Kudlow's Law and Our Poor Economy

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
I caught about 2 minutes of Lawrence Kudlow on the radio the other day. He talked about "Kudlow's Law" which runs like this:
No business starts without capital. In order to do anything they must have capital first. So first they have capital, then they buy supplies/equipment, then they hire people and pay wages and then the workers spend those wages as consumers.
So consumer spending is the last link in the chain not the first.
Without capital none of that can happen.
When you tax capital you depress the ability of businesses to form and grow. We have had 2 capital gains tax increases over the last 6 years, with Obama pushing for more.
With the hit to capital it is no wonder business formation, and thus employment, is depressed, with wages stagnant.

Hard to argue with any of this, but I am sure the economic gurus on the left here will explain why that's wrong and why greedy capitalists can just reach into their mattresses for unlimited funds.
Dodd- Frank is strangling U.S, Capital markets. small business cant get loans because of risk restrictions on banks

Commissioner Gallagher believes that policymakers need to do more this year to promote capital formation. He believes that legislators and regulators are layering on laws and regulations that strangle entrepreneurs, complicating growth, and causing a “downward spiral of anti-competiveness.” Commissioner Gallagher cited number of reports showing that proved the United States was losing market share to other international financial centers. Those reports included organizations such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Committee and FSR. The report from FSR concluded that the “United States should make changes to its regulatory system that would enable it to adapt and respond to growing global competition, innovative market developments, and the dynamic financial needs of all consumers.”

The SEC has spent most of its time this decade writing new regulations required under Dodd-Frank . Gallagher stated that each new mandate drives the cost of doing business in the United States higher, which leads to loss of competiveness within the market and acts as a possible threat to capital markets. Commissioner Gallagher stated, “It makes no sense to regulate capital markets like banking markets. Banks operate in a principal capacity and are levered institutions. If a bank loses the confidence of its depositors, and there is a run on the bank, it will likely fail and could impact the government safety net.” Investors in capital markets, however, understand that they alone carry the cost of failure.

How Dodd-Frank Shifted the Risk Instead of Burying It The Fiscal Times
This is why I laugh at Progressives every time they claim demand and consumers drive an economy
Next time, don't. Consumer spending is the only thing keeping the US in business, and as you can see the house of cards is not in great shape.
I caught about 2 minutes of Lawrence Kudlow on the radio the other day. He talked about "Kudlow's Law" which runs like this:
No business starts without capital. In order to do anything they must have capital first. So first they have capital, then they buy supplies/equipment, then they hire people and pay wages and then the workers spend those wages as consumers.
So consumer spending is the last link in the chain not the first.
Without capital none of that can happen.
When you tax capital you depress the ability of businesses to form and grow. We have had 2 capital gains tax increases over the last 6 years, with Obama pushing for more.
With the hit to capital it is no wonder business formation, and thus employment, is depressed, with wages stagnant.

Hard to argue with any of this, but I am sure the economic gurus on the left here will explain why that's wrong and why greedy capitalists can just reach into their mattresses for unlimited funds.

I am sure the economic gurus on the left here will explain why that's wrong and why greedy capitalists can just reach into their mattresses for unlimited funds.

And now it's harder to borrow funds, with increased capital requirements on banks and continued witch hunts of bankers.
This is why I laugh at Progressives every time they claim demand and consumers drive an economy
Next time, don't. Consumer spending is the only thing keeping the US in business, and as you can see the house of cards is not in great shape.
If you believe that you should be upset about the stranglehold obama put on consumer spending by fixing it so consumers have to waste their disposable income on unnecessarily high energy costs and the ensuing increased cost in all consumer goods that that energy cost increase creates.
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I'm a fan! :) Kudlow's a straight shooter.
The logic is irrefutable.
We have a dearth of start ups. There are more businesses closing today than opening. New businesses are at an all time low. That is horrendous for a recovering economy, as most employment comes from smaller firms.
Obananomics is the failure that keeps on failing.
I caught about 2 minutes of Lawrence Kudlow on the radio the other day. He talked about "Kudlow's Law" which runs like this:
No business starts without capital. In order to do anything they must have capital first. So first they have capital, then they buy supplies/equipment, then they hire people and pay wages and then the workers spend those wages as consumers.
So consumer spending is the last link in the chain not the first.
Without capital none of that can happen.
When you tax capital you depress the ability of businesses to form and grow. We have had 2 capital gains tax increases over the last 6 years, with Obama pushing for more.
With the hit to capital it is no wonder business formation, and thus employment, is depressed, with wages stagnant.

