Krugman's big argument about government jobs:


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
He says in his new book that if government spending can't create jobs then private spending can't either.

The truth is that government spending can only create temporary make-work liberal jobs while the private sector can create real jobs.

Whats the difference? A real job is created peacefully between 2 people who agree to create a job on a voluntary basis.

A liberal make-work government job only exists at the point of a liberal gun.
what are military jobs?

what are police jobs?

what are teaching jobs?

what are firefighter jobs?

What are postal jobs?

What are road maintainence jobs?
When the people need a service done they pay sozmeone to do it.

That person then in turn pays taxes and buys shit.

It aint rocket science you fact adverse fool
When the people need a service done they pay sozmeone to do it.

That person then in turn pays taxes and buys shit.

It aint rocket science you fact adverse fool

1) people buy lots of stuff; its only when the government is involved it is done at the point of a gun

2) government liberal jobs cost about double what real jobs cost

3) often they don't need to be done at all

4) they are monopoly jobs so the efficiency with which they are done is about 30% of what a real job would be.

5) government workers are ruined for life and then cant contribute to innovation in the private sector

The solution to have a strong growing economy is reduce liberal jobs to the bone, and then some.
When the people need a service done they pay sozmeone to do it.

That person then in turn pays taxes and buys shit.

It aint rocket science you fact adverse fool

1) people buy lots of stuff; its only when the government is involved it is done at the point of a gun

2) government liberal jobs cost about double what real jobs cost

3) often they don't need to be done at all

4) they are monopoly jobs so the efficiency with which they are done is about 30% of what a real job would be.

5) government workers are ruined for life and then cant contribute to innovation in the private sector

The solution to have a strong growing economy is reduce liberal jobs to the bone, and then some.
Truthmatters, you have to understand that Ed is a tool. Even he probably does not believe the drivel he spouts. It is just dogma. From his handler to Ed to whoever he can get to listen. No proof of anything.
Just dogma. Makes no sense. And what he really hates is that even the tea party hero, the guy who's history they are trying to rewrite, RONALD REAGAN, understood that what you are saying was true. Used the logic to clean up his own mess. Easy to document, and Ed just gets flustered.

Your points bug him, he can't argue them, since they are totally true. Expect really cool insults next.
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When the people need a service done they pay sozmeone to do it.

That person then in turn pays taxes and buys shit.

of course make work doesn't stimulate it depresses the economy. If the tax money was not stolen it would create 2 jobs in the competitive private sector where you live and die by having the best product in the world.

A government job has no competition at twice the price. Imagine what cars would be like if they were made by one government monopoly. In Hungary in 1985 you had to back cars up a hill because the carburetors were gravity feed, and you needed a dip stick to check gas level.

Now even a liberal can see the trade off between capitalist make work and liberalism?
what are military jobs?

what are police jobs?

what are teaching jobs?

what are firefighter jobs?

What are postal jobs?

What are road maintainence jobs?

None of those are jobs that add to the bottom line.

Government jobs do not add to net tax revenue nor do they add to net GDP.

All the money spent by government employees belonged first to the private sector and was then taken from the private sector and given to public employees.

The net result in taxes and GDP would be the same if the private sector kept and spent saved or invested all that money.

In short government jobs do nothing for the economy.
He says in his new book that if government spending can't create jobs then private spending can't either.

The truth is that government spending can only create temporary make-work liberal jobs while the private sector can create real jobs.

Whats the difference? A real job is created peacefully between 2 people who agree to create a job on a voluntary basis.

A liberal make-work government job only exists at the point of a liberal gun.

Why can't Obama make everyone a czar

Zero unemployment!
The net result in taxes and GDP would be the same if the private sector kept and spent saved or invested all that money.

In short government jobs do nothing for the economy.

GDP would be more without the government jobs since

1) a government worker makes twice the pay and produces about half the GDP as a real private sector worker

2) a government worker often does make work that does not really need to be done and is not innovative so does not help GDP grow, at best it churns the economy at the current level.
what are military jobs?

what are police jobs?

what are teaching jobs?

what are firefighter jobs?

What are postal jobs?

What are road maintainence jobs?

None of those are jobs that add to the bottom line.

Government jobs do not add to net tax revenue nor do they add to net GDP.

All the money spent by government employees belonged first to the private sector and was then taken from the private sector and given to public employees.

The net result in taxes and GDP would be the same if the private sector kept and spent saved or invested all that money.

In short government jobs do nothing for the economy.
The military and the police protect your right to private ownership of property. Who would bother to produce anything and add to the GDP if anyone could simply take ALL of what they produced away from them???

The Founding Fathers did not create anarchy, they created a government by and FOR the people!
The military and the police protect your right to private ownership of property.

yes, some government jobs are necessary, but generally they pay double what private sector jobs pay, and are not innovative just bureaucratic, so should always be reduced to the the maximum extent possible.
what are military jobs?

what are police jobs?

what are teaching jobs?

what are firefighter jobs?

What are postal jobs?

What are road maintainence jobs?

None of those are jobs that add to the bottom line.

Government jobs do not add to net tax revenue nor do they add to net GDP.

