Kyle Rittenhouse is an American Political Hero far wise and mature beyond his years.

who's a better citizen floyd or rittenhouse ?

  • floyd

    Votes: 11 26.2%
  • rittenhouse

    Votes: 32 76.2%

  • Total voters
One one side you have the possible fact of a violation of a gun control law, and on the other the reality of actual self defense against a violent mob led by a child molester attacking a child.

I'm NOT trying to spin it, or use that for emotional demagoguery, but just to keep it real.

Well, here, let me help you keep it real:

Kyle Rittenhouse broke the law when he purchased his weapon. As a result, everything which occurs after that is tainted by that, and things get more complicated. See, he didn't simply shoot and kill someone. He shot and killed someone with an illegally obtained weapon. That increases the severity of the crime. It could also show intent to commit further crimes (otherwise, why would he need an illegally obtained rifle?).

Also, unless he knew the guy chasing him was a pedophile, that doesn't matter an iota in any discussion of why Rittenhouse shot and killed him...

I understand your position. And that was my point.

Seriously. "Tainted" Yes, that is what you have, the idea that a violation of the approved way of getting a gun, is more important than mob violence led by a pedophile.

Your position is that the not having the gun legally, is more important than the mob violence we can see with our eyes on the video clips.

You want society to ignore the mob violence and focus instead on the terrible "taint" of a gun that was not approved by the State.

That is the question for society. To side with the young man defending him self with a "tainted gun" or the violent mob that attacked him.
Under what authority was Kyle firm Antioch operating under that night?
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

doesn't get any higher.
What militia was he part of and whose authority did the militia act under?

Additionally, what medical certification did Kyle from Antioch have to render medical aid?

The militia is the whole of the people.

You'll need to explain that...
Failing to follow the complex mess of rules that anti-gunners have created, is not a "mountain of wrong", it is a technical violation.

A "technical violation" would be if I, as a 58 year old man, left out my middle name on a gun registration form (which, thankfully, we don't have here in Florida). Regardless of who instituted "the complex mess of rules", rules is rules.

Now, in the case of Rittenhouse, neither his home state of Illinois nor the state of Wisconsin permit a minor to purchase a firearm. Also in both states, it's illegal for a minor to possess a firearm unless the minor is engaged in a course of instruction (like a safety class) or while engaged in a sporting activity (skeet shooting, hunting) when supervised by an adult.

None of those circumstances existed...

And yes, Rittenhouse did not know that the disturbed man leading the violent mob that attacked him, was a convinced pedophile, but he could see how dangerous he was. The fact that he was a child molester and an ex-con is relevant to judging who was likely the instigator in the violence, by us, after the fact arm chair quarter backs.

I fully understand the salaciousness of repeatedly identifying someone in a negative light but, in this case, it's just not pertinent.

But, as to how it speaks to who the instigator might be, I'm not willing to dismiss the possibility that the instigator could've have well been the minor who illegally armed himself, crossed state lines and killed someone...

Everything after the gun purchase, is not "built" on that.

Yeah, actually it is...

Rittenhouse still had the right to be there. He had a right to walk down that street. I'm still a little fuzzy on what justification the cops prevented him from rejoining his group.

He had absolutely no right to be there and he had no right to walk down that street. There was a curfew in effect and he was violating it...

If Rittenhouse did not get THAT gun, it is likely that he could have gotten ANOTHER gun, and possibly legally.

As I've pointed out, that possibility did not exist. As a 17 year old kid, he could not legally purchase a firearm...

Hell, he might have gone just to provide medical first aid support and then, when the mob attacked, he would have just been beaten, possibly to death, and he would have been a statistic like all teh other people killed in these years of riots since the Left decided to get violent.

What "medical first aid support" training did Rittenhouse have?
To your last question, he was a lifeguard. As to the rest, convict him of firearms violation and curfew violations if you must.

Time served and he walks.
Failing to follow the complex mess of rules that anti-gunners have created, is not a "mountain of wrong", it is a technical violation.

A "technical violation" would be if I, as a 58 year old man, left out my middle name on a gun registration form (which, thankfully, we don't have here in Florida). Regardless of who instituted "the complex mess of rules", rules is rules.

Now, in the case of Rittenhouse, neither his home state of Illinois nor the state of Wisconsin permit a minor to purchase a firearm. Also in both states, it's illegal for a minor to possess a firearm unless the minor is engaged in a course of instruction (like a safety class) or while engaged in a sporting activity (skeet shooting, hunting) when supervised by an adult.

None of those circumstances existed...

And yes, Rittenhouse did not know that the disturbed man leading the violent mob that attacked him, was a convinced pedophile, but he could see how dangerous he was. The fact that he was a child molester and an ex-con is relevant to judging who was likely the instigator in the violence, by us, after the fact arm chair quarter backs.

