Kyle will be judged, as not guilty, thoughts.

Isn't a straw purchase?

And oh by the wat it's illegal for anyone in Wisconsin to have a firearm if they are under 18 unless hunting or with a licened hunter

But John Monroe, a lawyer who specializes in gun rights cases, believes an exception for rifles and shotguns, intended to allow people age 16 and 17 to hunt, could apply.

Tom Grieve, a Milwaukee defense lawyer who also specializes in gun cases, agreed the exception might apply beyond hunting, but said that part of the law is poorly drafted. He said he would argue to apply a rule of law that interprets ambiguous criminal statutes in favor of the defendant.

Anthony Cotton, a Waukesha defense attorney, said whether or not Rittenhouse legally possessed the rifle is trifling compared to the homicide charges.
Well. . . I guess by that logic, cops walking around the streets armed during a race riot is provocative.
Are you saying. . . a Black dude can be armed though? :dunno: That is not provocative?

Shit, they even want the Po-Po unarmed. One of the slogans is de-fund.

This place is getting insane.

Of course folks need to be armed during a riot. It's fucking chaos man.

Anybody walking around in a riot with a riffle is going to be provocative. Law enforcement is different for obvious reasons… they are responsible and expected to be there. Black guy with a gun also provocative but in a race riot like the one that was happening, when a dude like Kyle inserts himself there the way he did it was asking for trouble.

He’s like an unlicensed kid who decides to join a high speed police chase and caused an accident. He shouldnt have been there. He should own some level of responsibility
I loved the crocodile tears yesterday.
You know, I have heard this. . . always from folks that are highly partisan and attached to the other paradigm, that he is lying about his narrative, and point of view. I would like to know how folks come to this conclusion. I have not been able to anywhere find an article where the media or pundits justify this POV.

What makes you believe those real tears streaming down his cheek and that emotion was faked?

I have never, in my life, ever met a guy that can call up tears on command. Not in my whole life.


I see a real tear.

And in this photo, I see him flush. Blood rushing to the head is a sign of extreme emotion.


I am wondering. . . what makes you believe this is a bit of fine professional acting? Is it your bias, or do you have something else you have to base it on?
I think if you take any concealed weapons permit class you'll find he broke many rules/laws. Rules that if you break can get you charged with murder. I don't know if it's different for open carry but I'm sure it is. I know you don't need to take the class to open carry but ignorance of the law is no excuse especially when it comes to murdering someone.

I know we like to root for the vigilante especially when they are being vigil for our side but ultimately they are wrong.

His actions were negligent.
Doesn't matter whose side he is on. He wasn't the only with a gun, testimony is already submitted that someone had pulled a gun on him. So, he was stupid to be there as was everyone else that was there, they were all looking for trouble and they all found it. His claim of self defense will stand, his violating gun laws will probably be convictions.

I am looking at all sides and I see no one as being right.
Anybody walking around in a riot with a riffle is going to be provocative. Law enforcement is different for obvious reasons… they are responsible and expected to be there. Black guy with a gun also provocative but in a race riot like the one that was happening, when a dude like Kyle inserts himself there the way he did it was asking for trouble.

He’s like an unlicensed kid who decides to join a high speed police chase and caused an accident. He shouldnt have been there. He should own some level of responsibility
So. . . I guess from now on. . .

. . if guys see a promiscuously dressed women, according to your logic. It's just fine to rape her.

Fuck natural rights. :113: Folks have no natural sovereignty.

I get it, blame the victim.

Where are the people who say play stupid games and this is what happens. They said that about Babbitt but not these rioters and looters who died because of their stupid games. Where are they now?
Anybody walking around in a riot with a riffle is going to be provocative. Law enforcement is different for obvious reasons… they are responsible and expected to be there. Black guy with a gun also provocative but in a race riot like the one that was happening, when a dude like Kyle inserts himself there the way he did it was asking for trouble.

