Kudos To Sarah Sanders

How do you know “Trump is a Kim

Maybe Trump is a fan of getting Kim to the negotiating table.

Do you think you could match that?

I know Clinton or Obama couldn’t

Let me know when you negotiate any kind of big business deal or treaty some day.

Anybody could get Kim to the table any time they wanted. N Korean leaders have been begging for a meeting for decades, but nobody gave it to them because it would increase Korea's status.

Ha! Ha! Translation: no one has the balls Trump has. MAGA!!!
How do you know “Trump is a Kim

Maybe Trump is a fan of getting Kim to the negotiating table.

Do you think you could match that?

I know Clinton or Obama couldn’t

Let me know when you negotiate any kind of big business deal or treaty some day.

Anybody could get Kim to the table any time they wanted. N Korean leaders have been begging for a meeting for decades, but nobody gave it to them because it would increase Korea's status.
So Obama giving Iran $150 Billion and letting Iran have Nuclear weapons and ICBMS did what for Iran’s status?
One thing is for certain, nobody had the lack of balls Obama did.

How do you know “Trump is a Kim

Maybe Trump is a fan of getting Kim to the negotiating table.

Do you think you could match that?

I know Clinton or Obama couldn’t

Let me know when you negotiate any kind of big business deal or treaty some day.

Anybody could get Kim to the table any time they wanted. N Korean leaders have been begging for a meeting for decades, but nobody gave it to them because it would increase Korea's status.

Ha! Ha! Translation: no one has the balls Trump has. MAGA!!!
How do you know “Trump is a Kim

Maybe Trump is a fan of getting Kim to the negotiating table.

Do you think you could match that?

I know Clinton or Obama couldn’t

Let me know when you negotiate any kind of big business deal or treaty some day.

Anybody could get Kim to the table any time they wanted. N Korean leaders have been begging for a meeting for decades, but nobody gave it to them because it would increase Korea's status.

Ha! Ha! Translation: no one has the balls Trump has. MAGA!!!

Ha! Ha! Really, no one was stupid enough until Trump. Muller Ain't Going Away!!!
How do you know “Trump is a Kim

Maybe Trump is a fan of getting Kim to the negotiating table.

Do you think you could match that?

I know Clinton or Obama couldn’t

Let me know when you negotiate any kind of big business deal or treaty some day.

Anybody could get Kim to the table any time they wanted. N Korean leaders have been begging for a meeting for decades, but nobody gave it to them because it would increase Korea's status.
So Obama giving Iran $150 Billion and letting Iran have Nuclear weapons and ICBMS did what for Iran’s status?

What a stupid thing to say.
Angry and unwilling to learn new things = stunted emotional and intellectual growth.

That usually indicates evidence that a person is a victim of indoctrination.
One thing is for certain, nobody had the lack of balls Obama did.

How do you know “Trump is a Kim

Maybe Trump is a fan of getting Kim to the negotiating table.

Do you think you could match that?

I know Clinton or Obama couldn’t

Let me know when you negotiate any kind of big business deal or treaty some day.

Anybody could get Kim to the table any time they wanted. N Korean leaders have been begging for a meeting for decades, but nobody gave it to them because it would increase Korea's status.

Ha! Ha! Translation: no one has the balls Trump has. MAGA!!!

Is an inordinate interest in other men's balls listed on your resume?
Nancy Pelosi disagrees with you.

And no one is afraid of Mueller or respects what he is doing.

You could have given the $40 million you wasted on Mueller to AOC’s Constituents that lost 24,000 jobs that she chased out of her district.

I heard they are all going to have a lot more time to fly around in space. They just won’t be able to pay for it, but they can always buy Mexican Heroin and pretend they are Unemployed Spacemen instead. Should be Exactly The Same.

Or maybe you could ask her to redistribute her sudden $10 Million Dollar windfall that Netflix provided to her and give that to her victims.

Or use either to build Bernie Sanders (The Nutty Professor) a 4th Vacation home, or build the wall around Obama’s house a little higher.

That’s Called Capitalism.

How do you know “Trump is a Kim

Maybe Trump is a fan of getting Kim to the negotiating table.

Do you think you could match that?

