killing Ukrainians , Ukrainians were killing Poles, you know why Ukrainians won? ´coz fight took place in Ukrainian lands where Ukrainian have been in MAJORITY , the same goes to western Belarus , you Poles got Belarusian Belastok simply because Koba was an alcoholic

Bialystok was mostly Polish, and Jewish.

Ukrainians took lands from Poland, like Lwow because of Stalin.

Lwow was majority Polish.
Stalin tried to rid Ukraine, Poland, and Germany of Nazis, and quarrels. It may have worked in Ukraine, and Germany quite well, but Poland still ended up going Nazi in 1968 against the Jews once again.Poland marks 50 years since 1968 anti-Semitic purge | DW | 08.03.2018

What about Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, and all the other Kosher Commies who butchered Poland following WW2?

Up to 500,000 Polish patriots imprisoned by Jakub Berman, and up to 6,000 executed.

Including Polish patriot Witold Pilecki killed, and tortured under Kosher Commies like Berman, Roman Romkowski, and Jozef Rozanski, who warned the World about the Holocaust, when he volunteered to be imprisoned at Auschwitz, to gather information about the Holocaust, which he documented in Witold's Report. Which was sent to the Allies to prove the Holocaust was legit.

Witold Pilecki also fought against Nazi Germany throughout WW2, he was a captain against Nazis in the Warsaw Uprising of 1944.
These Polish communists were just reacting to Nazi Poland. Probably the same thing happened in the Katyn forest. The Communists hated Nazis, and antisemites, with good reason.

WTF? What kind of sicko thinks Katyn Massacre was because Poles were anti-Semitic, or Nazis?

Wikipedia admits Poland's rate of Nazi collaboration was super low.

Collaboration with the Axis Powers - Wikipedia

Only 17,000 Poles out of 25,000,000 ethnic Poles.
As opposed to Jews which had 16,000 out of 15,000,000 ethnic Jews.

So, actually Kosher people were more likely to be Nazi collaborators on a disproportionate, or per capita basis.
"any statistics that came from the Communists...." great point, you are 120% right, even POLITBURO did not have a correct statistics...
What makes capitalists better than communists?

"What makes capitalists better than communists?"

Freedom, you dolt.

  1. Now, here is the determining criterion as to which is better: which is better able to correct itself? This is the difference between, as Thomas Sowell would say, the free market (constrained) and the Liberal (unconstrained) view of the world. Either side may be wrong about plans, or about programs. But which system is better able to discard the failed and experiment to find the new.
    1. The constrained view is that no human beings, nor any conglomeration of same, are omnipotent, nor omniscient, nor omnibenevolent. We are even incapable of knowing the true nature of the problems we face. This may be called the Tragic View. The values of one generation are seen later as absurd: slavery, phenology, lobotomy, women as property, etc.
  2. The answer is the free market. It is not perfect; it is simply better than state control. It is the one that has to respond quickly and effectively to dissatisfaction and to demand.
    1. In the free market, if a product or service does not please, it is discontinued. Compare that to government persistence and expansion of programs that proven to have failed decades ago: farm subsidies, aid to Africa, busing, etc.
  3. In the free market, every man, woman and child is scheming to find a better way to make a product or service that will make a fortune! David Mamet
Freedom has consequences. Burger freedom leads to obesity, gun freedom leads to violence, cigarette freedom leads to lung cancer, soda freedom leads to diabetes, and drug freedom leads to overdoses.

You are a perfect example of the danger of freedom.....folks are subject to the drivel you provide.
Freedom has value for gluttons, gun nuts, and degenerates. Of course they want to increase freedom so they can be irresponsible as possible. Causing a bunch of problems for society.

Guns have been taken away from the targeted masses in just about every genocide event.
What makes capitalists better than communists?

"What makes capitalists better than communists?"

Freedom, you dolt.

  1. Now, here is the determining criterion as to which is better: which is better able to correct itself? This is the difference between, as Thomas Sowell would say, the free market (constrained) and the Liberal (unconstrained) view of the world. Either side may be wrong about plans, or about programs. But which system is better able to discard the failed and experiment to find the new.
    1. The constrained view is that no human beings, nor any conglomeration of same, are omnipotent, nor omniscient, nor omnibenevolent. We are even incapable of knowing the true nature of the problems we face. This may be called the Tragic View. The values of one generation are seen later as absurd: slavery, phenology, lobotomy, women as property, etc.
  2. The answer is the free market. It is not perfect; it is simply better than state control. It is the one that has to respond quickly and effectively to dissatisfaction and to demand.
    1. In the free market, if a product or service does not please, it is discontinued. Compare that to government persistence and expansion of programs that proven to have failed decades ago: farm subsidies, aid to Africa, busing, etc.
  3. In the free market, every man, woman and child is scheming to find a better way to make a product or service that will make a fortune! David Mamet
Freedom has consequences. Burger freedom leads to obesity, gun freedom leads to violence, cigarette freedom leads to lung cancer, soda freedom leads to diabetes, and drug freedom leads to overdoses.