I fully understand the salaciousness of repeatedly identifying someone in a negative light but, in this case, it's just not pertinent.

But, as to how it speaks to who the instigator might be, I'm not willing to dismiss the possibility that the instigator could've have well been the minor who illegally armed himself, crossed state lines and killed someone...

Everything after the gun purchase, is not "built" on that.

Yeah, actually it is...

Rittenhouse still had the right to be there. He had a right to walk down that street. I'm still a little fuzzy on what justification the cops prevented him from rejoining his group.

He had absolutely no right to be there and he had no right to walk down that street. There was a curfew in effect and he was violating it...

If Rittenhouse did not get THAT gun, it is likely that he could have gotten ANOTHER gun, and possibly legally.

As I've pointed out, that possibility did not exist. As a 17 year old kid, he could not legally purchase a firearm...

Hell, he might have gone just to provide medical first aid support and then, when the mob attacked, he would have just been beaten, possibly to death, and he would have been a statistic like all teh other people killed in these years of riots since the Left decided to get violent.

What "medical first aid support" training did Rittenhouse have?
To your last question, he was a lifeguard. As to the rest, convict him of firearms violation and curfew violations if you must.

Time served and he walks.

The problem with that is that him illegally obtaining a firearm resulted in the deaths of two people. "Time served" is a pipe dream...
Failing to follow the complex mess of rules that anti-gunners have created, is not a "mountain of wrong", it is a technical violation.

A "technical violation" would be if I, as a 58 year old man, left out my middle name on a gun registration form (which, thankfully, we don't have here in Florida). Regardless of who instituted "the complex mess of rules", rules is rules.

Now, in the case of Rittenhouse, neither his home state of Illinois nor the state of Wisconsin permit a minor to purchase a firearm. Also in both states, it's illegal for a minor to possess a firearm unless the minor is engaged in a course of instruction (like a safety class) or while engaged in a sporting activity (skeet shooting, hunting) when supervised by an adult.

None of those circumstances existed...

And yes, Rittenhouse did not know that the disturbed man leading the violent mob that attacked him, was a convinced pedophile, but he could see how dangerous he was. The fact that he was a child molester and an ex-con is relevant to judging who was likely the instigator in the violence, by us, after the fact arm chair quarter backs.

I fully understand the salaciousness of repeatedly identifying someone in a negative light but, in this case, it's just not pertinent.

But, as to how it speaks to who the instigator might be, I'm not willing to dismiss the possibility that the instigator could've have well been the minor who illegally armed himself, crossed state lines and killed someone...

Everything after the gun purchase, is not "built" on that.

Yeah, actually it is...

Rittenhouse still had the right to be there. He had a right to walk down that street. I'm still a little fuzzy on what justification the cops prevented him from rejoining his group.

He had absolutely no right to be there and he had no right to walk down that street. There was a curfew in effect and he was violating it...

If Rittenhouse did not get THAT gun, it is likely that he could have gotten ANOTHER gun, and possibly legally.

As I've pointed out, that possibility did not exist. As a 17 year old kid, he could not legally purchase a firearm...

Hell, he might have gone just to provide medical first aid support and then, when the mob attacked, he would have just been beaten, possibly to death, and he would have been a statistic like all teh other people killed in these years of riots since the Left decided to get violent.

What "medical first aid support" training did Rittenhouse have?
To your last question, he was a lifeguard. As to the rest, convict him of firearms violation and curfew violations if you must.

Time served and he walks.

The problem with that is that him illegally obtaining a firearm resulted in the deaths of two people. "Time served" is a pipe dream...
There is footage displaying why he killed them. There is no way he will be convicted of the murder of the pedo and thug.

It really is that simple.
Failing to follow the complex mess of rules that anti-gunners have created, is not a "mountain of wrong", it is a technical violation.

A "technical violation" would be if I, as a 58 year old man, left out my middle name on a gun registration form (which, thankfully, we don't have here in Florida). Regardless of who instituted "the complex mess of rules", rules is rules.

Now, in the case of Rittenhouse, neither his home state of Illinois nor the state of Wisconsin permit a minor to purchase a firearm. Also in both states, it's illegal for a minor to possess a firearm unless the minor is engaged in a course of instruction (like a safety class) or while engaged in a sporting activity (skeet shooting, hunting) when supervised by an adult.

None of those circumstances existed...

And yes, Rittenhouse did not know that the disturbed man leading the violent mob that attacked him, was a convinced pedophile, but he could see how dangerous he was. The fact that he was a child molester and an ex-con is relevant to judging who was likely the instigator in the violence, by us, after the fact arm chair quarter backs.

I fully understand the salaciousness of repeatedly identifying someone in a negative light but, in this case, it's just not pertinent.

But, as to how it speaks to who the instigator might be, I'm not willing to dismiss the possibility that the instigator could've have well been the minor who illegally armed himself, crossed state lines and killed someone...

