Kobe Bryant


Aug 28, 2003
New York
Any thoughts on the upcoming trial?

So far, I feel he his guilty from the little facts and testimony presented. People will do anything for a little cash these days though, so I'll reserve full judgement for when the actual trial opens.

Probably won't have the trial for another 4-6 months, but they may try to speed it up.
Does it really matter if he did it or not Jim?? It wasnt his fault he was born balck. Hes not white so he isnt responsible for his actions. Who cares that he makes for in 1 yr than I will in my whole life. He had it tough man!! We should just throw the whole thing out of court!! :rolleyes:
Now, Now, Jackass - simmer down!

People suing stars for no good reason and ruining their names irks me. I'm not saying that is the case here, but lets wait and see. I already stated I believe he did it, but if I was on the jury I would want more info before convicting.
Now Jackass, you can't truly blame the "black" for the way things are today - you don't even want to get me rolling on this issue. First, when I was working at Bellcore, I got a private letter for the AVP, a new signing on the way things were going to be handled there - test grading for job: White - 7.6 grade average - Black - 4.8 - well, right there wrong, but should I blame the black girl sitting next to me that she got the better job because of a lower grade?

Affirmative Action - should we blame the black because what we believe Affirmative Action stood for (ALL) only goes to black, well, ok, some female as well?

The way I see things, you can call it all Politics!!! go argue with your local legistlator and work your way up, that's the stem - you really want to just blame a black person? yeah, I hate the fact that you have Miss America and Black Miss America, and funny thing, this year, you will have Black miss America and Black Miss America they win both! but was it her fault she won?

You have United Way and Black United Way! Should I have blamed the girl next to me that contriubted to black united way?

Don't make sense to anyone, I know, I don't maybe write as good as others, but I am sorry, you can blame politics on all that's going on. Just like what once was ENGLISH SPEAKING AMERICA!!! what happened to that? now it's SPANISH/ENGLISH - yeah, that's the way, call a company and it's if you would like to continue in English press 1 - what about if you can't understand, learn English???? How many of our family members came to America and HAD to learn English??? in Perth Amboy you have a school strictly in spanish - but it comes down to, who do you blame???
Originally posted by jimnyc
Now, Now, Jackass - simmer down!

People suing stars for no good reason and ruining their names irks me. I'm not saying that is the case here, but lets wait and see. I already stated I believe he did it, but if I was on the jury I would want more info before convicting.

Jim, I totally agree, people try to get their 15 minutes of fame by suing someone famous.

I heard something on the radio yesterday to the effect that the alleged victim had allegedly had sex with three different guys within the three day period before she told people she was raped. If this is true, it would certainly cast a different light on this woman's character...
Jeff I agree also, but we should keep in mind that even if the story turns out to be true, it does not change the act itself. Even if she turns out to be a slut, it still does not mean she was not raped and if he is let go he very well might do this to another women.

I think the important part is not her character, even a prostitute can be raped, but rather the physical evidence. If she had a lot of sex in the last couple of days, could this produce the bruising? I think this is the important question to ask.
Originally posted by gop_jeff
Jim, I totally agree, people try to get their 15 minutes of fame by suing someone famous.

I heard something on the radio yesterday to the effect that the alleged victim had allegedly had sex with three different guys within the three day period before she told people she was raped. If this is true, it would certainly cast a different light on this woman's character...

She didn't really have sex with 3 other men. The defense attorney brought that "possibility" up when questioning the detectives handling the case. They are just trying to blemish the woman who was allegedly raped.

"Bryant's attorney, Pamela Mackey, tried to show the woman's story was just that -- a story. She used the woman's name six different times, and at one point suggested that her injuries might be ``consistent with a person who has had sex with three different men in three days.''

That drew a quick recess from Judge Frederick Gannett, but also gave an early taste of what could likely turn into a messy and nasty trial when it is finally held sometime next year."


I agree, the important thing is whether she was raped... but the possibility (thanks Jim) that she tagged three other guys in the nights previous couldaccount for her injuries... maybe she liked it rough?
Originally posted by gop_jeff

I agree, the important thing is whether she was raped... but the possibility (thanks Jim) that she tagged three other guys in the nights previous couldaccount for her injuries... maybe she liked it rough?

Should that be found out to be the case, I would agree it would be devastating for the prosecution.

I think the defense is going to try and destroy her credibility, and this is just a start. I don't think she was with anyone else in the few days prior (just a hunch), but a good enough attorney can make it sound as if she was. Shit, a good attorney can make it seem if she slept with a gorilla a half an hour before!

Will make for good television at least!
Hey, are we going to hear another "If the glove don't fit, you must aquit" deal? hehehehehehhe!

If he did it, let him roast! Unfortanately, money has a way of setting you free, just like OJ!

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