Kyle Rittenhouse is doing well

Racists finding a need to spend their existence playing the Racism Gameā„¢ is nothing new.

Just ask JoeB.

Actually, it's people of color who get stuck playing the Racism Game, whether they want to or not.

It's not just the openly racist people like yourself, it's the subtle racism of white people in power who favor their fellow whites.

Anyone who tries to pretend this country is colorblind is lying to themselves and everyone else.
Actually, it's people of color who get stuck playing the Racism Game, whether they want to or not.

It's not just the openly racist people like yourself, it's the subtle racism of white people in power who favor their fellow whites.

Anyone who tries to pretend this country is colorblind is lying to themselves and everyone else.
Iā€™ve found that the very people (the Party of Slavery groupies type of people), who spend their lives playing the Thatā€™s Racistā„¢ Game are often the most racist people on the planet.
You know, I tried one of those mail order brides once, but they forgot to punch the holes in the box and I had quite the mess on my hands.
That's definitely Racistā„¢

Turn a lefty loose and it's not their usual soft racism that comes out but the real angry, stick the knife in and twist Racismā„¢
Most sane and decent people look at Jacob Blake being shot in the back as being wrong.

What standing do you think you have to speak for ā€œmost sane and decent peopleā€?

You're a piece of shit who openly takes the side of subhuman criminal filth, against the side of actual human beings. That is the opposite position from that which any sane or decent person would take. Yours is the position of a soulless sociopath.
Wrong. He got in over his head when he got attacked. And the attackers had zero justification. He was allowed to defend himself.
He got in over his head when he left his house that day. He should not have vern allowed to defend himself. He created his own peril by being there in the first place and by openly carrying a firearm.

Iā€™m sorry but if you climb into a wild animal cage at the zoo and taunt the animal you should expect to get ripped apart.
Well, no, one was a homeless person who was minding his own business and the other two tried to stop an active shooter.

You mean the prosecutor let this guy off the hook when he shouldn't have? Messed up.

Most sane and decent people look at Jacob Blake being shot in the back as being wrong.

The homeless guy was not minding his own business he attacked and attenpted to kill Rittenhouse and was unprovoked. The other two were not trying to stop an active shooter. An active shooter does not shoot in self defense and then seek police assistance.

No one intelligent decent or sane makes such a claim, The evidence proves it was a righteous shooting
He got in over his head when he left his house that day.
Obviously false.
He should not have vern allowed to defend himself.
Vern? šŸ™„ And of course he should have been and was allowed to defend himself. Your idiotic contrary assertion is brainless of you.
He created his own peril by being there
False. Welcome to America. He was free to be there. And being there didnā€™t create the peril.
in the first place and by openly carrying a firearm.
Wrong. He was legally allowed to openly carry the long arm weapon.
Iā€™m sorry
Iā€™d say youā€™re more pathetic than just sorry.
but if you climb into a wild animal cage at the zoo and taunt the animal you should expect to get ripped apart.
Itā€™s unseemly of you to compare the rioters with animals.
And of course he should have been and was allowed to defend himself
No he shouldnā€™t have been. He created his own problem and has now tarnished the act of self-defense to cover up his multitude of mistakes thst night.
He was free to be there
No he wasnā€™t. There was a curfew in effect. He was committing a crime simply by being there.
Wrong. He was legally allowed to openly carry the long arm weapon
I do not accept, even as a gun owner myself, the legitimacy of open carry. I support concealed carry but not open carry. I consider it a form of menacing.
Itā€™s unseemly of you to compare the rioters with animals
No more unseemly than it is for you yo suggest that Kyle Rittenhouse is some sort of angelic, pure victim and not a braindead moron and murderer.
No he shouldnā€™t have been. He created his own problem and has now tarnished the act of self-defense to cover up his multitude of mistakes thst night.

No he wasnā€™t. There was a curfew in effect. He was committing a crime simply by being there.

I do not accept, even as a gun owner myself, the legitimacy of open carry. I support concealed carry but not open carry. I consider it a form of menacing.

No more unseemly than it is for you yo suggest that Kyle Rittenhouse is some sort of angelic, pure victim and not a braindead moron and murderer.
Repeating yourself doesnā€™t change the fact that youā€™re wrong. It also doesnā€™t support your argument.

He had every right to be there. There was no applicable law preventing him from being armed. Simply being present doesnā€™t constitute ā€œprovokingā€ violence from anyone in a mob or rioters.

More specifically, you can grunt out your mere opinions all day long. But you fail entirely to support those opinions.
He had every right to be there
No he didnā€™t. THERE WAS A CURFEW IN EFFECT. NOBODY had a right to be there.,
Simply being present doesnā€™t constitute ā€œprovokingā€ violence from anyone
I believe it does when youā€™re walking around openly wearing a semi-automatic rifle and failing to avoid interaction with other belligerent parties.
More specifically, you can grunt out your mere opinions all day long. But you fail entirely to support those opinions
Iā€™m not here to change your mind, just ensure youā€™ve seen the TRUTH. If you choose to ignore it thsts your problem not mine.

If Jyle had been my child and heā€™d acted thst stupidly heā€™d be rotting either in a jail cell or a coffin.
No he didnā€™t. THERE WAS A CURFEW IN EFFECT. NOBODY had a right to be there.,
That count was charged but dismissed.