Everything after the gun purchase, is not "built" on that.

Yeah, actually it is...

Rittenhouse still had the right to be there. He had a right to walk down that street. I'm still a little fuzzy on what justification the cops prevented him from rejoining his group.

He had absolutely no right to be there and he had no right to walk down that street. There was a curfew in effect and he was violating it...

If Rittenhouse did not get THAT gun, it is likely that he could have gotten ANOTHER gun, and possibly legally.

As I've pointed out, that possibility did not exist. As a 17 year old kid, he could not legally purchase a firearm...

Hell, he might have gone just to provide medical first aid support and then, when the mob attacked, he would have just been beaten, possibly to death, and he would have been a statistic like all teh other people killed in these years of riots since the Left decided to get violent.

What "medical first aid support" training did Rittenhouse have?

1. If true, then this case shows why those laws should be overturned. They prevent young men (and women) from the proper use of firearms, especially in times of dire need such as civil unrest.

2. My point is not to be "salaciousness" but to drive home the fact that this man leading the attack on Rittenhouse, was a known bad guy, with a history of targeting people younger than him.

3. A curfew that the cops were not enforcing. Selective enforcement is an injustice. If everyone else was allowed to be there, then so was Rittenhouse.

4. Considering the mess of gun laws, I do not not know that there is was not a way for him to get a gun that would satisfy even a gun control lawyer.

5. I've read that he claimed to be a certified emergency medical emergency technician and did have a med kit. I've seen no one challenge that, so I've seen no one support it.
One one side you have the possible fact of a violation of a gun control law, and on the other the reality of actual self defense against a violent mob led by a child molester attacking a child.

I'm NOT trying to spin it, or use that for emotional demagoguery, but just to keep it real.

Well, here, let me help you keep it real:

Kyle Rittenhouse broke the law when he purchased his weapon. As a result, everything which occurs after that is tainted by that, and things get more complicated. See, he didn't simply shoot and kill someone. He shot and killed someone with an illegally obtained weapon. That increases the severity of the crime. It could also show intent to commit further crimes (otherwise, why would he need an illegally obtained rifle?).

Also, unless he knew the guy chasing him was a pedophile, that doesn't matter an iota in any discussion of why Rittenhouse shot and killed him...

I understand your position. And that was my point.

Seriously. "Tainted" Yes, that is what you have, the idea that a violation of the approved way of getting a gun, is more important than mob violence led by a pedophile.

Your position is that the not having the gun legally, is more important than the mob violence we can see with our eyes on the video clips.

You want society to ignore the mob violence and focus instead on the terrible "taint" of a gun that was not approved by the State.

That is the question for society. To side with the young man defending him self with a "tainted gun" or the violent mob that attacked him.

The young man wasn't "defending himself" from the mob, he was running away from his first shooting. The "mob" was stopping his escape from the crime. The real "heros" are the unarmed protestors who chased this young asshole, knowing he'd already shot someone.

His first shooting wasn't shown on that video.
One one side you have the possible fact of a violation of a gun control law, and on the other the reality of actual self defense against a violent mob led by a child molester attacking a child.

I'm NOT trying to spin it, or use that for emotional demagoguery, but just to keep it real.

Well, here, let me help you keep it real:

Kyle Rittenhouse broke the law when he purchased his weapon. As a result, everything which occurs after that is tainted by that, and things get more complicated. See, he didn't simply shoot and kill someone. He shot and killed someone with an illegally obtained weapon. That increases the severity of the crime. It could also show intent to commit further crimes (otherwise, why would he need an illegally obtained rifle?).

Also, unless he knew the guy chasing him was a pedophile, that doesn't matter an iota in any discussion of why Rittenhouse shot and killed him...

I understand your position. And that was my point.

Seriously. "Tainted" Yes, that is what you have, the idea that a violation of the approved way of getting a gun, is more important than mob violence led by a pedophile.

Your position is that the not having the gun legally, is more important than the mob violence we can see with our eyes on the video clips.

You want society to ignore the mob violence and focus instead on the terrible "taint" of a gun that was not approved by the State.

That is the question for society. To side with the young man defending him self with a "tainted gun" or the violent mob that attacked him.
Under what authority was Kyle firm Antioch operating under that night?
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

doesn't get any higher.
What militia was he part of and whose authority did the militia act under?

Additionally, what medical certification did Kyle from Antioch have to render medical aid?

The militia is the whole of the people.

You'll need to explain that...

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

My understand of the intent of that word in that time and this context was that "the people" were thus the "militia".

Indeed, I think Rittenhouse demonstrated the validity of that viewpoint quite well.
Failing to follow the complex mess of rules that anti-gunners have created, is not a "mountain of wrong", it is a technical violation.

