Kremlin calls Biden “senile”

Where's the Jets? Don't get me wrong, I think we should send them lethal weaponry so they can defend themselves, and that is one thing Biden has gotten right only after pressure was put on him to do so...However, one has to ask why is he dragging his feet?

China is buying Russian oil, and possibly sending military aid. Europe is still buying Russian oil and gas. This supports the Russian aggression, and every time Joe has a chance to step up and crush Russia, and smack China he cowers because Putin makes statements about WMD...

Thank God the Ukrainians are kicking Putin's ass, in spite of the weak response from Biden and NATO.

Putin thought he would quickly and painlessly defeat Ukraine…he failed
Putin thought Western sanctions would crumble….they didn’t
Putin thought China would support him…..they have been lukewarm
Conservatives had a choice of supporting a President in wartime or Putin

They chose Putin
There it is again. Either your with the establishment or you’re a traitor. Happens in every war. You’d think Americans would tire of this intolerance and ignorance.

McCarthyism lives.

Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes… known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.… No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.” — James Madison
So why are republicans so eager to escalate our involvement and push Putin into using his hypersonic cruise missiles and tactical nukes.
Ds are doing the same, in case you haven’t noticed.

Nothing is more bipartisan than war.
This is become the chickhawk talking point. If you knew anything about military aircraft, especially fighter aircraft you would know it's not a simple question of sending the Polish jets to Ukraine.

The Polish MIG-29's, have been modified to NATO standards, which means the Ukraine pilots would have to learn completely different instruments, radars, and weapons. Features that pilots have to know instinctively in order to survive in a dogfight.

We send them advanced surface to air missiles and train them on that...What you are posting is just an excuse to not send them because Biden is a chicken shit...

As for your chicken hawk comment...I wore this country's uniform, did you asshole?
Putin thought he would quickly and painlessly defeat Ukraine…he failed
Putin thought Western sanctions would crumble….they didn’t
Putin thought China would support him…..they have been lukewarm
Putin thought his American asset had weakened NATO and western alliances enough that European countries would put their own economies ahead of uniting against and severely punishing Russia.

For example, he counted on Germany -- Europe's largest economy -- staying on the Russian gas teat via the Nord Stream 2.

Instead, Germany will soon have the largest military in Europe, formed to directly counter the archaic, incompetent Russian army.

Now his economy's only appreciable asset and export is rotting in the ground and in storage depots. While Russians now spend all their formerly disposable income on food and heat.

It's not a sustainable state of affairs. It isn't North Korea. Russians had a taste of the good life and of a modern economy. Now they are living a subsistence existence, hoping to afford food and shelter.
So why are republicans so eager to escalate our involvement and push Putin into using his hypersonic cruise missiles and tactical nukes.
We're not eager for that, but if we showed a backbone, Putin would back down...Why are progressive Democrats so eager to cower.....
Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes… known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.… No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.” — James Madison
So why are republicans pushing Biden to escalate to things like no-fly zones and supplying fighter aircraft, to the point that Putin declares war on the US?
Putin thought his American asset had weakened NATO and western alliances enough that European countries would put their own economies ahead of uniting against and severely punishing Russia.

For example, he counted on Germany -- Europe's largest economy -- staying on the Russian gas teat via the Nord Stream 2.

Instead, Germany will soon have the largest military in Europe, formed to directly counter the archaic, incompetent Russian army.

Now his economy's only appreciable asset and export is rotting in the ground and in storage depots. While Russians now spend all their formerly disposable income on food and heat.

7tsnot a sustainable state of affairs. It isn't North Korea. Russians had a taste of the good life and of a modern economy. Now they are living a subsistence existence, hoping to afford food and shelter.
What happens when Putin faces a lengthy occupation and his economy can’t support it?
What happens when occupying troops are given substandard food and are not paid?
What happens when the Russian people are fed up?
Ds are doing the same, in case you haven’t noticed.

Nothing is more bipartisan than war.
And no one more responsible for preventing Ukraine from escalating into a world war than how Bide is handling it.

The laws of war clearly put supplying offensive weapons as a redline that neutrality crosses.
What happens when Putin faces a lengthy occupation and his economy can’t support it?
What happens when occupying troops are given substandard food and are not paid?
What happens when the Russian people are fed up?
All great questions. We already know Putn has no problem murdering and imprisoning his own citizens who do not do or say the "right things".

Imagine when 10s of millions of them are forced to make the choice between this fate and not feeding their families. Tiananmen Square, redux
And no one more responsible for preventing Ukraine from escalating into a world war than how Bide is handling it.

The laws of war clearly put supplying offensive weapons as a redline that neutrality crosses.
Yeah I mean what could go wrong with the US flooding Ukraine with weapons?


We send them advanced surface to air missiles and train them on that...What you are posting is just an excuse to not send them because Biden is a chicken shit...

As for your chicken hawk comment...I wore this country's uniform, did you asshole?
Obviously you have no clue how long it takes to transfer that kind of technology. There are all the technological aspects you gloss over. Something as simple as the
hard points and missile racks having to be modified from NATO to USSR configuration. The computers changed from NATO back to USSR, and the instrumentation changed from NATO to USSR.

How many trained technicans do you think Ukraine has to modify aircraft, along with maintaining their existing airfleet.

Of course, we could send NATO forces into Ukraine (boots on the ground) to do that job, but what would be do when they come under Russian attack?

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