Kobe Bryant refuses to support trayvon martin. Liberals crucify him


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Kobe is NOT supporting zimmerman. He's just trying to mind his own business and not support anyone, but the hatefilled progs won't allow that.

Kobe Bryant criticizes Lebron James for supporting Trayvon Martin | Mail Online

29 March 2014
LA Lakers star Kobe Bryant has been heavily criticized after saying that he didn't think he should necessarily have an opinion on Trayvon Martin's shooting just because he is African American.

Asked about that, Bryant said he took exception to any idea that Africa-Americans should hold opinions based on their race alone.

'I won’t react to something just because I’m supposed to, because I’m an African-American,' Bryant said.

'Yet you want to talk about how far we’ve progressed as a society? Well, we’ve progressed as a society, then don’t jump to somebody’s defense just because they’re African-American.

The comments have provoked a huge backlash and debate and led to accusations that Bryant is out of touch with real African-American issues.

Civil rights activist Najee Ali, director of Project Islamic H.O.P.E., called for a boycott of all things Bryant.

'Bryant doesn’t identify with the struggle that our African-American youth face nationally. So why should we continue to support Bryant who has never truly identified with the African American experience.'
Kobe is jealous He will be sitting at home watching King James win another championship..

Kobe Bryant is still one of the greatest Basketball players in his generation. He was winning titles while Lebron was still in COLLEGE. In fact, he's won 5 NBA titles to Lebron's 2.


EDIT: Lebron did go straight from High School to the NBA, a trend at the time he was drafted, and which I remember distinctly, following my Atlanta Hawks that year.
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Kobe is jealous He will be sitting at home watching King James win another championship..

Kobe Bryant is still one of the greatest Basketball players in his generation. He was winning titles while Lebron was still in COLLEGE. In fact, he's won 5 NBA titles to Lebron's 2.


Lol. Lebron didn't go to college :dunno:
Kobe is jealous He will be sitting at home watching King James win another championship..

Kobe Bryant is still one of the greatest Basketball players in his generation. He was winning titles while Lebron was still in COLLEGE. In fact, he's won 5 NBA titles to Lebron's 2.


ESPN Rank of current players Lebron #1 Kobe #25 and Kobe is finished.

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