Kremlin calls Biden “senile”

Not by anything Biden is doing…These Ukrainians are one tough bunch, and I hope they succeed, even if Biden won’t help them in meaningful ways.

Putin is running out of cash and has no international credit
The US is supplying Ukraine with anti Tank and surface to air missiles along with humanitarian aid


:clap: :clap: :clap:
Biden led our economy into chaos without a war, he has exhibited an active desire for dead Americans without a war. Although it looks like he will bumble his way into world was III just for shit and giggles.
And what has Putin done to his countries economy?
The one that had to close the stock market for three weeks, and only then with severe restrictions. The rubel becoming a penny stock on the world market. Wide spread food shortages forcing his people to stand on long lines for sugar.
If you think Putin is so great, and Biden is so bad. Which country would you rather live in right now? Putin's Russia, or Biden's America.

Be honest.
Putin is running out of cash and has no international credit
The US is supplying Ukraine with anti Tank and surface to air missiles along with humanitarian aid


:clap: :clap: :clap:
Where's the Jets? Don't get me wrong, I think we should send them lethal weaponry so they can defend themselves, and that is one thing Biden has gotten right only after pressure was put on him to do so...However, one has to ask why is he dragging his feet?

China is buying Russian oil, and possibly sending military aid. Europe is still buying Russian oil and gas. This supports the Russian aggression, and every time Joe has a chance to step up and crush Russia, and smack China he cowers because Putin makes statements about WMD...

Thank God the Ukrainians are kicking Putin's ass, in spite of the weak response from Biden and NATO.
Biden is handling the Ukrainian crisis quite well. That you have decided to become a mouth piece for the Kremlin speaks to where you stand. The Kremlin statement says more about how desperate the Kremlin is then what it says about Biden. Think about it.
Biden is handling the Ukrainian crisis quite well. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Where's the Jets? Don't get me wrong, I think we should send them lethal weaponry so they can defend themselves, and that is one thing Biden has gotten right only after pressure was put on him to do so...However, one has to ask why is he dragging his feet?
This is become the chickhawk talking point. If you knew anything about military aircraft, especially fighter aircraft you would know it's not a simple question of sending the Polish jets to Ukraine.

The Polish MIG-29's, have been modified to NATO standards, which means the Ukraine pilots would have to learn completely different instruments, radars, and weapons. Features that pilots have to know instinctively in order to survive in a dogfight.

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