Kudos To Sarah Sanders


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
I couldn't put up with the crap the weasels throw at her without leaping from behind the lecturn, whipping out a can of pepper spray and letting the whole pack of freaks have it....the whole can.. In today's press conference, some bottle blonde with angry eyes and a snide, creaky voice asked: "Did the Chinese president not schedule a meeting at Mar A Lago because he considers the president.....(get this)....not a reliable negotiating partner"? Think for a moment about past presidents dealing with the Hermit Kingdom. Think for a moment that Trump has made the only progress ever made with a Dung family dictator. Think for a moment about the lavish praise the Rat leaders gave Trump for walking away from the Hanoi meeting. And then caught themselves and smugly called Dung the "winner" of that meeting. And little Jimmy Acosta gave himself 3 moronic questions/opinions after being told another reporter had been called on....Jimmy had a lot of pent-up energy from standing outside the White House, with that punch-worthy face staring in the camera, lying like the wee punk he is for CNN. Poor Sarah....she must have to take a shower after twenty minutes with that trash. :doubt:

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It's a real wonder to me why the preacher's daughter doesn't break out in boils having to cover for all the President's lies, false witness, and adultery.
Like so many other rubes, Sarah sold her black little soul to a con man for a little worldly power. She will be forgotten five minutes after she leaves the office. When her name is recalled by someone, it will be as the butt of a joke.
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It seems another troll on my iggy list is squealing about something...should I see what it is? nah.
Trump has met with N. Korea twice now. The first time, all he got was a note saying that Un would think about getting rid of his nukes, but it was a non binding agreement.

What did Un get out of the first meeting? Recognition as a nuclear world leader by the USA, as well as a cancellation of joint war exercises between the USA and S. Korea.

The second meeting? Un asked for partial lifting of the sanctions so that he could feed his people. Trump said no way, and the meeting was ended when Trump walked away from the table. Again, Trump got nothing.

What did Un get? More recognition as a world power, some good propaganda that Un could use to show his people how he was standing up to the USA. Oh yeah, he also got Trump to permanently cancel military exercises between S. Korea and the USA. Trump says that it's because the drills are too costly, but he's only saying that to cover the fact that he caved in to Un.

Yep, if this is "winning", I'm tired of it.
Trump has met with N. Korea twice now. The first time, all he got was a note saying that Un would think about getting rid of his nukes, but it was a non binding agreement.

What did Un get out of the first meeting? Recognition as a nuclear world leader by the USA, as well as a cancellation of joint war exercises between the USA and S. Korea.

The second meeting? Un asked for partial lifting of the sanctions so that he could feed his people. Trump said no way, and the meeting was ended when Trump walked away from the table. Again, Trump got nothing.

What did Un get? More recognition as a world power, some good propaganda that Un could use to show his people how he was standing up to the USA. Oh yeah, he also got Trump to permanently cancel military exercises between S. Korea and the USA. Trump says that it's because the drills are too costly, but he's only saying that to cover the fact that he caved in to Un.

Yep, if this is "winning", I'm tired of it.

It is not really Trump's fault, he read that they were called War Games and he thought they were like board games. He does not realize that war games are the same as large scale military exercise. Also, having never served and never listening to his generals, he does not understand the importance of two armed forces that do not speak the same language having time to train together.
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Trump has met with N. Korea twice now. The first time, all he got was a note saying that Un would think about getting rid of his nukes, but it was a non binding agreement.

What did Un get out of the first meeting? Recognition as a nuclear world leader by the USA, as well as a cancellation of joint war exercises between the USA and S. Korea.

The second meeting? Un asked for partial lifting of the sanctions so that he could feed his people. Trump said no way, and the meeting was ended when Trump walked away from the table. Again, Trump got nothing.

What did Un get? More recognition as a world power, some good propaganda that Un could use to show his people how he was standing up to the USA. Oh yeah, he also got Trump to permanently cancel military exercises between S. Korea and the USA. Trump says that it's because the drills are too costly, but he's only saying that to cover the fact that he caved in to Un.

Yep, if this is "winning", I'm tired of it.

Nobody gives a shit what you think.
I couldn't put up with the crap the weasels throw at her without leaping from behind the lecturn, whipping out a can of pepper spray and letting the whole pack of freaks have it....the whole can..

How dare anyone question Dear Leader's bullshit! Sieg Heil!
It's a real wonder to me why the preacher's daughter doesn't break out in boils having to cover for all the President's lies, false witness, and adultery.
Isn't that what's going on with her face?
Trump has met with N. Korea twice now. The first time, all he got was a note saying that Un would think about getting rid of his nukes, but it was a non binding agreement.

