Kurt Schlichter: How Trump should fire mueller.....the letter to the American people...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Kurt Schlichter maps out exactly what Trump should say when it becomes necessary to fire the Special Council mueller, a partisan hack, friend of illegal leaker james comey, and chief witchhunter with an inquisition made up of hilary supporters...

Trump Needs To Be Smart About How He Fires Mueller

Trump must eventually fire Robert Mueller, a partisan tool carrying water for his Establishment pals as he oversees an utterly corrupt ā€œinvestigationā€ where the only person we actually know committed any wrongdoing is his bestest buddy Jim Comey. But Trump canā€™t just lash out and do it, though it is well within his political and moral right to do so. No, heā€™s got to do it cleverly, with cunning, in a way that shows the American people exactly why Muellerā€™s witch hunt is a flaming dumpster fire of conflicts of interest and contempt for the right of normal Americans to have a say in their own governance.

Trump has to set the stage before he pulls the trigger and puts the coup de grace into the temple of this appalling fiasco. He has to do it so the American people will see and understand why ending this idiocy is so absolutely necessary to preserve our Republic despite the mainstream mediaā€™s best effort to hide the truth.

Trump needs to seize the initiative from Leaky Bob. You know, I keep hearing how Mueller was this squared-away Marine officer, but through these incessant leaks his organization demonstrates a complete lack of both integrity and discipline. Mueller seems unwilling or unable to exercise any kind of leadership over his team of Hillary donors, or to instill a culture of seriousness and impartiality. The continuing misconduct of his out-of-control, ever-expanding fiefdom demonstrates that he must be relieved of command. And hereā€™s the letter the president should send to him to set the stage to do it.


Dear Mr. Mueller:

I write in my capacity as the President, and to you in your capacity as a subordinate executive branch officer.

[This is where the president clarifies who works for whom ā€“ and whom the American people elected. Hint: It wasnā€™t the Menschian Suddenly-Aware-That-Russia-Is-Bad Gang.]

You were appointed to investigate the baseless and politically motivated claims of collusion with Russia. While I am frustrated at the partisan innuendo and improper leaks, I respect this process. Yet these false claims have interfered with my administrationā€™s ability to deliver on the promises I made to the tens of millions of Americans who voted for me last November.

[This is where the President makes clear that he will not let these bogus charges derail the policies the American people voted for. You establishment creeps want to go back to business as usual? Win an election. Your coup fantasies? Not happening.]

It is important for me to tell you and the American people, who will read this letter since I intend to make it public, that nothing here seeks to impugn your integrity. You served your country honorably as a Marine overseas and in various roles at home.

[Of course, Trump must tweet out this letter, and it must be distributed far and wide by the skillful and smooth Anthony Scaramucci so that voters can read it themselves and not have to rely on the CNN/NYT/MSNBC/WaPo Lie Machineā€™s spin.]

But several troubling matters related to your investigation have arisen, so I am directing you to provide me a written explanation regarding the following matters no later than noon three days hence. I intend to release your response to the public, which must have full confidence in your investigation if it is to put to rest these baseless allegations.

[Shift the paradigm! Mr. President, this guy works for you. He owes you ā€“ and the American people ā€“ an explanation!]

1. 28 CFR 45.2 (ā€Disqualification arising from personal or political relationshipā€) bars participation in any investigation involving a personal friend. You are a long-time, close personal friend and mentor of James Comey. He is the source of allegations against me that leaks from your team that indicate that you are investigating. Please explain why you contend that 28 C.F.R. 45.2 does not apply to you based upon your close personal friendship with Mr. Comey. Please explain how your close friendship with this accuser will not undermine the American peopleā€™s confidence in the impartiality and fairness of your investigation.

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