A "technical violation" would be if I, as a 58 year old man, left out my middle name on a gun registration form (which, thankfully, we don't have here in Florida). Regardless of who instituted "the complex mess of rules", rules is rules.

Now, in the case of Rittenhouse, neither his home state of Illinois nor the state of Wisconsin permit a minor to purchase a firearm. Also in both states, it's illegal for a minor to possess a firearm unless the minor is engaged in a course of instruction (like a safety class) or while engaged in a sporting activity (skeet shooting, hunting) when supervised by an adult.

None of those circumstances existed...

And yes, Rittenhouse did not know that the disturbed man leading the violent mob that attacked him, was a convinced pedophile, but he could see how dangerous he was. The fact that he was a child molester and an ex-con is relevant to judging who was likely the instigator in the violence, by us, after the fact arm chair quarter backs.

I fully understand the salaciousness of repeatedly identifying someone in a negative light but, in this case, it's just not pertinent.

But, as to how it speaks to who the instigator might be, I'm not willing to dismiss the possibility that the instigator could've have well been the minor who illegally armed himself, crossed state lines and killed someone...

Everything after the gun purchase, is not "built" on that.

Yeah, actually it is...

Rittenhouse still had the right to be there. He had a right to walk down that street. I'm still a little fuzzy on what justification the cops prevented him from rejoining his group.

He had absolutely no right to be there and he had no right to walk down that street. There was a curfew in effect and he was violating it...

If Rittenhouse did not get THAT gun, it is likely that he could have gotten ANOTHER gun, and possibly legally.

As I've pointed out, that possibility did not exist. As a 17 year old kid, he could not legally purchase a firearm...

Hell, he might have gone just to provide medical first aid support and then, when the mob attacked, he would have just been beaten, possibly to death, and he would have been a statistic like all teh other people killed in these years of riots since the Left decided to get violent.

What "medical first aid support" training did Rittenhouse have?
To your last question, he was a lifeguard. As to the rest, convict him of firearms violation and curfew violations if you must.

Time served and he walks.

The problem with that is that him illegally obtaining a firearm resulted in the deaths of two people. "Time served" is a pipe dream...

Nope. The attack by the mob resulted in the deaths of two people.

WHy do you not hold them to account for their actions?

With Rittenhouse, you are going over his actions with a freaking magnifying glass, while the violent mob that attacked him, are just glossed over.
Failing to follow the complex mess of rules that anti-gunners have created, is not a "mountain of wrong", it is a technical violation.

A "technical violation" would be if I, as a 58 year old man, left out my middle name on a gun registration form (which, thankfully, we don't have here in Florida). Regardless of who instituted "the complex mess of rules", rules is rules.

Now, in the case of Rittenhouse, neither his home state of Illinois nor the state of Wisconsin permit a minor to purchase a firearm. Also in both states, it's illegal for a minor to possess a firearm unless the minor is engaged in a course of instruction (like a safety class) or while engaged in a sporting activity (skeet shooting, hunting) when supervised by an adult.

None of those circumstances existed...

And yes, Rittenhouse did not know that the disturbed man leading the violent mob that attacked him, was a convinced pedophile, but he could see how dangerous he was. The fact that he was a child molester and an ex-con is relevant to judging who was likely the instigator in the violence, by us, after the fact arm chair quarter backs.

I fully understand the salaciousness of repeatedly identifying someone in a negative light but, in this case, it's just not pertinent.

But, as to how it speaks to who the instigator might be, I'm not willing to dismiss the possibility that the instigator could've have well been the minor who illegally armed himself, crossed state lines and killed someone...

Everything after the gun purchase, is not "built" on that.

Yeah, actually it is...

Rittenhouse still had the right to be there. He had a right to walk down that street. I'm still a little fuzzy on what justification the cops prevented him from rejoining his group.

He had absolutely no right to be there and he had no right to walk down that street. There was a curfew in effect and he was violating it...

If Rittenhouse did not get THAT gun, it is likely that he could have gotten ANOTHER gun, and possibly legally.

As I've pointed out, that possibility did not exist. As a 17 year old kid, he could not legally purchase a firearm...

Hell, he might have gone just to provide medical first aid support and then, when the mob attacked, he would have just been beaten, possibly to death, and he would have been a statistic like all teh other people killed in these years of riots since the Left decided to get violent.

What "medical first aid support" training did Rittenhouse have?

1. If true, then this case shows why those laws should be overturned. They prevent young men (and women) from the proper use of firearms, especially in times of dire need such as civil unrest.

2. My point is not to be "salaciousness" but to drive home the fact that this man leading the attack on Rittenhouse, was a known bad guy, with a history of targeting people younger than him.

3. A curfew that the cops were not enforcing. Selective enforcement is an injustice. If everyone else was allowed to be there, then so was Rittenhouse.

