Krauthammer body blow to AGW purists!!!!

Denialists, what's your fallback plan for when denialism goes too far down the shitter to be resurrected?

Remember, you've only got about two years, and it pays to plan ahead. Will you flee the sinking ship along with the other rats and pretend you were never a deniailst, or do you plan to fight to the bitter end and go down with the ship?

Globally, ruminant livestock produce about 80 million metric tons of methane annually, accounting for about 28% of global methane emissions from human-related activities. An adult cow may be a very small source by itself, emitting only 80-110 kgs of methane, but with about 100 million cattle in the U.S. and 1.2 billion large ruminants in the world, ruminants are one of the largest methane sources. In the U.S., cattle emit about 5.5 million metric tons of methane per year into the atmosphere, accounting for 20% of U.S. methane emissions.

EPA - Ruminant Livestock - Frequent Questions

When was the last time you heard any outcry or accusations directed at the Agriculture industries?
Denialists, what's your fallback plan for when denialism goes too far down the shitter to be resurrected?

Remember, you've only got about two years, and it pays to plan ahead. Will you flee the sinking ship along with the other rats and pretend you were never a deniailst, or do you plan to fight to the bitter end and go down with the ship?

Those are questions you should be asking yourself. It is the agw crazy train that is heading directly for a cliff....I have no doubt that you, of all people, are stupid enough to ride it over. I look forward to your quiet humiliating exit when the hoax is at long last exposed.
Denialists, what's your fallback plan for when denialism goes too far down the shitter to be resurrected?

Remember, you've only got about two years, and it pays to plan ahead. Will you flee the sinking ship along with the other rats and pretend you were never a deniailst, or do you plan to fight to the bitter end and go down with the ship?


To much, isn't she?
The global warming computer models all predicted that this would be a warm winter for the United States. The lowly Farmer's Almanac examined cyclical weather patterns and predicted an unusually cold winter. The warmist models were wrong. What's worse, they don't know why they were wrong.

Link, lying asshole:eusa_liar:
Irepeat: I’m not a global warming believer. I’m not a global warming denier. I’ve long believed that it cannot be good for humanity to be spewing tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. I also believe that those scientists who pretend to know exactly what this will cause in 20, 30 or 50 years are white-coated propagandists.

This is the crux of the biscuit.

Every living breathing thing on the planet breaths out carbon dioxide.
Every living tree and plant breaths it in.
I don’t know how anyone could even classify Co2 as a green house gas when it makes up only .033 % of the atmosphere. It is a trace gas!

I don't know how the hell you have reached your present age so damned ignorant. Do you work at it?
Here is the poop......

Climate models are total and utter bullshit. Anybody with half a brain gets it. These people claim models to be science. Why are the models so spectacularly wrong all the time? Because they are not science.......they are part of the ruse. And they say the science is settled and there should be no more research to challenge that.

What we are dealing with here are bonafide fascists. Groups trying to throttle Krauthammer speak to "students" and "workers" in their public pronouncements. Go back and read the communist writings of the 1930's.......shit is all over the place. Thee people burned all books and shot people who disagreed with them. And we are to follow these people?

Fuck these people.......I will spend the rest of my life doing what I can to ensure their defeat......whatever it takes. These people are not Americans........they are fascists who desire complete control. If you don't agree with them, "FUCK YOU"!!!

Fuck them.:up:

And ps......your green energy fantasies will always be just that. Fringe energy is gay.......and Im happy as shit about that. And those graphs will continue to be posted up in these pages on a daily basis to display to the uninformed what a joke green energy is and will be. THIS thaqt cme from Obama's EIA!!

The fascists lose.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:funnyface:
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Ol' Krauts a poltical pundit, and has no more credentials than I do for commenting on the validity of the present warming. However, his opposition to any kind of relief for the farmers in California strikes me as stupid in the extreme. Were they part of the military-industrial complex, he would be campaigning for more money for them.

As for predicting exactly what will happen where, we are hardly there yet in our models. However, for general predictions, the scientists studying affects of GHGs have gotten it pretty well correct. Dr. Hansen in 1981 predicted that the Northwest Passage would be open several times by this time, and he was completely correct. The denialists called him an alarmist, and said nothing of the sort would happen, and it was going to start cooling in any case.

Dr. Francis in her address to the Meteorological Society of America stated that because of the decreasing delta of the temperatures between the polar regions and the temperate regions, the Rossby Waves would be moving slower, and extending further North and South, resulting in temperatures extremes, and very fast temperature changes. This winter has been a very good example of exactly what she was talking about.

These are real scientists, not political whores like Krauthammer.

One scientists says to turn climate change denial into a drinking game.

"Trotting out a solitary maverick scientist willing to defy the conventional scientific wisdom?" He says, take "A chaser of beer."

The bottom line is Charles is a pundit. He is not affiliated with science other than his interpretation. He only gets paid to make an interpretation, there is no incentive to fact check for pundits since it often costs them good arguments.

Read the rebuke of Charles here.Debunking Charles Krauthammer?s climate lies: A drinking game -
and ps .......

October 14, 2012 at 10:14 PM

The models are wrong

Today one mainstream newspaper finally caught up with the global warming skeptic community and recognized that a recent release of data from the United Kingdom’s Met Office shows that since 1996 the temperature of the climate has stalled. For the past sixteen years there has been no global warming, at all.

Three takeaways from this story.

