Spoiler Alert: Prosecutors' Tortuous Trump Case Is 'Confusing' to Nearly Everyone

Fusion GPS was the firm that was very well known in Washington DC circles, Faun! Glenn Simpson was the guy you went to when you wanted dirt on your opponents and you didn't care if it was real dirt or just something made up to smear your opponent.

Are you claiming that the Clinton Campaign didn't use the dossiers? They did. Those dossiers were shopped to their favorite liberal outlets for weeks and they couldn't get anyone to publish them because the claims weren't supported. They finally got David Corn at Mother Jones to go with the story and as soon as Mother Jones reported on it the other liberal outlets immediately reported on the Mother Jones story. Hillary got her smear job and she got it right before the election!

No they weren't. It was Steele himself who went to Mother Jones. And Mother Jones didn't get very specific about what was in the dossier. Just generalities of what the FBI was looking into. It wasn't until January, 2021, that the dossier went public.
No they weren't. It was Steele himself who went to Mother Jones. And Mother Jones didn't get very specific about what was in the dossier. Just generalities of what the FBI was looking into. It wasn't until January, 2021, that the dossier went public.
Really, Faun? What was the date of the Mother Jones article? The "dossiers" weren't shown to the public until after the election but what they were alleged to contain was a huge story BEFORE the election...just as the Clinton camp wanted. Would you like me to show what WAS being reported?

That's the Mother Jones article that broke the log jam. None of the allegations in it had been backed up by other sources which made the other media outlets (even the most liberal ones!) balk at reporting on the story but Simpson got David Corn at Mother Jones to report it in October of that year...just prior to the election. As soon as Corn's story came out the other main stream media outlets immediately reported on Corn's story. Simpson could have cared less if the actual dossiers were published...the goal all along was to get the story out that Trump was being investigated by the FBI and our Intelligence services because it appeared that he was compromised! THAT was what the Clinton campaign and the DNC paid all that money for!
Really, Faun? What was the date of the Mother Jones article? The "dossiers" weren't shown to the public until after the election but what they were alleged to contain was a huge story BEFORE the election...just as the Clinton camp wanted. Would you like me to show what WAS being reported?

Yes, really. I don't deny it was a huge story, but there's very little specifics in there from the dossier. It mentions an unnamed spy, it mentions he found connections between Trump and Russian and he told MJ Russia was "cultivating, supporting and assisting Trump." Which we already knew as it was public knowledge that Russia was hacking Democrats and dumping private email conversations on the internet.

There's no evidence in there that Hillary knew about Steele or his dossier. She wasn't involved with the FBI being contacted by Steele. She wasn't involved with Steele going to MJ.

Had she, or her campaign, come in possession of that dossier, she would have used it. She would have been citing specifics from it. She would have been screaming about a purported pee-pee tape.

All you have is, c'mon, you know she was involved. That doesn't cut it.
Wasn't he aquited?
"Which other candidates faced felony charges for their campaign finance violations and what were their penalties?" replied to that. We all know how it turned out, but I fail to see how that is relevant to the original question. .
Yes, really. I don't deny it was a huge story, but there's very little specifics in there from the dossier. It mentions an unnamed spy, it mentions he found connections between Trump and Russian and he told MJ Russia was "cultivating, supporting and assisting Trump." Which we already knew as it was public knowledge that Russia was hacking Democrats and dumping private email conversations on the internet.

There's no evidence in there that Hillary knew about Steele or his dossier. She wasn't involved with the FBI being contacted by Steele. She wasn't involved with Steele going to MJ.

Had she, or her campaign, come in possession of that dossier, she would have used it. She would have been citing specifics from it. She would have been screaming about a purported pee-pee tape.

All you have is, c'mon, you know she was involved. That doesn't cut it.
Dude...she paid over a hundred thousand dollars to Steele. Claiming she didn't know about the Fusion GPS smear is laughable. If this wasn't the Clinton's you might be able to convince people that it was all innocent but there's nothing "innocent" about Bill and Hillary! I'm not saying she was "involved"...that's way too vague! I'm saying she knew all about it and sanctioned that smear job...something which says volumes about Hillary Clinton because at the time she was doing that she was WAY ahead in the polls!
That would have been the case had he been charged with a misdemeanor. But he is charged with a felony. That comes with a bigger penalty if convicted.

And for the record, I myself don't want to see him given prison time if he's convicted. I personally don't see this as that bad of a crime.
I agree. There was very likely malfeasance, but I don't think it should have been prosecuted as a felony.
Dude...she paid over a hundred thousand dollars to Steele. Claiming she didn't know about the Fusion GPS smear is laughable. If this wasn't the Clinton's you might be able to convince people that it was all innocent but there's nothing "innocent" about Bill and Hillary! I'm not saying she was "involved"...that's way too vague! I'm saying she knew all about it and sanctioned that smear job...something which says volumes about Hillary Clinton because at the time she was doing that she was WAY ahead in the polls!


You are of course, entitled to believe what you want, but that's still not proof. Proof that there's no proof she knew about it is that's a federal crime (see: 52 U.S.C. § 30121). Trump's DoJ would most certainly have charged her with that.

