Kyle Rittenhouse is doing well

Naw, I just like chumming the waters.

The point is, if the jury had known what a racist piece of garbage Rittenhouse is, then his "I was just cleaning up graffiti" defense wouldn't have flown, and you know it.

It shows the inequities of our justice system. If every defendant got the quality of representation that Rittenhouse got, we could empty out the jails. Unfortunately, there are a lot of innocent guys sitting in jail because they got stuck with the drunk public defender who has 40 cases on his docket, and plea bargained them down to the path of least resistance.

Actually, my girlfriend is Asian. So hardly a fantasy. She is educating me on Chinese culture and language.
Naw, you just have a leftist ideological perspective that is retrograde and self-destructive.

You insist that such an ideology should infect the judicial system. You want your retrograde ideology of irrelevancies to become a part of court testimony when it is immaterial to charges.

There is nothing to indicate race had anything to do with Rittenhouse defending himself from an attacker. You do know his attacker was white, correct? But hey, why let facts interrupt your sweaty, feverish tirades?

The true racists are the self-hating, race baiting leftists who look for reasons to hate, using their manufactured outrage in ways that make them look like complete buffoons.
Except Rittenhouse didn't "seek police assistance". He walked past SEVEN police cars holding his gun, and not a one of them stopped him.

One can only imagine the conversation in the squad car.

"Hey, Mike, could that be the active shooter we were just alerted about?"

"What, are you daft? That's a white kid. He clearly can't be the active shooter."

"But he's carrying an AR-15!"

"No, no, we are clearly looking for a black dude. No point in stopping him for questioning at all. Now let's go find an unarmed black guy we can shoot in the back."

"Isn't that what started this mess?"

After he was attacked and the shooting began he did not walk he ran and ran to the police.

What happened before he was attacked is irrelevant. There was no active shooter.

Plaing games with the time line does not help your cause it only proves you to be a liar
Naw, I just like chumming the waters.

The point is, if the jury had known what a racist piece of garbage Rittenhouse is, then his "I was just cleaning up graffiti" defense wouldn't have flown, and you know it.

It shows the inequities of our justice system. If every defendant got the quality of representation that Rittenhouse got, we could empty out the jails. Unfortunately, there are a lot of innocent guys sitting in jail because they got stuck with the drunk public defender who has 40 cases on his docket, and plea bargained them down to the path of least resistance.

Actually, my girlfriend is Asian. So hardly a fantasy. She is educating me on Chinese culture and language.
Once again being racist is irrelevant you fucking fool

Racsts are allowed to defend themselves
Wow, let's go with these right wing rantings.

Yes, because "no, you are!" is what a mature person says when confronted with an issue. Most people outgrow that after fifth grade.

I'm not the one who assumes "Mail Order Bride" means Asian. That would be the nitwit you responded to. Guess what, you can find international dating sites for just about every ethnicity in the world. Latin America, Eastern Europe, etc.

That I'm not a murder sociopath like you are. I can't imagine any sane or decent person looking at a rogue cop shooting an unarmed man in the back seven times as being a good thing.

Right. Because clearly, a guy getting shot in the back seven times is a good thing in your world. If he's black.

Nothing happens after you die, Bob. Also, the woman who instigated the whole Emmet Till incident is very much alive, and has never been prosecuted.

Oh, bullshit. I'm guessing you only ever dated women who are "White and Delightsome". Because that's what your cult goes for. Your cult didn't even let black people join as full members until 1978.
No unarmed man was shot in the back seven times in Kenosha

You consistently lie
Naw, you just have a leftist ideological perspective that is retrograde and self-destructive.

You insist that such an ideology should infect the judicial system. You want your retrograde ideology of irrelevancies to become a part of court testimony when it is immaterial to charges.

There is nothing to indicate race had anything to do with Rittenhouse defending himself from an attacker. You do know his attacker was white, correct? But hey, why let facts interrupt your sweaty, feverish tirades?

The true racists are the self-hating, race baiting leftists who look for reasons to hate, using their manufactured outrage in ways that make them look like complete buffoons.

Not at all.

Two possible theories.

Kyle was just a sweet innocent kid who went to Kenosha to clean up grafitti when a mean homeless midget attacked him and he had no choice but to shoot him even though he was half his size and unarmed. Then an angry mob set on him.


He was a racist piece of garbage that went to a race demonstration to shoot him some darkies, or at least some people who...oh, white people who think black people should be treated decently.

All comes down to ... INTENT. The information Judge Senile suppressed certainly demonstrated his intent being the latter.


After he was attacked and the shooting began he did not walk he ran and ran to the police.

His fat pudgy ass couldn't run on a bet.
Not at all.

Two possible theories.

