Krazy Kamala: "I will implement that we have mental healthcare on-demand & drug treatment on-demand"

I cannot speak for mental health - but substance abuse treatment?

What a crock of shit.

I was a crack addict and I knew LOTS of other drug addicts - and none of them got better from going to drug treatment programs. Listen to all the dozens of stories of celebrities who go to rehab and then relapse. Rehab is good for two things only - to stop you bingeing out and/or if you are the type who likes being told what to do/ordered around. But most addicts are rebels - the last thing they like is to be ordered around.
People do drugs for ONE REASON - to escape their lives. And whatever is messing them up almost certainly cannot be fixed at rehab (unless it is one of those mega-expensive ones which includes head shrinking. And you have to be 'ready' to have your 'head-shrunk'.).

And save all this 'drug abuse is a disease' shit. I did not catch drug addiction. I tried crack (by mistake - long story) and I loved it so I kept doing it. The End. I did not catch it like a disease. It was fucking awesome (and I mean fucking AWESOME - it was almost like an orgasm that lasted for as long as you were high) and I was 'ready' for it, could easily afford it and so I kept doing it. Duh.

No one - and I mean NO ONE - quits drugs until they want to badly enough. Otherwise, why would anyone ever keep doing them? Everyone knows they are terrible for you. And many of them cost a TON to do. My addiction could cost me $6-800 a day (I did not do it every day - obviously).

The two possible exceptions are heroin and opiods...
Heroin - that drug is physically addictive (the only one that was back in the day. Don't know about now). I never did it or Meth...but I know once you start's REALLY fucking hard to quit. That's why methadone clinics are around.
Opiods - I don't know much about them. I did not know someone hooked on them when I was using.

I did crack for about 3 (technically 4) years and quit it all by myself for one just was not worth it anymore. It still felt amazing. But it just was not worth it. That was 14+ years ago (October 1, 2004)...haven't done it since. Do I miss it...damn right. But it's just not worth it (even if it was free).

And everyone I ever knew who quit a major drug did so on their own. That is the only way to have a realistic chance of staying away for good. Because rehab is fine while you are there. But your old problems/fears/frustrations crop back up when you leave rehab..and that is when you are tested.

Kamala may mean well with her idea...but she clearly has little idea what drug addiction is all about.

The solution is MAKE IT ALL LEGAL. That way people will feel free to admit their addictions. The drug will be a LOT cheaper - so addicts will not have to resort to crimes to feed their habit (I had plenty of money back then - so I could feed my habit myself). Prostitution will diminish as most escorts do it for drug money. Organized crime will be hurt. The jails will be FAR less full. Tax payers will make money as the government could tax these drugs (like they do cigs or booze). And far more money can be freed up for police to go after more serious crimes.
And save the ridiculous argument that legalizing it will mean lots more addicts. No one straight up and reasonably well adjusted decides to try heroin for the fun of it. Please.
Thanks for your frankness. You're right, a person has got to want it and want it bad in order to kick a drug habit. Opiate addiction does actually mess with your brain, though, and change its thought processes, so I guess you could technically call it a "disease." Once it's got ya, it's as bad as cancer and even harder to fight. I've been close to people who became addicts: they lie to your face--I swear they believe it themselves; they'll steal your last $10 out of your wallet, even if you were once their best friend, even if they know you're flat broke and hanging on for the next paycheck; they'll do ANYTHING to get more drugs. Even throw themselves down a flight of stairs and scratch and bruise themselves so they can go to the ER for a shot. Ah, the bullshit I listened to. I put my best friend in jail to save her life. She's still an addict and hates my guts. You're right. Only the druggie can decide.
I cannot speak for mental health - but substance abuse treatment?

What a crock of shit.

