Krazy Steve King could lose in next week's GOP primary

Nooooooo. Say it's not true. King is like one of the guys you really can't stand, but the fact that his wife and kids make his life a living hell, a daily source of morale boost. I'd miss him.
Sounds like Republicans taking care of business. Kinda like what we’re doing here in MI’s 3rd District to that jackass Amash.
Sounds like Republicans taking care of business. Kinda like what we’re doing here in MI’s 3rd District to that jackass Amash.
But I like the crazy. AOC is like the girl you dodged, but if you got lucky one night, you thank your stars. I just don't find Amash as nearly amusing as AOC or King. Mia Love was actually sort of sensible, but she was so contrary to some people's image of Utah, I was very sorry when she lost.
Mr Burns?

unless he becomes a FOX News host if he loses, Steve King needs to win this thing.

dont let me down, Iowa!
he should run for president, or run again for Congress in 2 years. he has a bright future!
Trump won the district by 30, King won it by only 3 in 2018, Trump didnt endorse in the primary, and i lay all the blame at his feet
Now I hope EVERY King voter votes for the demoncrat over the cuckservative that beat King. Make them sorry for screwing over a great congressman like King.
Trump won the district by 30, King won it by only 3 in 2018, Trump didnt endorse in the primary, and i lay all the blame at his feet
Trump was the outsider. He has trusted people and some have not come through. He walks a tight rope in D.C. You will never see an extreme conservative elected President with the amount of Prog Socialists in this nation currently and with a healthy economy. To get the Evangelicals and Blue Dog Dems is a continuous work for Repubs. And their influence on the left leaning candidates they pushed on their voters is a reason why.
" GOP strategists worried that a King nomination would increase Democratic turnout, jeopardizing Donald Trump’s chances of winning the state in November—and the reelection of Senator Joni Ernst, who is facing a strong challenge from the Democratic real-estate developer Theresa Greenfield. "

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