Kyle was just a sweet innocent kid who went to Kenosha to clean up grafitti when a mean homeless midget attacked him and he had no choice but to shoot him even though he was half his size and unarmed. Then an angry mob set on him.


He was a racist piece of garbage that went to a race demonstration to shoot him some darkies, or at least some people who...oh, white people who think black people should be treated decently.
Kyle was a kid who thought rioting and looting and shoplifting and destroying his community was a bunch of fucking bullshit, so after a long day of cleaning up after the damage wreaked by rioters the night before, he went to the Antifa / BLM shitshow and protected life and property, offering first aid and carrying a fire extinguisher, and also wisely brought a firearm in case some psychos might attack him.

Psychos attacked him. Some of them thankfully died. The rest unfortunately didn’t.

There’s no either / or, no this / that. That’s what happened. All the evidence and all the testimony confirms this. You are both ignorant of these facts and you think that folks cannot defend themselves against violent attack, which is morally contemptible and legally incorrect.

Hopefully you give in to your plainly obvious violent sociopath tendencies one day and in fucking around, you find out.

You don’t get to threaten death and attack folks and try to steal their weapons just because you’re a deranged wastoid, something you are probably quite familiar with, given your clear empathy, not just sympathy, with the insane pedophile.

When you attack someone, when you are the aggressor, they get to defend themselves. The defensive use of force is morally and legally justified to put you down. If they have a weapon, then more the retard you for attacking an armed person.
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Like, the one main chief thing these assholes cannot seriously question Kyle’s judgment or correctness of action about is the choice to bring a weapon in case he was attacked… given the fact, on video and witnessed plain as day, that he was fucking attacked.

Makes you look mighty fucking prudent that the thing you thought might happen and took wise precaution against happened in spades. Makes you look extremely competent, too, to walk away from a lynch mob attack like this a survivor, having shot only those who deserved it, incontrovertibly.
Kyle was a kid who thought rioting and looting and shoplifting and destroying his community was a bunch of fucking bullshit, so after a long day of cleaning up after the damage wreaked by rioters the night before, he went to the Antifa / BLM shitshow and protected life and property, offering first aid and carrying a fire extinguisher, and also wisely brought a firearm in case some psychos might attack him.

Kenosha isn't his community. Antioch was.
No one invited him to protect property. The owners of the used car lot denied they asked for protection (because when the people sue rittenhouse and Kenosha, they want no part of it

You don’t get to threaten death and attack folks and try to steal their weapons just because you’re a deranged wastoid, something you are probably quite familiar with, given your clear empathy, not just sympathy, with the insane pedophile.

Hey, I worry about our homeless population every day. I actually avoid the places they congregate. As a matter of policy, they need treatment for addiction and mental illness. We don't do that.

When you attack someone, when you are the aggressor, they get to defend themselves. The defensive use of force is morally and legally justified to put you down. If they have a weapon, then more the retard you for attacking an armed person.

Do you really want to live in a world where anyone can shoot you and say, "he threatened me!" I don't think you'd last very long.

Like, the one main chief thing these assholes cannot seriously question Kyle’s judgment or correctness of action about is the choice to bring a weapon in case he was attacked… given the fact, on video and witnessed plain as day, that he was fucking attacked.

By an unarmed man? Half his size?

Makes you look mighty fucking prudent that the thing you thought might happen and took wise precaution against happened in spades. Makes you look extremely competent, too, to walk away from a lynch mob attack like this a survivor, having shot only those who deserved it, incontrovertibly.
The prudent thing to do was to stay in Antioch where he lived with his mommy instead of going to Kenosha with an illegal gun and looking for trouble.
Kenosha isn't his community. Antioch was.
No one invited him to protect property. The owners of the used car lot denied they asked for protection (because when the people sue rittenhouse and Kenosha, they want no part of it

Hey, I worry about our homeless population every day. I actually avoid the places they congregate. As a matter of policy, they need treatment for addiction and mental illness. We don't do that.

Do you really want to live in a world where anyone can shoot you and say, "he threatened me!" I don't think you'd last very long.

By an unarmed man? Half his size?

The prudent thing to do was to stay in Antioch where he lived with his mommy instead of going to Kenosha with an illegal gun and looking for trouble.

I guess it still grates your ass that 12 angry men sitting in judgment found him as innocent as a newborn babe.

As the old proverb says, better to be judged by 12 rather than be carried by 6.

Libs were really hoping to get him into prison, I remember the leftists anxious to see Mr. Rittenhouse subjected to Gay Rape.
Kenosha isn't his community.
Yeah, thing is, though, you’re a liar. Yeah, if I’m regularly traveling somewhere close by for work and I stay there often because my dad lives there meaning I stay there some of the time, and my best friend lives there, and all that -that’s as much my community as the place where my mom lives.

