Krugman Decapitated!

Oil is an abiotic resource we'll never run out of because the inner earth continues to produce it. This is evidenced by wells thought to be depleted begin producing again. So the "peak oil" scam is not only wrong, it's a criminal attempt to keep price-fixing it. And of course "BIG OIL" is going along with this caper so you'll think oil is a dwindling commodity when in fact, we've barely scratched the surface of the SEA of OIL under us.

Dumbass, the inner earth can't produce oil as fast as we are depleting it.

Sissy boy we have plenty.

No, we don't. Certainly not if China and India start using petroleum at the rate that the west uses it. Even the oil industry admits the world only has 53 years of petroleum left.

NOBODY knows what reserves there are Joemama, nobody.

Which is all the more reason to shift to renewables, which are in fact a fuel source of KNOWN reserves.
No, it wasn't. Nobody forced Germany to become militaristic again. In fact, at the first sign of it, we should have crushed them quickly.

Wow, dude, there was a reason why they didn't. Mostly, it was because the wealthy who wanted the first war were more afraid of their own workers than the "Enemy" after revolutions toppled the Tsar and the Kaisers.

Oh, do tell! Who was it who wanted Germany to invade their countries the first time around?

The first time around, Germany was reacting to french and Russian aggression.

So they were forced to invade their neighbors. Got it.
Oil is an abiotic resource we'll never run out of because the inner earth continues to produce it. This is evidenced by wells thought to be depleted begin producing again. So the "peak oil" scam is not only wrong, it's a criminal attempt to keep price-fixing it. And of course "BIG OIL" is going along with this caper so you'll think oil is a dwindling commodity when in fact, we've barely scratched the surface of the SEA of OIL under us.

Dumbass, the inner earth can't produce oil as fast as we are depleting it.

You on the Lying Left have predicted dwindling and depleting oil supplies since the 1970's. You were wrong. We continue to find oceans of oil, more than we can possibly estimate. And the distribution of oil deposits refutes your "fossile fuel" myth as well. Oil truly is produced by abiotic generation and far more than we can possibly consume. You people continue to be wrong about EVERYTHING you claim. One would think you all would be used to it by now.
NOBODY knows what reserves there are Joemama, nobody.

But the point is, it IS finite. There is only so much of it. and we've already taken the easy to get to stuff.

The Shale and Tar Sands oils might make it last longer, but they are a lot worse for the environment.

You have no way of knowing that, especially if the "fossile fuel" has been busted and oil is an abiotic generation commodity.
You on the Lying Left have predicted dwindling and depleting oil supplies since the 1970's. You were wrong. We continue to find oceans of oil, more than we can possibly estimate. And the distribution of oil deposits refutes your "fossile fuel" myth as well. Oil truly is produced by abiotic generation and far more than we can possibly consume. You people continue to be wrong about EVERYTHING you claim. One would think you all would be used to it by now.

Actually, what we've done since the 1970's is enrich the world's worst regimes by transfering wealth to them.

Yeah, I guess you can extract oil from shale if you are willing to pollute the shit out of the water supply. But the end of the day, it's just easier to import it from the Saudis and be their bitch.
Here's what BP says...

Total world proved oil reserves reached 1687.9 billion barrels at the end of 2013, sufficient to meet 53.3 years of global production. The largest additions to reserves came from Russia, adding 900 million barrels and Venezuela adding 800 million barrels. OPEC members continue to hold the majority of reserves, accounting for 71.9% of the global total. South & Central America continues to hold the highest R/P ratio. Over the past decade, global proved reserves have increased by 27%, or over 350 billion barrels.

BP Says The World Only Has 53 Years Of Oil Left Should You Panic


About a decade ago, a firm called Cambridge Energy Research estimated that there were 4 trillion barrels of oil in the world. However, at the time, they estimated that only 1 trillion were recoverable.

Since then, we have developed new technologies to extract more oil, and the even newer cutting edge technologies to extract oil are mind-blowing.
Since then, we have developed new technologies to extract more oil, and the even newer cutting edge technologies to extract oil are mind-blowing.
And what was known ten years ago could not have imagined what we're finding in Wyoming and northern Colorado alone.... monster fields are being prepared in the Piceance Basin, Green River Basin, and Unita Basin. Not to mention the Bakken, Eagle Ford and Permian Fields in Texas, the Utica Shale in Ohio and Alaskan ANWR which holds a trillion barrels alone. Here are more:

Shale Fields North America - Oil Gas Fields North America
You have no way of knowing that, especially if the "fossile fuel" has been busted and oil is an abiotic generation commodity.

Are you some kind of fucking retard? Oil take MILLIONS of years to generate. We can't produce more of it, we can only tap what exists... of which we have maybe 50 years left.

Speaking of 50 years, that's how long you Leftards have been claiming we're on the verge or running out. You people took being wrong and made a religion out of it.
It's the GOP job to make everyone a victim. That's why the terrorize everyone. Look at the last election. Ebola? Isis? Scared refugee children running from danger who are a "threat" to us.
About a decade ago, a firm called Cambridge Energy Research estimated that there were 4 trillion barrels of oil in the world. However, at the time, they estimated that only 1 trillion were recoverable.

Since then, we have developed new technologies to extract more oil, and the even newer cutting edge technologies to extract oil are mind-blowing.

Yup, I'm sure that some assholes on Wall Street are really getting rich on that, while the planet is dying.

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