All the money spent by government employees belonged first to the private sector and was then taken from the private sector and given to public employees.

The net result in taxes and GDP would be the same if the private sector kept and spent saved or invested all that money.

In short government jobs do nothing for the economy.
The military and the police protect your right to private ownership of property. Who would bother to produce anything and add to the GDP if anyone could simply take ALL of what they produced away from them???

The Founding Fathers did not create anarchy, they created a government by and FOR the people!

Do you have a problem with the statement that government jobs don't add to the bottom line?

And where did i ever say I wanted anarchy? the fact is that government jobs do not produce tax revenues nor do they add to the GDP.

That statement is not in anyway saying we should abolish government in favor for anarchy.

We should however reduce government to the absolute smallest size necessary to perform it's constitutionally mandated functions.

And if government is so good at protecting one's property why are private security and alarm companies doing so well?
what are military jobs?

what are police jobs?

what are teaching jobs?

what are firefighter jobs?

What are postal jobs?

What are road maintainence jobs?

None of those are jobs that add to the bottom line.

Government jobs do not add to net tax revenue nor do they add to net GDP.

All the money spent by government employees belonged first to the private sector and was then taken from the private sector and given to public employees.

The net result in taxes and GDP would be the same if the private sector kept and spent saved or invested all that money.

In short government jobs do nothing for the economy.
The military and the police protect your right to private ownership of property. Who would bother to produce anything and add to the GDP if anyone could simply take ALL of what they produced away from them???

The Founding Fathers did not create anarchy, they created a government by and FOR the people!

and that meant to them a very very limited Republican government since their study of history showed that government was the source of evil on earth
Because republican cuts to police

I used to live in the city and my home was burglarized twice.

The fucking cops didn't stop the crime and never caught the guys. Seems to me we could cut a few doughnut eaters from the payroll and not even notice.
The military and the police protect your right to private ownership of property.

yes, some government jobs are necessary, but generally they pay double what private sector jobs pay, and are not innovative just bureaucratic, so should always be reduced to the the maximum extent possible.
That is debunked CON$ervoFascist bullshit parroted only by fools. The people who deceived you took white collar government jobs and dishonestly compared them to the average of mostly lower paying blue collar and typically higher paying white collar private sector jobs combined. When comparing the SAME jobs, public sector jobs payed the same or LESS than private sector jobs.
Krugman is an idiot.

But most jobs add to everyones living standards whether it be government or private. The private sector does it more efficiently. But any time you are paying people not to work you are dragging down the economy. An inefficient government job is far better than paying unemployment or welfare. Ideology will kill this country. We should not overpay government workers as Democrats want. Government should hire all the able bodied workers WPA style that the private sector fails to employ. They should pay less than or equal to private sector but not more so they will be motivated to get a private sector job. The private sector will prefer to hire one of these workers vs someone on welfare. Government will get much cheaper labor hiring in a depression so we can inexpensively rebuild infrastructure that everyone uses.

+ Save money by cutting public employee unions.
+ Save money by cutting welfare, food-stamps & unemployment
+ Save money by hiring cheap labor in a down turn
+ Save the unemployed sitting around getting fat taxing the health-care system.
+ Keeps sharp & teaches new skills to these WPA workers
- Cost WPA payroll
+ WPA worker spending & investing payroll
+ Indirect employment multiplies spending & investing payroll.
+ More tax revenue from WPA & Indirect employment payroll
= Better infrastructure, economy & life for everyone.

Workfare / Welfare to Work was successful under Clinton. We need way more work & way less welfare.
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The military and the police protect your right to private ownership of property.

yes, some government jobs are necessary, but generally they pay double what private sector jobs pay, and are not innovative just bureaucratic, so should always be reduced to the the maximum extent possible.
That is debunked CON$ervoFascist bullshit parroted only by fools. The people who deceived you took white collar government jobs and dishonestly compared them to the average of mostly lower paying blue collar and typically higher paying white collar private sector jobs combined. When comparing the SAME jobs, public sector jobs payed the same or LESS than private sector jobs.

Federal benefits drove the swing higher versus the private sector. The average benefits package for federal workers, including health and retirement benefits, costs taxpayers a whopping 48% more on average than what private sector workers get in comparable jobs, the CBO study says.

The CBO study relied on analysis from economists at Harvard University and Princeton University, Boston College, and economic research shops from both sides of the political aisle, the conservative Heritage Foundation and the liberal Economic Policy Institute.
None of those are jobs that add to the bottom line.

Government jobs do not add to net tax revenue nor do they add to net GDP.

All the money spent by government employees belonged first to the private sector and was then taken from the private sector and given to public employees.

The net result in taxes and GDP would be the same if the private sector kept and spent saved or invested all that money.

In short government jobs do nothing for the economy.
The military and the police protect your right to private ownership of property. Who would bother to produce anything and add to the GDP if anyone could simply take ALL of what they produced away from them???

The Founding Fathers did not create anarchy, they created a government by and FOR the people!

and that meant to them a very very limited Republican government since their study of history showed that government was the source of evil on earth
Bullshit. History has shown that tyrannical CON$ervoFascist leaders are the root of evil on Earth.

When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.
Henry Ward Beecher

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