But keep lying to yourself, you miserable little shitbag.

No one invited him to protect property
Pretty irrelevant point of contention, though that’s probably not true, as you yourself acknowledge.

He had as much right to be there as anyone else, no had the right to attack him, and he could put out fires with his fire extinguisher if he wanted to.

Hey, I worry about our homeless population every day. I actually avoid the places they congregate. As a matter of policy, they need treatment for addiction and mental illness. We don't do that.
Yes yes, I get it - you identify with the insane pedophile, you see yourself in him, and probably also see yourself in where he put himself.

Technically, he also put himself into a grave, and that also works. Hrm.

Do you really want to live in a world where anyone can shoot you and say, "he threatened me!" I don't think you'd last very long.
You know it’s one thing to say things, it’s another for it to be demonstrably and undeniably true, caught on video, plain as day, and witnessed.

If you say it was self-defense, the DA has to not believe you, get a grand jury to agree to indict you, and prove it wasn’t beyond a reasonable doubt in order to convict you. That’s how courts work, sir.

And if there is no doubt whatsoever of your absolute innocence, as in this case, justice hopefully gets served. It wasn’t though, in this case, as the DA wasn’t censured like he deserved, and Grosskreutz isn’t in prison right now.

By an unarmed man? Half his size?
A clinically insane violent pedophile attacking a child, with marks on him indicating beyond any doubt that as he was shot he was reaching to steal the child’s defense against insane violent pedophile attacks.

Half his size? You’re a fucking lunatic with your deranged hyperbole - you goddamn troll. Kyle is no giant, and Rosenbaum was no dwarf.

illegal gun
Wrong again, retard.
Um, yes. You can float leftist conspiracy theories. They're funny.

Consider alerting the Justice Department that you, a know-nothing, anonymous (im)poster on a message board, has material facts that will overturn the case.
I don't know why he keeps all this to himself. It's almost as if he knows there's no way they'd take him seriously.
Rosenbaum was unarmed.. Just because Shooty McFlopsweat was scared isn't a good reason to go firing into a crowd.
When the crowd is out for blood, it's a good reason. Why wasn't the crowd smart enough to leave the guy with the gun alone? He wasn't harming them at all, in fact he was running away. It's stupid to run after an armed man, or did they think it was a video game where they would respawn with most of their own weapons?
And when Kyle has a lifetime of unemployment and being a social pariah, he can be proud that he murdered a homeless man half his size.
Be sure to let us know when that happens. Somehow I don't think he's too worried about it.
Yes, when a mostly white jury acquits a racist after a racist judge rigs the trial, that's a miscarriage of justice.
the DOJ should file new charges against Rittenhouse, but they won't because Biden is too conflict adverse.
Why didn't you inform the authorities that the judge was racist? You could have had the trial thrown out. And what's with "mostly white"? Doesn't that mean the black members of the jury ALSO decided Rittenhouse wasn't out to shoot black people? I mean, he didn't shoot any, after all. I do believe that's yet another of your fantasies that you will refuse to back up. You know, like that phantom marketing to crazies by the gun industry.
The fact the court screwed up doesn't make Rittenhouse innocent. Most murderers are never convicted.
Hmmm, guess we can run around yelling about how Hillary should be in jail for mishandling classified documents then, as long as we're convicting people based on feelz and ignoring everything to the contrary.
Not at all.

Two possible theories.

Kyle was just a sweet innocent kid who went to Kenosha to clean up grafitti when a mean homeless midget attacked him and he had no choice but to shoot him even though he was half his size and unarmed. Then an angry mob set on him.


He was a racist piece of garbage that went to a race demonstration to shoot him some darkies, or at least some people who...oh, white people who think black people should be treated decently.

All comes down to ... INTENT. The information Judge Senile suppressed certainly demonstrated his intent being the latter.

His fat pudgy ass couldn't run on a bet.

Nobody needs your goofy conspiracy theories to understand the events. We know the facts; timeliness, actions taken by the parties involved and the phydica evidence presented at the trial.

Your goofy conspiracy theories are nothing more than your leftist biases. You have an emotional attachment to an invention of events that you would have preferred to have occurred, not the events as they actually occurred. You completely misrepresent the facts with your saliva-slinging tirades.
Nobody needs your goofy conspiracy theories to understand the events. We know the facts; timeliness, actions taken by the parties involved and the phydica evidence presented at the trial.