You see, it wasnā€™t enough for the prosecutors to just say it. And it wasnā€™t properly supported by the testimony of one cop who testified that he had instructed Rittenhouse about the alleged curfew order. Ya gotta prove that there was such an order issued lawfully by the right official. The shitty prosecution never did that. šŸ˜ŽšŸ¤£

I believe it does when youā€™re walking around openly wearing a semi-automatic rifle and failing to avoid interaction with other belligerent parties.
Your ā€œbeliefā€ is of no consequence.
Iā€™m not here to change your mind, just ensure youā€™ve seen the TRUTH. If you choose to ignore it thsts your problem not mine.
Of the two of us, Iā€™m the one who has seen and is still speaking the truth. Youā€™re blind, ignorant and somewhat dishonest.
If Jyle had been my child and heā€™d acted thst stupidly heā€™d be rotting either in a jail cell or a coffin.
Well, youā€™d have been one sad ass excuse for a parent.

Still, itā€™s not a big deal. You are entitled to believe any fantasy story you wish. Of course, youā€™re still wrong.
Wow, let's go with these right wing rantings.

Iā€™ve found that the very people (the Party of Slavery groupies type of people), who spend their lives playing the Thatā€™s Racistā„¢ Game are often the most racist people on the planet.

Yes, because "no, you are!" is what a mature person says when confronted with an issue. Most people outgrow that after fifth grade.

That's definitely Racistā„¢

Turn a lefty loose and it's not their usual soft racism that comes out but the real angry, stick the knife in and twist Racismā„¢

I'm not the one who assumes "Mail Order Bride" means Asian. That would be the nitwit you responded to. Guess what, you can find international dating sites for just about every ethnicity in the world. Latin America, Eastern Europe, etc.

What standing do you think you have to speak for ā€œmost sane and decent peopleā€?

That I'm not a murder sociopath like you are. I can't imagine any sane or decent person looking at a rogue cop shooting an unarmed man in the back seven times as being a good thing.

You're a piece of shit who openly takes the side of subhuman criminal filth, against the side of actual human beings. That is the opposite position from that which any sane or decent person would take. Yours is the position of a soulless sociopath.

Right. Because clearly, a guy getting shot in the back seven times is a good thing in your world. If he's black.

They're all dead, now. Whatever justice they evaded in mortality, they are receiving now.

Nothing happens after you die, Bob. Also, the woman who instigated the whole Emmet Till incident is very much alive, and has never been prosecuted.

Real men are more interested in a woman's character and personality than in her ethnicity.

Oh, bullshit. I'm guessing you only ever dated women who are "White and Delightsome". Because that's what your cult goes for. Your cult didn't even let black people join as full members until 1978.

The homeless guy was not minding his own business he attacked and attenpted to kill Rittenhouse and was unprovoked. The other two were not trying to stop an active shooter. An active shooter does not shoot in self defense and then seek police assistance.

No one intelligent decent or sane makes such a claim, The evidence proves it was a righteous shooting

Except Rittenhouse didn't "seek police assistance". He walked past SEVEN police cars holding his gun, and not a one of them stopped him.

One can only imagine the conversation in the squad car.

"Hey, Mike, could that be the active shooter we were just alerted about?"

"What, are you daft? That's a white kid. He clearly can't be the active shooter."

"But he's carrying an AR-15!"

"No, no, we are clearly looking for a black dude. No point in stopping him for questioning at all. Now let's go find an unarmed black guy we can shoot in the back."

"Isn't that what started this mess?"
Wow, let's go with these right wing rantings.

Yes, because "no, you are!" is what a mature person says when confronted with an issue. Most people outgrow that after fifth grade.

I'm not the one who assumes "Mail Order Bride" means Asian. That would be the nitwit you responded to. Guess what, you can find international dating sites for just about every ethnicity in the world. Latin America, Eastern Europe, etc.

That I'm not a murder sociopath like you are. I can't imagine any sane or decent person looking at a rogue cop shooting an unarmed man in the back seven times as being a good thing.

Right. Because clearly, a guy getting shot in the back seven times is a good thing in your world. If he's black.

Nothing happens after you die, Bob. Also, the woman who instigated the whole Emmet Till incident is very much alive, and has never been prosecuted.

Oh, bullshit. I'm guessing you only ever dated women who are "White and Delightsome". Because that's what your cult goes for. Your cult didn't even let black people join as full members until 1978.
Youā€™re getting a little frantic there. My comments addressed your nonsense ideas of adding irrelevant testimony to court trials.

As to your fascination with Asian women, this is not the thread for your psycho-sexual fantasies.
Youā€™re getting a little frantic there. My comments addressed your nonsense ideas of adding irrelevant testimony to court trials.

Naw, I just like chumming the waters.

The point is, if the jury had known what a racist piece of garbage Rittenhouse is, then his "I was just cleaning up graffiti" defense wouldn't have flown, and you know it.

It shows the inequities of our justice system. If every defendant got the quality of representation that Rittenhouse got, we could empty out the jails. Unfortunately, there are a lot of innocent guys sitting in jail because they got stuck with the drunk public defender who has 40 cases on his docket, and plea bargained them down to the path of least resistance.

As to your fascination with Asian women, this is not the thread for your psycho-sexual fantasies.

Actually, my girlfriend is Asian. So hardly a fantasy. She is educating me on Chinese culture and language.

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