I know Clinton or Obama couldn’t

Let me know when you negotiate any kind of big business deal or treaty some day.

Anybody could get Kim to the table any time they wanted. N Korean leaders have been begging for a meeting for decades, but nobody gave it to them because it would increase Korea's status.

Ha! Ha! Translation: no one has the balls Trump has. MAGA!!!

Ha! Ha! Really, no one was stupid enough until Trump. Muller Ain't Going Away!!!
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Nope, I'm circumcised. But that doesn't change the fact that circumcision is genital mutilation. Granted, it's mutilation with a purpose and helps to keep the male in good health, but it's still mutilation of the genitals.

This ^^^^^^^^ is why you don't let your son join the Navy....... :eusa_eh:
Trump has met with N. Korea twice now. The first time, all he got was a note saying that Un would think about getting rid of his nukes, but it was a non binding agreement.

What did Un get out of the first meeting? Recognition as a nuclear world leader by the USA, as well as a cancellation of joint war exercises between the USA and S. Korea.

The second meeting? Un asked for partial lifting of the sanctions so that he could feed his people. Trump said no way, and the meeting was ended when Trump walked away from the table. Again, Trump got nothing.

What did Un get? More recognition as a world power, some good propaganda that Un could use to show his people how he was standing up to the USA. Oh yeah, he also got Trump to permanently cancel military exercises between S. Korea and the USA. Trump says that it's because the drills are too costly, but he's only saying that to cover the fact that he caved in to Un.

Yep, if this is "winning", I'm tired of it.

Has 'Rocket Man' launched any rockets lately? Has he threatened the U.S. lately? WTF anyway? I swear if Trump actually walked on water you TDSers would scream "Trump Can't Swim!!!!"

He may not have launched any rockets lately, but according to intelligence agencies, his launch site is already back up and running. I'm guessing he's gonna launch one sometime in the next 3 to 6 months.

Photos show North Korea rocket site back to 'normal operating status'

March 7, 2019, 11:38 AM CST
By Courtney Kube

North Korea's Sohae long-range rocket site is now back to "normal operating status," according to new commercial images and analysis from two teams of researchers, a reversal of action Kim Jong Un had taken after the first summit with President Donald Trump.

"These actions amount to a 'snapback' from the moderate dismantlement undertaken by the North Koreans at the Sohae launch facility after the Singapore Summit in June 2018," according to an analysis by Joseph Bermudez and Victor Cha of Beyond Parallel, a research project funded by the think tank Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).

The images taken on March 6 show activity that "speaks to the ease with which [North Korea] can reverse steps it might take toward denuclearization in the future," Bermudez and Cha wrote.

A team of researchers from 38 North, which is affiliated with The Stimson Center in Washington D.C., arrived at the same conclusion that the Sohae facility "appears to have returned to normal operational status."
Stop claiming North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat, don't give North Korea the world stage unless they actually do something to demonstrate they are serious. Don't let the guy kill U.S. citizens and then claim he's probably not responsible.

I don't blame Trump for North Korea's actions, I blame Trump for lying about them.

EDIT: For clarification, I do not blame Trump for Otto's death. I should have worded that better.

Trump never claimed NK was no longer a nuclear threat. When did he say that? What exactly did Trump lie about? I'd rather see Trump negotiating with Kim than have to worry about missiles raining down.

Actually, when he came back from the first meeting, he tweeted this..................


Just landed - a long trip, but everybody can now feel much safer than the day I took office. There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea. Meeting with Kim Jong Un was an interesting and very positive experience. North Korea has great potential for the future!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 13, 2018
Oh I have qualifications you have no idea.

Capitulation is what Obama did with Russia and Crimea and ISIS or what Chamberlain did with Nazi Germany.

Negotiation is not Capitulation.

What exactly did the US give up?

Nothing, but Kim quit launching Rockets and is negotiationing his denuclearization.

Listen and learn kid.

You might grow up a little and learn something.

I am seriously trying to teach you something while picking apart your misguided notions about how the world really works.
So War with
North Korea?

Is this why lazy Obama and Clinton didn’t even try to talk to Kim, because in your “EXPERT” opinion, it’s hopeless?

So, it's either capitulation or war? Not a fan with either.

And you're no expert.