Hard to argue with any of this, but I am sure the economic gurus on the left here will explain why that's wrong and why greedy capitalists can just reach into their mattresses for unlimited funds.
You are a idiot!
I caught about 2 minutes of Lawrence Kudlow on the radio the other day. He talked about "Kudlow's Law" which runs like this:
No business starts without capital. In order to do anything they must have capital first. So first they have capital, then they buy supplies/equipment, then they hire people and pay wages and then the workers spend those wages as consumers.
So consumer spending is the last link in the chain not the first.
Without capital none of that can happen.
When you tax capital you depress the ability of businesses to form and grow. We have had 2 capital gains tax increases over the last 6 years, with Obama pushing for more.
With the hit to capital it is no wonder business formation, and thus employment, is depressed, with wages stagnant.

Hard to argue with any of this, but I am sure the economic gurus on the left here will explain why that's wrong and why greedy capitalists can just reach into their mattresses for unlimited funds.
Try starting a business without ANY of the ingredients that make it. No equipment, no business. No employees, no business. No raw materials, no business. No customers, no business.
I caught about 2 minutes of Lawrence Kudlow on the radio the other day. He talked about "Kudlow's Law" which runs like this:
No business starts without capital. In order to do anything they must have capital first. So first they have capital, then they buy supplies/equipment, then they hire people and pay wages and then the workers spend those wages as consumers.
So consumer spending is the last link in the chain not the first.
Without capital none of that can happen.
When you tax capital you depress the ability of businesses to form and grow. We have had 2 capital gains tax increases over the last 6 years, with Obama pushing for more.
With the hit to capital it is no wonder business formation, and thus employment, is depressed, with wages stagnant.

Hard to argue with any of this, but I am sure the economic gurus on the left here will explain why that's wrong and why greedy capitalists can just reach into their mattresses for unlimited funds.

Borrowing costs are at record low rates.

Consumers are the first link in the chain because without a demand for your goods and services there's no point in starting or expanding a business.
I caught about 2 minutes of Lawrence Kudlow on the radio the other day. He talked about "Kudlow's Law" which runs like this:
No business starts without capital. In order to do anything they must have capital first. So first they have capital, then they buy supplies/equipment, then they hire people and pay wages and then the workers spend those wages as consumers.
So consumer spending is the last link in the chain not the first.
Without capital none of that can happen.
When you tax capital you depress the ability of businesses to form and grow. We have had 2 capital gains tax increases over the last 6 years, with Obama pushing for more.
With the hit to capital it is no wonder business formation, and thus employment, is depressed, with wages stagnant.

Hard to argue with any of this, but I am sure the economic gurus on the left here will explain why that's wrong and why greedy capitalists can just reach into their mattresses for unlimited funds.

Borrowing costs are at record low rates.

Consumers are the first link in the chain because without a demand for your goods and services there's no point in starting or expanding a business.
It's irrelevant.
All business starts with capital. If you tax capital you get less of it.
We have the lowest start up rate in a very long time. There are more businesses closing than opening. It is no wonder our economy is stagnant.
I caught about 2 minutes of Lawrence Kudlow on the radio the other day. He talked about "Kudlow's Law" which runs like this:
No business starts without capital. In order to do anything they must have capital first. So first they have capital, then they buy supplies/equipment, then they hire people and pay wages and then the workers spend those wages as consumers.
So consumer spending is the last link in the chain not the first.
Without capital none of that can happen.
When you tax capital you depress the ability of businesses to form and grow. We have had 2 capital gains tax increases over the last 6 years, with Obama pushing for more.
With the hit to capital it is no wonder business formation, and thus employment, is depressed, with wages stagnant.

Hard to argue with any of this, but I am sure the economic gurus on the left here will explain why that's wrong and why greedy capitalists can just reach into their mattresses for unlimited funds.
You are a idiot!
Translation: I dont get it.
I caught about 2 minutes of Lawrence Kudlow on the radio the other day. He talked about "Kudlow's Law" which runs like this:
No business starts without capital. In order to do anything they must have capital first. So first they have capital, then they buy supplies/equipment, then they hire people and pay wages and then the workers spend those wages as consumers.
So consumer spending is the last link in the chain not the first.
Without capital none of that can happen.
When you tax capital you depress the ability of businesses to form and grow. We have had 2 capital gains tax increases over the last 6 years, with Obama pushing for more.
With the hit to capital it is no wonder business formation, and thus employment, is depressed, with wages stagnant.

