Kyle Rittenhouse trial...already disproving SO MANY LIES from the left


Yeah, the defense is getting increasingly nervous as deliberations drag on.
Kenosha is a historically Democrat town...With the jury not being sequestered, a mistake by the Judge I think, there is a possibility that some of these jurors are trying to find a way to convict him of something so as not to have their town burn again...NOT because they think that Kyle is guilty of anything.
Don't know what you're trying to say here, but If you believe that Kyle pointed his gun at some point at yellow pants guy, then produce evidence of such....

My Goodness, Do you mean Rosenbaum?

1. The defense says he didn't point at Z, and the photo's, or drone photo are to obscured to tell...

2. Again, Kyle only pointed his weapon at Rosenbaum after a shot fired by Z, and a plastic bag thrown at him by Rosenbaum when he was already being chased....

Faun has already provided all the evidence he needs to argue his point. You just didn't see it.
The death threats were proven false and a witness testified to what was in the bag.

And again, the chase began when Rittenhouse pointed his gun at Ziminski. I also don't recall if McGinnis testified about this during the trial but he initially told police he observed Rittenhouse was not handling his firearm very well.
No death threats were proved false. Pointing a gun at Ziminski bears on the self defense claim as to Ziminsk — NOT as to Rosenbaum.
Admit it. You’ve got nothing.
Faun has already provided all the evidence he needs to argue his point. You just didn't see it.
Ok, could you point me to it? I'm not saying he has to provide it again, but just give a post number or something to refer to because I have typed in a search and can't find anything on that claim...
There's evidence Rosenbaum didn't threaten Rittenhouse earlier. And what Rosenbaum threw at Rittenhouse was a plastic bag with socks, an empty water bottle, toothpaste and discharge papers. And up until Rittenhouse pointed his gun, Rosenbaum was chasing Rittenhouse with unknown intentions, seemingly provoked by Rittenhouse pointing his gun moments earlier at Ziminski. Then when Rittenhouse pointed his gun at Rosenbaum, Rosenbaum was within his right to defend his own life from someone threatening him with a "lethal weapon."

And the provocation occurred before Rosenbaum lunged. The lunge appears to be the result of Rittenhouse when he first pointed his gun at Rosenbaum about 3-4 seconds before the lunge.

Any chance you could provide the time stamp FROM ANY VIDEO of RosenPedo sharing with Kyle the contents of his bag prior to when he THREW IT AT KYLE?? Or was Kyle just born with the inherent ability to access the threat level at a moments notice of projectiles hurled towards him? Your entire argument holds ZERO weight. Please go troll up LITERALLY ANY OTHER THREAD and let the grown ups on the site continue to discuss the trial here in an informed manner.
The death threats were proven false and a witness testified to what was in the bag.

And again, the chase began when Rittenhouse pointed his gun at Ziminski. I also don't recall if McGinnis testified about this during the trial but he initially told police he observed Rittenhouse was not handling his firearm very well.

He handled it well enough to ONLY kill/harm those people who were attacking him and no one else.
Ok, could you point me to it? I'm not saying he has to provide it again, but just give a post number or something to refer to because I have typed in a search and can't find anything on that claim...

I didn't see it either. Literally no one else saw it. But Faun will respond with 'I already shared it, YOU JUST DIDN'T SEE IT!'
Don't know what you're trying to say here, but If you believe that Kyle pointed his gun at some point at yellow pants guy, then produce evidence of such....

My Goodness, Do you mean Rosenbaum?

1. The defense says he didn't point at Z, and the photo's, or drone photo are to obscured to tell...

2. Again, Kyle only pointed his weapon at Rosenbaum after a shot fired by Z, and a plastic bag thrown at him by Rosenbaum when he was already being chased....
The evidence was produced in court.
Kenosha is a historically Democrat town...With the jury not being sequestered, a mistake by the Judge I think, there is a possibility that some of these jurors are trying to find a way to convict him of something so as not to have their town burn again...NOT because they think that Kyle is guilty of anything.
No death threats were proved false.

False. The prosecution played video of that encounter during the trial and at no point did Rosenbaum make such a threat.

Pointing a gun at Ziminski bears on the self defense claim as to Ziminsk — NOT as to Rosenbaum.

False. Wisconsin law allows for an individual to use force to stop a threat against oneself or another.

Admit it. You’ve got nothing.

If that were true, the jury would have returned with a not guilty verdict by now. Clearly, at least one juror disagrees with your assessment.
Any chance you could provide the time stamp FROM ANY VIDEO of RosenPedo sharing with Kyle the contents of his bag prior to when he THREW IT AT KYLE?? Or was Kyle just born with the inherent ability to access the threat level at a moments notice of projectiles hurled towards him? Your entire argument holds ZERO weight. Please go troll up LITERALLY ANY OTHER THREAD and let the grown ups on the site continue to discuss the trial here in an informed manner.
Putz, you're asking me to provide evidence that doesn't exist. I never said Rosenbaum said what was in the bag. I said he fiancée testified to what was in that bag. A pity you have to attention span of a gnat.
False. The prosecution played video of that encounter during the trial and at no point did Rosenbaum make such a threat.

False. Wisconsin law allows for an individual to use force to stop a threat against oneself or another.

If that were true, the jury would have returned with a not guilty verdict by now. Clearly, at least one juror disagrees with your assessment.
It is true. You have nothing. As I have noted a few times already, one can’t predict juries. (It is always a risk going to trial.). But the jury is still out. I hope they are just being thorough to be fair to the State and the accused.
Putz, you're asking me to provide evidence that doesn't exist. I never said Rosenbaum said what was in the bag. I said he fiancée testified to what was in that bag. A pity you have to attention span of a gnat.

So you admit, while being chased by Rosenbaum, Kyle had NO IDEA what was being thrown at him? A chase btw you have yet to prove was provoked by Kyle in any way.

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