Krugman: U.S. Needs Death Panels, Sales Taxes

I bet Krugman will be whining like a little bitch when his time comes...

Nah... He's a political elitist, a special person he'll have his own coverage

Exactly.. I don't get these nitwits that support this elitism, this statism... do they not see that they will not be part of the privileged class and will be relegated to the trash heap with these rest of us if these fucks have their way? Are they really this stupid?
Nobody was required by the governement to buy a ford pinto

That's correct, no one was required by the government to buy a Pinto. Does your statement mean that you believe the government should adopt a caveat emptor policy? That the FDA be desolved and product safety be left to the private sector?

Nope but the federal government shouldn’t be telling us what to eat, what to drive, or forcing us to buy anything. I would venture to say a smart car wouldn’t hold up very well in a collision and mandating cars get 50MPG is certainly not going to make them safer

You didn't answer my questions (not that you have to). Are you okay with putting meat on the table for your family which can be produced in any manner the manufacturer finds to have the greatest cost-benefit?

The government isn't telling you what to do, you are free to eat what you want, drive what you want and buy what you want. Of course, some things you choose might have an adverse effect on your health and your bank account.

Let's suppose that green onion in the salsa you dip your chip in is infected with salmonella and you've chosen not to purchase health insurance. That's not too far fetched a scenario, is it?

So off you go to the nearest ER. Doctors determine you are very sick, put you in the ICU where you spend the next four days. During this time your labs come back, and to your surprise (since you haven't been to see a doctor in a long while) you're informed you have developed Type 2 diabetes and you are spilling protein into your urine. Further tests reveal you have kidney disease, a common side effect of the high sugar you've carried in your blood for years undetected.

After four days in the ICU, another week in the hospital to treat your diabetes and kidney disease you receive a bill from $348,628 which includes a 90-day supply of medicine the doctors tell you are needed to keep you intact (they discovered that the diabetes has impaired your circulation in your legs) and unless you control it they will need to begin cutting off toes, then a foot and later a leg.

The costs to remove said body parts will cost a good deal more than what that dirty little green onion cost you.
He means cost benefit analysis with human life...Liberals are way too compassionate:doubt:
That's Right, Only the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood can put a price on the value of human life as determined by the corporate profit motive. So a principle that the Right has held sacred for corporations is suddenly morally bankrupt for anyone else.

[ame=]Milton Friedman Puts A Young Michael Moore In His Place - YouTube[/ame]

The video shows a segment from a 1977-1978 lecture series given by Milton Friedman, in which he is questioned by a student about free market principles and the Ford Pinto. The Ford Pinto, which was sold from 1971 to 1980, was a subcompact which, because of its design, had a gasoline tank that would explode during rear-end collisions. Ford in an internal memo estimated that the problem could be fixed through a $13 fix, but as this would amount to spending more than $200,000 per estimated life saved, this would be too much. About 1,000 Ford Pinto drivers were victims of rear-end explosions.

The student said this was morally wrong. Friedman said it is not a question of morality, but of economic calculation. No human life is of infinite value, he said; you wouldn’t spend $1 billion to save a human life, because it would soak up resources needed to preserve other human lives. So the only question, according to Friedman, is whether Ford weighed costs and benefits correctly.

Nobody was required by the governement to buy a ford pinto
Anything to change the subject away from the fact that Friedman and the Right have always held that corporate profits should determine the value of a human life. They have no problem with health insurance companies having death panels to maximize shareholders' profits but have a shit fit if government tries to make its limited resources help the maximum number of Americans.
That's Right, Only the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood can put a price on the value of human life as determined by the corporate profit motive. So a principle that the Right has held sacred for corporations is suddenly morally bankrupt for anyone else.

Milton Friedman Puts A Young Michael Moore In His Place - YouTube

The video shows a segment from a 1977-1978 lecture series given by Milton Friedman, in which he is questioned by a student about free market principles and the Ford Pinto. The Ford Pinto, which was sold from 1971 to 1980, was a subcompact which, because of its design, had a gasoline tank that would explode during rear-end collisions. Ford in an internal memo estimated that the problem could be fixed through a $13 fix, but as this would amount to spending more than $200,000 per estimated life saved, this would be too much. About 1,000 Ford Pinto drivers were victims of rear-end explosions.

The student said this was morally wrong. Friedman said it is not a question of morality, but of economic calculation. No human life is of infinite value, he said; you wouldn’t spend $1 billion to save a human life, because it would soak up resources needed to preserve other human lives. So the only question, according to Friedman, is whether Ford weighed costs and benefits correctly.

Nobody was required by the governement to buy a ford pinto
Anything to change the subject away from the fact that Friedman and the Right have always held that corporate profits should determine the value of a human life. They have no problem with health insurance companies having death panels to maximize shareholders' profits but have a shit fit if government tries to make its limited resources help the maximum number of Americans.

