Kremlin calls Biden “senile”

1/6 lasted a couple of hours.
Yes, the hillbilly insurrrectionist cowards put an unarmed.woman at the tip of their spear. When she was gifted an extra breathing hole, they stopped their murderous chanting and retreated into the arms of the cops waiting for them in the lobby.

They don't get points or consideration for their abject failure.

And you can jerk off all you want, but the facts show the hillbilly insurrectionists were treated very favorably, compared to others who are charged under federal law.

So much so that the fact based criticism (not your embarrassing lies) of their due process is to point out how favorably they have been treated.

Those facts have been posted, which is why you changed lanes. Your own hillbilly retreat, so to speak.

Every word out of your mouth was a demonstrable lie, and that has already been demonstrated.
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Trump had one of the most corrupt Administrations in history. Rules and Laws do not apply to those who work for Trump.
Over a hundred indicted

Obama Administration?
That's a LIE

Corrupt DOJ protecting guilty like Obama/biden/Hunter/Hilliary going after Trump because he is an outsider does not make Trumps administration corrupt---it just means that the FBI snagged perjuring, lying, creating false evidence, conspiring with foreigners and Obama and Hilliary to get trump are CRIMINALS.
You are welcome to leave our country any time
I wish you would go.....

What a mess---and fyi, I am sure my ancestors were here way before you.
That's a LIE

Corrupt DOJ protecting guilty like Obama/biden/Hunter/Hilliary going after Trump because he is an outsider does not make Trumps administration corrupt---it just means that the FBI snagged perjuring, lying, creating false evidence, conspiring with foreigners and Obama and Hilliary to get trump are CRIMINALS.

I wish you would go.....

What a mess---and fyi, I am sure my ancestors were here way before you.

This is the real TDS.
At this point is really isn't funny. Republicans and other right wingers are perpetuating the fiction that the President is senile, which simply is NOT true.

Your lies and refusal to support or back Biden, is aiding and abetting Putin. Which is exactly what traitors to the USA want you to do. If you're not supporting Biden, you're against the USA.

You can't show where I've ever told a lie.

I'm a combat veteran with more than a decade of service before I was disabled, you are in no position to call me a traitor.

I am far beyond Biden in my willingness for us to support Ukraine in every way possible short of boots on the ground or enforcing an NFZ, I want Putin utterly destroyed.

But this bumbling fool is going to talk us into a damned ground war in Europe in a direct confrontation with Russia if someone doesn't get his mouth under control.

My God, today he's talking about regime change in Russia and yesterday told the 82nd of the horrors they were about to see in Ukraine.

No sane, rational person with an IQ would be stupid enough to say such things because we all know they are absolutely a serious threat to Not just Europe and the US but the entire world.

Jill needs to come stick a finger in his mouth and lead him to a cool dark padded room.
Trump had one of the most corrupt Administrations in history. Rules and Laws do not apply to those who work for Trump.
Over a hundred indicted

Obama Administration?
Trumped up bullshit that was proven false. Neither impeachment had any merit at all, it was just Hillary's fit being continued through Pelosi.
This is the real TDS.
Good lord, we have their texts, emails and calls and eyewitness testimony proving it. That's why the were all summarily dismissed.

They aren't through with Comey yet either because he committed actual crimes.
Trumped up bullshit that was proven false. Neither impeachment had any merit at all, it was just Hillary's fit being continued through Pelosi.

Both Impeachments were solid indictments that Republicans looked the other way.

In the second Impeachment, even Republicans said Trump was guilty but was no longer President
You mean people that are getting arrested for trespassing in a building their tax dollars paid for.
That one doesn't fly and you know it.

Those aren't owned by us, they are literally owned by the Federal Gov't, read the deeds.

We have no individual or group ownership rights on or in any federal property.

Attacking the cops, breaking into the building and attempting to storm by force the chamber to prevent the vote was absolutely illegal.

The protest that was a proud moment for Americans was turned into "insurrection" at the direction of and with a few bad actors (including FBI/DOJ goons) and ruined an historic opportunity by proving to be no better than BLM/ANTIFA thugs and OWS.

When you find you have to bury the truth and ignore the facts to make an argument you know you've lost.
Both Impeachments were solid indictments that Republicans looked the other way.

In the second Impeachment, even Republicans said Trump was guilty but was no longer President
Horse hockey, there wasn't a crime or misdemeanor in any of the and the entire basis for the, "Russian Collusion Investigation" was proven a fraud that was perpetrated on the courts repeatedly.

Even the president of Ukraine said he was never put under any pressure to do anything illegal in the "bombshell phone call".

This is a very long way from over too and one way or another some day sooner the bad actors will come to accounts.
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You side with the Kremlin, you anti-American loon!
We side with the facts and the truth and we don't blindly follow a man who belongs in a home for the mentally incompetent.

If you listen long enough even the Kremlin occasionally screws up in reverse and gets one right.

If Putin said the sun is high in the sky at noon and that it isn't at midnight you folks would still call it a lie out of blind support for the embarrassment your party elected President.
We side with the facts and the truth and we don't blindly follow a man who belongs in a home for the mentally incompetent.

If you listen long enough even the Kremlin occasionally screws up in reverse and gets one right.

If Putin said the sun is high in the sky at noon and that it isn't at midnight you folks would still call it a lie out of blind support for the embarrassment your party elected President.
Ask the idiot if it can define what a woman is.
We side with the facts and the truth and we don't blindly follow a man who belongs in a home for the mentally incompetent.

If you listen long enough even the Kremlin occasionally screws up in reverse and gets one right.

If Putin said the sun is high in the sky at noon and that it isn't at midnight you folks would still call it a lie out of blind support for the embarrassment your party elected President.

It's pretty late where you are posting, Russian troll.

I hope you get an extra piece of stale bread with your borscht, d-lister.
It's pretty late where you are posting, Russian troll.

I hope you get an extra piece of stale bread with your borscht, d-lister.
You are truly a pathetic soul. You should seek grief and anger management treatment and counseling before it gets any worse.

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