I was a crack addict and I knew LOTS of other drug addicts - and none of them got better from going to drug treatment programs. Listen to all the dozens of stories of celebrities who go to rehab and then relapse. Rehab is good for two things only - to stop you bingeing out and/or if you are the type who likes being told what to do/ordered around. But most addicts are rebels - the last thing they like is to be ordered around.
People do drugs for ONE REASON - to escape their lives. And whatever is messing them up almost certainly cannot be fixed at rehab (unless it is one of those mega-expensive ones which includes head shrinking. And you have to be 'ready' to have your 'head-shrunk'.).

And save all this 'drug abuse is a disease' shit. I did not catch drug addiction. I tried crack (by mistake - long story) and I loved it so I kept doing it. The End. I did not catch it like a disease. It was fucking awesome (and I mean fucking AWESOME - it was almost like an orgasm that lasted for as long as you were high) and I was 'ready' for it, could easily afford it and so I kept doing it. Duh.

No one - and I mean NO ONE - quits drugs until they want to badly enough. Otherwise, why would anyone ever keep doing them? Everyone knows they are terrible for you. And many of them cost a TON to do. My addiction could cost me $6-800 a day (I did not do it every day - obviously).

The two possible exceptions are heroin and opiods...
Heroin - that drug is physically addictive (the only one that was back in the day. Don't know about now). I never did it or Meth...but I know once you start's REALLY fucking hard to quit. That's why methadone clinics are around.
Opiods - I don't know much about them. I did not know someone hooked on them when I was using.

I did crack for about 3 (technically 4) years and quit it all by myself for one just was not worth it anymore. It still felt amazing. But it just was not worth it. That was 14+ years ago (October 1, 2004)...haven't done it since. Do I miss it...damn right. But it's just not worth it (even if it was free).

And everyone I ever knew who quit a major drug did so on their own. That is the only way to have a realistic chance of staying away for good. Because rehab is fine while you are there. But your old problems/fears/frustrations crop back up when you leave rehab..and that is when you are tested.

Kamala may mean well with her idea...but she clearly has little idea what drug addiction is all about.

The solution is MAKE IT ALL LEGAL. That way people will feel free to admit their addictions. The drug will be a LOT cheaper - so addicts will not have to resort to crimes to feed their habit (I had plenty of money back then - so I could feed my habit myself). Prostitution will diminish as most escorts do it for drug money. Organized crime will be hurt. The jails will be FAR less full. Tax payers will make money as the government could tax these drugs (like they do cigs or booze). And far more money can be freed up for police to go after more serious crimes.
And save the ridiculous argument that legalizing it will mean lots more addicts. No one straight up and reasonably well adjusted decides to try heroin for the fun of it. Please.
Thanks for your frankness. You're right, a person has got to want it and want it bad in order to kick a drug habit. Opiate addiction does actually mess with your brain, though, and change its thought processes, so I guess you could technically call it a "disease." Once it's got ya, it's as bad as cancer and even harder to fight. I've been close to people who became addicts: they lie to your face--I swear they believe it themselves; they'll steal your last $10 out of your wallet, even if you were once their best friend, even if they know you're flat broke and hanging on for the next paycheck; they'll do ANYTHING to get more drugs. Even throw themselves down a flight of stairs and scratch and bruise themselves so they can go to the ER for a shot. Ah, the bullshit I listened to. I put my best friend in jail to save her life. She's still an addict and hates my guts. You're right. Only the druggie can decide.

Thanks...and sorry about your friend. My guess is one day she will forgive you and probably even thank you. If you did it to save her - she must know it. Somewhere inside...she must.

I wish more people realized that the drug addict is the one who has to quit when they want...not just because you want them to quit.
And you are right. It's not enough for them to say they want to quit. That's easy to say and it makes you feel better because it cons you into believing you will stop it now. But it's not enough. Heck, I never met an addict who did not want to quit. But - like you said - they have to 'want it bad'. REALLY bad. And that has to come from inside. I remember it took SO many times that I said to myself 'I HAVE to quit' before it finally just was not worth it anymore. It just hit me one day. ENOUGH.

