L.A. City Council votes to end the federal holiday...Columbus Day

Replace it with ....

Mexican-American War Day

The only thing I like about Columbus Day is that I get it off and my kids don't...they get Cesar Chavez.
Honestly, Columbus was a piece of shit. The Taino were so generous to the ungrateful fucker that they literally shared everything with him (including their wives and daughters, as that apparently wasn't considered taboo or wrong in their culture), and what did the bastard do for them in return? He slaughtered them and burned their homes to the ground.

I'm okay with losing Columbus Day.
so what holiday will be next on the chopping block? White Females Who Think They Are Black Awareness Week?
All you idiot liberals pack your shit and move back to Europe as punishment for your ancestors conquering the indigenous people, nearly wiping them out.

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