4. Considering the mess of gun laws, I do not not know that there is was not a way for him to get a gun that would satisfy even a gun control lawyer.

5. I've read that he claimed to be a certified emergency medical emergency technician and did have a med kit. I've seen no one challenge that, so I've seen no one support it.

1. These laws are to keep young people from getting weapons they are too young to be able to use properly. These guns have no purpose other than to kill people, so it's really fucking stupid to give such weapons to teenagers. Not surprisingly, you're in favour of it. In times of civil unrest, children should be home after kerfew, not out shooting up the street.

2. Once again the right winger blames the victim for being shot, using the new go-to line for Republicans - the guy is a "pedo". Rittenhouse should not have been out with "pedo's about. He's only 17.

3. See responses 1 and 2.

4. Given his age, there was no legal way for him to have that weapon.

5. He claims he's a militia member too. Neither claim is true. He used his medical kit as "cover" for his real purpose in being their. To kick liberal ass.

This stupid young asshole went out of his way to acquire an illegal weapons, and then he went out and shot three people with it. You keep focussing on the mob chasing him and calling it "self-defence", but you didn't see what happen BEFORE they started chasing him - which was the shooting of a protestor.

This kid is toast. I hope they try him as an adult.
i think #BLM wishes they hadn't given birth to antifa, but they did.

Kyle did the right thing about thirty times that day. no jury in the world would co9nvict him.

I am proud of him for showing up. ask any cop or military people, who hate biden and pelosi...

it's a given that if biden hadn't successfully cheated the country's executive branch..

cities would bern as prescribed by the #Bernie campaign..

George floyd was a trouble excon so high on meth and fenynal.. to call him a saint is tantamount to impeaching Trump. for all the wrong reasons.

the conspiracy theory of article 2 natural born citizen conspiracy theory has been debunked. twice, although the wiki page changes by the day...
Antifa was around before BLM bunghole.

kyle of Antioch will be in prison with the other alt-whities bending over for soap.

I will be happy when he hears the guilty verdict and cries for his mommy...

The Big Lie is still a thing for you? Get over it.

Cities will do what? Keep providing 71% of GDP in our country compared to red 29%.

So, now your a doctor and a racist...

YOu arrest people for defending themselves from violent mobs, you aren't leaving us much choice except civil war.
He was breaking the law before he ever fired shot.

Funny you let out why he fired a shot.

It is almost like you don't want to openly be on the side of a violent mob led by a pedophile attacking an under age boy.
I let out why he fired a shot?
He was breaking the law by being 17 in possession of a firearm and out past curfew. Had he stayed at home drinking beer with Mom he would not be on bond.
Well, weren't they all breaking the curfew, then? That is not a defense of the shooting; he should not have been there and neither should those who were shot. They shouldn't have attacked him, either. Everyone was wrong and the most wrong thing is that death resulted from so many unnecessary, idiotically minor wrongs.
One one side you have the possible fact of a violation of a gun control law, and on the other the reality of actual self defense against a violent mob led by a child molester attacking a child.

I'm NOT trying to spin it, or use that for emotional demagoguery, but just to keep it real.

Well, here, let me help you keep it real:

Kyle Rittenhouse broke the law when he purchased his weapon. As a result, everything which occurs after that is tainted by that, and things get more complicated. See, he didn't simply shoot and kill someone. He shot and killed someone with an illegally obtained weapon. That increases the severity of the crime. It could also show intent to commit further crimes (otherwise, why would he need an illegally obtained rifle?).

Also, unless he knew the guy chasing him was a pedophile, that doesn't matter an iota in any discussion of why Rittenhouse shot and killed him...

I understand your position. And that was my point.

Seriously. "Tainted" Yes, that is what you have, the idea that a violation of the approved way of getting a gun, is more important than mob violence led by a pedophile.

Your position is that the not having the gun legally, is more important than the mob violence we can see with our eyes on the video clips.

You want society to ignore the mob violence and focus instead on the terrible "taint" of a gun that was not approved by the State.

That is the question for society. To side with the young man defending him self with a "tainted gun" or the violent mob that attacked him.
Under what authority was Kyle firm Antioch operating under that night?
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

doesn't get any higher.
What militia was he part of and whose authority did the militia act under?

Additionally, what medical certification did Kyle from Antioch have to render medical aid?

The militia is the whole of the people.

You'll need to explain that...

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

My understand of the intent of that word in that time and this context was that "the people" were thus the "militia".

Indeed, I think Rittenhouse demonstrated the validity of that viewpoint quite well.

Rittenhouse wasn't a member of a "well-regulated militia". He was a thug with a gun.

Your understanding is false. The USA didn't have a standing army to defend itself, hence the "well regulated militia" qualifier. Under no circumstances was Rittenhouse eligible to be part of a militia, join the army, or anything else involving law enforcement and the military because he was 17.

