Koch Brothers Making Commercials Now....i'll Let The Forum "break It Down"

So much blind hate. I for one think they should fire everyone and move all their jobs overseas, then the haters would just wub them!

It's like, we have Obama, the least trusted President in US history, a guy that lies almost about everything at some point... A guy that dumped billions on the rich, and I'm supposed to judge the Koch bro's because why again? Focus you peeon's.... You voted for everything you claim to hate, many of you twice.
So much blind hate. I for one think they should fire everyone and move all their jobs overseas, then the haters would just wub them!

It's like, we have Obama, the least trusted President in US history, a guy that lies almost about everything at some point... A guy that dumped billions on the rich, and I'm supposed to judge the Koch bro's because why again? Focus you peeon's.... You voted for everything you claim to hate, many of you twice.

I think America should enforce the same restrictions on Imports as it holds at home. Then we wouldn't have this dream that we are good people doing the right thing by employing people doing the bad thing.

If we can't employ 12 year olds, we shouldn't be allowed to import objects made by 12 year old work.

If we can't pollute the atmosphere, we shouldn't be allowed to import the polluters work.

It doesn't matter where it happens, it's still bad. This concept will also lower our laws and restrictions to stay competitive. We just won't be competitive beyond ignorance.
So much blind hate. I for one think they should fire everyone and move all their jobs overseas, then the haters would just wub them!

It's like, we have Obama, the least trusted President in US history, a guy that lies almost about everything at some point... A guy that dumped billions on the rich, and I'm supposed to judge the Koch bro's because why again? Focus you peeon's.... You voted for everything you claim to hate, many of you twice.

Let me 2nd quote you..........

Almost all of the attacks on Obama have been proven to be lies. He's still a 1% drone but to call him "the least trusted President in US history" is ignorant of history.
So much blind hate. I for one think they should fire everyone and move all their jobs overseas, then the haters would just wub them!

It's like, we have Obama, the least trusted President in US history, a guy that lies almost about everything at some point... A guy that dumped billions on the rich, and I'm supposed to judge the Koch bro's because why again? Focus you peeon's.... You voted for everything you claim to hate, many of you twice.
^^" I for one think they should fire everyone and move all their jobs overseas"...........I'm guessing you hate people on welfare also.....:whip:

Another American that creates their own problems and doesn't know how to deal with them.
So much blind hate. I for one think they should fire everyone and move all their jobs overseas, then the haters would just wub them!

It's like, we have Obama, the least trusted President in US history, a guy that lies almost about everything at some point... A guy that dumped billions on the rich, and I'm supposed to judge the Koch bro's because why again? Focus you peeon's.... You voted for everything you claim to hate, many of you twice.

I think America should enforce the same restrictions on Imports as it holds at home. Then we wouldn't have this dream that we are good people doing the right thing by employing people doing the bad thing.

If we can't employ 12 year olds, we shouldn't be allowed to import objects made by 12 year old work.

If we can't pollute the atmosphere, we shouldn't be allowed to import the polluters work.

It doesn't matter where it happens, it's still bad. This concept will also lower our laws and restrictions to stay competitive. We just won't be competitive beyond ignorance.
Agreed. But just as dangerous and corrupt is that Soros fellow.

We also shouldn't allow criminals to allow dirty money to be able to influence the thinking of easily manipulated brainwashed idiots through foundations like the Tides foundation, distributing cash to places like Media Matters, Huffington Post, Pro Publica, Mother Jones, etc.

That's just dirty and criminal.
Soros Loses Case Against French Insider-Trading Conviction
Soros Loses Case Against French Insider-Trading Conviction - Bloomberg
“Soros was a famous institutional investor, well-known to the business community and a participant in major financial projects,” the court said in a statement about its ruling. “As a result of his status and experience, he could not have been unaware that his decision to invest” risked violating insider- trading laws, and given “there had been no comparable precedent, he should have been particularly prudent.”

So. . . . basically he's a capitalist crook. Not playing by the rules. Then using money to socially engineer a society to HIS advantage. Conditioning and brainwashing little people as he goes. Far more nefarious than the Kochs if you ask me.

Soros’s hand in the IRS scandal
Soros 8217 s hand in the IRS scandal The Soros Files

New details regarding the IRS scandal that found the nation’s top tax office intentionally targeting conservative groups are surfacing. Like, for example, the fact that George Soros-funded organizations sent letters encouraging the IRS to investigate conservative organizations.

According to findings reported by the Media Research Center (MRC), Soros gave $6.1 million to liberal groups who urged the Internal Revenue Service to investigate conservative non-profit organizations, including various tea party and Christian groups.
So much blind hate. I for one think they should fire everyone and move all their jobs overseas, then the haters would just wub them!

It's like, we have Obama, the least trusted President in US history, a guy that lies almost about everything at some point... A guy that dumped billions on the rich, and I'm supposed to judge the Koch bro's because why again? Focus you peeon's.... You voted for everything you claim to hate, many of you twice.

Let me 2nd quote you..........

Almost all of the attacks on Obama have been proven to be lies. He's still a 1% drone but to call him "the least trusted President in US history" is ignorant of history.
Oh that's just being dumb. Seriously? Like what. Name an attack on Obama that has turned out to be a lie. The problem with Obam is that he is a CIA asset and hides what he is doing, and what his history has been. HE IS A LIAR. So of course he is going to be attacked.