Hard to argue with any of this, but I am sure the economic gurus on the left here will explain why that's wrong and why greedy capitalists can just reach into their mattresses for unlimited funds.
Try starting a business without ANY of the ingredients that make it. No equipment, no business. No employees, no business. No raw materials, no business. No customers, no business.
It doesnt matter. If you have no capital you have nothing. With capital you can get everything else. Need equipment? You can buy it. Need custoemrs? You can advertise for them. Need employees? You can hire them.
All of that takes money, which is capital.
Thanks for proving Kudlow's point.
I caught about 2 minutes of Lawrence Kudlow on the radio the other day. He talked about "Kudlow's Law" which runs like this:
No business starts without capital. In order to do anything they must have capital first. So first they have capital, then they buy supplies/equipment, then they hire people and pay wages and then the workers spend those wages as consumers.
So consumer spending is the last link in the chain not the first.
Without capital none of that can happen.
When you tax capital you depress the ability of businesses to form and grow. We have had 2 capital gains tax increases over the last 6 years, with Obama pushing for more.
With the hit to capital it is no wonder business formation, and thus employment, is depressed, with wages stagnant.

Hard to argue with any of this, but I am sure the economic gurus on the left here will explain why that's wrong and why greedy capitalists can just reach into their mattresses for unlimited funds.

Borrowing costs are at record low rates.

Consumers are the first link in the chain because without a demand for your goods and services there's no point in starting or expanding a business.
It's irrelevant.
All business starts with capital. If you tax capital you get less of it.
We have the lowest start up rate in a very long time. There are more businesses closing than opening. It is no wonder our economy is stagnant.

Capital gains aren't capital, they are the income from capital. People put their earned income into investment as well.

Capital gains are the profit on income that is ALREADY invested.
I caught about 2 minutes of Lawrence Kudlow on the radio the other day. He talked about "Kudlow's Law" which runs like this:
No business starts without capital. In order to do anything they must have capital first. So first they have capital, then they buy supplies/equipment, then they hire people and pay wages and then the workers spend those wages as consumers.
So consumer spending is the last link in the chain not the first.
Without capital none of that can happen.
When you tax capital you depress the ability of businesses to form and grow. We have had 2 capital gains tax increases over the last 6 years, with Obama pushing for more.
With the hit to capital it is no wonder business formation, and thus employment, is depressed, with wages stagnant.

Hard to argue with any of this, but I am sure the economic gurus on the left here will explain why that's wrong and why greedy capitalists can just reach into their mattresses for unlimited funds.

Borrowing costs are at record low rates.

Consumers are the first link in the chain because without a demand for your goods and services there's no point in starting or expanding a business.
It's irrelevant.
All business starts with capital. If you tax capital you get less of it.
We have the lowest start up rate in a very long time. There are more businesses closing than opening. It is no wonder our economy is stagnant.

Capital gains aren't capital, they are the income from capital. People put their earned income into investment as well.

Capital gains are the profit on income that is ALREADY invested.

true that.....however his point is that capital is needed for business startups......if capital gains are taxed heavily like BO wants to do that means there is less money available for those startups which means less jobs which means less customers to buy things....
I caught about 2 minutes of Lawrence Kudlow on the radio the other day. He talked about "Kudlow's Law" which runs like this:
No business starts without capital. In order to do anything they must have capital first. So first they have capital, then they buy supplies/equipment, then they hire people and pay wages and then the workers spend those wages as consumers.
So consumer spending is the last link in the chain not the first.
Without capital none of that can happen.
When you tax capital you depress the ability of businesses to form and grow. We have had 2 capital gains tax increases over the last 6 years, with Obama pushing for more.
With the hit to capital it is no wonder business formation, and thus employment, is depressed, with wages stagnant.

Hard to argue with any of this, but I am sure the economic gurus on the left here will explain why that's wrong and why greedy capitalists can just reach into their mattresses for unlimited funds.
Try starting a business without ANY of the ingredients that make it. No equipment, no business. No employees, no business. No raw materials, no business. No customers, no business.
It doesnt matter. If you have no capital you have nothing. With capital you can get everything else. Need equipment? You can buy it. Need custoemrs? You can advertise for them. Need employees? You can hire them.
All of that takes money, which is capital.
Thanks for proving Kudlow's point.
I started a sole proprietorship whose product was information with nothing but sweat equity and myself as an employee. I didn't need capital for any of it.
I caught about 2 minutes of Lawrence Kudlow on the radio the other day. He talked about "Kudlow's Law" which runs like this:
No business starts without capital. In order to do anything they must have capital first. So first they have capital, then they buy supplies/equipment, then they hire people and pay wages and then the workers spend those wages as consumers.
So consumer spending is the last link in the chain not the first.
Without capital none of that can happen.
When you tax capital you depress the ability of businesses to form and grow. We have had 2 capital gains tax increases over the last 6 years, with Obama pushing for more.
With the hit to capital it is no wonder business formation, and thus employment, is depressed, with wages stagnant.

Hard to argue with any of this, but I am sure the economic gurus on the left here will explain why that's wrong and why greedy capitalists can just reach into their mattresses for unlimited funds.
You are a idiot!
Wow. You made his point about no explanation.
Kudlow apparently forgot tax write off's that offset capital gains taxes.

unfortunately for RW's nobody can forget they're idiots.

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