Krauthammer body blow to AGW purists!!!!

Now how damn funny is THIS >>>>

"If climate science is settled, why do its predictions keep changing?"

And this passage at the end made me laugh thinking about how utterly stooped y9ou have to be to buy this nonsense!!!! >>>

"Sounds like California. Except that today there’s a new god, the Earth Mother. And a new set of sins — burning coal and driving a fully equipped F-150.

But whoring is whoring, and the gods must be appeased. So if California burns, you send your high priest (in carbon -belching Air Force One, but never mind) to the bone-dry land to offer up, on behalf of the repentant congregation, a $1 billion burnt offering called a “climate resilience fund.”

Ah, settled science in action."

This article decimates the religion!!!!!!

Charles Krauthammer: The myth of ?settled science? - The Washington Post

I apologize to all the good deniers here. I was absolutely convinced that AGW was real. But... now Krauthammer has spoken.
Krauthammer, for those with a long-term memory (which excludes all denialists) was a massive Iraq War cheerleader, declaring Saddam absolutely had WMD. But when that was proven to be bunk, he pretended he never said such a thing and declared the war was really all about bringing democracy to Iraq.

That is, he's a stupid neocon liar. Apparently, denialists regard such qualities as qualifications for denialist heroes.
Krauthammer, for those with a long-term memory (which excludes all denialists) was a massive Iraq War cheerleader, declaring Saddam absolutely had WMD. But when that was proven to be bunk, he pretended he never said such a thing and declared the war was really all about bringing democracy to Iraq.

That is, he's a stupid neocon liar. Apparently, denialists regard such qualities as qualifications for denialist heroes.

But one simply cannot get around his very pointed question >>>

"If climate science is settled, why do its predictions keep changing?"

Very basic question that even stumps my 13 year old son.:D
"If climate science is settled, why do its predictions keep changing?"

Very basic question that even stumps my 13 year old son.:D

That's because you and Krauthammer are too stupid to understand something that's pretty simple. That would be why everyone is laughing at your ignorance.

Here's a hint. Gravity is settled science, yet theories about gravity are still constantly changing.

Now, do I need to simplify it any more for you? Let me know if I do.
"If climate science is settled, why do its predictions keep changing?"

Very basic question that even stumps my 13 year old son.:D

That's because you and Krauthammer are too stupid to understand something that's pretty simple. That would be why everyone is laughing at your ignorance.

Here's a hint. Gravity is settled science, yet theories about gravity are still constantly changing.

Now, do I need to simplify it any more for you? Let me know if I do.

You're the one falling for the lies of the lefty agenda who hate oil and gas and refuse to wait for technology to catch up where we will have cheaper alternative fuels.
To counter the rise in C02 you add more oxygen into the atmosphere. More trees and plants, not expensive wind and solar that are not working and is not doing any real good.
Why not do both? Replacing one 300 MW coal plant with nuke or alternative energy is probably equivalent to planting a couple million full grown trees.
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Why not do both? Replacing one 300 MW coal plant with nuke or alternative energy is probably equivalent to planting a couple million full grown trees.

stuff costs dude......your side will always be on the losing side until you and the others learn that. Just one of those things that is what it is. You can choose not to accept that but you'll be losing for the rest of your life on this issue.

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