:cuckoo:You’re a loon.. Health insurance companies can be sued, the government can't, the governments "limited resources" are bankrupting the country and they shouldn't be involved in health insurance anyway…you people waiting for some politician to make your life better will have a very long wait:eusa_eh:
End of life counseling is really intense psychological pressure to manipulate a person into accepting the fact that the government has already decided to deny medical care.

True. They are telling people to hang it up already and make room for the next person. Out with the old and in with the new.

I think doctors and patients should make all decisions. Many people buy their own insurance and pay whatever insurance doesn't cover. My aunt used part of her retirement savings to keep up the payments on her insurance she had when she was working. Many opt for that. Of course, government is drooling over retirement accounts now, probably for that very reason. Old people will waste that money keeping themselves alive. Can't have that. The government already has a plan. It forces people onto Medicare and then bitches about the cost. Government has a way of fucking things up when they get involved.

So much stupidity, so little time.

First, health insurance companies have had "death panels" for many decades. The term "death panels" was invented by your masters for you to parrot like a mindless drone with respect to a practice that has been around since before you were born.

You see, there are quack doctors and quack practices out there. There is no sense submitting yourself to these quack doctors and practices and wasting good money on them. And so review boards are established by anyone who offers health insurance. These review boards determine the efficacy of the various treatments out there.

Health insurance companies also have actuarials to determine how long a given illness or injury will last, what the average treatment course is, and what the average cost is. They do this to determine how much they need to take in in premiums to offset the costs.

If you ask around, you will find many people who have had friends and relatives who were dying from cancer who were put under a great deal of pressure to move their dying loved one out of a cancer ward and into a hospice because they had outlived the average stay.

The insurance company "death panels" are notorious for this.

If the government is going to get into the health insurance game, they will need to establish an exact replica of the private insurance system. But then someone who counts on you being a completely ignorant dumb fuck decided to call this age-old process "death panels", like it was something new. And to you, it obviously was.

But the orginal provision in Obamacare which was labeled "death panels" by the mouthbreathing bimbo Sarah Palin were end of life counseling between the doctor and seniors. Those counseling sessions were not paid for by insurance, and Congressman Blumenauer of Oregon put a provision in Obamacare to have those sessions paid for. This was an actual situation of a patient getting to decide what their care would be at the end of their life. But then the dumbest fucking bitch to ever walk on hind legs, Palin, decided to call that "death panels" and wrecked it like the stupid fucking moron she is.

To cover up their subsequent embarrassment over this incredible blunder, the neo-numbnut idiots who have hijacked the GOP started calling medical review boards (which have been around forever in private industry, remember) "death panels". Doubling down on the bet you are too retarded to figure all this out for yourself.

They won that bet.

Second, this new meme about the government "drooling over retirement accounts" is even more retarded. The government is not after your retirement account. They are writing regulation to PROTECT your retirement account, you stupid, stupid, stupid parroting loon.
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Nobody was required by the governement to buy a ford pinto
Anything to change the subject away from the fact that Friedman and the Right have always held that corporate profits should determine the value of a human life. They have no problem with health insurance companies having death panels to maximize shareholders' profits but have a shit fit if government tries to make its limited resources help the maximum number of Americans.

:cuckoo:You’re a loon.. Health insurance companies can be sued, the government can't, the governments "limited resources" are bankrupting the country and they shouldn't be involved in health insurance anyway…you people waiting for some politician to make your life better will have a very long wait:eusa_eh:
Which the Right is trying to prevent or at least put a limit on the award to maximize corporate profit. No matter how you spin it the Right believes corporate profits and only corporate profits must determine the value of a human life.
It is no wonder ObamaCare passed. The loony-tunes in control of the Right manufactured a lot of bullshit about it, instead of attacking those things which are actually in it. And there is plenty in it to attack.

This is why so many things from the Left keep winning. Because the Left's opponents are even more retarded than the Left.

The Right INVENTS shit, and then attacks their own inventions. What a winning stategy that has been! :rolleyes:
The Left keeps getting its way in legislation because the Right has become intellectually lazy. It is far easier to parrot bumper sticker catchphrases than to read a bill and explain what is wrong with it. "Drooling over your retirement money". "Death panels".

Jesus H. Christ.

It is far easier to copy and paste manufactured bullshit from your masters than to fact-check and think critically. It is too difficult to offer solutions and be prepared to defend them with logic and reason. It is too difficult to lead. It is far easier to attack the other guy's ideas and be the anti-idea party.

A Conservative used to be the smartest person in the room. Now they are members of a mutual masturbation society. Stroking each other off to fantasies that have no connection to reality.
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