You probably know this better than I. But the best advice I have for someone who cares about a drug addict? Tell them you love them, give them a big hug...and STAY AWAY FROM THEM until they have been clean for a 6 months at least. Don't meet them, call them or text them except for a birthday/Christmas text. Or they will probably make your life miserable and/or steal you blind.
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I've worked with addicts too. And if nobody wants to help it just gets worse. I've seen people kick the addiction never to use again, I have seen multiple relapses. But in every case there were events that occurred in these peoples lives that created hopelessness. So I am all for rehab centers and treatment programs.
She is going to have to bring a hell of a lot more to the table then bullshittery. Calling it a health problem is so 90s. She needs to bring details.

The Hill on Twitter

promises made, will they be kept?
She really knows her base, doesn't she?
I cannot speak for mental health - but substance abuse treatment?

What a crock of shit.

I was a crack addict and I knew LOTS of other drug addicts - and none of them got better from going to drug treatment programs. Listen to all the dozens of stories of celebrities who go to rehab and then relapse. Rehab is good for two things only - to stop you bingeing out and/or if you are the type who likes being told what to do/ordered around. But most addicts are rebels - the last thing they like is to be ordered around.
People do drugs for ONE REASON - to escape their lives. And whatever is messing them up almost certainly cannot be fixed at rehab (unless it is one of those mega-expensive ones which includes head shrinking. And you have to be 'ready' to have your 'head-shrunk'.).

And save all this 'drug abuse is a disease' shit. I did not catch drug addiction. I tried crack (by mistake - long story) and I loved it so I kept doing it. The End. I did not catch it like a disease. It was fucking awesome (and I mean fucking AWESOME - it was almost like an orgasm that lasted for as long as you were high) and I was 'ready' for it, could easily afford it and so I kept doing it. Duh.

No one - and I mean NO ONE - quits drugs until they want to badly enough. Otherwise, why would anyone ever keep doing them? Everyone knows they are terrible for you. And many of them cost a TON to do. My addiction could cost me $6-800 a day (I did not do it every day - obviously).

The two possible exceptions are heroin and opiods...
Heroin - that drug is physically addictive (the only one that was back in the day. Don't know about now). I never did it or Meth...but I know once you start's REALLY fucking hard to quit. That's why methadone clinics are around.
Opiods - I don't know much about them. I did not know someone hooked on them when I was using.

I did crack for about 3 (technically 4) years and quit it all by myself for one just was not worth it anymore. It still felt amazing. But it just was not worth it. That was 14+ years ago (October 1, 2004)...haven't done it since. Do I miss it...damn right. But it's just not worth it (even if it was free).

And everyone I ever knew who quit a major drug did so on their own. That is the only way to have a realistic chance of staying away for good. Because rehab is fine while you are there. But your old problems/fears/frustrations crop back up when you leave rehab..and that is when you are tested.

Kamala may mean well with her idea...but she clearly has little idea what drug addiction is all about.

The solution is MAKE IT ALL LEGAL. That way people will feel free to admit their addictions. The drug will be a LOT cheaper - so addicts will not have to resort to crimes to feed their habit (I had plenty of money back then - so I could feed my habit myself). Prostitution will diminish as most escorts do it for drug money. Organized crime will be hurt. The jails will be FAR less full. Tax payers will make money as the government could tax these drugs (like they do cigs or booze). And far more money can be freed up for police to go after more serious crimes.
And save the ridiculous argument that legalizing it will mean lots more addicts. No one straight up and reasonably well adjusted decides to try heroin for the fun of it. Please.
Thanks for your frankness. You're right, a person has got to want it and want it bad in order to kick a drug habit. Opiate addiction does actually mess with your brain, though, and change its thought processes, so I guess you could technically call it a "disease." Once it's got ya, it's as bad as cancer and even harder to fight. I've been close to people who became addicts: they lie to your face--I swear they believe it themselves; they'll steal your last $10 out of your wallet, even if you were once their best friend, even if they know you're flat broke and hanging on for the next paycheck; they'll do ANYTHING to get more drugs. Even throw themselves down a flight of stairs and scratch and bruise themselves so they can go to the ER for a shot. Ah, the bullshit I listened to. I put my best friend in jail to save her life. She's still an addict and hates my guts. You're right. Only the druggie can decide.