He’s like an unlicensed kid who decides to join a high speed police chase and caused an accident. He shouldnt have been there. He should own some level of responsibility
They all inserted themselves into a riot, the one person should not have pointed the gun at Rittenhouse, that was a stupid thing to do. I see nothing positive coming out of this, Rittenhouse may get time for violating gun laws however the murder charges will not stick. I'm not sure if negligent homicide is an option for the jury or not, however that could stick but I think it is unlikely.
What if the two people chasing him after he killed that man, were cops with guns....???

Would it be self defense, if he shot the cops with guns running after him, because he thought they were going to kill him???
Cops would have identified themselves as such.
1) Kyle will walk. I probably AGREE (Now on 11/11). In My Opinion from watching the Trial.

2) Not enough evidence, and I truly NOW (11/11) believe Kyle was stupid to go to Kenosha, but he did, he found himself in that 3am spot (not really 3am) and reacted, and reactions have consequences.

3) The young man put himself in a position he could have easily avoided. (by not going)
But he didn't, and that has consequences.

4) I truly believe he was scared, but, he put himself in that position.

5) He killed a man, FACT, at the gas station. FACT. Self defense, Sure (Maybe) . But, he DID kill a man.

6) True or Not? On # 5. (not on Self Defense, but on the FACT that a man was Killed by Kyle.)

7) Then, he got chased for killing that man.
Why was there a chase down the street, because he previously killed a man, Self Defense or not.
Because he killed a man at the gas station.

My Conclusion: I think Kyle will be Acquitted, or some type of Mistrial.
I Don't think this (upcoming acquittal) will be incorrect, I truly NOW believe that he went there for ONE PURPOSE, and it ENDED DIFFERENTLY.

Putting all Politics aside, can you discuss ANY of the 7 talking points.

A large group of people acted monumentally retarded that night. They all got severe consequences for that behavior shoved straight up their asses. One hopes that lessons will have been learned across the board, but I'm not holding my breath.
Kenosha was Kyle's home for the most part. He lived 20 minutes away and he has extensive friends and family in the city. He went to earlier school in Kenosha before his parents separated.

The BLM/ANTFA scum had weapons they brought from elsewhere. The shithead that tried to tried to shoot Kyle was illegally carrying a weapon. The rioters had used all kinds of weapons during their rioting. The first person to fire a shot that night was one of the ANTIFA assholes.

It is not clear if Kyle did not have a right to carry the rifle or not and that is why the Judge said he would rule on that later. It is very clear that he can't have possession of a pistol or that he can't buy a rifle but he can have possession of a long gun or shotgun.

However, the fact that it was legal or not for him to have the AR has absolutely nothing to do with the self defense case. If he didn't have a weapon he would be dead by now.

The bad guys were the rioters. Kyle was a good guy and all the evidence I saw says he is acted in self defense.

Do you honestly believe he would have gone without the rifle?
They all inserted themselves into a riot, the one person should not have pointed the gun at Rittenhouse, that was a stupid thing to do. I see nothing positive coming out of this, Rittenhouse may get time for violating gun laws however the murder charges will not stick. I'm not sure if negligent homicide is an option for the jury or not, however that could stick but I think it is unlikely.
A large group of people acted monumentally retarded that night. They all got severe consequences for that behavior shoved straight up their asses. One hopes that lessons will have been learned across the board, but I'm not holding my breath.
Who was held accountable besides Rittenhouse? Who were they and how were they punished?
Which is why there has been many suggestions that this was all about sending Kyle to court and not about actually convicting him.

There are several lesser charges Kyle could have faced...but the prosecutor didn't charge Kyle with any of those ones. He just tacked on the misdemeanor charge because his case is built off the one.
The only thing relevant to GUILTY or NOT GUILTY is the use of deadly force and whether or not Kyle was justified in using deadly force. All of the opinions of how "stupid" he was for being there are irrelevant. Kyle was not the aggressor as all of the evidence proves. He had a person bashing him in the head with a skateboard a.k.a deadly force and another three feet away from him pointing his gun at him a.k.a. deadly force. That is open and shut self defense and use of deadly force warranted.
Kyle was not the aggressor as all of the evidence proves. He had a person bashing him in the head with a skateboard a.k.a deadly force and another three feet away from him pointing his gun at him a.k.a. deadly force.
I guess you forgot that he had previously killed a man who had thrown a bag at him

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