Biden Doesn't Want An Audience

Poster Mudwhistle: "Biden Doesn't Want An Audience"​

Actually, America's thinking population doesn't want the distractions of jackass members of an audience who boo, his, and shout, for or against either candidate..... when that thinking population wants to hear how each debater articulates his position on issues important to Americans, thinkers and non-thinkers.


It’s a mistake to think that Biden can articulate anything. He struggles with assembling words into coherent sentences. He struggles pause with reading a giant teleprompter end of sentence repeat line. Even with the expectation that Biden will have a prepared list of questions from the CNN flunkies, he’s hardly capable of being lucid for the course of a debate.

Beside that, what can Biden offer about his position on anything that has not already been demonstrated? Actions speak with the utmost clarity. Biden’s actions relative to open borders, deficit spending, lawlessness, vindictive behavior of government persecution of political opponents are right of the Stalinist / Leninist playbook.
No, they're not. Lol. Orange man has increased his lead in nevada to 12.
Again, I'd look again Skippy. If that's what Rassmussen is telling you, then's shrinking.
Each candidate will get a boost after their convention, and the numbers will really start to tighten as people are now forced to actually make a choice. :)

Biden is used to not having an audience when he talks, so I guess this is an advantage. He also wants muted mics.

If he shits himself, the only person in the room that will act like they noticed it would be Trump. And if he mentions it the media will claim he made it up.

It's difficult to think that a president is so afraid of his voters that he would demand that none of them be anywhere near him when he debates.

That's a really BIG red-flag, folks.

Trump said his only demand is that Biden get a drug test before the debate.

I don't think it matters if the mods provide Biden with the questions in advance because he won't be able to remember them or respond in a rational manner.

And if they give Biden a communications device, he won't be able to repeat what they feed him anyway.

The only way Biden wins is if they refuse to let Trump talk, or that they edit the debate and only show what helps Biden. That would cut a 90 min debate down to roughly 60 seconds.

I'd bet my paycheck that they're actually discussing how they can edit a live broadcast.

Biden could never ad-lib like this if something goes wrong.

Only good thing about this is that there'll be no handpicked crowd of Bidet cheerleaders there to feign being aghast at anything Trump says, other than the lamestream media moderators.
Stealing you mean. Better hope your illegals turn out in force.

Black voters turning kn you....Jews.

Poor thing

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Hunter Biden isn't running for President. Undocumented immigrants aren't allowed to vote and there was no widespread fraud in 2020.
I know you're grasping but really, no one gives a shit.

Get them excuses ready.
Again, I'd look again Skippy. If that's what Rassmussen is telling you, then's shrinking.
Each candidate will get a boost after their convention, and the numbers will really start to tighten as people are now forced to actually make a choice. :)

Dems / Socialists aren’t voting for Biden, they’re voting against Trump. Even the party line, politburo loyalists are realizing Biden is a monumental failure.
Dems / Socialists aren’t voting for Biden, they’re voting against Trump. Even the party line, politburo loyalists are realizing Biden is a monumental failure.
That's a matter of opinion. However, these are the two choices we are left with. That's a product of our current two party vice-lock. And a completely different conversation.
So in a choice between a career politician and a grifter who actually tried to destroy this country to stay in power....guess which one I'm going to choose?
Nobody goes to hear Biden speak. Everyone wants to hear Trump speak. Biden doesn't want an audience because the odds say the great majority would be Trump supporters. In the end, Biden will do what all Democrats do and let the media declare him the winner. The debate doesn't mean shit to them. In fact, they probably have 90% of their post-debate evaluation already written. MAGA
The WH probably already has the questions and are taking a week to formulate the answers. That gives them four weeks to train Biden, like a parrot, to memorize the responses.

IMO, Trump should not have agreed to a “moderator” who compared him to Hitler. This is a pure set-up.
The WH probably already has the questions and are taking a week to formulate the answers. That gives them four weeks to train Biden, like a parrot, to memorize the responses.

IMO, Trump should not have agreed to a “moderator” who compared him to Hitler. This is a pure set-up.
Either an old school free for all debate or none at all.

Trump should be able to question the illegal BS Biden has done.

Should be no debate under Swamp rules.
Biden is used to not having an audience when he talks, so I guess this is an advantage. He also wants muted mics.