•This period of no-warming has now been as long as the previous period of warming. In other words, the stall in warming is getting long enough now to be statistically significant.
•The Met Office revealed its biases by how it unveiled this fact. Previously, when their data suggested the climate was warming, they heralded that fact loudly with bold predictions of catastrophes to come. But when their data suggested their predictions were wrong and the climate wasn’t warming, they released the data with as little fanfare as possible.
•Finally, and most important, this data demonstrates clearly that all the computer models used by climate scientists to predict the future climate are patently wrong. They don’t understand what is happening, even if some of them refuse to admit it.

The last point is the most important. The early IPCC reports in the 1990s went into great detail about the many uncertainties that exist in the field. They didn’t know what the influence of pollution would be on future climate. They didn’t know what the influence of clouds would be on future climate. They didn’t know what the influence of the atmosphere’s water vapor would be on future climate. They didn’t know what the influence of variations of the Sun’s brightness would be on future climate.

And they didn’t know what the effect of the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would be on future climate. Compared to the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere, which is probably the atmosphere’s most significant global warming component, carbon dioxide is merely a trace gas. Making this trace gas important enough to cause global warming remains a difficult and overly complex theory, and a theory that has not yet been proven.

Those early IPCC reports were very honest about these uncertainties. Later IPCC reports however have dismissed these uncertainties, even though subsequent research has done practically nothing to eliminate them. Instead, the last two IPCC reports have trumpeted the climate models as if these models were the same as actual data. The models, based on theory, said that the increase in carbon dioxide was going to cause the climate to warm, and that was that. Turn off those heaters. Shut down those coal factories. Stop making cars. Learn to freeze in the winter and sweat in the summer. We can’t have technology any more because it is going to kill us!

The fact is that these models were garbage. They are useful for trying to understand how the atmosphere functioned, but as predictors they were less than worthless. None of them have ever been able to predict anything, and to rely on them to make policies that will squelch human freedom and creativity is beyond foolish.

Skeptics have been pointing out this obvious fact now for the better part of two decades. We now have proof that they were right.

Manufactured science is gay
Krauthammer is a partisan hack who doesn't know shit about weather and climate.

The Earth is obviously warming. We have the data to prove it.

What we don't know is how the entire Earth will react to the warming and the increased CO2 and the loss of arctic ice.
Krauthammer has always thought spewing all that CO2 couldn't be good but calls all the science supporting climate change as propaganda.

This tactic is to avoid genuine discussion at all costs but still make a point that connects with lunatics drooling to hear memes they recognize. It enables them to shower their friends with the same lack of thought that defines their pundits and politicians alike. We all have a good laugh at the potential ruin of the biota and end up buying a bunch of shit so we feel rewarded and capitalism is happy to boot so you can't get any more American than that. That's why Fox is so good. No need to think, just repeat what you heard and a bunch of shouting fans will rally behind you. It makes you feel like your ideas are validated when no validation is required (genuine validation comes from rigors of debate, not repeating of mantras and slogans).
You know, this is pretty damn hysterical as posed by Krauthammer >>>

"If climate science is settled, why do its predictions keep changing?"

I laughed my balls off when I read that. It does indeed highlight the level of absurdity associated with climate change. Also highlights the level of stoopid that exists amongst the citizens and these fraudsters know it too. You see those man on the street interviews done by people like Howard Stern and half the people asked think FDR just passed away last week. Of course these bozo's are going to believe ANYTHING the climate religion says.
Krauthammer is a partisan hack who doesn't know shit about weather and climate.

The Earth is obviously warming. We have the data to prove it.

What we don't know is how the entire Earth will react to the warming and the increased CO2 and the loss of arctic ice.

He is as clueless as the people who think humans can control the Earth.
Still no good response to a single climate k00k on this story........they'd much prefer to let this story fall off the page.:gay:

These people are phonies.......they will do whatever necessary to perpetuate the myth.
Period of no warming. What nice verbage. Yet in this period of no warmng, 1998 to present, are the ten warmest years on record. Not only that, in past periods of 'no warming', the temperature actually declined. That is not the case in the present period. Here you can see the graph from 1979 to present, observations from satellites and on the site of a self proclaimed 'skeptic'.

UAH Global Temperature Update for January 2014: +0.29 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD
The global warming computer models all predicted that this would be a warm winter for the United States. The lowly Farmer's Almanac examined cyclical weather patterns and predicted an unusually cold winter. The warmist models were wrong. What's worse, they don't know why they were wrong.

Link, lying asshole:eusa_liar:

So when are you going to provide a link to the datasets with source code that proves scientifically that CO2 drives climate?
The global warming computer models all predicted that this would be a warm winter for the United States. The lowly Farmer's Almanac examined cyclical weather patterns and predicted an unusually cold winter. The warmist models were wrong. What's worse, they don't know why they were wrong.

Link, lying asshole:eusa_liar:

So when are you going to provide a link to the datasets with source code that proves scientifically that CO2 drives climate?

The fascists can never answer that question yet still they call it "science".:D

What a joke.
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And by the way.......this whole "climate change" crap wouldn't even be this hobby but for the sheer stoopidity of Democrats in this country who don't know shit about shit so of course they would buy some whacked out fairy tale about global warming >>>

More Than Half Of Democrats Do Not Know The Earth Revolves Around The Sun Once a Year | Independent Journal Review

You wonder how a fraud like Obama can ascend to the office of the presidency? I give you........the modern genius of a Democrat.:D:D:D

From the article:

Furthermore, 49% percent of Democrats believe that astrology is scientific. Let me look into your future: another four years of jobs lost, poor economic growth, and finger-pointing!

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