Age restrictions of lethal weapons are in place because teenagers lack the maturity, or the ability to properly make major decisions in their lives.

Rittenhouse has demonstrated that the laws restriction underage, irresponsible people from owning lethal weapons are sane and reasonable, and that weapons whose only purpose is to kill people don't belong in the hands of people who are young and stupid.
i think #BLM wishes they hadn't given birth to antifa, but they did.

Kyle did the right thing about thirty times that day. no jury in the world would co9nvict him.

I am proud of him for showing up. ask any cop or military people, who hate biden and pelosi...

it's a given that if biden hadn't successfully cheated the country's executive branch..

cities would bern as prescribed by the #Bernie campaign..

George floyd was a trouble excon so high on meth and fenynal.. to call him a saint is tantamount to impeaching Trump. for all the wrong reasons.

the conspiracy theory of article 2 natural born citizen conspiracy theory has been debunked. twice, although the wiki page changes by the day...
Antifa was around before BLM bunghole.

kyle of Antioch will be in prison with the other alt-whities bending over for soap.

I will be happy when he hears the guilty verdict and cries for his mommy...

The Big Lie is still a thing for you? Get over it.

Cities will do what? Keep providing 71% of GDP in our country compared to red 29%.

So, now your a doctor and a racist...

YOu arrest people for defending themselves from violent mobs, you aren't leaving us much choice except civil war.
He was breaking the law before he ever fired shot.

Funny you let out why he fired a shot.

It is almost like you don't want to openly be on the side of a violent mob led by a pedophile attacking an under age boy.
I let out why he fired a shot?
He was breaking the law by being 17 in possession of a firearm and out past curfew. Had he stayed at home drinking beer with Mom he would not be on bond.
Well, weren't they all breaking the curfew, then? That is not a defense of the shooting; he should not have been there and neither should those who were shot. They shouldn't have attacked him, either. Everyone was wrong and the most wrong thing is that death resulted from so many unnecessary, idiotically minor wrongs.

They didn't "attack" him. They ran him down after he shot a man. The people chasing him were the heros trying to prevent his escape from the scene of his first shooting.
One one side you have the possible fact of a violation of a gun control law, and on the other the reality of actual self defense against a violent mob led by a child molester attacking a child.

I'm NOT trying to spin it, or use that for emotional demagoguery, but just to keep it real.

Well, here, let me help you keep it real:

Kyle Rittenhouse broke the law when he purchased his weapon. As a result, everything which occurs after that is tainted by that, and things get more complicated. See, he didn't simply shoot and kill someone. He shot and killed someone with an illegally obtained weapon. That increases the severity of the crime. It could also show intent to commit further crimes (otherwise, why would he need an illegally obtained rifle?).

Also, unless he knew the guy chasing him was a pedophile, that doesn't matter an iota in any discussion of why Rittenhouse shot and killed him...

I understand your position. And that was my point.

Seriously. "Tainted" Yes, that is what you have, the idea that a violation of the approved way of getting a gun, is more important than mob violence led by a pedophile.

Your position is that the not having the gun legally, is more important than the mob violence we can see with our eyes on the video clips.

You want society to ignore the mob violence and focus instead on the terrible "taint" of a gun that was not approved by the State.

That is the question for society. To side with the young man defending him self with a "tainted gun" or the violent mob that attacked him.

The young man wasn't "defending himself" from the mob, he was running away from his first shooting. The "mob" was stopping his escape from the crime. The real "heros" are the unarmed protestors who chased this young asshole, knowing he'd already shot someone.

His first shooting wasn't shown on that video.

He ran from an older man that was attacking him, until he heard a shot fired, then turned and defended himself.

The mob was still there. It would not have been safe for him to stay there.

Leaving was the obviously right thing to do.

THe "unarmed protestors" were armed. One had a gun. ONe had a skateboard.

Bullshit his first shooting wasn't shown. These antifa types are all about filming everything.

If this was not self defense than nothing is.
i think #BLM wishes they hadn't given birth to antifa, but they did.

Kyle did the right thing about thirty times that day. no jury in the world would co9nvict him.

I am proud of him for showing up. ask any cop or military people, who hate biden and pelosi...

it's a given that if biden hadn't successfully cheated the country's executive branch..

cities would bern as prescribed by the #Bernie campaign..

George floyd was a trouble excon so high on meth and fenynal.. to call him a saint is tantamount to impeaching Trump. for all the wrong reasons.

the conspiracy theory of article 2 natural born citizen conspiracy theory has been debunked. twice, although the wiki page changes by the day...
Antifa was around before BLM bunghole.

kyle of Antioch will be in prison with the other alt-whities bending over for soap.

I will be happy when he hears the guilty verdict and cries for his mommy...

The Big Lie is still a thing for you? Get over it.

