Kristallnacht May Explain Why Lefty Supremes Went Agro On Gay Activists...I Mean "Couples"..

Do these "wedding" gay litigants feel like thugs instead of victims?

  • Yes. They seem to be going to Christians specifically to put them out of business.

  • Maybe. It could be they walked in and were just offended and didn't have other choices.

  • No. They just keep walking in these shops with no idea they're Christian-owned.

  • Shouldn't this thread be in a forum where hardly anyone posts?

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Why in your world does everything have to be about taking sides in your own narrow little fight? Sometimes, people also discuss related topics with no impact whatsoever on your "us-versus-them" labeling system. Open your mind, and try to actually COMPREHEND what people are saying, rather than kneejerking to a "friend or foe" designation.

In this case, I'm saying there are LOTS of places to go for a wedding cake that don't require you to sue some poor baker who has a religious objection. Doesn't require tracking down a specialty "adult" bakery; almost any bakery will be happy to, so leave the guy alone and prance down the street to another place.

They won't because re: Krystallnacht, the cult of LGBT doesn't want to prance down the street. They are bout about prancing directly to known Christian merchants with the sole intent of putting them out of business by attempting to use the state to promote their ideology (lifestyle) over Christianity itself; thus establishing an official (and perverse) anti-religion religion of the state.

Soft-Krystallnacht…..for now...
Why in your world does everything have to be about taking sides in your own narrow little fight? Sometimes, people also discuss related topics with no impact whatsoever on your "us-versus-them" labeling system. Open your mind, and try to actually COMPREHEND what people are saying, rather than kneejerking to a "friend or foe" designation.

In this case, I'm saying there are LOTS of places to go for a wedding cake that don't require you to sue some poor baker who has a religious objection. Doesn't require tracking down a specialty "adult" bakery; almost any bakery will be happy to, so leave the guy alone and prance down the street to another place.

Soft-Krystallnacht…..for now...

Silhouette's hero:
Why in your world does everything have to be about taking sides in your own narrow little fight? Sometimes, people also discuss related topics with no impact whatsoever on your "us-versus-them" labeling system. Open your mind, and try to actually COMPREHEND what people are saying, rather than kneejerking to a "friend or foe" designation.

In this case, I'm saying there are LOTS of places to go for a wedding cake that don't require you to sue some poor baker who has a religious objection. Doesn't require tracking down a specialty "adult" bakery; almost any bakery will be happy to, so leave the guy alone and prance down the street to another place.

They won't because re: Krystallnacht, the cult of LGBT doesn't want to prance down the street. They are bout about prancing directly to known Christian merchants with the sole intent of putting them out of business by attempting to use the state to promote their ideology (lifestyle) over Christianity itself; thus establishing an official (and perverse) anti-religion religion of the state.

Soft-Krystallnacht…..for now...

I know. Oh, I know. Which brings me to my next point, which is that some people need to get a life, STAT.
Which brings me to my next point, which is that some people need to get a life, STAT.

I think we're beyond that now. I think they need to be legally stopped, yesterday. And the recent USSC decision laid the first paving stone on getting that done.

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