You are of course, entitled to believe what you want, but that's still not proof. Proof that there's no proof she knew about it is that's a federal crime (see: 52 U.S.C. § 30121). Trump's DoJ would most certainly have charged her with that.
I'm not charging Hillary Clinton with a crime that needs to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. I'm simply pointing out that there is a long history of Hillary Clinton getting herself in trouble by doing sleazy things! The list is long.

Trump didn't sic his DOJ on Hillary like Joe Biden has done. He was too busy running the country. That says volumes about Joe Biden and you liberals.
I'm not charging Hillary Clinton with a crime that needs to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. I'm simply pointing out that there is a long history of Hillary Clinton getting herself in trouble by doing sleazy things! The list is long.

Trump didn't sic his DOJ on Hillary like Joe Biden has done. He was too busy running the country. That says volumes about Joe Biden and you liberals.

I didn't say you are charging her. I'm saying Trump's DoJ would have charged her if what you say is true.
I didn't say you are charging her. I'm saying Trump's DoJ would have charged her if what you say is true.
Why? Because Joe Biden used the DOJ against HIS political rival? The truth is that Hillary Clinton really DID influence the election but Donald Trump didn't waste time going after her for it once he was in office! He was too busy trying to fix the country. Like I said...that says volumes about Democrats!
Why? Because Joe Biden used the DOJ against HIS political rival? The truth is that Hillary Clinton really DID influence the election but Donald Trump didn't waste time going after her for it once he was in office! He was too busy trying to fix the country. Like I said...that says volumes about Democrats!


He was handed a good economy. What on Earth do you think needed fixing?

Aside from that, he said if he were president, he would have her locked up. You claim she committed a crime and he ignored it.

Quite laughable.

He was handed a good economy. What on Earth do you think needed fixing?

Aside from that, he said if he were president, he would have her locked up. You claim she committed a crime and he ignored it.

Quite laughable.
Donald Trump made no attempt to have Hillary Clinton charged with a crime. None.
Joe Biden and his far left minions have charged Donald Trump with 93.
What's laughable is that you still think Joe Biden is the "good guy" in this scenario and Donald Trump is the bad guy!
You on the left constantly bleat about how dangerous Trump is to democracy when the truth is that the real enemies of democracy are the people who are willing to make a mockery of our system of justice because they don't think they can win elections on the merits of their agenda!
Except the prosecution says they have evidence that Trump wanted to stall paying Daniels until after the election, and then not pay her at all. Which would show he didn't give a shit about his wife, or anyone else, hearing about it. If the prosecution produces that evidence in court, Trump's only hope is having a Fifth Avenuer on that jury who refuses to convict him no matter what the evidence shows.

Let’s wait and see if they have that evidence. Based on their opening statement that was all over the map, it seems unlikely. Regardless, even if they don’t have this evidence, I am no convinced that these jurors, being influenced by a bias judge, and not wanting to be ostracized by the crazy left in NYC will break rank with the Democrats. Heck, the Democratic SC justices verify rarely break rank with their party and almost always vote as a block. It just seems to be in the Democrat’s DNA to protect the Party, regardless of the law.
And, if guilt is proven, the penalty needs to be in line with what other presidential candidates have had assessed when they were caught with campaign finance irregularities.

Based on the outlandish(and illegal) amount awarded in the “fraud” case in NY, my guess is life in prison with no chance of parole. If they still supported the death penalty in NY, that would be on the table as well.
Donald Trump made no attempt to have Hillary Clinton charged with a crime. None.
Joe Biden and his far left minions have charged Donald Trump with 93.
What's laughable is that you still think Joe Biden is the "good guy" in this scenario and Donald Trump is the bad guy!
You on the left constantly bleat about how dangerous Trump is to democracy when the truth is that the real enemies of democracy are the people who are willing to make a mockery of our system of justice because they don't think they can win elections on the merits of their agenda!


Of course Trump is the bad guy. He lied repeatedly about election fraud, tried to win the election he lost with fake electors and even wanted the Constitution suspended to make him president. And yes, someone was charged under his administration. Kevin Clinesmith, for altering an email to obtain a FISA warrant. That happened because there was evidence he committed a crime.

It's nonsensical to claim Hillary committed a crime but Trump's DoJ ignored it. It's a shame you cant face the fact that you're wrong and admit there's no evidence Hillary was aware of Fusion GPS hiring Steele.

As far as indicting Trump, there's solid evidence of crimes committed. Trump is not above the law just because he's running for public office. Ignoring his alleged crimes would have been a crime.
Let’s wait and see if they have that evidence. Based on their opening statement that was all over the map, it seems unlikely. Regardless, even if they don’t have this evidence, I am no convinced that these jurors, being influenced by a bias judge, and not wanting to be ostracized by the crazy left in NYC will break rank with the Democrats. Heck, the Democratic SC justices verify rarely break rank with their party and almost always vote as a block. It just seems to be in the Democrat’s DNA to protect the Party, regardless of the law.

It just seems to be in the Democrat’s DNA to protect the Party, regardless of the law.

I can't disagree with that but I will add the right is no different.
I can't disagree with that but I will add the right is no different.

Yes, to some extent that is certainly true. The main difference is that I would content that Democrats will unabashedly, out in the open, use any means necessary, including corrupt courts and corrupt agencies to do so.

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