If he shits himself, the only person in the room that will act like they noticed it would be Trump. And if he mentions it the media will claim he made it up.

It's difficult to think that a president is so afraid of his voters that he would demand that none of them be anywhere near him when he debates.

That's a really BIG red-flag, folks.

Trump said his only demand is that Biden get a drug test before the debate.

I don't think it matters if the mods provide Biden with the questions in advance because he won't be able to remember them or respond in a rational manner.

And if they give Biden a communications device, he won't be able to repeat what they feed him anyway.

The only way Biden wins is if they refuse to let Trump talk, or that they edit the debate and only show what helps Biden. That would cut a 90 min debate down to roughly 60 seconds.

I'd bet my paycheck that they're actually discussing how they can edit a live broadcast.

Biden could never ad-lib like this if something goes wrong.

Oh God.... they're not actually going to subject America to this massive humiliation are they? Don't they realize that other nations will be watching?

I mean this is just embarrassing!
The WH probably already has the questions and are taking a week to formulate the answers. That gives them four weeks to train Biden, like a parrot, to memorize the responses.

IMO, Trump should not have agreed to a “moderator” who compared him to Hitler. This is a pure set-up.
Trump is foolish. He gains nothing in a debate. Even if he stomped Biden into the stage in a massive embarrassment he would still lose in public opinion.

People do not like Donald Trump, even the people who voted and will vote for him. In a position like that you keep a low profile.

This is exactly what killed Hillary.
Trump is foolish. He gains nothing in a debate. Even if he stomped Biden into the stage in a massive embarrassment he would still lose in public opinion.

People do not like Donald Trump, even the people who voted and will vote for him. In a position like that you keep a low profile.

This is exactly what killed Hillary.
He has no need to. Blacks and Jews are already leaving the Dems in droves.

Let them fall on their own sword
As one person put it, we now know when the next big 'crisis' will occur in America. Right around the time of either one of these debates. My money will be on the second one after Biden gets embarrassed in the first.

As to the rules, Trump should counter with a few of his own.

  1. No member of the media is to be permitted to moderate the debate.
  2. The moderator's microphone should be on only long enough to ask the candidates a question.
  3. Every question will be addressed to both Candidates, and each will be given 4 minutes to answer while the other's microphone is off.
  4. The debate will be presented live only and any media broadcasting the event who has technical issues, or alters the feed at all will be subjected to 10 million dollars in fines.
  5. Each candidate will be permitted 10 minutes to close.
We know that the moderators will not be able to stop themselves from interjecting their opinonis into the debate and they actually have no right to 'push back' on an answer. The event is about the Candidates, not them.

Having a list of questions aimed at both candidates ensures that the questions remain focused on the issues and not on the personalities.

Giving Joe Biden 4 minutes to answer anything will tell the American people all they need to know about his cognitive ability, and the 10 minute summary should completely surpass his ability.
Biden is used to not having an audience when he talks, so I guess this is an advantage. He also wants muted mics.

If he shits himself, the only person in the room that will act like they noticed it would be Trump. And if he mentions it the media will claim he made it up.

It's difficult to think that a president is so afraid of his voters that he would demand that none of them be anywhere near him when he debates.

That's a really BIG red-flag, folks.

Trump said his only demand is that Biden get a drug test before the debate.

I don't think it matters if the mods provide Biden with the questions in advance because he won't be able to remember them or respond in a rational manner.

And if they give Biden a communications device, he won't be able to repeat what they feed him anyway.

The only way Biden wins is if they refuse to let Trump talk, or that they edit the debate and only show what helps Biden. That would cut a 90 min debate down to roughly 60 seconds.

I'd bet my paycheck that they're actually discussing how they can edit a live broadcast.

Biden could never ad-lib like this if something goes wrong.

Yes, he is..................

The Biden television ad trumpeting these debates had FIVE (5) editing interruptions in a thirteen second statement.

Think about that. He couldn't even make that short statement without significant errors.

I would imagine it's his attempt to create an escape hatch in case he decides he doesn't want to debate President Biden.

Would you be opposed to drug testing both of them? There's wild accusations of both of them being "drugged up" for these types of events. Don't the voters have a right to know if the candidate they are seeing in the debates is the actual candidate and not some amped up version of that person? It's really no different than testing an athlete for PEDs

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