You are a perfect example of the danger of freedom.....folks are subject to the drivel you provide.
Freedom has value for gluttons, gun nuts, and degenerates. Of course they want to increase freedom so they can be irresponsible as possible. Causing a bunch of problems for society.

Guns have been taken away from the targeted masses in just about every genocide event.
Maybe long ago, but even during the Nazi regime Jews would've been helpless armed, or disarmed. They were outmatched by Panzers, and machine guns, and everything else.
Poles were killing Ukrainians , Ukrainians were killing Poles, you know why Ukrainians won? ´coz fight took place in Ukrainian lands where Ukrainian have been in MAJORITY , the same goes to western Belarus , you Poles got Belarusian Belastok simply because Koba was an alcoholic

Bialystok was mostly Polish, and Jewish.

Ukrainians took lands from Poland, like Lwow because of Stalin.

Lwow was majority Polish.
Stalin tried to rid Ukraine, Poland, and Germany of Nazis, and quarrels. It may have worked in Ukraine, and Germany quite well, but Poland still ended up going Nazi in 1968 against the Jews once again.Poland marks 50 years since 1968 anti-Semitic purge | DW | 08.03.2018

What about Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, and all the other Kosher Commies who butchered Poland following WW2?

Up to 500,000 Polish patriots imprisoned by Jakub Berman, and up to 6,000 executed.

Including Polish patriot Witold Pilecki killed, and tortured under Kosher Commies like Berman, Roman Romkowski, and Jozef Rozanski, who warned the World about the Holocaust, when he volunteered to be imprisoned at Auschwitz, to gather information about the Holocaust, which he documented in Witold's Report. Which was sent to the Allies to prove the Holocaust was legit.

Witold Pilecki also fought against Nazi Germany throughout WW2, he was a captain against Nazis in the Warsaw Uprising of 1944.
These Polish communists were just reacting to Nazi Poland. Probably the same thing happened in the Katyn forest. The Communists hated Nazis, and antisemites, with good reason.

WTF? What kind of sicko thinks Katyn Massacre was because Poles were anti-Semitic, or Nazis?

Wikipedia admits Poland's rate of Nazi collaboration was super low.

Collaboration with the Axis Powers - Wikipedia

Only 17,000 Poles out of 25,000,000 ethnic Poles.
As opposed to Jews which had 16,000 out of 15,000,000 ethnic Jews.

So, actually Kosher people were more likely to be Nazi collaborators on a disproportionate, or per capita basis.
Poles were horrible Nazis, just like the rest of the Europeans.
What makes capitalists better than communists?

"What makes capitalists better than communists?"

Freedom, you dolt.

  1. Now, here is the determining criterion as to which is better: which is better able to correct itself? This is the difference between, as Thomas Sowell would say, the free market (constrained) and the Liberal (unconstrained) view of the world. Either side may be wrong about plans, or about programs. But which system is better able to discard the failed and experiment to find the new.
    1. The constrained view is that no human beings, nor any conglomeration of same, are omnipotent, nor omniscient, nor omnibenevolent. We are even incapable of knowing the true nature of the problems we face. This may be called the Tragic View. The values of one generation are seen later as absurd: slavery, phenology, lobotomy, women as property, etc.
  2. The answer is the free market. It is not perfect; it is simply better than state control. It is the one that has to respond quickly and effectively to dissatisfaction and to demand.
    1. In the free market, if a product or service does not please, it is discontinued. Compare that to government persistence and expansion of programs that proven to have failed decades ago: farm subsidies, aid to Africa, busing, etc.
  3. In the free market, every man, woman and child is scheming to find a better way to make a product or service that will make a fortune! David Mamet
Freedom has consequences. Burger freedom leads to obesity, gun freedom leads to violence, cigarette freedom leads to lung cancer, soda freedom leads to diabetes, and drug freedom leads to overdoses.

You are a perfect example of the danger of freedom.....folks are subject to the drivel you provide.
Freedom has value for gluttons, gun nuts, and degenerates. Of course they want to increase freedom so they can be irresponsible as possible. Causing a bunch of problems for society.

Clearly you were born to be a slave.

You have my vote.
Society needs tweaking for better outcomes. Even most Republicans agree with police, military, and firemen to combat societal failures. Only real idiots are anarchists.
Most of them thought of themselves as Soviets, and worked for Soviet greatness.

Konstantine Ciolkowski was of a Polish heritage, and founded not just Soviet rocket scientist ideals, but also Nazi rocket scientist ideals.

He's not the only rocket scientist to come from Polish territories, so did Wernher Von Braun, Vladimir Chelomey, and Boris Chertok.

Even Korolev maybe part Polish, his surname is probably originally Korolewski, A typical Polish surname.
Soviets still invested properly into its scientists. If Russia didn't go Soviet illiteracy would've still been high. Truly Soviet ideals turned Russia into a superpower.

Nazis invested in even better scientists. Wernher Von Braun beat Soviets with Korolev , and the obviously USA into space. Nazis were working on Nuclear weapons before anybody was.

If Nazis weren't so reckless, and impatient, they probably would've ruled the entire World.

