Kyle Rittenhouse trial...already disproving SO MANY LIES from the left

Facts are facts.
Grosskreutz was not a convicted felon, and was not charged for having the pistol.

It was widely, and falsely, reported on social media that Gaige Grosskreutz is a felon. This is false. He is not a felon.
you should read your links before posting,, this one proves your claims wrong,,
Prove he lied. The prosecution certainly hasn't claimed he doesn't have the training. The witnesses aren't qualified to determine whether the man was a threat. All the video I've seen indicates he was.

No, Rittenhouse is not my son. He's just innocent. Do you allow an innocent man to be railroaded because it suits your political agenda?

Of course you do.

Would you have carried a rifle to a riot/demo over 20 miles from home?

Would you have wandered through the crowd with it, clearly in opposition?

Would you have fired over 20 shots?

A medtech is one who wants to help people, and a person who carries a rifle to a riot/demo is one who wants to kill people
Manslaughter is murder. Why should he be convicted of manslaughter when by any reasonable definition of the term he didn't commit manslaughter?

Ritten didn't "instigate" jack shit. You have a very flexible definition of the term "instigate."

You can't claim self defense when you bring a rifle to a conflict.
That is what is known as lethal escalation.
Everyone there then had the right to kill Kyle due to their feelings of Kyle posing an imminent threat to life.
Would you have carried a rifle to a riot/demo over 20 miles from home?

Rittenhouse never brought the weapon across state lines. It was purchased and kept in Kenosha.

Would you have wandered through the crowd with it, clearly in opposition?

Given the violence that went on a couple of days prior, yes.

Would you have fired over 20 shots?
Rittenhouse fired 8 shots, not 20. Four that killed Rosenbaum, two that killed Huber, and two that were fired at Dropkick man, which missed.

You have it all wrong. If you had been watching this trial, you wouldn't be wilfilly lying as you are.
You can't claim self defense when you bring a rifle to a conflict.

Yes, you can. That would make the 2nd Amendment useless if you couldn't.

That is what is known as lethal escalation.

It's known as prudence.
Everyone there then had the right to kill Kyle due to their feelings of Kyle posing an imminent threat to life.

ROFL! No you've really go over the bend!
You can't claim self defense when you bring a rifle to a conflict.
That is what is known as lethal escalation.
Everyone there then had the right to kill Kyle due to their feelings of Kyle posing an imminent threat to life.
Isn't it an unprecedented situation when the police are allowing riots to happen ?

If all police just quit, are we all supposed to let the criminals take over ?

lmao.You got another thing coming kid.
Gaige Grosskreutz was carrying a Glock and did have it in his hand, but he had a concealed carry permit and was not a convicted felon as some are claiming.
Kyle did not stay on any property and protect it, so then should not have been there.
He also fired over 20 shots, which disproves any defense claims.
Everything you just posted is wrong. Grosskreutz’s CCW permit had expired and would have been suspended anyway as he had already been arrested and charged with a felony, but not tried or convicted yet. Rittenhouse had no legal duty to stay in any single place. And finally Rittenhouse only fired eight shots, six of which hit their intended targets.
Everything Kyle did was wrong and illegal.
The judge was mistaken in dropping the minor in illegal possession of a firearm.
There are only 3 exceptions that could make it legal under WI law.
They are 1) if at a range, 2) if under adult supervision, 3) is hunting with a valid permit.
None of the 3 were true.
The judge mentioned it was not a short barrel, but that was not about an exception to allow possession, but an exception that reduced possession allowance for minors.
wrong again,,
The facts are not in dispute. The verdict is upon us.

Time to dispense with the talking points and brace for impact.
Facts are facts.
Grosskreutz was not a convicted felon, and was not charged for having the pistol.

It was widely, and falsely, reported on social media that Gaige Grosskreutz is a felon. This is false. He is not a felon.
He wasn’t charged because the prosecution needed him as a witness and charging anyone else with a crime during the incident would have destroyed the prosecution’s already weak case. That’s why the guy caught on video firing a pistol into the air just before Rosembaum assaulted Rittenhouse and drop kick guy weren’t charged with anything. The whole process was about convicting Rittenhouse.
Facts are facts.
Grosskreutz was not a convicted felon, and was not charged for having the pistol.

It was widely, and falsely, reported on social media that Gaige Grosskreutz is a felon. This is false. He is not a felon.
Yet, his felony charge hasn’t gone to trial yet.
Not sure why you think I can speak for a dead man who didn't speak for himself? Regardless of what his intentions were, he was entitled himself to use self defense.
And the first thing he should have was what the smarter Rittenhouse did, which was to turn and run away, NOT to lunge at him and attempt to take the gun away.

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