Cities will do what? Keep providing 71% of GDP in our country compared to red 29%.

So, now your a doctor and a racist...

YOu arrest people for defending themselves from violent mobs, you aren't leaving us much choice except civil war.
He was breaking the law before he ever fired shot.a

Funny you let out why he fired a shot.

It is almost like you don't want to openly be on the side of a violent mob led by a pedophile attacking an under age boy.
I let out why he fired a shot?
He was breaking the law by being 17 in possession of a firearm and out past curfew. Had he stayed at home drinking beer with Mom he would not be on bond.

Irrelevant. Simply carrying a firearm isn't enough to attack someone. He hadn't showed his ID to anyone so nobody knew he was 17 and not 18. You can't chase someone down who is running away and say that he was breaking the law. Taking the law into your own hands might end up with it getting blown off by a gun.

i think #BLM wishes they hadn't given birth to antifa, but they did.

Kyle did the right thing about thirty times that day. no jury in the world would co9nvict him.

I am proud of him for showing up. ask any cop or military people, who hate biden and pelosi...

it's a given that if biden hadn't successfully cheated the country's executive branch..

cities would bern as prescribed by the #Bernie campaign..

George floyd was a trouble excon so high on meth and fenynal.. to call him a saint is tantamount to impeaching Trump. for all the wrong reasons.

the conspiracy theory of article 2 natural born citizen conspiracy theory has been debunked. twice, although the wiki page changes by the day...
Antifa was around before BLM bunghole.

kyle of Antioch will be in prison with the other alt-whities bending over for soap.

I will be happy when he hears the guilty verdict and cries for his mommy...

The Big Lie is still a thing for you? Get over it.

Cities will do what? Keep providing 71% of GDP in our country compared to red 29%.

So, now your a doctor and a racist...

YOu arrest people for defending themselves from violent mobs, you aren't leaving us much choice except civil war.
Natural tendencies towards violence.........................
Which political persuasion was burning cities last summer, Butch?
i think #BLM wishes they hadn't given birth to antifa, but they did.

Kyle did the right thing about thirty times that day. no jury in the world would co9nvict him.

I am proud of him for showing up. ask any cop or military people, who hate biden and pelosi...

it's a given that if biden hadn't successfully cheated the country's executive branch..

cities would bern as prescribed by the #Bernie campaign..

George floyd was a trouble excon so high on meth and fenynal.. to call him a saint is tantamount to impeaching Trump. for all the wrong reasons.

the conspiracy theory of article 2 natural born citizen conspiracy theory has been debunked. twice, although the wiki page changes by the day...
Antifa was around before BLM bunghole.

kyle of Antioch will be in prison with the other alt-whities bending over for soap.

I will be happy when he hears the guilty verdict and cries for his mommy...

The Big Lie is still a thing for you? Get over it.

Cities will do what? Keep providing 71% of GDP in our country compared to red 29%.

So, now your a doctor and a racist...

YOu arrest people for defending themselves from violent mobs, you aren't leaving us much choice except civil war.
He was breaking the law before he ever fired shot.a

Funny you let out why he fired a shot.

It is almost like you don't want to openly be on the side of a violent mob led by a pedophile attacking an under age boy.
I let out why he fired a shot?
He was breaking the law by being 17 in possession of a firearm and out past curfew. Had he stayed at home drinking beer with Mom he would not be on bond.

Irrelevant. Simply carrying a firearm isn't enough to attack someone. He hadn't showed his ID to anyone so nobody knew he was 17 and not 18.

He was also violating curfew and it doesn't matter if he was IDed at the time since charges were filed after the fact. He knew what he was doing was illegal..Ignorance is not a valid defense in a court of law.
i think #BLM wishes they hadn't given birth to antifa, but they did.

Kyle did the right thing about thirty times that day. no jury in the world would co9nvict him.

I am proud of him for showing up. ask any cop or military people, who hate biden and pelosi...

it's a given that if biden hadn't successfully cheated the country's executive branch..

cities would bern as prescribed by the #Bernie campaign..

George floyd was a trouble excon so high on meth and fenynal.. to call him a saint is tantamount to impeaching Trump. for all the wrong reasons.

the conspiracy theory of article 2 natural born citizen conspiracy theory has been debunked. twice, although the wiki page changes by the day...
Antifa was around before BLM bunghole.

kyle of Antioch will be in prison with the other alt-whities bending over for soap.

I will be happy when he hears the guilty verdict and cries for his mommy...

The Big Lie is still a thing for you? Get over it.

Cities will do what? Keep providing 71% of GDP in our country compared to red 29%.

So, now your a doctor and a racist...

YOu arrest people for defending themselves from violent mobs, you aren't leaving us much choice except civil war.
He was breaking the law before he ever fired shot.a

Funny you let out why he fired a shot.

