Kool Kitty Enclosures

Not sure of finances with Jeri...just tossing some ideas out there for her. Take what she wants, ignore the rest, combine ideas.
If you build bird enclosures, you can do the same, Sonny. :)
I don't have cats. I have about 40 Society Finches. I built their cages. One cage is 20 cu.ft., and the other is 21 1/2 cu. ft.

I have a third one that's about half finished, and it's 13 1/2 cu. ft.. I also build the nests from wicker baskets and 3/8 in. grass rope. I've had the birds for 2 1/2 years now. I started with 8, and they multiple.
I love finches. And all birds, actually. One of the many nurseries we have here, has a HUGE enclosure with love birds, finches, a few parakeets. All in the same area. It's gorgeous. And being in the back of the nursery....lots of plants to choose from to put in there with them. Nearby is a small koi pond. I go there not to buy plants but to just sit and listen to the birds and the waterfall of the pond.
I love finches. And all birds, actually. One of the many nurseries we have here, has a HUGE enclosure with love birds, finches, a few parakeets. All in the same area. It's gorgeous. And being in the back of the nursery....lots of plants to choose from to put in there with them. Nearby is a small koi pond. I go there not to buy plants but to just sit and listen to the birds and the waterfall of the pond.


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I love finches. And all birds, actually. One of the many nurseries we have here, has a HUGE enclosure with love birds, finches, a few parakeets. All in the same area. It's gorgeous. And being in the back of the nursery....lots of plants to choose from to put in there with them. Nearby is a small koi pond. I go there not to buy plants but to just sit and listen to the birds and the waterfall of the pond.
I just posted the picture here in this thread. They're the only pictures I've found so far. I'll keep looking for the others, or I'll take more pictures.

Gracie, thank you for these ideas! You create some of the most wonderful threads and I am grateful for you. You truly have a gift of creativity and it is a blessing to many who read your threads. Thank you!

I believe that slab is only 6 ft. wide ( thought it was 7ft but it isn't - but if I dig out a foot wider I can put some plants around the edges so it will end up being 7 ft. wide) but it is long and I want to put floor to ceiling screen the cats can't tear and put up lots of fun cat walks for them! I already have quite a few potted plants/ and a few palms to scatter around for them to hide under. I want to string some toys from the ceiling that they can play with and build a little tub / pond with a fountain that they can sit on the ledge and be cool on hot days. (I'll have to build it up with paver stones on the edges because there is no opening to set it down in the ground) I reckon I'll put a wood roof on it so it doesn't get too hot for them and some beds like you suggested. There are many great ideas on this thread! Thank you so very much. You are sweet and I love your ideas!
No. Jeremiah is building an enclosure for her kitty so it is an inside only kitty. Thought I would post some cool pics so she can get ideas of one to build.:)
I don't have a cat. It died. Just read the FZ. Oh. Wait. You have.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Gracie. Losing a cat companion is a very sorrowful thing because they make such wonderful friends. Cats are very loving animals and very in tune to us. More than we may know. When I had an accident last year my cats were acting real sad and stayed by my bed when they should have been outside playing. They just hovered over me like they were watching over me and suffering with me. I will never forget that. My bull broke out and came to my outside bedroom doors to look in the window on me too. Even he knew something was wrong because I wasn't able to walk. I couldn't go out there and see him. So he came to me! It meant a lot to me to know they were concerned about me! I feel very loved by my animals and thank the LORD for bringing them to me.

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