Kyle Rittenhouse is doing well

Because UNDER THE LAW, only information pertinent to a case is allowed to be presented by either the prosecution or the defense. Irreverent things are never allowed to be presented. To my mind some relevant things like criminal history of the defendant, are excluded except in some very rare cases when it’s used to establish a pattern of behavior,

He beat up a 14 year old girl.
He expressed a desire to shoot a black man at a CVS with his AR-15
He hung out with the Proud Boys after his release on bail, wearing a tee-shirt that said, "Free as Fuck".

Um, yeah, these are the kinds of things the Jury probably should have heard about, when he got up there with his, "I was just cleaning up graffiti when those mean old rioters attacked me."
He beat up a 14 year old girl.
He expressed a desire to shoot a black man at a CVS with his AR-15
He hung out with the Proud Boys after his release on bail, wearing a tee-shirt that said, "Free as Fuck".

Um, yeah, these are the kinds of things the Jury probably should have heard about, when he got up there with his, "I was just cleaning up graffiti when those mean old rioters attacked me."
Um, yeah. All the same phony claims you dump into this thread when they have been debunked on repeated occasions.
Actually, a grand jury found them relevant when it indicted Rittenhouse.

Then Judge Senile threw the evidence out.
Um, yeah. Actually, a grand jury is not a court of law. You might want to take the time to understand what a grand jury does. Your conspiracy theory about the trial judge throwing out evidence is just one of many goofy conspiracy theories you cling to.

Um yeah. Still chuckling as you yet again waffle, sidestep and babble as you’re unable to provide the exact citation where Rittenhouse “expressed a desire to shoot a black man at a CVS”.

Um, yeah. That fraud is one you have perpetrated repeatedly.
He beat up a 14 year old girl.
He expressed a desire to shoot a black man at a CVS with his AR-15
He hung out with the Proud Boys after his release on bail, wearing a tee-shirt that said, "Free as Fuck".

Um, yeah, these are the kinds of things the Jury probably should have heard about, when he got up there with his, "I was just cleaning up graffiti when those mean old rioters attacked me."

Um, yeah. Wait, what? Rioters attacked Rittenhouse?

What happened to your “these were demonstrations by peaceful demonstrators™, narrative?

You’re not a competent fraudster. You can’t keep a consistent narrative for your frauds.
Um yeah. Still chuckling as you yet again waffle, sidestep and babble as you’re unable to provide the exact citation where Rittenhouse “expressed a desire to shoot a black man at a CVS”.
I've posted the video several times.

Um, yeah. Wait, what? Rioters attacked Rittenhouse?

That was his claim, not mine. And gee, if you suppress all evidence that he was a racist shit who wanted to shoot black people, 12 people too stupid to avoid jury duty might believe that.
I've posted the video several times.

That was his claim, not mine. And gee, if you suppress all evidence that he was a racist shit who wanted to shoot black people, 12 people too stupid to avoid jury duty might believe that.
You cut and pasted a YouTube video that doesn’t support your fraudulent claims.

Post it again. Post it another six times.

Then, provide the exact citation where Rittenhouse “expressed a desire to shoot a black man at a CVS”

Another failed fraud. You’re claiming Rittenhouse wasn’t attacked?

Maybe you have another YouTube video you can post?
You cut and pasted a YouTube video that doesn’t support your fraudulent claims.

yes, it does.

Look, I get why you wingnuts love Rittenhouse... he's living your dream of shooting people you don't like. You would never do it, you don't have the guts to ruin your nice white bread lives.

Of course, he's unemployed, unable to enroll in school, and his "girlfriend" is a cheap whore looking for internet likes.
yes, it does.

Look, I get why you wingnuts love Rittenhouse... he's living your dream of shooting people you don't like. You would never do it, you don't have the guts to ruin your nice white bread lives.

Of course, he's unemployed, unable to enroll in school, and his "girlfriend" is a cheap whore looking for internet likes.
No it doesn’t. You cut and pasted of unknown origin that does nothing to represent an authenticated account of Rittenhouse.

I get why you self-hating white leftists hate yourselves but why project your self-hate onto others?
No it doesn’t. You cut and pasted of unknown origin that does nothing to represent an authenticated account of Rittenhouse.
No one has disputed that the tape is Rittenhouse, not even Rittenhouse himself.

I get why you self-hating white leftists hate yourselves but why project your self-hate onto others?
Naw, man, the hate is you guys fearing what happens when white folks are in the minority. I get it... all you have is fear.
No one has disputed that the tape is Rittenhouse, not even Rittenhouse himself.

Naw, man, the hate is you guys fearing what happens when white folks are in the minority. I get it... all you have is fear.
No one but you is claiming Rittenhouse explicitly wanted to shoot a black man.

Naw, man. You’re desperately trying to project your self-hate on to others in furtherance of some really creepy sense of failure and inadequacy.

The riots in Wisconsin had nothing to do with “white folks being in the minority”. That fear is obviously yours as it’s a feature in all your posts.
No one but you is claiming Rittenhouse explicitly wanted to shoot a black man.

Actually, the prosecutors claimed that, and Judge Senile suppressed the evidence because he was determined to tank the trial.

Naw, man. You’re desperately trying to project your self-hate on to others in furtherance of some really creepy sense of failure and inadequacy.

Honestly, I've never been happier than I am now.

Enjoying big steaming cups of...

Actually, the prosecutors claimed that, and Judge Senile suppressed the evidence because he was determined to tank the trial.

Honestly, I've never been happier than I am now.

Enjoying big steaming cups of...

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Actually, the prosecutors made a number of claims they couldn't support. That's kinda' your M.O.

The jury was the body that decided on the basis of evidence. Not the prosecution. The jury decided in favor of the facts, not your silly conspiracy theory about evidence suppression.

Need directions to a river with crocodiles for all your tears?

For a happy guy, you sure do spend a lot of time screeching, wailing and floating conspiracy theories so assuage your hurt, tender sensibilities.
No.. try to follow here.

He was caught on tape saying he wished he could shoot a black man who was running out of a CVS.
He travelled 22 miles to a demonstration where they were protesting the shooting of a black man.
He shot a homeless person who scared him, and then shot his way out of a crowd trying to detain him.

Follow the fucking dots, stupid.
And you haven't proven that voice on that recording was his, nor have you proven that the voice wasn't added later. IOW, it's not evidence, it's your confirmation bias.
Get your ears checked.. the audio is pretty clear, and no one has denied that it was Rittenhouse's voice... even Rittenhouse.
Why would they bother to deny it unless it became significant? You know, like if someone tried to introduce it as evidence in a trial. See, this is how reality works, you'll probably need to brush up on it because it seems that you're not getting it. Absence of denial is NOT proof of anything.
So he went there to shoot him some darkies, but all he found were white allies to shoot.

This makes it better, how, exactly?
For one, it totally destroys your fantasy that this was a race issue. You know, this usually happens when your fantasies collide with reality.
No.. try to follow here.

He was caught on tape saying he wished he could shoot a black man who was running out of a CVS.
He travelled 22 miles to a demonstration where they were protesting the shooting of a black man.
He shot a homeless person who scared him, and then shot his way out of a crowd trying to detain him.

Follow the fucking dots, stupid.
Obviously, you weren't watching the trial. There's no evidence to prove he said he wished he could shoot a black man. You just made that up. Many of the rioters travelled further than that to cause mayhem, destroy stuff and hurt people, and he shot someone who was trying to take his gun. Heck, we went over all this in the trial.

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