Kristallnacht May Explain Why Lefty Supremes Went Agro On Gay Activists...I Mean "Couples"..

Do these "wedding" gay litigants feel like thugs instead of victims?

  • Yes. They seem to be going to Christians specifically to put them out of business.

  • Maybe. It could be they walked in and were just offended and didn't have other choices.

  • No. They just keep walking in these shops with no idea they're Christian-owned.

  • Shouldn't this thread be in a forum where hardly anyone posts?

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
(Thank you to AZGAl in advance.)

AZGal said here: Lefty Supremes Kagan & Breyer Tell Why They Sided With People of Faith In Colorado Gay Cake Issue

I think that a pattern of same sex couples who act "shocked" and "surprised" that a known meek, devout Christian baker or florist or photographer would politely refuse signals something ominous as it stinks of setting up these business owners to fail. well Masterpiece Cakeshop did not fail at bringing to light a hatred towards Christian business owners by customers, media and a corrupt governmental body. people are catching on a bout who the real victims are. Losing a business and being ridiculed across social media is way more harmful than having to go into a modern marketplace that includes apps and online ordering to select a satisfying match in what you want. I DO NOT SHOP at companies I dislike and neither should anybody else. WE are free to chose. No wonder the Jewish justices except Ginsburg were upset by the rise of hostility towards small religious oriented (weddings are also religious) Christian businesses: The Supreme Court elders remember WW2 and know these tactics are ugly.

Kristallnacht is The Night of the Broken Glass. On this night, November 9, 1938, almost 200 synagogues were destroyed, over 8,000 Jewish shops ...


So do we have a modern version of "Kristallnacht" going on with the cult of LGBT against people of faith?

Vote in the poll.
People read too much into the decision. They punted on the issue . Basically, they said the magistrate who heard the case was not impartial.
This is hilarious. A raging venomous bigot started a topic comparing gays to Nazis.

Priceless. :lol:
I guess when those negroes deliberately targeted Whites Only lunch counters for their peaceful sit-ins, they were reminiscent of Kristallnacht, too, eh?


Man, the illogic and blindness of bigots is astounding to behold.
No. The only thing compatible to the Night of Broken Glass in American History imo, would be the Race riots and lynchings after the reconstruction period.

Targeting business in state that protect gay rights with, gasp, offers of business, is like burning them down?

79.02.04: The Negro Holocaust: Lynching and Race Riots in the United States,1880-1950
This is a soft version of Krystallnacht. Using the legal system instead of crowbars and bricks. But the ruination of Christian businesses is the same at the end of the day: for refusing to promote a cult.
No. The only thing compatible to the Night of Broken Glass in American History imo, would be the Race riots and lynchings after the reconstruction period.

Targeting business in state that protect gay rights with, gasp, offers of business, is like burning them down?

79.02.04: The Negro Holocaust: Lynching and Race Riots in the United States,1880-1950
This is a soft version of Krystallnacht. Using the legal system instead of crowbars and bricks. But the ruination of Christian businesses is the same at the end of the day: for refusing to promote a cult.

Nope. Wouldn't the soft version be like the gays breaking into their shops and redecorating them and putting those fucking throw pillows and comfy chairs everywhere. Guerrilla Gays.

I think Jesus would say: "Honey, you go ahead and bake that gay cake, I'll tell dad to forgive you"
Nope. Wouldn't the soft version be like the gays breaking into their shops and redecorating them and putting those fucking throw pillows and comfy chairs everywhere. Guerrilla Gays.

I think Jesus would say: "Honey, you go ahead and bake that gay cake, I'll tell dad to forgive you"

Actually that's not quite how Jude 1 and Romans 1 read in the New Testament. Among the few unforgivable sins that damn the guilty for eternity, assenting to, participating in or promoting homosexuality in any culture in any way is in that top niche. It's a mortal sin as opposed to a venial one.

It's funny. Half the people who voted so far agree that the gay cult litigants are activists set on destroying Christians for their faith. The other half are those who don't want this topic discussed at all. :popcorn:
Nope. Wouldn't the soft version be like the gays breaking into their shops and redecorating them and putting those fucking throw pillows and comfy chairs everywhere. Guerrilla Gays.

I think Jesus would say: "Honey, you go ahead and bake that gay cake, I'll tell dad to forgive you"

Actually that's not quite how Jude 1 and Romans 1 read in the New Testament. Among the few unforgivable sins that damn the guilty for eternity, assenting to, participating in or promoting homosexuality in any culture in any way is in that top niche. It's a mortal sin as opposed to a venial one.

It's funny. Half the people who voted so far agree that the gay cult litigants are activists set on destroying Christians for their faith. The other half are those who don't want this topic discussed at all. :popcorn:

In the bible what did Jesus say about it? Anything?
There are laws protecting soildiers . For example you can’t fire someone because they are called to serve .

Are conservatives against that too?

Hitler marched to eager bystanders teased from a social climate of fear lest one not appear to belong; and 1930s-Gemany politically-correct mandates. It's an unfortunate truth about homo sapiens that they yearn to belong to the troop, no matter what. It's an instinct for survival I suppose.

Most cults start from a pile of innocent-seeming embers. In Hilter's case he piled a bunch of pallets on top and turned a leaf blower on the situation.

