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Koch Brothers deep pockets are supporting .... TADA!!!

Surprise surprise someone is in the pocket of billionaires. Interesting how Soros gets a pass for the same behaviour on the other side. Condemn it in both parties or don't bother raising the issue, it just makes you look like a tool.

Ah, Soros isn't running for President, Cain is. Soros is a billionaire, Cain is in the pocket of billionaires. Also, Soros earned his money, the kochroaches inherited theirs.

Getting Rich Off The Poor: How The Koch Brothers Wealth Grew 43% Since 2010

However, since the Kochroaches created the tea party, their income has - well, here's a pretty picture.

However, the documents reveal that Koch is also participating in the unregulated derivatives markets as a financial player, buying and selling speculative products that are increasingly contributing to the skyrocketing price of oil

How does "buying and selling speculative products" "contributing to the skyrocketing price of oil"?
Run thru the steps if you can.
Getting Rich Off The Poor: How The Koch Brothers Wealth Grew 43% Since 2010

However, since the Kochroaches created the tea party, their income has - well, here's a pretty picture.
And Soros got rich off of the poor and the middle class by shorting the pound.

But, you only worry about the Kochs.

As I said, the hypocrites have no credibility. You must enjoy that status.

What Beddyboop ignores is Soros made billions by destroying the retirement accounts of old people all over Europe. Amazing how that gets a pass. Idiots.
Yes, he did. And, he gets a pass.
sigh four pages of people pooping all over themselves.
Its not the fact they are donating money to Cain. Its their political agenda that is the problem. which you know is the typical reason for being against someone. Had you traded Soros for Koch and Soros held the belief of the right. Then the right would give him a pass.
The Koch's have those ideals, therefore the right will make excuses for them.

Shrug i dont see a problem with outing Cain as a basic Koch puppet. That will change slightly if he wins the seat ( he wont). Then wall street will mostly take over and Cain will become mostly meaningless. Just like Obama and Bush...

But yes keep bring Soro's into the picture in order to deflect the actual issue of who Cain gets support from. Two wrongs dont make a right.
The thing is, the left are the ones who think it is wrong.
Congratulations, Mr. Cain!

Long ties to Koch brothers key to Cain’s campaign - The Washington Post

Cain’s campaign manager and a number of aides have worked for Americans for Prosperity, or AFP, the advocacy group founded with support from billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, which lobbies for lower taxes and less government regulation and spending. Cain credits a businessman who served on an AFP advisory board with helping devise his “9-9-9” plan to rewrite the nation’s tax code. And his years of speaking at AFP events have given the businessman and radio host a network of loyal grassroots fans.

The once little-known businessman’s political activities are getting fresh scrutiny these days since he soared to the top of some national polls.

His links to the Koch brothers could undercut his outsider, non-political image among tea party fans who detest politics as usual and candidates connected with the party machine.

Lord, I do love the internet. It's hard to pull the wool over people's eyes when they have instant access to full disclosure. :D

And in other news;

Herman Cain Newsweek Profile: Calls Obama 'Terrible,' Fires Back at Critics - The Daily Beast

Cain has spent most of his life individualizing the message of the civil-rights movement and insisting color should not play a role in modern politics. But such a view may begin to sound naive if his candidacy continues to alienate African-Americans. In the past week, Cain has had to fend off challenges from multiple black luminaries, including Cornell West, who accused Cain of “coldness toward poor people,” and Syracuse professor Boyce Watkins, who on CNN called him “the perfect racist.”

Georgetown professor Michael Eric Dyson told Newsweek he thinks of Cain as “Jimmy Stewart in blackface.” “He’s Mr. Smith goes to Washington. The good ol’ boy you just love. He’s the black man white people would prefer over Obama, and he’s the black man that is more like them and who thinks like them. He makes them feel they aren’t racist because they support him at this level and not Obama.’’

Singer and civil-rights activist Harry Belafonte, who made headlines when he called Cain a “bad apple” during a recent interview with Joy Behar, says it’s impossible to accept Cain as a black candidate with those politics. “I’m pretty sure African-Americans don’t take Cain seriously, but I’m not sure about white people,” Belafonte tells Newsweek. “They believe this black man is the real deal. He isn’t. Anyone who says what he says isn’t.”

Cain has fired back at his critics—and in doing so, only inflamed the controversy. “He’s been on that banana boat too long,” he says in response to Belafonte, accusing the 84-year-old performer of trying to “intimidate” people of color who might even consider supporting his candidacy. “Harry Belafonte called me a bad apple. Now he knows he’s not going to shut me up.” And speaking to other media outlets earlier this week, he said West had “been in academia too long” and was hung up on “symbolic stuff.”

Oh, yeah. This is going to be oodles of fun. :)

Who lese would big money support? The prime supporter of big money.

for those of you who want to complete the job of selling our government, support Cain.
All you Uncle Tom Tea-Tards better start sending Simple City Cain some money! CNN said tonight that Romney and Perry are raising BIG bucks - but not Cain. Sooo, get them thar checkbooks out...
I knew it was just a matter of time until you showed us again how much of a racist you are.
Cain is also apparently an Ayn Rand fan. Here's a picture of him with his arm around Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs...