that lying, cheating & stealing doesn't stop with drugs, but alcohol as well. It's the addiction that takes over their lives...…..I am in a very similar position with a niece who is an alcoholic that refuses to admit it. After trying to talk some sense into her with a bit of tough love, I finally had to walk away. I can only hope that one day she will wake up. But I won't talk to her again until she gets her head out of her ass.
And with prosecutors not filing charges on theft under a certain amount or property crimes the rest of society is held hostage to the health concerns of the people using. There is zero accountability.
And with prosecutors not filing charges on theft under a certain amount or property crimes the rest of society is held hostage to the health concerns of the people using. There is zero accountability.
Everyone openly admits, including the Sheriff, that jail is the poor man's rehab. So many of the people in there are in for stealing, but if you ask, it was to get $ for drugs. I teach over there one day a week, and the intake area also has the "sick bay" with cubicles with beds and a glass wall so the C.O's at the desk can keep their eye on them. There are always jonesin' people in there, suffering out withdrawal.

They send in folks to do group AA meetings and a minister who gives a lot of moral support, but they don't allow any maintenance drugs like suboxone or methadone and no fun anti-anxiety drugs. It's rough cold turkey, and of course it doesn't usually "stick." When you are locked up, how hard is it to stay off drugs? It's when they send you back into the community, where every drug dealer is still doing business and every user you know is still around, that's when it gets hard.
And with prosecutors not filing charges on theft under a certain amount or property crimes the rest of society is held hostage to the health concerns of the people using. There is zero accountability.
Everyone openly admits, including the Sheriff, that jail is the poor man's rehab. So many of the people in there are in for stealing, but if you ask, it was to get $ for drugs. I teach over there one day a week, and the intake area also has the "sick bay" with cubicles with beds and a glass wall so the C.O's at the desk can keep their eye on them. There are always jonesin' people in there, suffering out withdrawal.

They send in folks to do group AA meetings and a minister who gives a lot of moral support, but they don't allow any maintenance drugs like suboxone or methadone and no fun anti-anxiety drugs. It's rough cold turkey, and of course it doesn't usually "stick." When you are locked up, how hard is it to stay off drugs? It's when they send you back into the community, where every drug dealer is still doing business and every user you know is still around, that's when it gets hard.

Yep. The difference between jail detox and rehab detox is that with one you cannot just walk out the door and with the other you get linens. When you are discharged from a rehab, you go straight back into the community where every drug dealer is still doing business and every user you know is still around, that's when it gets hard. The reality is that it's not a shocker they have a problem and many of them have had a couple of go 'rounds with treatment. It doesn't "stick" until they get clean for themselves and not because of any other external rationalization, change people, places and things and grieve for that loss.

In the meantime, they destroy their children (including drug babies), their parents, their siblings and about everything around them all day long. And all of that shit they steal...............belongs to someone. If it isn't a certain amount or is a "property crime", you better just suck it up. As a society we just sit back and wait for it to "stick".

Outpatient normally includes group counseling and one hour of individual counseling a month. Drug court has random UAs and either outpatient or meetings. Sober living as in Maine, requires things like this:LIVING AGREEMENT | Portland Recovery | Portland | Amethyst Recovery House

or some sort of 90 meetings in 90 days.

I work with offenders, mentally ill, addicts, homeless. It's what makes me so friendly.
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The Hill on Twitter

promises made, will they be kept?

What really blows my mind, is that I see a dozen other threads on here about Trump and deficit spending.

How are we going to pay for that? I'm not seeing the fiscally conservative alternative to Trump, that we are supposed to consider.
Well, substance abuse treatment is probably a hell of a lot less expensive than incarceration.

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