I sometimes get the eerie feeling that the LGBT cult would do the same if we didn't check their aggression at the door. The Court took the first little step on recognizing a manifesting aggression; in both the pushy couple that could've "respectfully" gone elsewhere and the city that did not remain "neutral" in doling out punishments to the Christian baker.

The Michigan case where they're after punishing faith-orphanage establishments is worrisome. I hope the courts recognize the tone of the litigants and their intent. They brazenly advertise that they're out to hamstring funds going to faith-based orphanages in order to force them out of business using "separation of church and state" as the crowbar in that case.

The goal of course is to force orphans into secular-only orphanages so that no faith edicts can be cited as denial for demand-placement into homes....which have contracts removing hope of either a father or mother for life... I hope that the secular orphanages at least have psychologists on staff screening applicants on the children's behalf. And I hope they aren't sued to do away with the application process altogether. One of the first questions on any adoption application is "would you ever put adult wants before children's needs?" If the answer is "yes", then the agency's answer is "no" to the applicants. Have you ever seen a gay pride parade before?.... um...hello..
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Hitler marched to eager bystanders teased from a social climate of fear lest one not appear to belong; and 1930s-Gemany politically-correct mandates. It's an unfortunate truth about homo sapiens that they yearn to belong to the troop, no matter what. It's an instinct for survival I suppose.

Most cults start from a pile of innocent-seeming embers. In Hilter's case he piled a bunch of pallets on top and turned a leaf blower on the situation.

I sometimes get the eerie feeling that the LGBT cult would do the same if we didn't check their aggression at the door. The Court took the first little step on recognizing a manifesting aggression; in both the pushy couple that could've "respectfully" gone elsewhere and the city that did not remain "neutral" in doling out punishments to the Christian baker.

The Michigan case where they're after punishing faith-orphanage establishments is worrisome. I hope the courts recognize the tone of the litigants and their intent. They brazenly advertise that they're out to hamstring funds going to faith-based orphanages in order to force them out of business using "separation of church and state" as the crowbar in that case.
Are you Scott Lively?
Republican who claims Holocaust was orchestrated by gay Nazis wins enough support for Massachusetts governor primary

Hitler marched to eager bystanders teased from a social climate of fear lest one not appear to belong; and 1930s-Gemany politically-correct mandates. It's an unfortunate truth about homo sapiens that they yearn to belong to the troop, no matter what. It's an instinct for survival I suppose.

Most cults start from a pile of innocent-seeming embers. In Hilter's case he piled a bunch of pallets on top and turned a leaf blower on the situation.

I sometimes get the eerie feeling that the LGBT cult would do the same if we didn't check their aggression at the door. The Court took the first little step on recognizing a manifesting aggression; in both the pushy couple that could've "respectfully" gone elsewhere and the city that did not remain "neutral" in doling out punishments to the Christian baker.

The Michigan case where they're after punishing faith-orphanage establishments is worrisome. I hope the courts recognize the tone of the litigants and their intent. They brazenly advertise that they're out to hamstring funds going to faith-based orphanages in order to force them out of business using "separation of church and state" as the crowbar in that case.

I call most hear Hitler leading the Nazi's chant:

Wir sind schwul, wir sind hier, gewöhn dich daran.
Wir sind schwul, wir sind hier, gewöhn dich daran.
Wir sind schwul, wir sind hier, gewöhn dich daran.
Sil has no problem cheapening the horrors of the Holocaust if it allows her to attack gays. It’s funny, but mostly just sad.
Gay people have eyes. Who know who else had eyes? Hitler. Coincidence?
No. The only thing compatible to the Night of Broken Glass in American History imo, would be the Race riots and lynchings after the reconstruction period.

Targeting business in state that protect gay rights with, gasp, offers of business, is like burning them down?

79.02.04: The Negro Holocaust: Lynching and Race Riots in the United States,1880-1950

Yeah, I'm gonna say if you go all-out to run someone out of business because of their religious beliefs, you might as well just burn 'em down because of their religious beliefs. Hell, at least if you torched the place, they'd get the insurance money. This way, they have nothing.
No. The only thing compatible to the Night of Broken Glass in American History imo, would be the Race riots and lynchings after the reconstruction period.

Targeting business in state that protect gay rights with, gasp, offers of business, is like burning them down?

79.02.04: The Negro Holocaust: Lynching and Race Riots in the United States,1880-1950
This is a soft version of Krystallnacht. Using the legal system instead of crowbars and bricks. But the ruination of Christian businesses is the same at the end of the day: for refusing to promote a cult.

And this leaves them dead broke, and maybe even in debt, from fielding legal fees.
Nope. Wouldn't the soft version be like the gays breaking into their shops and redecorating them and putting those fucking throw pillows and comfy chairs everywhere. Guerrilla Gays.

I think Jesus would say: "Honey, you go ahead and bake that gay cake, I'll tell dad to forgive you"

Actually that's not quite how Jude 1 and Romans 1 read in the New Testament. Among the few unforgivable sins that damn the guilty for eternity, assenting to, participating in or promoting homosexuality in any culture in any way is in that top niche. It's a mortal sin as opposed to a venial one.

It's funny. Half the people who voted so far agree that the gay cult litigants are activists set on destroying Christians for their faith. The other half are those who don't want this topic discussed at all. :popcorn:

In the bible what did Jesus say about it? Anything?


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