Krauthammer: It's Collusion, Stupid!


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

“This totally undermines a six-month story from the White House.”

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer once again criticized Donald Trump Jr. formeeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer in 2016 after being promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton obtained by the Russian government.

Krauthammer, speaking Thursday on “Special Report With Bret Baier” on Fox News, said the emails Trump Jr. released earlier this week “totally undermine a six-month story from the White House ... that there wasn’t any collusion.”

He added, “This was a bungled collusion. This was amateurish collusion. This was Keystone Kops collusion. But it doesn’t change the fact that it was attempted collusion and it undoes the White House story completely.”

More: Columnist Charles Krauthammer Doubles Down On Trump Jr. Criticism

I'm not a Krauthammer fan - but I totally agree with him on this! It was collusion!
The news should say they are going to release Don Jr''s emails about "that other thing" and see what other self incriminating evidence he releases.
What do you call paying for a dossier from Russian intelligence?

I don't know. Start a thread about it and maybe I'll comment.

You should of put a warning in here: Laura Ingraham speaking. She is pro T and has a Russian baby via adoption, and has been anti Clinton since B. Clinton took office. Way back in 95, buddies with Kellyanne.

Of course he told Dad about it, and we shall find out that they conspired with Russia. Krauthammer is a pretty honest at least, he is a neocon jew. I do admire him since he was paralyzed so young and went through hell.

The thing is we really do not know what happened in the meeting. All we have is what they say, and I bet theres a lot more to it. We know the Trumps lie.
Krauthammer you mad bro? LOL He's still got whiplash from the beat down Trump put on him. Plus his name sounds awfully Nazi.
Who cares if it's collusion or not. No law was broken. CNN colluded with the democrats, no one seems to care. Why should I care if trump or trump's son colluded with some Russian chick?!
Hell the liberal media collude with criminal leakers in government who are breaking federal law.
Trump needs to release all his campaigns emails.

What other collusion's are they hiding?

Poor Tragic Trump.
What do you call paying for a dossier from Russian intelligence?

First, the GPS Fusion "dossier" was not from Russian intelligence.

Second, you must think very little of yourself if you are okay with your side committing a crime just because the other side did.
Who cares if it's collusion or not.
There is everything wrong with the Republican party today, in just seven words.

Did u care the dnc colluded with CNN? I remind you you're under oath.
Yes of course I cared. I am not a hypocrite like you and it was a big mistake to assume I am. Now why don't you focus on the topic instead of chucking red herrings in a desperate attempt to hide the Trump stink.
Who cares if it's collusion or not.
There is everything wrong with the Republican party today, in just seven words.

Did u care the dnc colluded with CNN? I remind you you're under oath.
Yes of course I cared. I am not a hypocrite like you and it was a big mistake to assume I am. Now why don't you focus on the topic.

Hmm let's hear your opinion on the matter then, "clintonista".
So now that Trump is colluding with Russia, was it ok for Hillary and the rest of the CFIUS group to sign off on the Russian Uranium One deal. Double standard guys.

If this was Hillary, she'd be in a noose already.

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