Fascism is really the best for a reason. It's a hybrid which leads to prosperity.
Germany was already an industrialized superpower, and a modern nation. Russia started off from way behind, and caught up to Germans because communism modernized their way of life.

Anything would have modernized Russia at that point. If Russia was a Capitalist, or even preferred a Fascist country, they would probably be just as rich as Finland their blood-brothers.
Still, Russia caught up due to Soviet modernization. Actually Russia was catching up under the Soviet regime. That is until Gorbachev sold out the Russian people. Then Russia collapsed into sliding backwards again in the 1990's.
Bialystok was mostly Polish, and Jewish.

Ukrainians took lands from Poland, like Lwow because of Stalin.

Lwow was majority Polish.
Stalin tried to rid Ukraine, Poland, and Germany of Nazis, and quarrels. It may have worked in Ukraine, and Germany quite well, but Poland still ended up going Nazi in 1968 against the Jews once again.Poland marks 50 years since 1968 anti-Semitic purge | DW | 08.03.2018

What about Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, and all the other Kosher Commies who butchered Poland following WW2?

Up to 500,000 Polish patriots imprisoned by Jakub Berman, and up to 6,000 executed.

Including Polish patriot Witold Pilecki killed, and tortured under Kosher Commies like Berman, Roman Romkowski, and Jozef Rozanski, who warned the World about the Holocaust, when he volunteered to be imprisoned at Auschwitz, to gather information about the Holocaust, which he documented in Witold's Report. Which was sent to the Allies to prove the Holocaust was legit.

Witold Pilecki also fought against Nazi Germany throughout WW2, he was a captain against Nazis in the Warsaw Uprising of 1944.
These Polish communists were just reacting to Nazi Poland. Probably the same thing happened in the Katyn forest. The Communists hated Nazis, and antisemites, with good reason.

WTF? What kind of sicko thinks Katyn Massacre was because Poles were anti-Semitic, or Nazis?

Wikipedia admits Poland's rate of Nazi collaboration was super low.

Collaboration with the Axis Powers - Wikipedia

Only 17,000 Poles out of 25,000,000 ethnic Poles.
As opposed to Jews which had 16,000 out of 15,000,000 ethnic Jews.

So, actually Kosher people were more likely to be Nazi collaborators on a disproportionate, or per capita basis.
Poles were horrible Nazis, just like the rest of the Europeans.

What Polish Nazis? There were no Polish SS units.
Konstantine Ciolkowski was of a Polish heritage, and founded not just Soviet rocket scientist ideals, but also Nazi rocket scientist ideals.

He's not the only rocket scientist to come from Polish territories, so did Wernher Von Braun, Vladimir Chelomey, and Boris Chertok.

Even Korolev maybe part Polish, his surname is probably originally Korolewski, A typical Polish surname.
Soviets still invested properly into its scientists. If Russia didn't go Soviet illiteracy would've still been high. Truly Soviet ideals turned Russia into a superpower.

Nazis invested in even better scientists. Wernher Von Braun beat Soviets with Korolev , and the obviously USA into space. Nazis were working on Nuclear weapons before anybody was.

If Nazis weren't so reckless, and impatient, they probably would've ruled the entire World.

Fascism is really the best for a reason. It's a hybrid which leads to prosperity.
Germany was already an industrialized superpower, and a modern nation. Russia started off from way behind, and caught up to Germans because communism modernized their way of life.

Anything would have modernized Russia at that point. If Russia was a Capitalist, or even preferred a Fascist country, they would probably be just as rich as Finland their blood-brothers.
Still, Russia caught up due to Soviet modernization. Actually Russia was catching up under the Soviet regime. That is until Gorbachev sold out the Russian people. Then Russia collapsed into sliding backwards again in the 1990's.

Finland, and Ireland were nearly as poor as Russia back then, now they are far richer than Russia.

So much for your Commie crapola.
Soviets still invested properly into its scientists. If Russia didn't go Soviet illiteracy would've still been high. Truly Soviet ideals turned Russia into a superpower.

Nazis invested in even better scientists. Wernher Von Braun beat Soviets with Korolev , and the obviously USA into space. Nazis were working on Nuclear weapons before anybody was.

If Nazis weren't so reckless, and impatient, they probably would've ruled the entire World.

Fascism is really the best for a reason. It's a hybrid which leads to prosperity.
Germany was already an industrialized superpower, and a modern nation. Russia started off from way behind, and caught up to Germans because communism modernized their way of life.

Anything would have modernized Russia at that point. If Russia was a Capitalist, or even preferred a Fascist country, they would probably be just as rich as Finland their blood-brothers.
Still, Russia caught up due to Soviet modernization. Actually Russia was catching up under the Soviet regime. That is until Gorbachev sold out the Russian people. Then Russia collapsed into sliding backwards again in the 1990's.

Finland, and Ireland were nearly as poor as Russia back then, now they are far richer than Russia.

So much for your Commie crapola.
Russia is a lot bigger than those countries. Therefor it is hard to compare.
Stalin and Hitler were two of a kind. It was only a matter of time before one betrayed the other.

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