Kyle Rittenhouse trial...already disproving SO MANY LIES from the left

Not wrong. Rosenbaum was some 20 feet away from Rittenhouse when he pointed his gun at him. Pointing a gun at someone who is not threatening your life is a provocation. That's why it's a crime to point a gun at someone.
Wrong. Provocation requires that the person be provoked. Rosenbaum wasn’t provoked by the pointing of the rifle. If anything, he had previously been”provoked”‘ in some way to chase the defendant. That’s part of what provoked the defendant to feel he was in danger.

But by the time Rittenhouse lifted that rifle he provoked not a single thing from Rosenbaum. So again, “provocation” is irrelevant to the Rosenbaum self defense issue. Obviously, he did not — at that moment — “provoke” the actions of the gun shot victim.
I never said he did..His friend bought the rifle and took it to Kenosha.
You said, "This stupid, HS dropout drove to Wis without a drivers license with a rifle to play vigilante". That implies that he took the rifle with him.
Wrong. Provocation requires that the person be provoked. Rosenbaum wasn’t provoked by the pointing of the rifle. If anything, he had previously been”provoked”‘ in some way to chase the defendant. That’s part of what provoked the defendant to feel he was in danger.

But by the time Rittenhouse lifted that rifle he provoked not a single thing from Rosenbaum. So again, “provocation” is irrelevant to the Rosenbaum self defense issue. Obviously, he did not — at that moment — “provoke” the actions of the gun shot victim.
Pointing a gun at someone is provocative. Just like in the McMichael case. You point a gun at someone, you're conveying a message you can shoot them. That immediately gives the person having a gun pointed at them the legal right to respond with self-defense of their own life.
Pointing a gun at someone is provocative. Just like in the McMichael case. You point a gun at someone, you're conveying a message you can shoot them. That immediately gives the person having a gun pointed at them the legal right to respond with self-defense of their own life.
lucky for kyle thats not an issue in this case,, even if the prosecution says it is,,
lucky for kyle thats not an issue in this case,, even if the prosecution says it is,,
Again, that's for the jury to decide. I have my belief, you have yours. The prosecution claims it is provocation, the defense will no doubt deny it's provocation. What you or I think doesn't matter. Only what the jury decides does.
You said, "This stupid, HS dropout drove to Wis without a drivers license with a rifle to play vigilante". That implies that he took the rifle with him.

Look at the date, you self righteous prick.

Proud Boys - Anti-Defamation League
The Proud Boys participated in the 2017 protests at the University of California-Berkeley, alongside a variety of white supremacist groups, including Rise Above Movement (R.A.M), Identity Evropa (now the American Identity Movement, or AIM) and the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP).
Again, that's for the jury to decide. I have my belief, you have yours. The prosecution claims it is provocation, the defense will no doubt deny it's provocation. What you or I think doesn't matter. Only what the jury decides does.
and yet you keep running your mouth,,
and yet you keep running your mouth,,

There were 32 armed Boogaloo Bois in Kenosha that night.

Boogaloo movement - Wikipedia

The boogaloo movement, whose adherents are often referred to as boogaloo boys or boogaloo bois, is a loosely organized far-right anti-government extremist movement in the United States. It has also been described as a militia. Adherents say they are preparing for, or seek to incite, a second American Civil War or second American Revolution which they call "the boogaloo". The movement consists of pro-
That's for the jury to decide. He's already ruled the jury can hear Rosenbaum was provoked by Rittenhouse.
What exactly was it that you contend Rosenbaum was “provoked” by Rittenhouse to do? You see? Rittenhouse can’t provoke Rosenbaum As a basis To then rely on what Rosenbaum was doing as a reason to resort to self defense. But that’s not what happened. Nobody claims that Rosenbaum did a fucking thing once the gun was raised. So raising the gun couldn’t possibly have been the provocation.

the entire “provocation” thing is a red herring.
Pointing a gun at someone is provocative. Just like in the McMichael case. You point a gun at someone, you're conveying a message you can shoot them. That immediately gives the person having a gun pointed at them the legal right to respond with self-defense of their own life.
you’re forbidden from provoking the behavior that would be your basis to resort to the use of force. That there is an element of “provocation” isn’t in dispute. But thIS element means that you are not allowed to use your own unclean hands behavior to THEN USE IT as a basis for “justification.”

But, where (as here) raising the rifle COULDN’T have been “provocation” of that kind, then it becomes a non-issue. Or, at least it should have been eliminated as an element where there is no factual basis for it.
Chasing Rittenhouse was not a threat to Rittenhouse's life or great bodily harm. Turning and pointing his gun is a provocation.
You've got it completely backwards, being chased, especially, after being threatened, is the provocation. Pointing the AR at his pursuer is a logical response. If anything it was a warning to back off, if Rittenhouse had intended to shoot, he would have fired immediately.
The photos of Kyle pointing a gun is a flea circus act...

The prosecutor claims he sees something and others by default claim to see the same thing...

When the truth is the only fleas are on the camel two tent rows over.
The legal commentary on even CNN at this point today is remarkable. Everyone sees how desperate the prosecution case is.

It is a shit case for the State. It was presented in a shit fashion by the main prosecutor. it started off like shit and went even more to shit. There’s a theme here. But

The inclusion of the lesser included charges muddies the waters so it is even murkier and shiftier than ever. In the meanwhile, the legal commentaries about the charges etc and the prosecutor’s summation so far? Wow. FOZ NEWS and CNN are largely on the same page.
The legal commentary on even CNN at this point today is remarkable. Everyone sees how desperate the prosecution case is.

It is a shit case for the State. It was presented in a shit fashion by the main prosecutor. it started off like shit and went even more to shit. There’s a theme here. But

The inclusion of the lesser included charges muddies the waters so it is even murkier and shiftier than ever. In the meanwhile, the legal commentaries about the charges etc and the prosecutor’s summation so far? Wow. FOZ NEWS and CNN are largely on the same page.

The DA pushed it off on a junior prosecutor.

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