Kyle Rittenhouse trial...already disproving SO MANY LIES from the left

What exactly was it that you contend Rosenbaum was “provoked” by Rittenhouse to do? You see? Rittenhouse can’t provoke Rosenbaum As a basis To then rely on what Rosenbaum was doing as a reason to resort to self defense. But that’s not what happened. Nobody claims that Rosenbaum did a fucking thing once the gun was raised. So raising the gun couldn’t possibly have been the provocation.

the entire “provocation” thing is a red herring.

you’re forbidden from provoking the behavior that would be your basis to resort to the use of force. That there is an element of “provocation” isn’t in dispute. But thIS element means that you are not allowed to use your own unclean hands behavior to THEN USE IT as a basis for “justification.”

But, where (as here) raising the rifle COULDN’T have been “provocation” of that kind, then it becomes a non-issue. Or, at least it should have been eliminated as an element where there is no factual basis for it.
That's where I disagree. That is a provocation of that kind.
The Prosecutor said in his closing argument that if you brought the gun, you lose the right to self-defense.
At this point, he has to know he’s going to lose so badly that he’s auditioning for MSDNCNN.
It's that whole "grandson of Satan; cousin of Hitler" thing he has going on that gives me the willies about him.
Not wrong. Rosenbaum was some 20 feet away from Rittenhouse when he pointed his gun at him. Pointing a gun at someone who is not threatening your life is a provocation. That's why it's a crime to point a gun at someone.
Twenty feet is considered range of immionent harm.
Not wrong. Rosenbaum was some 20 feet away from Rittenhouse when he pointed his gun at him. Pointing a gun at someone who is not threatening your life is a provocation. That's why it's a crime to point a gun at someone.
Twenty feet is no distance at all. From a standing start that can be covered in a couple of seconds. The average person can run a hundred meters in thirteen seconds, if my math is correct that's seven and a half meters a second, or twenty five feet a second. Rosenblum was well within striking distance of Rittenhouse, based upon his previous threats and recent conduct he was a clear and imminent threat to Rittenhouse's life.
Again, that's for the jury to decide. I have my belief, you have yours. The prosecution claims it is provocation, the defense will no doubt deny it's provocation. What you or I think doesn't matter. Only what the jury decides does.
No, you have a biased belief, we have observations based upon facts that have been entered into evidence.
You've got it completely backwards, being chased, especially, after being threatened, is the provocation. Pointing the AR at his pursuer is a logical response. If anything it was a warning to back off, if Rittenhouse had intended to shoot, he would have fired immediately.
There's video evidence Rosenbaum didn't threaten Rittenhouse earlier.

And even meant as a warning, that's provocative. Point a gun at an unarmed person and they have a right to defend themselves from being shot.
The DA pushed it off on a junior prosecutor.
Again, very few elected prosecutors in large (or even middling size) prosecutor’s offices try their cases. Their staff of ASSISTANT DA’s most often do the trial work.
That's where I disagree. That is a provocation of that kind.
you are free to disagree. But why? I’m honestly trying to boil it down. How did Rittenhouse provoke Rosenbaum by raising a rifle at the very instant he fired the rifle.

put another way: specifically WHAT reaction from Rosenbaum did raising the gun elicit ? How did the “reaction” by Rosenbaum somehow get used by Rittenhouse when the firing was simultaneous to that alleged “provocation?”
Look at the date, you self righteous prick.

Proud Boys - Anti-Defamation League
The Proud Boys participated in the 2017 protests at the University of California-Berkeley, alongside a variety of white supremacist groups, including Rise Above Movement (R.A.M), Identity Evropa (now the American Identity Movement, or AIM) and the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP).
I can't help what you said, just pointing it out to you.
There's video evidence Rosenbaum didn't threaten Rittenhouse earlier.

And even meant as a warning, that's provocative. Point a gun at an unarmed person and they have a right to defend themselves from being shot.
One of the prosecution's witnesses says Rosembaum directly threatened Rittenhouse and another armed person's lives. I believe the statement was "when I catch you alone4, I'm going to kill you". If that isn't a direct threat I've never heard one.
Which cartoon character has that weird haircut that ADA Binger wears?

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