Kudlow: 'We're taking a look at whether Google searches should be regulated'

Trump is right though. Anybody who uses Google knows that. Pretty much anything you look for in the world of politics on Google nowadays is buried under tens or hundreds of thousands of leftist-leaning stories.

So if you don't like Google you can do what I do.

I never have used Google. I used to use Yahoo but changed to Bing several years ago.

There are many search engines out there. If you don't like one, there's another you can use.

That's the beauty of freedom. Everyone is free to use what they want.

But then you cheered trump on when he deregulated the internet and removed all the net neutrality laws.

So you demanded it. You got it.

Stop whining about it.
They hammered MS for "potential" abuse regarding prices. I'm sure they could hammer Google under potential bias under anti-trust laws and regulate it and other search engines and perhaps even social media's as utilities.
Google could put this to bed by only saying "GREAT" things about Trump.
They don't need to do that, if they practice objectivity and fairness as they claim to, those great things will be listed naturally or organically.

Trump's obsessive need for NDA's says you're full of organic waste.
Very intelligent, relevant response.

A man who obsessively uses non-disclosure and non-disparagement agreements is interested in controlling what you read and hear. Objectivity and fairness don't enter into it - penalties for disclosure do.
Study affirms Google search results lean left - WND - WND

That said, I've always been a proponant of people deciding, not politics. I stay the course and say the people need to build a better answer if you don't like theirs. I am not a fan of googles tactics but I don't want the gov sticking their nose into things and screwing it up more.

I think more people want Google "to pay" for their acts and that drives hypocrisy.
Trump is right though. Anybody who uses Google knows that. Pretty much anything you look for in the world of politics on Google nowadays is buried under tens or hundreds of thousands of leftist-leaning stories.
He is, and maybe this scrutiny will force Google to allow for a variety of political views. One can hope.
Well, if you want Trump News instead of real news, just keep flipping between Breitbart, TrumpTV, Infowars, Hannity and Gateway Pundit.
They will not disappoint. ;)
And those legitimate news sources don't appear on the first and second pages of google.
Can't make this shit up folks - JESUS what a pathetic crybaby

  1. Verified account 36 minutes ago
    ....results on “Trump News” are from National Left-Wing Media, very dangerous. Google & others are suppressing voices of Conservatives and hiding information and news that is good. They are controlling what we can & cannot see. This is a very serious situation-will be addressed!

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  2. Verified account 36 minutes ago
    Google search results for “Trump News” shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake News Media. In other words, they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD. Fake CNN is prominent. Republican/Conservative & Fair Media is shut out. Illegal? 96% of....

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I guess I’m not surprised that Trump spends his time googling himself and counting how many positive and negative stories there are about him.
They DO give what they consider “reputable sources” domain authority, which means priority in search results which I don’t think the average person knows. I’m not sure that’s the way it should be bc it’s reliant on the premise that mainstream outlets are 100% truthful and we all know that’s not always the case
You're right, and this part is key. Priority is given to the MSM sources most left-wingers consider "legitimate" news sources. That is the root of the problem.
Anyone with brains avoids Google like herpes.

So that would include you too right half wit?

Do the search on Google or any other search engines and then more step other sites to compare and apply critical thinking .. assumes you are capable of that, which I have doubts.
If T-rump had his way he would silence everyone who ever said one bad word about him .. it's his natural DNA blend. He is a very sick, sick man on he edge of reality right now and doing great harm.
Trump is right though. Anybody who uses Google knows that. Pretty much anything you look for in the world of politics on Google nowadays is buried under tens or hundreds of thousands of leftist-leaning stories.
Hypothetically that could be the result on the surface without the accused cause, and this is what I comfortably suspect. People like controversy and trump and his admin have bundles of it. It's possible that millions of searches for trump prostitute, trump Russia, trump crime, etc etc, teach the search algorithm to add that sort of stuff by default.

There's multiple ways to prioritize your site in search results. It can be done organically by tagging your site so when it's indexed, theres a higher likelihood that it will hit for specific queries. You can also pay for priority. Daily trends can change search results quite a bit based on recency and relevance. You can test that by typing some vague but related terms to some big news that happened earlier in the day or week and you'll find those results. They'll even appear in the auto fill. That's not because google is curating the news, it's because millions of people are searching it and creating the trend.

All this in mind. If trump stopped doing loud and controversial stuff, it would appear less in google searches. Plain and simple. Unless you guys have proof - the scientific kind not the crazy gop kind - that google is actually pulling the strings. But even if they are a little, I dont think that's illegal. News outlets filter their content quite a bit. I could see some filtering that would be ok. If google knows who you are too - and it does - , it could filter a little based on your objective search history unless you get more specific with the query. That's not bad at all, that's just tailoring the product to the user based on what they've already done. And that wouldn't be a total filter.

This new controversy is likely little more than trump driving the news cycle. He accuses someone of something and everyone talks about it and from then on he has a bad guy enemy to rail on when convenient. It's his MO.
Google is by far the most dominant search engine, and their browser google chrome is also destroying the others, used by 68% of the population. Many small and large businesses are now totally dependant on how and where they appear on Google. Google is now more powerful than most nations.
Yay american capitalism. Little regard for competition. Little regulation on fast moving markets. Little technological literacy. Google has probably done a lot of alternative actions to dig out and reinforce its market share.
After the NFL, NBA, media, hollywood, music, now the orange and his minions are complaining and crying about the internet ? Hahahahahaha this shit is funny as hell. What's next ? The sun is roo bright?
Conservatives have money why hasn't one created a search engine, or a social media site? One that is user friendly like Facebook. Gab sucks.
Hey, we're allowing ourselves to be divided by everything else, may as well add search engines to the list!

We're obedient little bunnies, aren't we?
You have GOT to be kidding me. :disbelief:

White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said Tuesday that the Trump administration is "taking a look" at imposing regulations on Google following the president's tweet Tuesday morning accusing the search giant of favoring news outlets critical of him in search results.

Trump tweeted early Tuesday morning that Google's search results only show reporting from what he labeled the "fake news media."

"They have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD," Trump wrote on Twitter early Tuesday morning. "Fake CNN is prominent. Republican/Conservative & Fair Media is shut out."

Kudlow was asked Tuesday during a brief exchange with reporters whether the Trump administration feels that "there needs to be some form of regulation for Google."

"We'll let you know. We're taking a look at it," Kudlow replied as he walked back into the White House after a TV interview with Fox News.​


Kudlow: White House 'taking a look' at Google regulations
It's been proven they rig their search results to put leftist sites on top.

So they are bringing on themselves.

I don't like the idea, but I also don't like censorship.

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