What did Un get out of the first meeting? Recognition as a nuclear world leader by the USA, as well as a cancellation of joint war exercises between the USA and S. Korea.

The second meeting? Un asked for partial lifting of the sanctions so that he could feed his people. Trump said no way, and the meeting was ended when Trump walked away from the table. Again, Trump got nothing.

What did Un get? More recognition as a world power, some good propaganda that Un could use to show his people how he was standing up to the USA. Oh yeah, he also got Trump to permanently cancel military exercises between S. Korea and the USA. Trump says that it's because the drills are too costly, but he's only saying that to cover the fact that he caved in to Un.

Yep, if this is "winning", I'm tired of it.

Nobody gives a shit what you think.

Interesting. I really don't give a half a fart in a hurricane about what you think.
Poor Trump. There he was at one of his Nurembergish rallies, awarding himself the golden Nobel Peace Prize medal for his lovefest with a commie.

And now it has turned out to be a foil wrapped chocolate coin.
Trump has met with N. Korea twice now. The first time, all he got was a note saying that Un would think about getting rid of his nukes, but it was a non binding agreement.

What did Un get out of the first meeting? Recognition as a nuclear world leader by the USA, as well as a cancellation of joint war exercises between the USA and S. Korea.

The second meeting? Un asked for partial lifting of the sanctions so that he could feed his people. Trump said no way, and the meeting was ended when Trump walked away from the table. Again, Trump got nothing.

What did Un get? More recognition as a world power, some good propaganda that Un could use to show his people how he was standing up to the USA. Oh yeah, he also got Trump to permanently cancel military exercises between S. Korea and the USA. Trump says that it's because the drills are too costly, but he's only saying that to cover the fact that he caved in to Un.

Yep, if this is "winning", I'm tired of it.

It is not really Trump's fault, he read that they were called War Games and he thought they were like board games. He does not realize that war games are the same as large scale military exercise. Also, having never served and never listening to his generals, he does not understand the importance of two armed forces that do not speak the same language having time to train together.

I've participated in war games like that before, and yeah, there is training that needs to be done, especially when military from different countries are coordinating and working together. Not only is there a language barrier, but there is also a difference in tactics and strategies, and drills must be done to be able to seamlessly mesh the different militaries to work together.
The commiecrats here ain't bright enough to get this, but two face-to-face meetings with Dung gave the CIA a treasure-trove of information on Kim Chi Dung. What kind of health is he in? How does he react to a more powerful leader in his presence? How he interacts with his entourage and his mannerisms in meetings and at a meal. We've never seen him in person....few have and the spooks have no doubt changed his profile considerably after the two meetings.
The commiecrats here ain't bright enough to get this, but two face-to-face meetings with Dung gave the CIA a treasure-trove of information on Kim Chi Dung. What kind of health is he in? How does he react to a more powerful leader in his presence? How he interacts with his entourage and his mannerisms in meetings and at a meal. We've never seen him in person....few have and the spooks have no doubt changed his profile considerably after the two meetings.

Now you're just grasping at straws. Got any links to back up your bullshit?
I've participated in war games like that before, and yeah, there is training that needs to be done, especially when military from different countries are coordinating and working together. Not only is there a language barrier, but there is also a difference in tactics and strategies, and drills must be done to be able to seamlessly mesh the different militaries to work together.

Different militaries never work "seamlessly" together....if you'd ever been in a real war you'd know that.
The commiecrats here ain't bright enough to get this, but two face-to-face meetings with Dung gave the CIA a treasure-trove of information on Kim Chi Dung. What kind of health is he in? How does he react to a more powerful leader in his presence? How he interacts with his entourage and his mannerisms in meetings and at a meal. We've never seen him in person....few have and the spooks have no doubt changed his profile considerably after the two meetings.

Now you're just grasping at straws. Got any links to back up your bullshit?

I'll let you know when I want your opinion and that time ain't now or ever, loser.
I've participated in war games like that before, and yeah, there is training that needs to be done, especially when military from different countries are coordinating and working together. Not only is there a language barrier, but there is also a difference in tactics and strategies, and drills must be done to be able to seamlessly mesh the different militaries to work together.

Different militaries never work "seamlessly" together....if you'd ever been in a real war you'd know that.

Hence the importance of those 'war games'. Way to prove ABiker's point.

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