It is almost like you don't want to openly be on the side of a violent mob led by a pedophile attacking an under age boy.
I let out why he fired a shot?
He was breaking the law by being 17 in possession of a firearm and out past curfew. Had he stayed at home drinking beer with Mom he would not be on bond.

Irrelevant. Simply carrying a firearm isn't enough to attack someone. He hadn't showed his ID to anyone so nobody knew he was 17 and not 18. You can't chase someone down who is running away and say that he was breaking the law. Taking the law into your own hands might end up with it getting blown off by a gun.

Lest we fail to mention that he's on video trying to turn himself in.
i think #BLM wishes they hadn't given birth to antifa, but they did.

Kyle did the right thing about thirty times that day. no jury in the world would co9nvict him.

I am proud of him for showing up. ask any cop or military people, who hate biden and pelosi...

it's a given that if biden hadn't successfully cheated the country's executive branch..

cities would bern as prescribed by the #Bernie campaign..

George floyd was a trouble excon so high on meth and fenynal.. to call him a saint is tantamount to impeaching Trump. for all the wrong reasons.

the conspiracy theory of article 2 natural born citizen conspiracy theory has been debunked. twice, although the wiki page changes by the day...
Antifa was around before BLM bunghole.

kyle of Antioch will be in prison with the other alt-whities bending over for soap.

I will be happy when he hears the guilty verdict and cries for his mommy...

The Big Lie is still a thing for you? Get over it.

Cities will do what? Keep providing 71% of GDP in our country compared to red 29%.

So, now your a doctor and a racist...

YOu arrest people for defending themselves from violent mobs, you aren't leaving us much choice except civil war.
He was breaking the law before he ever fired shot.a

Funny you let out why he fired a shot.

It is almost like you don't want to openly be on the side of a violent mob led by a pedophile attacking an under age boy.
I let out why he fired a shot?
He was breaking the law by being 17 in possession of a firearm and out past curfew. Had he stayed at home drinking beer with Mom he would not be on bond.

Irrelevant. Simply carrying a firearm isn't enough to attack someone. He hadn't showed his ID to anyone so nobody knew he was 17 and not 18. You can't chase someone down who is running away and say that he was breaking the law. Taking the law into your own hands might end up with it getting blown off by a gun.

Lest we fail to mention that he's on video trying to turn himself in.


By no means is this kid a hero. Just someone else who used a gun to defend himself.
1. These laws are to keep young people from getting weapons they are too young to be able to use properly. These guns have no purpose other than to kill people, so it's really fucking stupid to give such weapons to teenagers. Not surprisingly, you're in favour of it. In times of civil unrest, children should be home after kerfew, not out shooting up the street.

Rittenhouse showed that he was able to use the gun properly so the laws are wrong and should be overturned, right here, in this trial.

17 year old men are not children. At least not all of them. As Rittenhouse demonstrated.

2. Once again the right winger blames the victim for being shot, using the new go-to line for Republicans - the guy is a "pedo". Rittenhouse should not have been out with "pedo's about. He's only 17.

Rittenhouse tried to return to his group. The police did not let him. He was thus forced to be on the streets alone. Teh mob saw a lone target and attacked. The blame for the results belong with those that decided to attack. Though the cops should be asked some questions too.

3. See responses 1 and 2.

That does not fly. THe cops were not enforcing the curfew on anyone. Punishing Rittenhouse for breaking a rule that was being massively ignored and not enforced is an injustice and not valid.

4. Given his age, there was no legal way for him to have that weapon.

Ah, but there was. Plenty . You were wrong because we have made the laws a complete mess. Should you go to jail because of that? I say no.

5. He claims he's a militia member too. Neither claim is true. He used his medical kit as "cover" for his real purpose in being their. To kick liberal ass.

He did not do any "ass kicking" until he was attacked. The stated intent of the group he was with was to protect property and help people. His actions, from what we have seen, completely support that stated intent.

Your words do not match what we know about the incident.

This stupid young asshole went out of his way to acquire an illegal weapons, and then he went out and shot three people with it. You keep focussing on the mob chasing him and calling it "self-defence", but you didn't see what happen BEFORE they started chasing him - which was the shooting of a protestor.

If you are talking about Rosenbaum? I've seen that video too. Again Rittenhouse was running away from Rosenbaum until there was a shot fired and then he turned to defend himself. Completely proper use of a firearm. You can run from an attacker, you can't outrun a bullet.

This kid is toast. I hope they try him as an adult.

And that is interesting. You want to hold him as the criminal, because he was too young to be considered an adult, and thus be trusted to use a gun properly,

yet you want to consider him an adult for purposes of punishing him.

DO you not see the contradiction here?

I want to see him considered an adult from both angles. YOu want to pick and choose what lets you fuck him the most.

YOu are the tyrant here, not me. YOu are the bad guy here, not me, not Rittenhouse.

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