What did the US give up? The first meeting, Trump cancelled the scheduled war exercises between the US and S. Korea, because Un considered them "provoking". After he came back from the second meeting, he cancelled them permanently. Trump says that it is because of the cost, but in reality, it's because he's Un's bitch.

As far as quitting launching rockets? Might wanna re-think that one, because Un has already gotten his launch site back up and running. I'm guessing there's gonna be a launch in 3 to 6 months.

North Korea Has Started Rebuilding Key Missile-Test Facilities, Analysts Say

And, finally, there was no "denuclearization". Un simply signed a document that said he would think about it. And, hate to tell you, but he still has his nukes.
Like so many other rubes, Sarah sold her black little soul to a con man for a little worldly power. She will be forgotten five minutes after she leaves the office. When her name is recalled by someone, it will be as the butt of a joke.
Did you ever watch Obama's rubes? They were demeaning, insulting, close to derogatory in responses. and they were asked softball questions compared to what Sanders goes through. She is tough. You do not have to like her. But she has been as respectful as she could in her responses with all of the bluff she takes. Your hate for Trump overshadows his promises in which most Americans will benefit from even if some of it you do not like.
Sorry bout that,

  1. I agree she should run out from behind that podium spraying mace in their dumb faces, or something stronger, some blinding spray that will blind them FOREVER!
  2. I've watched those and it amazes me how they can ask so many jerk off questions in a row.
  3. Here's hoping they all die in a bus crash going to a restaurant together.
  4. And no they won't be missed.
I agree she should run out from behind that podium spraying mace in their dumb faces, or something stronger, some blinding spray that will blind them FOREVER!
Well,that makes you a nauseating, unAmerican little freak and you should immediately drink a gallon of bleach.
Trump has met with N. Korea twice now. The first time, all he got was a note saying that Un would think about getting rid of his nukes, but it was a non binding agreement.

What did Un get out of the first meeting? Recognition as a nuclear world leader by the USA, as well as a cancellation of joint war exercises between the USA and S. Korea.

The second meeting? Un asked for partial lifting of the sanctions so that he could feed his people. Trump said no way, and the meeting was ended when Trump walked away from the table. Again, Trump got nothing.

What did Un get? More recognition as a world power, some good propaganda that Un could use to show his people how he was standing up to the USA. Oh yeah, he also got Trump to permanently cancel military exercises between S. Korea and the USA. Trump says that it's because the drills are too costly, but he's only saying that to cover the fact that he caved in to Un.

Yep, if this is "winning", I'm tired of it.

Has 'Rocket Man' launched any rockets lately? Has he threatened the U.S. lately? WTF anyway? I swear if Trump actually walked on water you TDSers would scream "Trump Can't Swim!!!!"

He may not have launched any rockets lately, but according to intelligence agencies, his launch site is already back up and running. I'm guessing he's gonna launch one sometime in the next 3 to 6 months.

Photos show North Korea rocket site back to 'normal operating status'

March 7, 2019, 11:38 AM CST
By Courtney Kube

North Korea's Sohae long-range rocket site is now back to "normal operating status," according to new commercial images and analysis from two teams of researchers, a reversal of action Kim Jong Un had taken after the first summit with President Donald Trump.

"These actions amount to a 'snapback' from the moderate dismantlement undertaken by the North Koreans at the Sohae launch facility after the Singapore Summit in June 2018," according to an analysis by Joseph Bermudez and Victor Cha of Beyond Parallel, a research project funded by the think tank Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).

The images taken on March 6 show activity that "speaks to the ease with which [North Korea] can reverse steps it might take toward denuclearization in the future," Bermudez and Cha wrote.

A team of researchers from 38 North, which is affiliated with The Stimson Center in Washington D.C., arrived at the same conclusion that the Sohae facility "appears to have returned to normal operational status."
You're not too bright - arya?
The fact that Trump could get this murderous pipsqueak to take a train across China to talk to him is amazing in itself. We're talking about a ruthless dictator that executes family members - and other "non patriots" - for sport. These type of people can't be reasoned with. All you can do is pat him on the head, shake his hand, stroke his ego, whatever it takes to stave off a nuclear war. Any communication is better than no communication. I praise Trump for meeting with this turd.

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