His entire foreign policy is a lie. What attack are you talking about?

Sure, I'll give you that thing about the birth place is probably a lie. On the other hand, they ought to just come forward with the truth. You know what they don't? Because his dad isn't who they say it is. You just want to believe the narrative because it is what the media and the government tells you so. If they say so, and someone else say something else, how do you KNOW what is the lie and what is truth?
So much blind hate. I for one think they should fire everyone and move all their jobs overseas, then the haters would just wub them!

It's like, we have Obama, the least trusted President in US history, a guy that lies almost about everything at some point... A guy that dumped billions on the rich, and I'm supposed to judge the Koch bro's because why again? Focus you peeon's.... You voted for everything you claim to hate, many of you twice.

Yeah, the nice koch brothers


Koch Sued by Executive Claiming He Was Held Captive - Bloomberg

Voter intimidation:

Now Koch Industries Is Telling Employees Who to Vote For

Ever do a Google on the third koch brother? He's a real piece of work.

Main funding for the racist, anti-semitic, and violent Kochbaggers.
So much blind hate. I for one think they should fire everyone and move all their jobs overseas, then the haters would just wub them!

It's like, we have Obama, the least trusted President in US history, a guy that lies almost about everything at some point... A guy that dumped billions on the rich, and I'm supposed to judge the Koch bro's because why again? Focus you peeon's.... You voted for everything you claim to hate, many of you twice.

I think America should enforce the same restrictions on Imports as it holds at home. Then we wouldn't have this dream that we are good people doing the right thing by employing people doing the bad thing.

If we can't employ 12 year olds, we shouldn't be allowed to import objects made by 12 year old work.

If we can't pollute the atmosphere, we shouldn't be allowed to import the polluters work.

It doesn't matter where it happens, it's still bad. This concept will also lower our laws and restrictions to stay competitive. We just won't be competitive beyond ignorance.

So you want to impose U.S government regulations on the entire world?

Yeah, that's a great idea.

More phoney outrage over millionaires spending their money.

I doubt Anti-Party gets this upset over any of the liberal millionaires that spend their money to advance their Agenda.


Oh my, a tv commercial. When's the hangin'?

So you support the Koch brothers?

I'm guessing you are poor. I'm also guessing you fight for your own destruction.

Let me ask you, do you know whether the Koch Brothers ever BOUGHT a charity like a liberal bought the Sierra Club?

My parents used to be big Sierra Club supporters and like most Sierra Club supporters were very worried about population growth and the pollution and environmental degradation caused by large populations in the West. The Sierra Club was a very vocal proponent of limiting immigration and population growth and then the whole damn charity got hijacked by a liberal billionaire who bought their "conversion" to silence and then support for open immigration.

Have the Kochs every bought out a charity from the ideals it's members supported?

But the biggest donation the Sierra Club ever received is the one that altered it forever. In 2004, the Los Angeles Times revealed a $100 million gift made by investor David Gelbaum. Unfortunately for environmentalists, Gelbaum’s money came with the string attached that the club never speak out against or try to limit immigration into the United States no matter how obvious it became that adding more people has severe ecological consequences.

Gelbaum told Times reporter Kenneth Weiss that his instructions to then-Sierra Club Executive Director Carl Pope were that “if they ever came out anti-immigration, they would never get a dollar from me.” Pope eagerly agreed — but with devastating results.

Not that long ago, the Sierra Club had willingly tackled immigration-related population issues. In her spring 1989 report, Dr. Judy Kunofsky, chair of the Sierra Club Population Committee, concluded that the club should work to “bring about the stabilization of the population first of the United States and then of the world.” That goal was abruptly abandoned after the club deposited Gelbaum’s check.

Throughout the years, true environmentalists such as legendary Sierra Club founder David Brower, UCLA astrophysics professor Ben Zuckerman, elected to its board in 2002, and former Colorado Gov. Richard Lamm, defeated in his 2003 board run, tried unsuccessfully to guide the club back to its roots. Neither Zuckerman nor Lamm knew until they read it in the newspaper that Gelbaum and Pope had conspired against members who wanted population growth curbed.

Brower once said, “Overpopulation is perhaps the biggest problem facing us, and immigration is part of that problem. It has to be addressed.” After he resigned from the Sierra Club in frustration in 2000, Brower famously described the board as “fiddling as the Earth burns.”

In the decade since Gelbaum bought out Pope, the club’s pro-immigration folly is easily documented. According to a Center for Immigration Studies study titled “A Record Setting Decade of Immigration: 2000-2010,” the nation’s legal and illegal immigrant population reached 40 million in 2010, the highest number in American history. Nearly 14 million settled in the United States from 2000-10. Each one of them adds to America’s footprint. Had the Sierra Club not taken Gelbaum’s bribe but had instead stayed on its original course, the United States’ ever-deepening population crisis might not be so acute.​
so you get called "poor" if you support someone they hate and obsess over

can these people get anymore hateful? now "poor" those they use when they want money from us is now a WEAPON to be used against you
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