Since when is being a fan of Ayn Rand a crime?

Is this a goal of yours?

Should palling around with celeb-u-tards be a crime? Is that what you're implying?

It may not be a crime, but it's sure as hell un-American and un-Christian!
And Obummer being in the same church as Reverend Wright is so much better who says GOD DAMN america . And has a true hatred for this country and Obummer says he knew nothing about it but sat in his church for 20 plus years. Yeah, you sure have a true meaning of what an un American is.. What about Bill Ayers who is a proven that he is associated with the communist party and was one of Obummers appointees until that was uncovered. DemocRATs=hypocrite:cuckoo:
You just don't get it. There's a difference when a group of people contribute as opposed to the tens of millions of dollars spent by a few very wealthy individuals. We may have 1 mam 1 vote, but in reality it's the top 1% that control most elections. Many congressmen have been supported by just one individual and are now in congress. What ever happened to the will of the people. If you are middle class and you support Republicans than you are not paying attention or are so blinded by you particular ideology that you simply refuse to see the destruction they have wrought on the economy before Obama and now to get rid of Obama. If Obama succeeds the country has succeeded. If he fails, the Republicans recapturethe W.H. So who do you think wants the economy to succeed?
Getting Rich Off The Poor: How The Koch Brothers Wealth Grew 43% Since 2010

However, since the Kochroaches created the tea party, their income has - well, here's a pretty picture.
And Soros got rich off of the poor and the middle class by shorting the pound.

But, you only worry about the Kochs.

As I said, the hypocrites have no credibility. You must enjoy that status.

What Beddyboop ignores is Soros made billions by destroying the retirement accounts of old people all over Europe. Amazing how that gets a pass. Idiots.
It only matters if the right is doing .. When the left is they are quiet as a church mouse saying nothing to see here:eusa_whistle:
I am not saying that at all. Its you guys who keep saying about the Koch brothers and donations we are just trying to point out how hypocritical you guys are:cuckoo:

It's not hypocritical.

I don't want to see two brothers be allowed to funnel an unlimited amount of money into our elections. That is totally separate from how much money was funneled into elections 20 years ago.

Oh, two brothers bother you, but UNIONS taking peoples DUES and putting it into a political party against the will of their workers is OK with you all..

you people are a crack up.
Since when is being a fan of Ayn Rand a crime?

Is this a goal of yours?

Should palling around with celeb-u-tards be a crime? Is that what you're implying?

It may not be a crime, but it's sure as hell un-American and un-Christian!
And Obummer being in the same church as Reverend Wright is so much better who says GOD DAMN america . And has a true hatred for this country and Obummer says he knew nothing about it but sat in his church for 20 plus years. Yeah, you sure have a true meaning of what an un American is.. What about Bill Ayers who is a proven that he is associated with the communist party and was one of Obummers appointees until that was uncovered. DemocRATs=hypocrite:cuckoo:

Unhand that crazy white woman...
Surprise surprise someone is in the pocket of billionaires. Interesting how Soros gets a pass for the same behaviour on the other side. Condemn it in both parties or don't bother raising the issue, it just makes you look like a tool.

Ah, Soros isn't running for President, Cain is. Soros is a billionaire, Cain is in the pocket of billionaires. Also, Soros earned his money, the kochroaches inherited theirs.
Ummmmm, the statement by Westwall involved two players - someone or some group and a billionaire who backs them.

Soros - the billionaire - backs the OWS and Obama - the someone or some group.

The Kochs - the billionaires - back Cain - the someone or some group.

The former is OK with the left, yet the latter is not OK with the left.

Hypocrites have no credibility.

exactly why I brought Soros up. The hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds.
So what?

To the best of my knowledge, neither of them are or were terrorist pigs and pieces of shit, like Bill Ayers. Neither of them crashed and entire nations economy and put hundreds of thousands out of work and ruined hundreds of thousands others retirements.

But, for some reason, the left drools over these businessmen.

Jealousy, obviously. Rich is bad (unless the rich are Soros, Jobs, Gates, Kerry, Kennedy, etc.)

As I said, so what?

The left wants to redistribute the wealth from the 'haves', to the 'have nots', making them the new 'haves'. Once that is complete, they will suddenly decide it's nice to be the 'have', and will no longer favor redistribution of the wealth, claiming they earned it and no one should take it away.
So what?

To the best of my knowledge, neither of them are or were terrorist pigs and pieces of shit, like Bill Ayers. Neither of them crashed and entire nations economy and put hundreds of thousands out of work and ruined hundreds of thousands others retirements.

But, for some reason, the left drools over these businessmen.

Jealousy, obviously. Rich is bad (unless the rich are Soros, Jobs, Gates, Kerry, Kennedy, etc.)

As I said, so what?

The left wants to redistribute the wealth from the 'haves', to the 'have nots', making them the new 'haves'. Once that is complete, they will suddenly decide it's nice to be the 'have', and will no longer favor redistribution of the wealth, claiming they earned it and no one should take it away.

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