Your goofy conspiracy theories are nothing more than your leftist biases. You have an emotional attachment to your invention of events that you would have preferred to have occurred, not the events as they actually occurred. completely misrepresent the facts.
When you have to resort to, "The judge AND the jury were all racists", even though the case had nothing to do with race, you really don't have much argument to stand on.
When the crowd is out for blood, it's a good reason. Why wasn't the crowd smart enough to leave the guy with the gun alone? He wasn't harming them at all, in fact he was running away. It's stupid to run after an armed man, or did they think it was a video game where they would respawn with most of their own weapons?

Be sure to let us know when that happens. Somehow I don't think he's too worried about it.

Why didn't you inform the authorities that the judge was racist? You could have had the trial thrown out. And what's with "mostly white"? Doesn't that mean the black members of the jury ALSO decided Rittenhouse wasn't out to shoot black people? I mean, he didn't shoot any, after all. I do believe that's yet another of your fantasies that you will refuse to back up. You know, like that phantom marketing to crazies by the gun industry.

It’s a damn shame he didn’t shoot a black dude.

One, in particular, mind you, I just want to raise the hackles of the racebaiters.

Jumpkick man. Maurice Freeland. One of the lynch mob trying to kill Kyle. So known for kicking Kyle in the head and running away.

That dude should have been shot. And nothing of value would have been lost.

Of course, Binger knew who he was and kept him away from the trial, holding him on other charges. You’d think maybe the defense would want to call this person who the prosecution demonstrably and purposefully hid…
Not at all.

Two possible theories.

Kyle was just a sweet innocent kid who went to Kenosha to clean up grafitti when a mean homeless midget attacked him and he had no choice but to shoot him even though he was half his size and unarmed. Then an angry mob set on him.


He was a racist piece of garbage that went to a race demonstration to shoot him some darkies, or at least some people who...oh, white people who think black people should be treated decently.

All comes down to ... INTENT. The information Judge Senile suppressed certainly demonstrated his intent being the latter.

His fat pudgy ass couldn't run on a bet.

We need no theories.

Regardless of why he was there no one had any right to attack him yet they did. He had every right to defend himself.

Those are facts not theories
I guess it still grates your ass that 12 angry men sitting in judgment found him as innocent as a newborn babe.

Yes, just like it grated me when 12 angry women sitting in judgement of OJ Ignored evidence and acquitted him of two murders. And they didn't even have him on video committing them.

Yeah, thing is, though, you’re a liar. Yeah, if I’m regularly traveling somewhere close by for work and I stay there often because my dad lives there meaning I stay there some of the time, and my best friend lives there, and all that -that’s as much my community as the place where my mom lives.

That's not where he lived. He lived in Antioch. He wasn't driving there every day, his Mommy had to drop him off at the riot.

He had as much right to be there as anyone else, no had the right to attack him, and he could put out fires with his fire extinguisher if he wanted to.

Yes, but WHY he was there should have been admitted into evidence. If he was there to shoot him some Darkies, as he expressed a desire to do in a video tape, then that should have come into evidence.

You know it’s one thing to say things, it’s another for it to be demonstrably and undeniably true, caught on video, plain as day, and witnessed.

If you say it was self-defense, the DA has to not believe you, get a grand jury to agree to indict you, and prove it wasn’t beyond a reasonable doubt in order to convict you. That’s how courts work, sir.

Um, okay. So the DA didn't believe him, a Grand Jury indicted him. Then a senile judge suppressed evidence and sandbagged their case. Now you've set a precedence that if I feel mildly threatened by you, even if you are unarmed, I can argue self-defense.

A clinically insane violent pedophile attacking a child, with marks on him indicating beyond any doubt that as he was shot he was reaching to steal the child’s defense against insane violent pedophile attacks.
If he was a child, he shouldn't have had a gun. The police have shot ACTUAL black children for playing with toys that look like guns. Rittenhouse gunned down three people and the police just let him walk home for his mommy to pick him up.
When the crowd is out for blood, it's a good reason. Why wasn't the crowd smart enough to leave the guy with the gun alone? He wasn't harming them at all, in fact he was running away. It's stupid to run after an armed man, or did they think it was a video game where they would respawn with most of their own weapons?

The crowd went after him because they just saw him gun down an unarmed man. If Grosskuertz had shot him, your Ammosexuals would have called Rittenhouse a mass shooter and praised the action of a "good guy with a gun".

Be sure to let us know when that happens. Somehow I don't think he's too worried about it.
He should be. Besides the fact that he's going to lose his shirt in civil court, he's going to be pretty much unemployable for the rest of his life.

He can't even get on-line scam universities to take him as a student.

Why didn't you inform the authorities that the judge was racist? You could have had the trial thrown out. And what's with "mostly white"? Doesn't that mean the black members of the jury ALSO decided Rittenhouse wasn't out to shoot black people? I mean, he didn't shoot any, after all. I do believe ,,
Oh, sorry, you ended your post in a wet fart, so I can now ignore you again.

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