Kyle Rittenhouse trial...already disproving SO MANY LIES from the left

In most places other than huge cities like LA and NYC, DAs usually prosecute high profile cases. It’s good publicity and gets them re-elected. They are elected officials and want their names associated with putting important bad guys away.

Well, since the DA is ultimately in charge of who's assigned to which case, he certainly has the option of taking a high-profile one himself if he thinks it will help his re-election. THIS is not that case, of course.

And it doesn't require a huge city, just a population and crime rate large enough to warrant a decent-sized prosecutorial staff, which would then require him to spend more time administrating than handling trials.
I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this; like they're going to hang this kid regardless of the evidence.

Paranoid? You're damn straight. I don't trust the judicial system anymore.
I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this; like they're going to hang this kid regardless of the evidence.

Paranoid? You're damn straight. I don't trust the judicial system anymore.
If that’s the case then I hope the judge sets it aside, and rules mistrial….

The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial is More Than Just a Trial.

It’s a National Rorschach Test.

18 Nov 2021 ~~ By Vince
The Kyle Rittenhouse trial is more than just a trial. It’s a Rorschach test with only two possible answers.
The basic facts of the case are widely accepted by everyone, that Kyle Rittenhouse shot three people on the night of August 25, 2020 in Kenosha, Wisconsin amid a violent uprising that had been going on for days.
Beyond that there’s pretty much nothing that’s agreed upon. America is of two minds. On one side are the people who believe that Rittenhouse is innocent and acted in self defense. On the other are people who think that Rittenhouse is guilty of murder.
The schism itself has little to do with Kyle Rittenhouse, at least directly. Instead it has virtually everything to do with how people look at America writ large. Most of those who want to see Rittenhouse convicted were supportive of the riots and violence that erupted across the country last year. It’s largely the people on the left, the people who find racism everywhere they look, find injustice and inequality everywhere they look, the people who basically hate America and freedom who want Rittenhouse locked away and the key thrown away.
In the real world woke priorities simply don’t matter, but the elite have not only convinced half of the population they do, they’ve convinced them they’re the only things that do. They have convinced half of America to view the world through a woke prism, with race being first among equals.
And that’s where we are with the Kyle Rittenhouse case. Half the country understands the basic premise of individual liberty, private property and most of all, the right to life and the right to protect it. The other half feels like your life, your property and your freedom are not really yours, but theirs, to do with what they choose. That’s how we get to the point where three white thugs causing mayhem and threatening to kill a white kid protecting private property end up getting shot and killed (two of them) by that same white kid, and the entire episode becomes a national Rorschach test on race.

Race-based Marxism is still Marxism. It doesn’t work.
Aside from the facts, the biased Quisling Media complex has been beating the drum of racism during this trial. Turning to any of the Leftist leaning media cable channels and my statement is justified. The talking heads have all attempted to make the Rittenhouse case about race when it isn't. None of the individuals are of color except "White".
In fact this morning we find that a person identifying himself as a MSNBC producer was stop by LEO's for attempting to video tape a juror(s) riding in the Court bus.

As best I can tell there's nothing in those videos proving the Khindri brothers ASKED KR et al to guard their property, as was stated on the witness stand, but he absolutely lied about not KNOWING they were there until the next day. So maybe not d@mning, but also not great for the prosecution.

When you can't win the argument SHOUT TRUMP.

One of the so called victims was carrying a Glock

Gaige Grosskreutz was carrying a Glock and did have it in his hand, but he had a concealed carry permit and was not a convicted felon as some are claiming.
Kyle did not stay on any property and protect it, so then should not have been there.
He also fired over 20 shots, which disproves any defense claims.
Gaige Grosskreutz was carrying a Glock and did have it in his hand, but he had a concealed carry permit and was not a convicted felon as some are claiming.
Kyle did not stay on any property and protect it, so then should not have been there.
He also fired over 20 shots, which disproves any defense claims.
where are you getting these false facts,,

a link would help cause everything you just said was wrong,,
As best I can tell there's nothing in those videos proving the Khindri brothers ASKED KR et al to guard their property, as was stated on the witness stand, but he absolutely lied about not KNOWING they were there until the next day. So maybe not d@mning, but also not great for the prosecution.

An image of people next to each other on a sidewalk, does not prove they knew each other or even talked at all.
The fact Kyle was not near the car lot at the time of the shooting, proves he was not defending the car lot.
where are you getting these false facts,,

a link would help cause everything you just said was wrong,,

Facts are facts.
Grosskreutz was not a convicted felon, and was not charged for having the pistol.

It was widely, and falsely, reported on social media that Gaige Grosskreutz is a felon. This is false. He is not a felon.
Prove he lied. The prosecution certainly hasn't claimed he doesn't have the training. The witnesses aren't qualified to determine whether the man was a threat. All the video I've seen indicates he was.

No, Rittenhouse is not my son. He's just innocent. Do you allow an innocent man to be railroaded because it suits your political agenda?

Of course you do.

Everything Kyle did was wrong and illegal.
The judge was mistaken in dropping the minor in illegal possession of a firearm.
There are only 3 exceptions that could make it legal under WI law.
They are 1) if at a range, 2) if under adult supervision, 3) is hunting with a valid permit.
None of the 3 were true.
The judge mentioned it was not a short barrel, but that was not about an exception to allow possession, but an exception that reduced possession allowance for minors.

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